Prophet Stories In Urdu _ Prophet Nuh (AS) _ Quran Stories In Urdu _

  • 2 months ago
Our channel (Kids Land Official) contains programs, cartoons, animated stories and poems aimed at entertaining and educating children about Islam and its beautiful teachings providing them with guidance on Islamic topics while keeping them entertained and away from other harmful content.
Ghulam Rasool is a 3D animated cartoon series in Urdu/Hindi for kids produced by Kids Land Animation
00:15Bird Chirping
00:24Assalamu Alaikum
00:27Walaikum Assalam Abbu
00:29I was waiting for you
00:31Ha Ha
00:32What were you doing my child?
00:34I was completing my homework Abbu
00:37So is it done?
00:39Almost Abbu
00:41Just a little is left
00:45So complete your work
00:47Insha Allah
00:48Then I will tell you another story of a prophet
00:51Another story of a prophet
00:53Thank you very much
00:55Just a little time
00:57I will complete it quickly
00:59I have done my homework Abbu
01:02Will you tell me a story now?
01:05Masha Allah
01:06So soon
01:07So eager
01:09Ok Ok
01:10Tonight I will tell you a story of a prophet
01:14Who was he Abbu?
01:16I will tell you my child
01:18Now listen carefully
01:22Sound Effects
01:25Story of Prophet Noah
01:29Sound Effects
01:35Allah SWT sent Prophet Noah to this world
01:391000 years after Prophet Adam
01:44Until then the population of this world had increased a lot
01:49And till this time Satan had played his game in front of humanity
01:54Humans had started worshipping idols
01:58At that time for the guidance of people
02:01Allah sent another prophet Noah
02:05But this work was not easy even for the prophet
02:10Fear Allah
02:13And do what Allah says
02:15Prophets say this to everyone
02:18But people do not listen to them
02:21They shake their heads and then start worshipping idols
02:25Prophets spoke very well
02:27And Allah had also given them patience
02:31Don't you know?
02:33Allah has made this whole universe
02:36He says to everyone
02:38The sun, moon and stars you see in the sky
02:42Allah has made them
02:44He has made rivers
02:46Mountains, jungles and everything you see
02:49He has made it just for you
02:53Then why don't you worship it?
02:55Why are you worshipping idols?
02:58But people answer them
03:01Who are you to give us advice?
03:05You are like us
03:07And it seems that you are lying
03:09Go from here and leave us alone
03:12But there were good Muslims in the world
03:15Most of them were poor and weak
03:18They listened to the words of the prophet
03:21And they understood
03:23That they are committing a sin by worshipping idols
03:26Now there were two kinds of people in the world
03:30One who believed in Allah
03:34And the other who worshipped idols
03:38Nuh continued to explain to people for years
03:49The idolaters were upset with the words of the prophet
03:54They said, you have been lying to us for a long time
03:58If you don't shut up, we will kill you with stones
04:02But the prophet did not pay attention to their words
04:06He continued to preach the words of Allah
04:09He advised people day and night
04:12On many occasions, when he was explaining to people
04:16The idolaters threw stones at him
04:19He was also beaten with sticks
04:22You are not different from us, the idolaters said
04:26You are not a prophet, you are a human like us
04:30And why should we listen to you?
04:33I am telling the truth, the prophet said
04:36They said, you are committing a sin by worshipping idols
04:40But people did not listen to them
04:43And they were beaten again
04:46I am worried about you, Allah will punish you one day
04:50The prophet said to them
04:53But people had no shame
04:56They said, he is a fool, don't listen to him
05:00Even this much pain could not stop the prophet from explaining to people
05:05He continued to show people the way of Allah for 950 years
05:10The idolaters made fun of the prophet
05:13And now they had confirmed their faith
05:17Now the prophet was disappointed
05:20Because the number of people who did not believe in Allah was increasing
05:26One night, when the prophet was worshipping Allah
05:31Allah said to him, don't be disappointed
05:34Allah said to the prophet
05:37You did what you were told to do
05:40I will punish all the people of the world for their wrongdoings
05:45All the people of the world will be killed, except Muslims and animals
05:50Allah said
05:52As the first step, Allah asked the prophet to plant a lot of trees
05:58Noah could not understand the reason for this
06:01But he started planting trees by obeying Allah's command
06:06As he was told
06:08He was also told that the Muslims who understand him should do the same
06:14He did this for more than a hundred years
06:19After many years, Allah spoke to the prophet again
06:23This time he asked the prophet to make a ship
06:27This will be a very big ship
06:29On which all the animals of the world can be put together
06:33Allah said
06:35The prophet was upset
06:37He did not know how to make a ship
06:39And no one had ever made a ship before
06:42Despite this, the prophet started working with the workers to make the ship
06:48First of all, he made a map of the ship
06:51No one knew the length and width of the ship
06:55Someone said it should be 600 feet
06:58And the other said it is 2400 feet
07:01Whatever it was, it was going to be a very big ship
07:06We will help you
07:08His children and Muslims said
07:10And they started working with him
07:12First of all, the prophet had to find a place to make the ship
07:16He chose the mountains far away from the population
07:19The prophet collected the tools and started making the ship
07:23He started cutting the trees for the wood
07:27Yes, this is the same tree that he had planted a hundred years ago
07:34Then he started making the ship according to the agreement
07:38Everyone worked day and night to make the ship
07:45When the disbelievers saw the prophet making the ship on the mountain
07:50They started making fun of him
07:52You are an old fool
07:54They said, why do you need such a big ship?
07:58And the others said, how will you take it to the sea?
