WWE Wrestlemania 26 Shawn Micheals vs The Undertaker

  • 3 months ago
00:00no one's ever come as close as Shawn Michaels did last year to defeating the Undertaker at
00:21and Undertaker
00:24here we go look at Undertaker misses with the right hand perhaps Shawn Michaels the one playing
00:29mind games as we start this matchup off never before during a streak is the Undertaker faced
00:36the same man two consecutive years he's doing it now with Shawn Michaels has Shawn Michaels
00:42found something is there one thing that the Undertaker does that Shawn Michaels won't capitalize
00:50Shawn Michaels said he wouldn't risk anything everything if he couldn't beat the Undertaker
00:59this match has started all out and
01:02snake eyes early from the Undertaker you don't often see that
01:08and Shawn Michaels suddenly in deep trouble at the hands of the phenom oh watch this
01:16Michaels looked like he blocked Undertaker for a moment from going to old school and
01:22Undertaker right back on the attack let's watch the pure strength of the Undertaker here
01:29no school no connecting
01:34wow it looks like Undertaker might have uh done something to his knee right there but
01:39nonetheless he's focusing on Shawn Michaels Michaels in trouble Undertaker maybe going
01:44for a chokeslam looking to put Michaels away early and Michaels with a counter
01:52and a heartbreak kid on the attack
01:56i think that definitely something something happened to the Undertaker's knee when he came
02:00off that that rope i don't think he was able to live so i think his knee gave out as he tried to
02:06chokeslam Shawn and notice how Shawn Michaels focused his attack on the knee of the Undertaker
02:14Michaels away Michaels going for tombstone perhaps and Shawn Michaels with a counter
02:19now Michael you talked about all of the weapons that the Undertaker brings to the contest how do
02:24you feel that gives the Undertaker an advantage maybe the Undertaker can put away Shawn Michaels
02:28any way possible maybe from a hell's gate submission to the chokeslam to the last ride
02:33to the tombstone piledriver let's not forget i followed Shawn Michaels career Shawn Michaels
02:38has used a cross face and ankle lock Shawn Michaels is very very apt in the art of
02:43submission grappling and he may need it in this matchup that can only end via pitfall or submission
02:49yeah guys let's not forget the uh the super kick
02:54music and Undertaker what is how right back to the injured left knee i think i think this
03:02does not bode well for the Undertaker because i think Shawn notices that did you notice the
03:06look at Michaels and Shawn go for it he saw Undertaker go to the knee and Shawn went right
03:12after the name Shawn Michaels has one chance at greatness one chance to do the one thing that no
03:16one else has ever done Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker one more time this could be Shawn
03:22Michaels opportunity how does this change the entire scope of this emotionally fueled contest
03:32changes the entire complexion of the matches Michaels is now focused his attack on a knee
03:38tweaked earlier on by the Undertaker look at the phenom so much riding on this match for
03:45both of these men career versus streak
03:50is one of the most revered streaks in all of sports think of some of the great streaks
03:55DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak Oral Hershizer's scoreless streak Undertaker's streak is legendary
04:03nothing compares to the streak the 17 and 0 streak of the Undertaker yeah but you guys are talking
04:09about the streak and certainly it's impressive i mean it's uh unparalleled but let's talk about
04:14the career of Shawn Michaels let's talk about what the Undertaker's thinking about doing here
04:23Michaels saw the Undertaker's look and he capitalized it countered
04:28and delivered a shoulder to the injured knee of the phenom i think that
04:35hey king this is great strategy for Shawn Michaels when you're facing a bigger opponent
04:39knock him down to size
04:49i thought earlier Undertaker was going to go for that dive that patented dive over the top rope i
04:53don't know if his knee would have held up to get airborne like that Shawn Michaels wasn't
04:57gonna allow it to happen again another thing Shawn Michaels has learned over the years
05:01including last year is Undertaker drives Michaels spying first to the steel
05:09now you see the Undertaker focusing on that uh that famous that famous back of Shawn Michaels
05:16we all know the history there Shawn Michaels injured back cost him five years of his career
05:24Undertaker knows that well guys i love the strategy an injured limb definitely takes
05:29away the choke slam the last ride the tombstone and the hell's gate from the Undertaker but right
05:34now it's the Undertaker who's got strategy in mind as he delivers a vicious and vintage
05:40leg drop boy this has got to be disheartening to the Undertaker and remember gentlemen Undertaker
05:45can do anything he wants to Shawn Michaels outside the ring because of the stipulation in this match
05:50up you got to win by pinfall or submission you know the the main thing that had to had to be on
05:56the mind of the Undertaker when you're talking about when you're thinking about devising your
06:00strategy for a match as big as this you've got to stay healthy you got to try to avoid injury
06:05and what happens right off the bat Undertaker goes right for the injured leg
06:12well Undertaker tapped out to Shawn Michaels
06:17could you imagine that notice the Undertaker keeping his hand he took his hand off of
06:21Shawn's now the maneuver is fully second and Shawn Michaels with everything he's got
06:27oh what do you say
06:31this is the Undertaker writhing in pain I mean it could happen but I can't imagine
