执行法官 第39集

  • 2 months ago
02:56It's not a review meeting.
02:58When we figure out the truth,
03:00it's not too late for us to make a conclusion.
03:03I think
03:04we should let the comrades who work in the front line speak first.
03:23Qi Lin,
03:24you were very brave this time.
03:26You go first.
03:46there is a video recording.
03:49I think the facts are very clear.
03:51This is an incident
03:53that could have been avoided
03:55due to individual leaders'
03:57misjudgment and misdirection.
04:04Individual leaders?
04:06Who do you mean?
04:18What else do you want to say?
04:19Say it.
04:22Comrade Shaojun
04:26sacrificed himself for me.
04:30If it weren't for him,
04:32I should be the one who sacrificed.
04:36Shaojun is gone.
04:38I'm still alive.
04:40There are some things I have to say.
04:45sacrificed himself to save his colleagues
04:48and to save the executors.
04:51This is a fact that no one can erase.
04:55Why can't we
04:57report him as a martyr?
05:00If we can't even give him the honor of riding a horse,
05:04how can we explain it to the judge?
05:06How can we reassure the deceased?
05:17I know
05:18Comrade Qi Lin is emotional.
05:20Maybe it's because of me.
05:24Let me make a statement first.
05:26I absolutely agree with
05:28reporting Comrade Shaojun as a martyr.
05:30But some comrades have suggested
05:33that the reform of the core area of the city
05:35has entered
05:36the critical period of dismantling.
05:39So we must
05:40consider social public opinion
05:42and social influence.
05:45We feel sorry for our comrades.
05:47But we can't be emotional.
05:49We must put the overall situation first.
05:53the violent anti-criminal case of Huang Yaozong
05:56has not yet come to a conclusion.
05:59We can't rule out
06:00the possibility of an accident.
06:03If it's an accident,
06:05it's a pity
06:07that Comrade Shaojun
06:08can't report him as a martyr.
06:15Can't report him as a martyr?
06:16Can't report him as a martyr?
06:18According to Article 8 of Article 2
06:21of the People's Police Act
06:24the martyrs
06:26who comply with one of the following conditions
06:28can be classified as martyrs.
06:32those who have committed illegal crimes
06:36and carried out national security work
06:39and carried out anti-terrorism missions
06:41and committed suicide in a sudden incident
06:45those who risked their lives
06:46to save and protect national property
06:49collective property
06:51and citizens' life
06:54Which of the above conditions does Comrade Shaojun not comply with?
07:01Did he not commit suicide in a sudden incident?
07:03Or did he not save six lives?
07:06Qi Li, calm down.
07:08Talk to me nicely.
07:09If you don't report him as a martyr
07:13I won't help you.
07:29Judge Qi Lin's opinion
07:30does not only represent his own opinion.
07:32It is also the opinion of all the judges
07:34in the two-way investigation.
07:36We clearly request
07:37that Comrade Shaojun
07:39be classified as a martyr.
07:41In our hearts
07:43Shaojun is a martyr.
07:46In our hearts
07:47Shaojun is a martyr.
08:16Chu Yun and Qi Lin
08:19their attitude at the meeting just now
08:26Actually, I understand.
08:28Martyrs need to be identified
08:30by relevant departments.
08:33Our hospital does not have this authority.
08:35They just feel
08:37that they have to
08:39report it first.
08:44they were a bit impulsive just now.
08:46Please calm down.
08:48I apologize on their behalf.
08:50You don't need to apologize to me.
08:53As their leader
08:55what is your opinion on this matter?
09:06Do you want to hear my real thoughts?
09:08Of course.
09:10My opinion is the same as theirs.
09:12Then why didn't you
09:13speak up for them at that time?
09:21Comrade Shaojun
09:22in the operation
09:23sacrificed himself
09:24for our comrades
09:25and the executors.
09:29He is not a martyr.
09:30What is he?
09:35Our court
09:37our execution area
09:40protects the executors
09:42and the applicants.
09:43Why don't we protect
09:44our own comrades?
09:53You immediately
09:55sort out the materials
09:56and report to the superiors.
09:58In the name of our Qinggang court
10:01apply for the title of Martyr
10:03for Comrade Shaojun.
10:11Listening to your words
10:15is worthy of your title.
10:21Heroes shed blood and sweat, not tears.
10:26I will do it for them.
10:40I will do it for them.
10:42I will do it for them.
11:10You are back.
11:13Let's eat.
11:16I am not hungry.
