Sugarcane versucht die Geschehnisse rund um katholische Native American Missionierungsschule St. Josephs Mission in Kanada aufzuklären, die jahrelang Kinder indianischer Abstammung misshandelt und missbraucht haben. Auslöser war der Fund unmarkierter indianischer Gräber in der Nähe der Schule und folgt von da ausgehend drei Geschichten, die alle miteinander verbunden sind.
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00:09Felt dirty as Indian all my life and resident just go
00:14Look at that
00:15It's all names
00:18When you're brought up in an institution like the Catholic Church, you have strict rules and you went with their ethics
00:28Been trying to find out what happened at st. Joseph's mission
00:35Everything was so secretive
00:39My dad was born there
00:44How did it happen it's not something that you want to open up, you know, it just keeps on damaging
00:54Decades there were reports of neglected children dying or disappearing from this facility
01:00Two girls drowned priests were moved around. Why are they dying?
01:05Did they think we'd be stupid all of our lives the rest of our lives and nobody would ever find out these things
01:22Being sorry for something is just the first step you have to take action
01:31We see the impacts in our community every single day
01:42Julian I ask you to open your heart. Our people are going to stand up
01:50Your story is someone who was abandoned but also who abandoned if you do know what happened with me, right I
02:02Want to know the whole story