08:03You will know soon
08:05The prophet said
08:07People did not know why the prophet was making the ship
08:11And they thought it was madness
08:13The prophet and his companions continued to work
08:17And after many months, the ship was finally ready
08:21Then they thanked Allah for the help given to make the ship
08:27The time of rain was coming closer day by day
08:31One night Allah said to the prophet
08:33That soon there will be a flood in the world
08:36And on that day, the water will come out from the stove of the prophet's house
08:41My children, there were three different parts in the ship made by the prophet
08:48Which parts were they, father?
08:52They were for three different types of animals
08:55The first was for birds
08:58The second part was for humans
09:00And the third part was for animals
09:09Yes, my children
09:11And when the day of flood came
09:13The animals and birds started coming in the ship one by one
09:18They were coming in pairs
09:21There were elephants, giraffes, lions, rabbits and parrots
09:26And soon the ship was filled with all kinds of animals and birds
09:35And one day, as Allah said to the prophet
09:39The water came out from the stove of the prophet's house
09:47This was the sign that the prophet Noah was waiting for
09:52He knew that the time of flood had come
09:56When he came out, he saw that the rain had started
10:01Without wasting time, he ran out
10:04And he called good Muslims
10:07Who helped him make the ship
10:09He told them to get on the ship as soon as possible
10:13Those who did not believe in Allah did not understand what was happening
10:18Therefore, they made fun of the prophet
10:21Look at that fool
10:23He does not know what he is doing with those animals and humans
10:27The prophet did not understand what he was saying
10:30And he told his wives and sons to get on the ship as soon as possible
10:34Everyone obeyed him
10:36Except for his wife and son
10:39Who did not listen to him
10:41His son said
10:43I will save myself from the water
10:45Do not worry about me
10:48The water had risen to the top
10:50Therefore, the prophet ran towards the ship
10:55The flood had become dangerous
10:57And the water was constantly rising
11:01The earth had turned
11:03Continuous rain
11:04And because of the rising water
11:06The sea was visible everywhere
11:09The rain did not stop for many hours
11:11And now people knew
11:13That the prophet was right
11:16And he ran towards the mountains to save his life
11:22The prophet saw
11:24That his wife and son
11:26Were climbing the mountain to save themselves from the water
11:29He told them
11:30Come and get on the ship
11:32Save yourself
11:35But they did not pay attention
11:37And they reached the top of the mountain
11:40Then a high wave
11:42A wave higher than the mountain hit them
11:45And took them with it
11:47These dangerous waves
11:49Took those who did not believe in God
11:53The water continued to rise
11:55And after a while
11:57The whole earth was covered with water
12:01Then the prophet said
12:03In the name of God
12:06When the words of the prophet came out
12:09The ship started moving
12:12The rain had stopped
12:14But the whole earth was covered with water
12:18The prophet knew
12:20That they would have to stay on the ship for a long time
12:25But did the animals not harm each other?
12:28And how did they stay together?
12:32A total of 80 people were on the ship
12:34And the prophet had arranged food
12:36According to all animals and humans
12:41God had decided everything
12:44The ship was safe for everyone
12:46The innocent sheep and the ferocious lion
12:49For everyone
12:50All the ferocious animals
12:52Were in the grip of some disease
12:54Everyone was living together
12:56But the prophet
12:58Faced a lot of trouble because of the rats
13:01They were everywhere
13:03Up, down, here and there
13:05They were running everywhere
13:07They were the cause of real trouble
13:09And then the prophet
13:11Asked God
13:13And in this way, the cat came into existence
13:16The cat started hunting the rats
13:19And in this way, the rats' mischief decreased
13:24And in this way, God
13:26Ended all the troubles
13:28Which the prophet was feeling on the ship
13:33He had been on the ship for the last 150 days
13:39And during this journey
13:41He did not see any land
13:48The prophet and the rest of the people
13:50Waited for many days
13:53Then the prophet sent a crow
13:56To see if there was any land
13:59But the crow did not return
14:02Then the prophet
14:04Sent another bird to look for land
14:07And after a few days, when he returned
14:09There were some olive leaves in its beak
14:13The prophet and the rest of the people
14:15Were very happy
14:17Because they knew
14:19That they were near the land
14:21The ship kept sailing for a few more days
14:23And then one day
14:25It reached the top of Mount Judi
14:27The prophet said, Bismillah
14:29And the ship stopped there
14:33After being on the ship for more than 150 days
14:36Now their journey was over
14:40The prophet gave all the animals
14:42Birds and insects
14:44A chance to go to the land
14:46They went out
14:48And they again settled the land
14:54The prophet and the rest of the Muslims
14:56Came out of the ship
14:58And as soon as they came
15:00They bowed their heads on the ground
15:02And prostrated
15:05And this was a new beginning
15:07For humanity
15:10This was a wonderful story, father
15:13Mashallah, I am happy
15:15That you liked this story
15:17Now can I ask you some questions
15:19About this story?
15:20Yes, father
15:22Alright, tell me
15:24Why did Allah send Noah
15:26To the land?
15:27To bring people to Allah
15:29He sent the prophet
15:31This is correct, my child
15:33And now the next question
15:35Why did people refuse to listen
15:37To what the prophet said?
15:39People in the world thought
15:41That the prophet was lying to them
15:43They thought that the prophet
15:45Was a human like them
15:47Very good, Amir
15:49Can you tell me
15:51Who else came on the ship
15:53With the prophet's horse?
15:55I know the answer
15:57Muslims also boarded the ship
15:59Animals, birds and insects
16:01One more correct answer
16:04And now the last question
16:07Tell me the name of the mountain
16:09Where did the ship stop?
16:13Was it Mount Judi, father?
16:17You are correct, my child
16:19You gave the correct answer
16:22Thank you, father
16:24Alright, that's all for today
16:28Tomorrow I will tell you