06:36seeing the Undertaker tap out you know the Undertaker's tolerance for pain is
06:39legendary but how much can he take shoulders down you saw the look in the eyes of the phenom
06:45look at Shawn Michaels wearing down the Undertaker how much more can the phenom take
06:57will he tap out will the streak end look at this look at this look on the Undertaker's face
07:06determination all at once look at the Undertaker as you say reversing that pressure
07:11and Shawn Michaels finally breaks the hole realizing he was the man in trouble
07:1972,219 looking on at the most anticipated match in the history of Wrestlemania
07:29well you can see it here Undertaker's gonna have to come up with a whole new strategy he's gonna
07:33have to go on the defensive if he's to survive this Undertaker unloading with the right hand
07:40Michaels as well but Michaels does not want to get in a slugfest with the best pure striker in the
07:45history of the WWE right now I don't even know if the Undertaker knows how to be defensive
07:52I think a wounded Undertaker is a dangerous Undertaker I agree with you there
08:05Shawn Michaels countering the Undertaker at every turn the
08:10Michael you say that the Undertaker is the best pure striker in the WWE no one will disagree with
08:14you but an injured limb takes away your ability an injured leg you lose your base you can't
08:20throw those big right hands as well as you normally would be able to and Michaels
08:25and how many times have we seen that he is how many times have we seen this
08:31is the career over is the career over
08:38oh he is risen just believe and right as we believe the Undertaker takes it right away
08:44now that was so close so close for Shawn Michaels career to be over here tonight
08:49well you got to know the determination that's in the heart of HBK
08:53and Undertaker
08:55Michael's trying to battle back trying to battle out
08:57oh no the Undertaker was going to the top door piledriver it's Shawn Michaels
09:02there is the ankle lock submission and Michaels on the injured leg of the Undertaker
09:06has the ankle lock locked in will the Undertaker now tap out I have been locked in this hole the
09:12pressure on the ankle and the knee how is the Undertaker withstanding this pain oh my gosh
09:17look at the Undertaker's foot that it's not meant to bend that way and you can hear the
09:21Undertaker screaming no no is back in the center of the ring compounding the pressure
09:26by hyperextending the knee
09:32Undertaker writhing in agony look at the way Shawn's legs are locked as well
09:38the determination on the face of Shawn Michaels I just I just still can't imagine the Undertaker
09:45look at shoulder shoulders maybe even with a broken ankle I can't imagine the Undertaker
09:50in Wrestlemania can you I can't imagine not at all not any of the streak on a submission
09:56I don't think anybody can see that coming Undertaker trying to do what he can
10:03here's seven foot frame coming into play those long legs of the Undertaker and those big feet
10:08finding their mark on the side of Shawn Michaels head it has been such a physical battle since
10:15such a physical battle since the beginning of this match
10:20that's so much emotion here we're talking about you know we're talking about that streak but what
10:24about Shawn's career I mean oh they're on that side Shawn Michaels been obsessing about this
10:31match for over a year just thinking about trying to end the Undertaker's undefeated streak but
10:37then suddenly this match becomes about ending his career okay let's face it you know what the
10:42Undertaker's undefeated streak means to him but it can't mean as much as he does
10:52unbelievable strength and resiliency from the Undertaker
11:03this could be it Wrestlemania the chance to live forever
11:12could be it it's gotta be it Shawn's head bounce off the floor remember you cannot win this match
11:16up via count out you've got to win the match via pinfall or submission the tombstone pile
11:22driver has damaged Shawn Michaels but it's not allowed the Undertaker to take advantage yet
11:32a tombstone pile driver outside the ring that's how much the streak means to the Undertaker
11:39all right somehow the Undertaker has got to get Shawn Michaels
11:49you know how much the streak means to the Undertaker not as much as what the career
12:01there's the medical staff who would take the Shawn Michaels getting
12:05in the ring looking to put Michaels away into the cover
12:12emotionally there's so much at stake we may never have this opportunity in this environment with
12:18these two superstars ever again thank you gentlemen look at this watch this that watch
12:24Shawn's head hit the floor the Undertaker had been able to get Shawn in the ring immediately
12:32this would be over right now remember Undertaker and Shawn Michaels who've had a storied rivalry
12:38over the years perhaps none bigger than last year's 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania
12:42until this moment streak versus career as Undertaker here we go to put Shawn Michaels
12:48away here we go Michael's in trouble going for the last ride is the Undertaker
12:54deep trouble Michaels was able to counter but wait a minute I don't know if it was a counter
12:59or the fact that the Undertaker's leg buckle here's the curve two count kick out
13:05I don't know what happened either they both fell awkwardly let's see again
13:10I think it's the Undertaker's injury
13:12no and I think I think Shawn grabbed the Undertaker's hair and drove the Undertaker's
13:17face into the mat at the same time combination of both and now look Shawn Michaels boy
13:23to the top rope trying to capitalize here with the WWE universe in the background looking on
13:29Shawn Michaels
13:34but how much did that take out of the Undertaker's injured leg
