Pinky Rose (Sissy Spacek), una joven e ingenua enfermera oriunda del Sur, llega a una polvorienta población de California para trabajar en una residencia de ancianos. Una vez allí, toma enseguida como modelo a Millie Lammoreaux (Shelley Duvall), una joven sofisticada adicta a las revistas de moda. Millie busca una compañera de piso, y Pinky se va a vivir con ella.
Crédito: 20th Century Fox, Lion's Gate Films.
Crédito: 20th Century Fox, Lion's Gate Films.
00:00That's good.
00:02See, once you find your pattern, then you can adjust it.
00:05The main thing is to take a nice, slow squeeze,
00:08not knowing when it's gonna go, and take your time.
00:13That's fantastic.
00:15All right, Pinky, how come you stole my car?
00:20I didn't steal your car.
00:24I borrowed it.
00:25You did not. You didn't even ask.
00:27I couldn't find you.
00:29You didn't try very hard.
00:30I tried hard.
00:32You did not.
00:33You could have at least told Doris or Alcero or somebody.
00:36Who took you there to go in and get my keys?
00:40Pinky, I had to call the police and everything.
00:43They're sitting in there right now, waiting on me.
00:45They think somebody stole my car.
00:48They're sitting in there, huh?
00:50Well, aren't you the lucky one.
00:54Give me a slug of that hog.