Husband, Delete my number. Ep 3

  • 2 months ago
00:00Go on. Don't be shy. Don't be shy.
00:13Oh, honey, you have got to try some of this.
00:20Say ah. Ah.
00:23I've got a little something right here.
00:50You pushed me too far.
00:53Why? Are you not enjoying my performance?
01:03What am I doing? Why didn't I just tell his mom that we're divorcing?
01:09Why am I hesitating?
01:20Elijah, what are you doing?
01:26We're supposed to be divorcing.
01:28Oh, so now you remember. What was all that earlier?
01:32I was putting on a show for your mom. She asked for it.
01:37So when did you start listening to her?
01:39I did it because you needed me to.
01:42Oh, so you do care about me.
01:44No. I care about holding my end of the deal. This is all for the sake of our divorce.
01:51Well, your act earlier was excellent.
01:55I'm a professional, remember?
01:59Well, it seemed to me like you never got swept away by your own performance.
02:04All part of the act.
02:06Well, then let's call this part of the act, too.
02:21Who's that?
02:23Just gauging your commitment to the performance.
02:26You're full of it.
02:27Hey, if anything, I'm helping you rehearse kiss scenes. It's part of being an actress.
02:31Oh, so you're looking forward to me kissing other men?
02:40Oh, that's great.
02:42I'm so glad you're here.
02:44So you're looking forward to me kissing other men?
02:53Don't forget your promise.
02:55I'll finish dinner with your mom.
02:57You sign the papers.
03:01All right, Mom.
03:08Love you, Mom.
03:15And we're done.
03:17All right, show's over.
03:19Sign the divorce papers.
03:22What? What?
03:25Come on, but you promised.
03:27Do not tell me that you were following through with your mother's request for us to have a grandchild, because I will not.
03:34Okay, you're overreacting, all right?
03:37The delay is to prevent suspicion.
03:41When she gets back to New York, we can proceed.
03:44You can stop with the excuses.
03:50Admit it. You don't want to divorce me.
03:53How about you just wait a little while longer, and then you get your divorce?
03:56Until then, just keep up the act and do whatever you want.
03:59Including seeing other men?
04:01Emma, I'm warning you, don't even think about it.
04:04Are you jealous?
04:07Jealous? I never get jealous.
04:10Am I? No.
04:12Come on, a scandal like that would force my mom's hand.
04:15As long as we're together, you're mine.
04:24I'm going to be out of your hair soon.
04:26I found this amazing apartment right by my mom's hospital.
04:29And you can manage rent.
04:30I have enough.
04:32Plus, it'll be really nice to be close by, you know, just in case anything happens.
04:36I know you probably don't want to hear this, but...
04:39Are you sure you want to leave Elijah?
04:42I mean, he's got money, which your family needs.
04:48Elijah and I are done.
04:51Besides, you know, my mom is already starting to get better.
04:54So, she'll be out of there in no time.
04:59Thank you.
05:02Dr. Abbott?
05:10She needs emergency surgery right away.
05:18Of course I had to agree to the surgery.
05:21My mom will die without it.
05:24But how will I pay for it?
05:26Do I need to go to Elijah again?
05:34The one.
05:47You alright?
05:49Let's go sit over here for a second.
05:55I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping well.
06:05Oh, you're freezing.
06:11I probably look like shit.
06:14Not at all.
06:16I'm Joseph, by the way.
06:20Good news.
06:22Dr. Abbott wanted to let you know that your mom's surgery was a success.
06:26Thank God.
06:28The bad news is that billing wants you to make a payment towards the invoice since the total is substantial.
06:40I don't have that money.
06:46For the bill.
06:48No. I cannot let you pay for that. We just met.
06:51It's fine.
06:53I have a feeling we're going to become fast friends.
06:57So, you said that you just got back to the States and you're visiting a friend here in the hospital?
07:01Yeah, whereby luck I met you.
07:03Hey, sorry if this comes off a bit weird, but I'm actually the executive producer for an upcoming movie.
07:08I've been searching high and low for the perfect female lead, and I think I finally found one.
07:15You don't even know me.
07:17Call it a sixth sense.
07:19That's pretty incredible.
07:21I'm an actress, actually.
07:23I knew it!
07:24I've been auditioning for a bunch of projects, so who knows? Maybe we'll work together someday.
07:28No, no, not someday. Like, ASAP.
07:31I've been stuck with this god-awful actress who can't act to save her life.
07:36God-awful actress?
07:40Sounds like someone I know.
07:43Will you please come audition? I'll text you the deets.
07:47Really? Yeah, I would love to. That would be incredible.
07:51Great, yeah.
07:53I just want to say thank you, again, for everything.
07:57I don't know when exactly I can pay you back, but I promise it'll be soon.
08:01That's unnecessary.
08:03You just said that we're friends.
08:05I never owe friends money.
08:09Alright, you win.
08:11Well, I gotta go, but I'm really glad I met you.
