Smeshariks PIN code Dances with bees [HD]

  • 2 months ago


00:00Yekmovets. Channel for the whole family.
00:30Bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, b
01:00bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo!
01:30You'd better not touch him, or he'll sting you.
01:34What fly bit him?
01:36A fly? No, brother, it was a bigger insect.
01:41Remember, it happened just then, when you invented the shrinking module for the chandelier.
01:49It went like this.
01:51I'm sitting at home, thinking, as always,
01:56about eternal, about beautiful...
02:01I'll do it!
02:05Now my chandelier has a shrinking module.
02:08It can shrink to any size.
02:12Say I'm a genius!
02:14Listen, genius, you should have come later.
02:18You see, trouble is full of people.
02:21Any business can wait. I need a volunteer.
02:25Where can I find one?
02:27Just imagine, I can shrink you so much,
02:31that you can fit in this jar entirely.
02:38What are you doing? Come on, shrink me, don't be lazy.
02:42One moment. Get ready.
02:45I'm turning on the shrinking module.
02:49It worked!
02:51Yes, it did.
02:55Now it's time for a giant jar of honey.
02:59Where are we?
03:01And where is my jar?
03:03I decided that it's safer to conduct the first tests in the field.
03:08That's why I'm moving us to this clearing.
03:12A safe clearing?
03:14There are real jungles here.
03:17For us, insects are the size of dinosaurs.
03:22Don't worry about the insects.
03:25Our shrinking module will protect us from any danger.
03:38How do you like the insects?
03:42Nothing bad will happen.
03:45Just a little turbulence.
03:48My shrinking module is just a little thing.
03:53Be careful.
03:55Oh, what a terrible spider.
03:59Full speed ahead!
04:05Have you eaten?
04:07Come on, enlarge your jar,
04:09until the master of the spider doesn't complain.
04:12I will prove that my shrinking module is not some kind of fly.
04:18Did you escape?
04:20Think about it.
04:22A spider is stronger than steel.
04:25For us, it's just a little thing.
04:28But if you are the size of a fly,
04:31it means you didn't escape.
04:34What a curious hedgehog.
04:36It's just a simple spider.
04:39A spider!
04:41Enough playing.
04:43Come on, enlarge us back.
04:46I can't.
04:47If this spider is so strong for my shrinking module,
04:51it will crush us when we enlarge.
04:55First we need to free ourselves.
04:59What a sticky, nasty spider.
05:05A cat.
05:06But we won't fall down.
05:08Let's get rid of it.
05:12What? Bye?
05:14Take care!
05:44Soft landing.
05:49Hey, where are you going?
05:51No, stop!
05:52Bad spider!
05:53Do you hear me?
05:55Don't you have enough spiders and butterflies?
05:57Look, these ants have a load capacity
06:00of 20 times more than they have.
06:03They will carry us away and won't notice.
06:08The fact that an ant can carry a big load
06:11doesn't mean it's stronger than us.
06:14An ant can carry a big load.
06:17Big compared to the ant itself.
06:20What did I say?
06:22It's better not to get in touch with them.
06:25But that's only because it's very small.
06:28About a millimeter.
06:30Let's try to enlarge it a thousand times.
06:33Up to one meter.
06:35Don't be afraid.
06:37Now this ant-giant is a billion times bigger.
06:41That's right. That's what I'm afraid of.
06:44On the contrary.
06:45The more ants there are, the more helpless it is.
06:49Because the strength increases less than the weight.
06:53Here's an ant.
06:55Let's enlarge it a thousand times.
06:58By three parameters.
06:59Length, width and height.
07:02So the body becomes a billion times heavier.
07:06And the strength of the legs is only a million.
07:09I completely confused the strength in your zeros.
07:12To put it simply, the ant will become very big.
07:15And the muscles are not that big.
07:18And the ant-giant will not have enough strength even to get up.
07:23And he will not be able to lift any weight at all.
07:28So what?
07:29Now they are small and so are we.
07:32That's right.
07:33We have become small and light.
07:35But our strength will not decrease so much.
07:39Now we can lift more than our own weight.
07:43It's just a little stupid bug.