13:37Undertaker countered preserving an elbow to the heart
13:43oh what a match yeah I don't know what it took out of the Undertaker's legs but it looks as
13:49though Shawn Michaels is now injured as well watch the legs come up right into the ribs
13:55of Shawn Michaels but desperate times call
14:09can you believe that what a counter by Shawn Michaels no one has ever countered the Hell's
14:16Gate I believe I've been in that move you immediately pass out and Shawn Michaels knew
14:21the severity of the situation I'm just grasping for any part of the Undertaker he can get his
14:29hands on them oh thrown off
14:51talk about out of nowhere listen
14:55nobody saw that coming certainly not the Undertaker but he felt every bit of it
15:02how did you kick how did the Undertaker kick out of that sweet chin music connecting
15:07to do what no other man has ever done in Wrestlemania and the streak of the Undertaker
15:21as he tunes up the band could it be a graveyard symphony all right counter blocked it blocked it
15:27caught him
15:33Michael's up high this is it
15:39is it the end of Michael's legendary career
15:44we've auditioned our entire lives for this moment
15:54well the Undertaker said Shawn Michaels obsession would cause him to pay the ultimate price was that
16:00price the last ride I don't think I've ever seen that last ride delivered more emphatically
16:07more perfectly and it didn't get the job done Undertaker almost can see the wheels turning
16:15what does he need to do to put away the legendary Shawn Michaels I mean so many thoughts have got to
16:19be going through the Undertaker's mind I saw him slapping his own knee a second ago it's like
16:24he's mad at himself for that injury he's frustrated he's this pent-up emotion what's he gonna do here
16:32well remember King Shawn Michaels has no alternative but to defeat the Undertaker
16:37this isn't about winning a match this is about saving a fabled 25-year career
16:44oh no watch out here guys oh lord
17:00well there goes our goes our announce table well this is just an example
17:05of what keeping the legendary streak intact means to the phenom
17:13trying to trying to knock feeling back into his leg
17:17Undertaker knows he must win via pinfall or submission no countouts no disqualifications here
17:26and I don't know if we picked that up ladies and gentlemen I believe Undertaker
17:30said I'm going to end this thing right here right now going for the last rock
17:34no no no not there
17:46you can't pin him out here on the table but what can he do
17:58Michaels crawling to the apron Undertaker's body strewn on the announce table
18:07Michaels gingerly making his way to the top rope what is he doing
18:12what is Shawn thinking here oh my lord Michael's top rope Undertaker
18:29Undertaker ladies and gentlemen right here in front of us
18:32grabbing and grasping at that injured leg I think his legs
18:42Shawn Michaels flailing around before coming
18:47coming to a stop look at look at the Undertaker's face I swear I think his leg
18:58Shawn Michaels putting it all on the line could this be the moment that we have all waited for
19:06Undertaker battle wounds and scars have formed get out of the way get out of the way body
19:13what he's Undertaker trying to try to crawl away up the barricade my god desperately trying to
19:21take advantage of an injured phenom I don't think Undertaker knows where he is it doesn't matter
19:25this is what this is about King Michaels is trying to take advantage trying to desperately take
19:29advantage trying to take advantage of the injury to the Undertaker looking to put the Undertaker
19:34away I think the streak is over I think Undertaker's leg is snapped
19:42Undertaker can't stand neither can Michaels
19:51Shawn Michaels watch it
19:56the streak is over the streak is over
20:05how on earth did the Undertaker kick out of sweet chin music
20:18how on earth does the Undertaker do anything that he does in the ring take a look here where else
20:23will you find this kind of emotion this kind of passion it only happens at Wrestlemania
20:30these fans behind me are chanting this is awesome and you are right ladies and gentlemen we are so
20:37close to the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels you can literally see their body shaking twitching
20:43in pain in emotion Michaels back to his feet first he is stalking he is tuning up the band
20:50he's looking to put the phenom away
21:12Undertaker pin Shawn Michaels here will he end the story career I don't know if Undertaker can't even
21:18stand on that leg Shawn Michaels has not moved since the choke slam
21:29oh my how is Undertaker just trying to cover him oh no Undertaker again going for a tombstone pile
21:41driver trying to drive the career of Michaels into the burial plot this is it the career of Shawn
22:00Shawn Michaels will not surrender Shawn Michaels has no quit the phenom cannot believe it
22:08nor can I nor can the 70,000 fans Undertaker disbelief for the first time in his career
22:16crossing his face you can feel the emotion seeping through the pores of over 72,000 fans here in
22:25Phoenix no one wants the streak to end no one wants the career to end something has to give
22:35at Wrestlemania I'm just trying to read the thoughts the emotion on the face of the Undertaker
22:41what is he thinking now is he is he having self-doubt is he wondering does he have what
22:46it takes to put Shawn Michaels away or is he just trying to think of his next his next assault
22:52I think the Undertaker realizes he is in the ring with his toughest opponent ever
23:11Michaels is twisted Michaels body is bent
23:32perhaps respect shown for the career of Shawn Michaels listen
24:12that look of disbelief by the fans of the Undertaker has turned into a look of rage
24:19here's the cover
24:25Shawn Michaels career is over