08:16I'll see you at the audition.
08:18See you then.
08:23Steve, what's up, man?
08:25Hey, dude, come to the Sunset Bar. There's someone here you should meet.
08:30Alright, yeah, I'll be over in five.
08:32But I want to get paid as much as I...
08:34Hey, Joseph, my man!
08:37This is Elijah.
08:39Joseph, my man!
08:41This is Elijah. Probably the richest guy in town.
08:45Not so coincidentally, the chief investor of our film.
08:48This is Joseph, one of the best producers in the industry.
08:52Well, I've heard nothing but good things about you.
08:55Looking forward to your work on this film.
08:57Speaking of, I just met someone. An actress.
09:00I heard Elijah's pretty adamant on Stella Hill.
09:03I should ease this in.
09:05She'll be the perfect addition to our cast.
09:08Who is she?
09:09She's new, so you probably won't recognize her name.
09:12You'll definitely like her, though.
09:16Okay, bring her by the production meeting tomorrow.
09:18I was thinking the same thing.
09:25Hi! Great to see you again.
09:27Great to see you just in time. I have someone I want to introduce you to.
09:29He's our investor.
09:35Great to see you again.
09:37Great to see you just in time. I have someone I want to introduce you to.
09:40He's our investor.
09:44Of course it's you.
09:46So you're the perfect addition.
09:48You two know each other?
09:51You want to do the honors?
09:53This is my wife.
09:58Even better.
10:00Means you won't have any second thoughts about casting your wife in the lead role.
10:03Yeah, I want to know something. How do you know my wife again?
10:06And why are you vouching for her?
10:08Elijah, stop.
10:09No, I practically own this production, so that gives me the right to know everything.
10:12In that case, you can consider me gone.
10:21Are you insane?
10:23You gave up the lead role in front of the executive producer?
10:26Well, Elijah is the chief investor.
10:29That means he can stop by the set anytime he wants to.
10:32Plus, that means it's the movie that Stella's doing.
10:34So she's already got the lead part.
10:36Between the two of them, I'm going to avoid that production like the plague.
10:40It's really too bad I don't get to work with Joseph, though.
10:44He's really sweet.
10:46Is he hot?
10:48I mean...
10:51I guess he's not bad looking.
10:53Then go get him!
10:55You're practically a divorcee anyway.
10:58I like him, but not like that.
11:02I can't imagine that, actually.
11:05Maybe because you're still in love with Elijah.
11:09What, are you insane?
11:11Then what's going on with that necklace?
11:14Oh, you know.
11:16The one that you're wearing but desperately trying to hide.
11:21It was Elijah's wedding gift to me.
11:24You're right.
11:27It's time to get rid of it.
11:31Buddy, listen. We gotta go with Stella.
11:34Elijah requested me put her in the lead role.
11:37You know what happens if we don't.
11:39Yeah, the director isn't the only one who can't stand her.
11:41Her awful personality is one thing, but she can't act.
11:44She doesn't even compare to him.
12:05It's beautiful.
12:07Yeah, my wife deserves the best.
12:11God, I was so naive then.
12:14You were right, Elijah.
12:16Turns out it was nothing but a sham.
12:25That rude Joseph Cooper!
12:27Wait until I tell Elijah!
12:32Sir, the guys who spotted this.
12:34Isn't that the necklace you bought for your wife?
12:37Wait, why would she do that?
12:40She always wears it.
12:42Maybe she really needed the money for something.
12:45Get out, Nate.
12:47My phone.
12:50Yeah, yeah, of course.
12:59She's not even gonna try to haggle me down?
13:03Better go for it before she changes her mind.
13:07When and where do you want to meet?
13:28Do you want to sell it or not?
13:30What is this, some kind of trick?
13:33Look, I just need a necklace that goes with my new bracelet.
13:36Elijah bought it for me.
13:39He knows I've had my eye on that bracelet.
13:42He got it for her?
13:44Look, I don't give a shit what the bastard buys you, okay?
13:47You can have him.
13:49Deal is off.
13:51You can go home empty-handed.
13:53Don't be ridiculous.
13:54We both know you need the money.
13:56The only way you're getting this necklace is if I shove it up your ass.
13:59I'll just have Elijah buy me a new one.
14:01That'll make yours look like a cheap knockoff.
14:04Oh, and one last thing.
14:06We're pregnant, by the way.
14:08We're planning on telling this family soon.
14:10We'll be sure to invite you to the wedding.
14:13I'll be looking forward to it.
14:16Why are men such trash?
14:23Excuse me.
14:25Can I get another one, please?
14:27Lady, I think you've had too much to drink already.
14:30Oops, that's average.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:36I'm sorry.
14:38I'm sorry.
14:40I'm sorry.
14:42That's average.
14:45Take my money and get me one more, please.
14:54No, no, no, that cannot be right.
14:59Is this enough?
15:01Look, do you have somebody you can call?
15:03You're broke and dusty.
15:04That's a bad combo in my book.