భర్త ఆశయం కోసం రూ.4.50కోట్ల విరాళం

  • 2 months ago
4 Crores 50 Lakhs to Hospital in Krishna District: పుట్టి పెరిగిన ఊరికి ఏదైనా మంచి చేయాలన్నది ఆయన కల. ఆ కలను సారాకం చేసుకునేలోపే ఆయన ఈ ప్రపంచాన్ని వీడారు. అప్పటి దాకా తనకు తోడునీడగా ఉన్న భర్త అకాల మరణాన్ని భార్య తట్టుకోలేకపోయారు. కానీ బాధపడుతూ కూర్చోవడం కంటే భర్త సంకల్పానికి జీవం పోయడమే ముఖ్యమనుకున్నారు. సేవాకార్యక్రమాలు చేపట్టడమే కాకుండా 4కోట్ల 50 లక్షల రూపాయల విరాళంతో భర్త స్వగ్రామంలో పేదలకు వైద్యాన్ని అందుబాటులోకి తీసుకువచ్చారు.


00:00The woman you see now is Velagpudi Vijayalakshmi
00:04Her husband's name is Velagpudi Uma Maheswar Rao
00:07His native place is Yanamalakudur
00:09He settled in Vijayawada years ago
00:12Uma Maheswar Rao, who works as an electrician, has a good name in the surrounding villages along with Vijayawada
00:19He was the one who used to call for the repair of the agricultural boards and motors
00:22Due to the lack of proper hospitals in Yanamalakudur, the people were facing a lot of problems
00:27This was Uma Maheswar Rao's fate
00:29He was not able to provide proper medical services to his native village
00:32He wanted to build a hospital there and help the people
00:36He and his two children studied well and settled in America
00:40They took a break from their work
00:42They thought that this was the right time to put the idea of building a hospital into practice
00:48When they were about to start, they died of a heart attack
00:52Vijayalakshmi was heartbroken that she could not bear her husband's death
00:56She wanted to save her husband's life
01:15When Vijayalakshmi shared her husband's death with her sons, they also came to know about it
01:20She started the Velagupudi Trust two months later
01:24They came to know how to build a hospital in Yanamalakudur
01:28But the first problem was with the location of the hospital
01:32In Yanamalakudur, which is near Vijayawada, the land is worth at least Rs. 20 lakhs
01:38No matter how much they tried, they could not get the land near the village
01:42Thinking that building a hospital far away from the village would not be useful to the people
01:47They appointed Uma Maheswar Rao's friend Narasimha Rao from Yanamalakudur
01:51He took the responsibility of building the hospital to the MLA Kolisu Parthasar
01:57To build a hospital that would be useful to the people, Yanamalakudur was given 36% of the land in Kali
02:07The building of the hospital was approved by the health department of the hospital
02:13The building of the hospital was completed on the 7th
02:18The MLA Bode Prasad started the construction of the hospital
02:24We have been married for 62 years
02:27His name is Uma Maheswar Rao
02:30He suffered a lot
02:32He wanted to build a hospital for a long time, but the opportunity did not come
02:40He had a heart attack and died
02:42It has been two years
02:44To fulfill his father's wish, Yanamalakudur gave the land to the government
02:54They paid Rs. 4 crores and built the hospital
02:57He would have been very happy if he had not been there today
03:03He would have been very happy
03:04Vijayalakshmi gave Rs. 4.5 crores for the construction of the hospital
03:10Vijayalakshmi says that she is happy to fulfill her husband's wish with the help of her sons
03:15People are going to Penanur to get treatment
03:27I am very happy to be in the village today
03:30I cannot tell you how happy I am and how much help you have given
03:36I am very happy
03:39My wish is that everyone should come here and get treatment
03:46I also like it very much
03:49Even if I do not study, my children have studied well
03:54My wish is to help everyone
03:57Even if I ask for a job, I tell my children and help everyone
04:04Vijayalakshmi Kumar, CEO of Thayo Digital, told us that the Velagpudi Trust is providing many services
04:14Our father's village, Yanamalakudur, is the primary health care centre
04:19Mr. Parthasarathy also helped us to procure the land
04:23We also provide education services
04:27We want to make the primary health care centre even bigger
04:30We want to construct a second floor and create maternity ward
04:37People are very happy that they are able to provide services in the same village
04:46It is an honor for the sons to come forward to fulfill their father's wish
04:57For more information, visit www.thayalakshmi.com