11:19This may be the last meal
11:20I cook for you.
11:22Let's eat.
11:32I am tired.
11:36I went to the ancestral house.
11:40Ma Wenjun
11:42about Shen Sifang
11:44how many things
11:45haven't you told me?
11:48He has so much money
11:51so many ancient paintings
11:54where did they come from?
11:57I don't know.
11:59But the source may not be clean.
12:01What about you?
12:03Are you clean?
12:06Did you pay the price for going abroad?
12:09Did you exchange your interests?
12:12There is no free lunch in the world.
12:16How many benefits did you give to others?
12:18How many private gains did you make?
12:23There is no point in saying this now.
12:29In the world
12:31the two best men for me
12:34are really a joke.
12:36They are the two most cruel men to me.
12:39A husband
12:41and a brother.
12:44They are all liars.
12:47Ma Wenjun
12:49how can I live?
12:59I am sorry.
13:05I am sorry.
13:12Sign it.
13:20Do I have to do this?
13:22The terms can be negotiated
13:24but the marriage
13:26must be divorced.
13:36I am sorry.
13:49Then you modify the terms.
13:51I am out of the house.
14:05I am sorry.
14:12We are very sorry
14:13for the death of Comrade Shaojun.
14:17Without us, the Qinggang Court
14:20lost a good judge
14:22and a good colleague.
14:29we are here to inform you
14:32that Comrade Shaojun
14:35has been formally dismissed by the relevant departments.
15:05This is what he deserves.
15:08This is his determination
15:10to save people.
15:19Thank you.
15:27This is the compensation from the court.
15:30This is the payment
15:31from all our staff.
15:35We hope you can accept it.
15:37This expresses our
15:38respect for Comrade Shaojun.
15:46I can't accept this.
15:51You have to accept this money.
15:58This is for the child.
16:02If the child needs to see a doctor in the future
16:05and has any difficulties
16:07come to us at any time.
16:14No difficulties.
16:18When Shaojun was alive
16:20although our family was not together
16:23we were all together.
16:27Now he is gone.
16:29He is gone.
16:32No difficulties.
16:36My dad is a doctor.
16:46What did you say?
16:47My dad is a doctor.
17:01Shaojun, did you hear that?
17:05He finally spoke.
17:08He said you are a hero.
17:35The world is burning.
17:39Life is endless.
17:41It's hard to be in love.
17:46One side is a test,
17:47the other side is an adventure.
17:52I can't go back,
17:54young white horse.
17:58This love
18:00is like the past.
18:06Thank you.
18:08Thank you for your hard work these days.
18:11Take Shaojun home later.
18:36I can't go back, young white horse.
18:42I can't go back, young white horse.
18:48I can't go back, young white horse.
18:54I can't go back, young white horse.
18:59I can't go back, young white horse.
19:06I can't go back, young white horse.
19:16I hope you will be upright
19:18and actively cooperate with our work.
19:20Ms. Tong,
19:21my wife told me before I came.
19:24I must cooperate with you.
19:26I will tell you everything.
19:27Look at you.
19:29Your wife is still pregnant.
19:31If anything happens to you,
19:33you will die.
19:35Your family will be ruined.
19:37I know I was wrong.
19:39I was forced.
19:41In the end,
19:42Huang Yaozong ordered the gas block.
19:44He almost pulled us all as a backup.
19:47I'm afraid to think about it.
19:49How is Huang Yaozong now?
19:53Three degrees fever.
19:5597% fever all over the body.
20:00He is still in the ICU now.
20:04What about the police?
20:06What about the French police?
20:09To save Huang Yaozong.
20:39Huang Yaozong.
20:40Huang Yaozong asked us to move in.
20:41He said that if we don't move in,
20:43we won't support him.
20:45Huang Yaozong also said
20:46that it was Mr. Li's idea not to move in.
20:49He said that the government
20:50would agree to our conditions in the end.
20:52Which Mr. Li?
20:53Mr. Li of Zhuiguang demolition company.
20:55Li Bo.
21:04Li Bo is the applicant.
21:06He asked you not to move in.
21:08Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?
21:11Mr. Huang also said
21:13that if we listen to Mr. Li,
21:14Mr. Li's Jijianfeng
21:15can be a big hit.
21:42Huang Yaozong.
21:44Is Huang Yaozong your brother?
21:47How can you push him into the fire pit?
21:50I also have a brother.
21:51But I can't do such a thing.
21:54Do you know?
21:55In order to save your brother,
21:56a French police officer was sacrificed in our court.
