Her husband married her only for her family fortune, for which she decided to take revenge#drama

  • 2 months ago
Her husband married her only for her family fortune for which she decided to take revengedrama
00:00Talia Neff, did you willingly sign the pre-doc to forfeit all financial claims in case of
00:27a divorce?
00:30And did you consent to transfer all real estate titles and any other assets to Josh Nelson?
00:38Based on the evidence, it is hereby decreed that the marriage between Josh Nelson and
00:45Talia Neff is annulled as of June 11, 2020.
00:55It's all ours!
00:56All of it!
00:57I did it!
00:59You feel that?
01:03We brought you some clothes to wear.
01:05This company and everything that you own you stole from my father.
01:10Nash Biotech will flourish under my reign.
01:12You're fucking pathetic.
01:14And your father can rest now.
01:16I don't have anywhere to go.
01:30I'm sorry you feel that way, my child.
01:35But as soon as it all passes, I must leave now.
01:47Are you okay?
01:55You're pretty far out here.
01:59Can I help you get down?
02:01I'm Brandon.
02:03Brandon Ficazzi.
02:06I think you should go home.
02:10Hey, hey, hey, hey.
02:13I would, but I've had a few drinks.
02:18No, actually, a few is an understatement, though.
02:22I don't know if I trust myself to get down.
02:26You think you could help me?
02:59I came to ask you a question, actually.
03:04These are for FPDS, right?
03:09And you prescribed them to Brandon Ficazzi?
03:15Mr. Ficazzi's a great man.
03:17I've exhausted all my knowledge.
03:19But there's no cure for his condition.
03:23How long does he have left?
03:28How do you expect me to trust you when I don't even know why you want to exhaust all of your resources to fix my life when I...
03:36When you could be using them to save your own...
03:50What exactly were you doing on the beach?
03:59I wanted to make my own fate.
04:02I didn't want a 30-day deadline to dictate my life.
04:07I was going to drown myself, just like you.
04:17I appreciate your offer.
04:22But I don't think that you should be devoting the last days of your life to my care.
04:28Don't. Don't do that.
04:32You know, I'm used to people walking out on me after I fell out.
04:39Look, if we're going to do this, we need to trust each other.
04:43I need to trust you.
04:46So no more lying, no more keeping things from each other.
05:02You'll be okay.
05:15And with this, I'll talk you through the whole thing.
05:35Okay, I need your help. Fill that tub with water.
05:38Shouldn't we call an ambulance?
05:39Fill the tub with water!
05:43Dr. Wilson said we need to submerge him in hot water and to follow his instructions.
05:49You should have brought us back here sooner.
05:51He told us to go to that meeting.
05:53When Brandon Ficazzi gives us, I want to just be followed then.
06:05Sir, your son is in another hospital five miles away from here for emergency surgery.
06:12There is a detective on the case.
06:16The surgery was a success. Your husband is on his way here.
06:19But his pelvic area suffered a lot of damage and the surgeon had to remove both of his testicles.
06:31Mr. Nelson, in order to save you, we have to remove both of your testicles.
06:41Mr. Nelson.
06:44Mr. Nelson.
06:46Do you know where you are?
06:50You're at the hospital.
06:52Mr. Nelson.
06:53I have some news about your injuries.
06:55Do you remember what happened?
07:00Son, you don't have any permanent injury.
07:02Dad. Dad.
07:03Let the doctor speak.
07:04The doctor has already confirmed it.
07:05Let him speak.
07:12You look worse than me.
07:14Mr. Nelson, you're going to recover fully.
07:17You'll be able to have as many kids as you want.
07:23Thank you, doctor.
07:27I'm afraid I have some troubling news.
07:30Last night, the dialysis machines malfunctioned all across the nation.
07:35The FDA is indicting us.
07:40We have the best machines in the world.
07:43All equipment failed at the same time.
07:45Somebody's sabotaging us.
07:52Madly in love with you.
08:03You know, I haven't danced since my wedding.
08:09I haven't danced since I fell ill.
08:21I don't think this is going to be the last time that you dance.
08:29Madly in love with you.
08:48Oh, yeah.
08:52You could have told me.
08:54I could have been honest.
08:56The two people I trusted betrayed me.
08:58Brandon, wait.
