Adesione Ucraina alla Nato: per gli alleati riuniti a Washington "il percorso è irreversibile"

  • 2 mesi fa
La formula concordata dagli alleati è quella che pone l'Ucraina "su un percorso irreversibile verso la piena integrazione euro-atlantica, compresa l'adesione alla Nato". Ma non tutti la pensano così


00:00Per gli alleati riuniti a Washington per il summit di tre giorni in occasione dei 75 anni
00:06della Nato, la formula concordata è quella che pone l'Ucraina su un percorso irreversibile
00:11verso la piena integrazione euro-atlantica, compresa l'adesione alla Nato.
00:16Negli stessi giorni del vertice, una delegazione ucraina è volata negli Stati Uniti per discutere
00:22delle priorità del paese.
00:24At this point we had a very long discussion and we did not have the unity backing of this
00:32decision but I think we will hear a very strong message on the membership that it's not subject
00:41to a discussion and I hope that the leaders after this decision will be taken today and
00:48tomorrow will be really vocal in messaging that to Russia.
00:52The problem is that membership of Ukraine to NATO is irreversible and this is a very
00:56clear signal to those who thought that this could be a trading point.
01:02The problem is the language irreversible is not legal language, it can be reversed, it
01:07can be reversed any time.
01:10So Ukraine isn't any closer to membership as we speak or at the end of this summit?
01:16It could be reversed but it would require 32 to agree on that.
01:21Are you satisfied at the end of this summit that Ukraine will have what it needs to defend
01:26its people from hospital attacks that we've seen at the start of this week?
01:31Of course there is much more we need, there is much more we need and as long as people
01:38die in Ukraine we will never feel fully able to prepare ourselves but I think it's not
01:47the question about Ukraine.
01:48I'm sure that the moment where zero Russian soldiers are on Ukrainian soil, this will
01:53be the moment where we will be able to say that people are safe.
01:57Has the issue regarding restrictions on using weapons inside Russian territory, has that
02:03been resolved somewhat?
02:04Well today President has had a meeting with the key countries having at his disposal the
02:10ability to release the permission on the – for Ukraine to be able to destroy the
02:18Russian infrastructure enabling this launching of the missiles but also the military capabilities
02:26enabling these attacks.
02:27So these were the meetings with Great Britain, with Germany and the bipartisan meeting in
02:32the U.S. Congress.
02:33So following these meetings and tomorrow there will be a meeting between President Ukraine
02:38and President Biden so this will be one of the issues to be discussed.
02:42And have you got any – will there be a release?
02:44Will there be a reduction of restrictions for Ukraine?
02:48I'm sure we are on the way to this decision but there is no way that we can really forecast
02:53any announcements.