21:58That is a living life.
22:07Mr. Qi.
22:08Mr. Qi.
22:10It's such a big thing.
22:11I really didn't expect it.
22:13You really didn't expect it?
22:15Can one sentence make up
22:16for all your mistakes?
22:18Your brother is now badly injured.
22:20He is still lying in the hospital.
22:21He is not out of danger.
22:23But he will definitely wake up.
22:24After he wakes up,
22:26he will make it clear
22:27what he knows.
22:28You can't run away either.
22:29I didn't do anything.
22:31Mr. Qi.
22:32I really didn't do anything.
22:34If you say my brother
22:35is violent,
22:36he did it himself.
22:37I have already reminded him
22:38not to do this.
22:40If you don't believe me,
22:41how about this?
22:42After he wakes up,
22:43you can ask him.
22:44I promise I won't see him.
22:46I will definitely not collude with him.
22:50Let me ask you a question.
22:51Go ahead.
22:52Are you a shareholder of the demolition company?
22:55Then why did you incite those people
22:56to work with your brother
22:57as a nail shop?
23:03You can keep quiet.
23:05But don't say I didn't give you a chance.
23:08Mr. Qi.
23:15Mr. Qi.
23:17Let me tell you the truth.
23:20In fact,
23:22Li Bo asked us to do all this.
23:25It's what Li Bo meant.
23:26He said
23:28your execution bureau
23:29is just an inspection.
23:30As long as we are in charge,
23:31we will give you
23:32as much money as we want.
23:33We will decide in the future.
23:35What kind of person is Li Bo?
23:37Do you believe everything he says?
23:39Of course I believe it.
23:44Because the director is Ma Wenjun.
23:46Li Bo said
23:47Ma Wenjun will definitely
23:48order to withdraw at the critical moment.
23:52Qin Hong.
23:53Do you know who Qin Hong is?
23:54Qin Hong is Ma Wenjun's first love.
23:57What does Qin Hong have to do
23:58with our demolition company?
23:59Mr. Qi.
24:00Our Changsheng Village
24:01accounts for 20% of the shares.
24:03He thinks we don't know anything.
24:05In fact, we know everything.
24:07Li Bo gave half of our shares
24:09to him.
24:10Qin Hong is equal to
24:1110% of the shares.
24:12That's eating my flesh.
24:14He took half of it
24:15back to Zhu Jingfen.
24:16Who is Zhu Jingfen?
24:17Zhu Jingfen is
24:18Ma Wenjun's biological mother.
24:19Do you know
24:20what this has to do with?
24:22Can I not listen to them?
24:34Hello, I'm Qi Lin.
24:39Jia Xiaofei is on the net.
24:42Jia Xiaofei.
24:43You violently attacked
24:44Qi Lin and Fang Qiang.
24:46Who supported you?
24:47No one supported me.
24:50Jia Xiaofei.
24:51Pay attention to your attitude.
24:52We'll give you a chance now.
24:53I want you to take the initiative.
24:55Don't think that
24:56we don't have evidence
24:57if you don't say anything.
24:58I'll ask you again.
24:59You beat Zheng Zhixia,
25:02Zheng Zhixia?
25:05Who is he?
25:06I don't know him.
25:08He destroyed the brake system
25:09of the racing car,
25:10blackmailed Huang Chi,
25:12and forced Zheng Zhixia
25:13and Huang Chunxiang
25:14to move out of Changsheng Village.
25:16Who did all this?
25:20I don't know
25:21what you're talking about.
25:25Jia Xiaofei.
25:26Think about it.
25:28You're helping yourself
25:29by making it clear now.
25:30We already have
25:31sufficient evidence.
25:32Don't think that
25:33you can escape the law
25:34if you don't say anything.
25:49Did you do something
25:50to my brake?
25:51No, no, no.
25:52I didn't do anything.
25:54doing something to the brake,
25:55what else can you do?
25:57Do you think I'm Huang Chi?
25:58Do you think I'm Huang Chi?
25:59You hit my car
26:00without the brake.
26:02I'm telling you.
26:03I drive without the brake.
26:06Do you understand?
26:07Yes, yes, yes.
26:08You bastard.
26:14Jia Xiaofei.
26:15What you just saw
26:16is just one
26:17of the many evidences
26:18we have.
26:19This is your last chance.
26:21I'll ask you again.
26:23Did you do
26:24what I just said?
26:33I did it.
26:35It's not worth it.
26:58I'm back.
27:28I'm back.
