Mitch McConnell Celebrates Primary Wins Of GOP Incumbents Who Supported 'Engaged' US Foreign Policy

  • 3 months ago
During remarks on the Senate floor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke about the success of GOP incumbents over 'fringe' proponents of isolationism.

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00:00As NATO's Washington Summit draws to a close today, there's clearly tremendous resolve
00:10among many of our allies to make the transatlantic alliance fit for purpose for another 75 years.
00:21But a strong and effective NATO has always required strong and effective American leadership.
00:28And here at home, there's reason for cautious optimism that support for leadership on collective
00:36defense is widespread.
00:42Last month, the Reagan Institute released the findings of its latest poll on the American
00:49people's views of global issues.
00:54It spread that here's what it found.
00:57A majority of Americans support a more engaged U.S. foreign policy and hold favorable views
01:06of the NATO alliance and support lethal assistance to Ukraine.
01:16And despite the media spending years amplifying views from the fringes of our politics, a
01:22majority of Republicans believe that U.S. involvement in international events benefits
01:33When asked recently whether peace, prosperity, and security were products of American leadership
01:37and sacrifice, listen to this, more Republicans than Democrats actually agreed with that.
01:46Here's the kicker.
01:47They're not just telling this to pollsters.
01:51They're actually demonstrating it at the ballot box.
01:54By massive double-digit margins, Republican primary voters have picked candidates who
02:00supported the national security supplemental earlier this spring.
02:05Let me say that again.
02:09Not a single Republican incumbent who voted to help America's friends resist authoritarian
02:17aggression and rebuild the arsenal of democracy lost their primary.
02:25Not one lost a primary.
02:28Across the country, voters rejected fringe candidates who peddled isolationist pablum
02:35and voted instead for American leadership.
02:39The way Speaker Johnson put it earlier this week, he's had people come up to him at events
02:47in 31 different states in recent months to say the same thing.
02:53We're glad Congress delivered the supplemental.
02:57So, Mr. President, it can often seem like the loudest voices in Washington are the ones
03:04that bemoan the responsibilities of American leadership while enjoying the peace and prosperity
03:09it underwrites.
03:11But these voices are increasingly estranged from the views of most Americans.
03:19The American people know instinctively that leadership on the world stage isn't some handout
03:28to allies and partners.
03:32It's an investment, an investment in our own security.
03:36They know this leadership is what preserves a U.S.-led order that has underpinned peace
03:43and prosperity for decades.
03:47Now they just need a president who's willing to exercise that leadership.
03:52For years, the American people watched the Biden administration dither and wring its
03:58hands over fears that standing with a sovereign democracy might invite escalation from a tyrant
04:07who was already conducting a full-scale war of conquest.
04:13Since last fall, they've heard the president insist in one breath that America's commitment
04:17to a close ally was ironclad and then withhold urgent assistance in another.
04:27It's well and good to talk about American leadership, but talk is cheap.
04:34This week would have been a great opportunity for the commander-in-chief to start backing
04:38up his words with firm commitments to start investing seriously, seriously in hard power.
04:46It should have been the week the Democratic leader brought the NDAA up per Senate consideration.
04:53It could have been a great week to lead.
