How Nigeria's economic woes impede access to medications

  • 2 months ago
Economic challenges in Nigeria have put a strain on people's wallets, but the situation is also influencing health. The rising cost of living means people are having to pay more for or even go without much-needed medications. DW's Olisa Chukwumah reports.


00:00Toyin Ogundeko has been living with asthma all her life.
00:08Her son also suffers from the condition.
00:11But she is no longer able to buy the inhaler she needs
00:15because medicines in Nigeria have become so expensive.
00:19With the way the economy is going, things are really, really getting tough.
00:23You know, you are struggling to buy foodstuff
00:27and you are also trying to stock up on your medication.
00:30So for me, I can cut down on the inhaler for myself.
00:35I won't cut it for my child.
00:37The cost of medicines has gone up because of inflation
00:41and the volatility of the exchange rates.
00:44This has made it more expensive for Nigeria to import drugs from abroad.
00:49The result has been a scarcity of basic medicines and higher prices.
00:54Drug prices in Nigeria have been on the rise since 2013.
00:58That has now tripled due to current inflation rates.
01:01This antibiotic used to sell for around 1,000 Naira for a full dosage.
01:05That was less than a dollar, but now sells for 9,000 Naira.
01:09That's about six dollars.
01:11The shortage of medicines has also become more acute
01:14since several international pharmaceutical companies left Nigeria
01:18because of the economic conditions.
01:21The government has promised to invest more in local drug manufacturers.
01:25But many fear that may not be enough to block the gap.
01:29Well, there is a limit to what local manufacturers can do.
01:32Oh, we are grateful to have the likes of Ems of Mastikaus
01:37and some other products, some other indigenous manufacturers in the country.
01:42But there is a limit to what they can do.
01:44The economic hardship is linked to the decision to remove the fuel subsidy.
01:49The government says its reforms will improve life for citizens in the near future
01:54and that the cost of living crisis will eventually ease.
01:57But like many Nigerians, Tonyi needs a solution now.
02:02People have all sorts of complicated conditions.
02:07And imagine how they are coping, you know.
02:10So for me, it's a plea to the government, whatever needs to be done,
02:15first, find a way to stabilize this economy.
02:19Things are going out of hand.
02:21For Tonyi and others who cannot afford medicines, this is a challenging time.