27:58I'm back.
28:12You don't drink
28:13when you come to my bar.
28:14What do you mean?
28:21You guys talk.
28:22Thank you, Mr. Zuo.
28:29You asked me to come here.
28:31What happened?
28:52I met Mr. Huang today.
28:55He told me a few things.
28:56He told me a few things.
28:59I was shocked.
29:03Huang Yaozong
29:04violently resisted the law
29:06was indeed benefited by Li Bo.
29:09I want to figure out
29:11why the company
29:14and the violently resisting the law
29:15Jin Zihu
29:16colluded together.
29:19How did the applicant
29:20and the executor
29:21become allies?
29:23There is only one answer.
29:25They have common interests.
29:28Once we fail,
29:30the company
29:31can ask the government
29:33for more conditions
29:35and more compensation.
29:40Let's collect the evidence as soon as possible
29:42and interrogate again.
29:43There is one more thing
29:44that I didn't expect.
29:46Ma Wenjun
29:47has something to do with the company.
29:50What did you say?
29:51Huang Yaozong said
29:52that 10% of the shares
29:53of Zhuiguang Firing Company
29:56belonged to Qin Hong.
29:57Qin Hong?
29:59Qin Hong who opened the museum.
30:01Huang Yaozong also said
30:03that Qin Hong
30:04divided half of the 10% shares
30:06to Zhu Qingfen.
30:09Zhu Qingfen
30:11is Ma Wenjun's mother.
30:23What are you going to do?
30:45This is the material of the record.
30:47I don't know
30:49if it's true or not.
30:50This is the material of the record.
30:53I'm going to report it to the superiors.
31:21What are you doing?
31:23Let go.
31:34Thank you.
31:36In case you
31:38don't believe me,
31:40I'll tell you the truth.
31:42I don't believe you.
31:44I don't believe you.
31:46I don't believe you.
31:48I don't believe you.
31:50I don't believe you.
31:53I'm just saying in case.
31:57It's enough for me to sacrifice my own money.
32:00Then why did you ask me out?
32:02If I shut up,
32:06someone has to know the truth.
32:10Xu Lin.
32:12You trust me.
32:14I trust you, too.
32:16It's our duty
32:17to react to the situation honestly.
32:20I have to sign it.
32:50Mr. Ma.
32:51Please have some water.
32:53Lan Lan.
32:55Please step aside.
32:57I have something
32:59to say to Qinghong alone.
33:25Let me ask you.
33:27Does Zhuiguang Firm
33:29have 5% of my shares?
33:31What's wrong?
33:33Answer me.
33:36or no?
33:44But on the contract
33:45it's Zhu Qingfeng's name.
33:47Your mother has it.
33:49Why should my mother have it?
33:55Who else knows about this?
33:57Li Bo.
33:58Huang Yaozu.
34:00All the shareholders know.
34:02Qinghong, you...
34:04You've been trying to frame me from the beginning.
34:06You helped me get into the game.
34:07I'm not an ungrateful white-eyed wolf.
34:10I get 50% of the benefits.
34:13I've always been a clean person.
34:15You're clean?
34:16Yes, you're clean.
34:21There's no unbreakable wall in this world.
34:25Huang Yaozu has turned himself in.
34:27The court will know next.
34:30The disciplinary committee will know next.
34:32Everyone knows!
34:46Don't worry.
34:48You did everything according to the procedure.
34:50I was the one who organized
34:51the fruit-eating incident.
34:54I'll take responsibility for what happened.
34:55All right, all right.
34:56Don't give me
34:57this rogue trick.
35:00I know very well
35:02what the consequences will be.
35:04This is the last time I'm here to see you.
35:08There's one thing
35:11you have to do as I say.
35:14What is it?
35:16Take your cousin
35:18to the hospital and have the baby.
35:20I don't think you want
35:22the baby
35:24to be a slave.
35:28It's time to end it.
35:33There's no need for that.
35:37Do you want me to kneel down and beg you?
35:47Ma Wenju,
35:50from the beginning
35:52to the end,
35:53there was no baby.
36:04What did you say?
36:06I made up
36:08my cousin's pregnancy.
36:10That day,
36:11I did put sleeping pills
36:12in your wine.
36:17Wenju, Wenju, Wenju.
36:20Even the photos
36:22were taken by me.
36:47The medical certificate
36:49was also forged by me.
36:52Qi Hu!
36:54Why did you do this to me?
36:55Why did you do this to me?
36:57I did this
36:58so that you could help me.