07:46And we are intelligent creatures.
07:49And we are strong.
07:50We should not be afraid of them.
07:52And this one is also of the highest race.
07:56And these bugs think no worse than us.
07:59Just so you know, they can speak.
08:02Insects can speak?
08:04Don't joke, Natpin.
08:06If a bug can speak, then I am a bee from the moon.
08:11That's right.
08:12Bees will help us.
08:14And then we'll see who fell from the moon.
08:18The main thing for us is to send them to the right direction.
08:23Do insects know how to speak?
08:25The fact that a spider almost ate us,
08:28did not impress you, did it?
08:30To speak directly, like you and me?
08:32Okay, now I will explain in more detail.
08:36Of course, insects communicate, but not quite like us.
08:41Well, we did not always know how to speak like now.
08:44Our ancestors used the language of gestures.
08:52So, insects also have their own language of gestures.
08:56And they are very developed.
08:58Here, for example, a bee.
09:00She found a meadow with flowers,
09:03in which nectar just fell.
09:06And such a meadow is not a sin to tell friends.
09:09A bee flies back into the hive and dances.
09:17Not like that.
09:18Bee dance is not just emotions.
09:21This is their language of communication.
09:23Every movement is important here.
09:25To tell other bees where the nectar deposits are,
09:29a bee moves in an octagon.
09:32The most important part is the straight line in the middle of the octagon.
09:37Along this line, a bee indicates the direction to the right place.
09:42And the distance depends on the time of the bee's movement in a straight line.
09:46If it crawls for one second, the distance to the honeycomb is 500 meters.
09:51If it crawls for two seconds, the distance is 2 kilometers.
09:55A few minutes of such a dance,
09:57and other bees fly in the specified direction.
10:01And how did you ask the bees for help?
10:11Bite me!
10:13I wanted to say something else.
10:15There is nectar nearby.
10:18Now I will explain how to fly.
10:36Are you sure that everything is done correctly?
10:41Everything is according to the rules.
10:43In a straight line, a bee buzzes and shakes its belly.
10:47Fifteen shakings of the belly per second.
10:51Feel the rhythm.
10:56And the distance to the honeycomb is 500 meters.
10:59And the distance to the honeycomb is 2 kilometers.
11:02And the distance to the honeycomb is 2 kilometers.
11:10It seems that they didn't understand anything from your disco.
11:21Just look!
11:22They did it!
11:25Surprisingly, the bee also has its own language.
11:34Don't open your eyes!
11:42This is the happy end of this story.
11:45Then we barely managed to escape,
11:48until the bees realized that we had fooled them.
11:53And I still don't understand where we are flying today,
11:56and why the pin is so...
11:58The landing on the moon is successfully completed.
12:01On the moon?
12:02Why on the moon?
12:04Because if someone argued that the bees can speak,
12:08and also promised to be called a moon bee,
12:12then let him now answer for his defeat.
12:16I'm a big, stupid moon bee.
12:20Come on, shake your belly,
12:22so that everything is natural.
12:24Come on, shake your belly,
12:26so that everything is natural.
12:28Dance so that the bow is 10 kilometers to the north.
12:34Information received.
12:36Starting movement 10 kilometers to the north.
12:41What is this?
12:42Where are you going?
12:44Don't stop!
12:45I'll bite you!
12:55We are flying!
12:57We are flying!
12:59We are flying!
13:01We are flying!
13:03We are flying!
13:08Pinko, pinko, tinko,
13:11Pinko, pinko, pinko,
13:14Pin, pin, pin!
13:17You can't get far on the old iron,
13:19You can't get far on the old iron,
13:21You can't get far on the old iron,
13:23You can't get far on the old iron,
13:25You can't get far on the old iron,
13:27You can't get far on the old iron,
13:29You can't get far on the old iron,
13:31You can't get far on the old iron,
13:33You can't get far on the old iron,
13:35You can't get far on the old iron,
13:37You can't get far on the old iron,
13:39You can't get far on the old iron,
13:41You can't get far on the old iron,
13:43You can't get far on the old iron,
13:45You can't get far on the old iron,
13:47You can't get far on the old iron,
