00:00Let's get to Mike Gundy from Oklahoma State.
00:02Of course, Mike always has a lot to say to whoever wants to put a microphone in front of him.
00:09He's been at Oklahoma State for a long time now.
00:12His running back, Olly Gordon, one of the best in the country, Scotty, a Heisman candidate.
00:16But of course, a couple of weeks ago, we did that story where he was picked up for a DUI.
00:21Here's the first Gundy comment early in the morning.
00:24This is on ESPN with him saying,
00:26I'm not suspending the kid.
00:27He's going to play and learn from this.
00:29Here he is.
00:29We're in a time where you guys are essentially employees.
00:33You guys make lots of money to play this game.
00:35It's different than it was five years ago.
00:37And your punishment is going to be facing the facts.
00:40That's why we brought him here today.
00:42I said, you're not going into hiding.
00:44You're going to face the music.
00:46You're going to have to stand up and talk to people and answer questions.
00:49And hopefully, more than football, you can learn from the situation you've been in.
00:54Because if not, then we have a real issue.
00:57But he's going to play.
00:59And I'm going to do what we think is best for Oklahoma State football.
01:04And I think it's best for Ollie to play.
01:07If there's any punishments, make him carry the ball 50 times in the first game.
01:13Well, he's a great back.
01:15So why not?
01:17Obviously, this guy wants to win.
01:19You heard our boy, Rich Cermonello.
01:22He likes him to win the conference.
01:26And I'm going to give you those numbers in a little bit.
01:29You'll see where they are on the board.
01:30That would be a nice hit if you could get Oklahoma State across the line.
01:33Here's the one that got Gundy in a little bit more trouble.
01:37Also on ESPN, where he talks about that he has also done what Gordon did many times in his life,
01:44but didn't get caught.
01:45So I looked it up on my phone.
01:47What would be the legal limit?
01:50In Oklahoma, it's 0.08.
01:52In Ollie, it was 0.1.
01:55So I looked it up, and it was based on body weight.
02:00Not to get into the legal side of it, but I thought, really, two or three beers or four.
02:05I'm not just fine with what Ollie did.
02:06I'm telling you what decision I made.
02:09Well, I thought I've probably done that a thousand times in my life.
02:12And it's just fine.
02:14So I got lucky.
02:15People get lucky.
02:17Ollie made a decision that he wished he could have done better.
02:22But when I talked to Ollie, I told him, I said, you're lucky.
02:25You got out light.
02:28Well, I don't know about any of that.
02:29But listen, I'm not going to argue with him.
02:34There's hundreds of millions of people that have done it.
02:39People get in their car.
02:40They go to dinner.
02:41They have two or three drinks at dinner, and they drive home.
02:45They either get popped, or they don't.
02:47They either wreck and kill somebody, or they don't.
02:50Tell me people that you don't know somebody that's done that, and you'd be lying.
02:58Everyone I know has done it.
03:00There's no one alive I've ever met that hasn't done it.
03:03Nowadays, you obviously, I get it, you smoke weed.
03:09And do you know how many people smoke weed now?
03:11More people smoke weed than drink.
03:13And I'll tell you what, now that's a DUI, too.
03:16If they catch you driving high, you get a DUI like you were drunk.
03:20And I'm always telling kids and stuff, mind, don't smoke weed and drive a car,
03:28because they're looking for you to be baked.
03:29And if you're baked, you got bloodshot eyes, you're getting popped.
03:34They're going to blood test you right then and there, and that's going to be it.
03:37You're going to get popped.
03:38And all it is is $10,000, $20,000 out of your pocket.
03:41It's going to cost you an arm and a leg.
03:43And you get that dent on your permanent record.
03:47You get that dent on your resume.
03:48It's never good.
03:49When they start looking at you for jobs and, oh, what is this?
03:53Oh, what are we out here drinking beers?
03:55And I mean, come on.
03:56Like, I know how many people?
03:58I know 5 million people that have got DUIs.
04:00I got two friends that are DUI lawyers.
04:03They're both filthy rich.
04:05You know why?
04:06Because everybody's drinking and driving.
04:07They've never stopped drinking and driving in this country.
04:10No matter what the police try to do, the government, people, look at this guy in New
04:15York on July 4th.
04:17He plowed into that park and killed three people and injured nine others.
04:22He was hammered.
04:23I'm not even done with that yet.
04:24I got a story today of a guy that, you know, the nail salon guy, he topped them all, my
04:28man, with his beer account.
04:30All right.