37:02I'm sorry, Wenju.
37:04I really wanted to succeed.
37:07But without your help,
37:09I can't do anything in Qin Gang.
37:16I'll turn myself in.
37:18I'll tell them everything.
37:25It's too late!
37:26It's too late!
37:31Your mouth
37:33is full of lies.
37:37I'll never believe
37:38anything you say again.
37:49I love you.
37:52I love you.
37:54I love you.
37:57I love you.
38:07Don't say anything.
38:12What did you say?
38:14Help me, please.
38:16I'm hungry.
38:17I'm hungry.
38:18I'm hungry.
38:19Mom, where's my dad?
38:22In the study.
38:24Have you eaten?
38:25Do you want me to heat up your food?
38:33Come in.
38:39I want to talk to you.
38:42Come, sit down.
38:56What do you want to talk about?
38:58I have a colleague.
39:00His name is Qilin.
39:01I know Qilin.
39:02You told me about him.
39:04There's something
39:05I want to tell you.
39:07It's personal.
39:11Qilin used to work for the police.
39:13Then he became a plaintiff here.
39:16You didn't let him go.
39:18It means you have a good impression of him.
39:20Is that so?
39:23I want to talk to you about business.
39:29I've been thinking about it on my way back.
39:32Should I tell you?
39:34I might be too anxious.
39:39But I still want you to know.
39:41Don't worry.
39:43Go ahead.
39:44In the past year,
39:46we've been working on a few cases.
39:49Most of them
39:51are related to Chenguang Square.
39:53And some strange things happened.
39:56You're in charge of Chenguang Square.
40:00So I want to report these cases to you.
40:04What strange things?
40:07From the first case
40:09of Yongkang Gym Equipment Factory,
40:12to Huang Chi's money-laundering case,
40:15to Chai Qianteng's case under Wang Hongzheng,
40:18and the recent case of
40:20Huang Yaozong's violent crime,
40:22and Ju Buteng.
40:24These cases
40:26have two things in common.
40:29their lawyers
40:31are all Mu Zifeng.
40:32Mu Zifeng?
40:36the final beneficiary of these cases
40:38is the main developer of Chenguang Square,
40:41Qilun Group.
40:43Chen Qilun?
40:47when we were working on Huang Yaozong's money-laundering case,
40:51we lost a lawyer.
40:54After that,
40:56according to Huang Yaozong,
40:58among the shareholders of Chai Qianteng,
41:00there's Ma Wenjun.
41:03Vice President Ma?
41:06According to these clues,
41:08Qilin thinks
41:10Ma Wenjun
41:12is related to these cases of Chai Qianteng.
41:15Suspecting a cadre?
41:18he's also the leader of your court.
41:22you can't say that.
41:25You have to be responsible.
41:26I know.
41:34This is the case file of Qifa.
41:37I don't know if it's suitable for you.
41:40Just take it as my trial.
41:47If the situation in this case is true,
41:50I'll give it to you.
41:52Thank you.
41:53Thank you.
41:54Thank you.
41:55Thank you.
41:56Thank you.
41:57Thank you.
41:58Thank you.
41:59Thank you.
42:00Thank you.
42:01Thank you.
42:02If the situation is true,
42:04Vice President Ma
42:06is suspected of a serious crime.
42:09Of course,
42:11we also hope
42:13our suspicion is wrong.
42:18I have to make it clear to you.
42:21I signed
42:22this document.
42:32Why did you sign it?
42:34I think
42:35the report of Justice Qi is true.
42:38I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
42:42This document
42:44will be handed over to the Municipal Committee.
43:03Justice Qi
43:06is suspected of a serious crime.
43:09I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:12I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:15I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:18I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:21I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:24I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:27I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:30I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:33I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:36I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:39I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:42I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:45I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:48I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:51I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:54I'm willing to share the responsibility with him.
43:57Justice Qi
44:00received over 500 deeds from County Pao
44:03and Security Bureau of 1975.
44:06His mother also received over 500 deeds from County Pao
44:09and Security Bureau of 1975.
44:12Before passing away,
44:15Justice Qi was under strict supervision
44:18led by someone called Xu Transit.
44:21The methods that Justice Qi used
44:24Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, and complicated
44:30Perfect, moral, disappearing, lonely, spreading
44:37Dark, dark, destructive
44:43Can't resist
44:50Brave, firm, noble, guardian
44:56Separate, fearless, forward, and never grow old
45:02Illuminate you
45:19Thanks for watching!