The Tragic love of a billionaire Episode 59_65

  • 2 months ago
The Tragic love of a billionaire Episode 59_65


00:00I need your help, do you?
00:11Aaron, this is Tiffany's report.
00:15I thought I told you to rest properly.
00:19I'm enough for Tiffany.
00:22Well, I couldn't rest easy thinking about Tiffany, so I asked the doctor about her condition.
00:30What did they say?
00:32Well, she had a miscarriage, and this is why her body is so weak, and she needs a lot of rest.
00:38Tiffany had frequent headaches.
00:41Where's the report on her brain examination?
00:44Well, the printer on that end was broken, so they couldn't print out the last report, but I brought a doctor here.
00:50Well, according to the brain CT scan reports, Tiffany's brain is normal.
00:55The vomiting of blood and dizziness is probably due to external stimuli.
01:01As for the incident of violence, I think once Tiffany wakes up, we should run some psychiatric examination.
01:17I think once Tiffany wakes up, we should run some psychiatric examination.
01:22What are you suggesting?
01:23She has mental issues?
01:26That is my professional opinion.
01:31You're crazy. Get out of here!
01:53Hey, Phil, you still need to do some tests. Let me take you there.
01:57No, no, I won't go.
02:06No, no, I won't go. When you held my grandma hostage, I had to comply, but I'm not giving any more blood to Roach.
02:13Okay, you don't have to give any more blood.
02:15Those are your plans. I want no part of them. I'm not going to play along.
02:19Fine, let me just take you home. Come on.
02:22No, no, I'm not going back.
02:32Aaron, Tiffany is going crazy. I think we should send her to a mental institution.
02:38What? Tiffany's perfectly fine. Why don't you just go yourself?
02:44Aaron, I'm just too worried.
02:49Tiffany, I made you some fresh chicken noodle soup.
02:53Stop being nice to me. You're just faking it.
02:57Look, I know I haven't been my best self.
03:00I know.
03:02I know.
03:04I know.
03:06I know.
03:08I know.
03:10I know.
03:12I know.
03:14I know.
03:16I know.
03:18Look, I know I haven't been my best,
03:21but I think the most important thing is that we focus on your recovery.
03:25Right, because when I recover, then you'll get exactly what you want. Right?
03:31What do you mean, what do I want?
03:34You know, just go. I don't even want to see you.
03:37Get out!
03:52Aaron, do you really want me to donate bone marrow to Rose?
03:56Luckily, you haven't discovered my illness, but what if you do?
04:12Aaron, do you really want me to donate bone marrow to Rose?
04:16Luckily, you haven't discovered my illness, but what if you do?
04:21What if you don't love me anymore?
04:28Oh my God, I'm so stupid.
04:43What are you doing here?
04:45I came to see where I haven't died yet.
04:47My God, you're so pathetic.
04:49Why are you wasting time with me?
04:51Why don't you go charm Aaron so he can give you a ring sooner?
04:54Shut up, Tiffany.
04:56I know you have a brain tumor, only one month to live.
05:00How do you know that?
05:02Oh, Aaron knows too.
05:04You know what kind of stuff he's been putting in that soup for you?
05:07Well, why don't you tell me, dear sister?
05:10It's a drug that makes you weak and dizzy,
05:13so you don't run away and ruin the donation for me.
05:18Aaron also wants you to wait until that brain tumor of yours acts up,
05:23so he can give you a ring sooner.
05:25Oh my God, I'm so stupid.
05:27You know what kind of stuff he's been putting in that soup for you?
05:30Well, why don't you tell me, dear sister?
05:32You know what kind of stuff he's been putting in that soup for you?
05:34Wait until that brain tumor of yours acts up before you make my donation,
05:38so you can feel the real pain in Aaron's heart.
05:41I've been tormenting him in the period of you for four years now,
05:45and now it's time to die.
05:49You hit me?
05:51Yeah, you keep talking, I'll keep slapping.
05:53Are you crazy?
05:55I hate you.
05:57I hate you.
05:59I hate you.
06:00I hate you.
06:02I hate you.
06:04Let me get your medicine.
06:06Why do you keep insisting I take this medicine?
06:08What do you mean? It's just medicine.
06:10Aaron, I'm in so much pain.
06:18Aaron, I'm in so much pain.
06:20Take your rose and get out.
06:22Listen, Tiffany, calm down, all right?
06:24The doctors don't want you to get worked up,
06:26but if you don't want to see her, I'll have her gone.
06:27And if you don't want to see me,
06:29then I'll have the maids come and bring you your soup.
06:31Soup? Why do you keep insisting that I take this soup?
06:34What do you mean? It's just soup.
06:36God, you have really gone to such great lengths for Rose, haven't you?
06:41Get out!
06:43I can't get up.
06:45That's not my problem.
06:48You seriously still not leaving?
06:58I'm sorry, Aaron.
07:00I was wrong.
07:03If you continue like this,
07:05I'm going to kick you out of the family.
07:10You, Aaron.
07:13Not even you don't like me anymore.
07:16I spent three years in a coma for you.
07:18And now you want to kick me out of the Dexter family?
07:20I'm sorry, Aaron.
07:22I was wrong.
07:24I'm sorry, Aaron.
07:25And now you want to kick me out of the Dexter family?
07:28Think about it.
07:36Back from the dead and you don't call?
07:38You don't write?
07:40How is everything?
07:42Are you Mrs. Dexter yet?
07:51Are you Mrs. Dexter yet?
