EastE 10th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
EastE 10th July 2024
00:27Don't understand
00:37Don't know
00:40You got what you wanted
00:42now, please
00:44Give me some privacy so that I can explain to my son. You ain't wriggling out of this Phil
00:51Whatever's going on here
00:53Maybe it'd be better if he's just us
00:55You know, we're home if you need me, yeah
01:09My mom's dead and it was down to you
01:12So what are you saying? You killed her? I
01:17Got caught with someone else another woman
01:22Next thing I know she's gone gone. Don't wear
01:26I didn't know I called her sister, but she didn't know I went to the factory. They didn't know either
01:31I thought perhaps she's got to see one of her friends get her head straight
01:35You know work out what to do. You tell me that she had a win on the bingo. Yeah
01:40Yeah, you said she went away to celebrate and if she didn't come back and you didn't know why I didn't know what to
01:47How could I tell you that what what did you do to her?
01:54Police called a couple of days later
01:59She'd booked herself a bed and breakfast in the Roman Road
02:03The landlord knew something was wrong. It caught them and they broke the door down
02:10That's where they found her on
02:13the bed
02:14Next to an empty pill bowl
02:17What I did
02:19She couldn't take so yeah
02:22Yeah, I
02:24killed her
02:38Go off to him
02:48Don't cuz I'm here so I'm here, so no
03:13Did she live enough no
03:18So we went what to a funeral
03:23Please tell me you had one
03:25just me
03:27Her sister your brain said I will need as well
03:35Where was me and Charlie in school
03:41What you just you just packed us off to school
03:45You didn't say anything
03:48So what then what happened to me
03:51We come back you dish up our tea and then carry on like they're normal
03:57Well, you were just kids how could I explain
04:01It was bad enough that you thought she'd gone
04:04if I told you what
04:07It was a different time back then
04:10Such things weren't ever talked about
04:14It was a big taboo
04:17especially for a woman with kids I
04:20Ain't a kid now that I'm up
04:23You could have told me all of this you first turned up what would have been the point same way that you could have told
04:30Me all about Teddy
04:34Was yeah
04:37Teddy's mum
04:39We see the woman
04:41We'll see the woman that you was with what does it matter now? What's it her?
04:48She she couldn't have been a one-night stand like you said because you didn't have Teddy two years later you
04:56You must have known all this when we were doing that job for Phil's dad, that's why I did it
05:01I didn't want to do it, but we had a baby on the way
05:05So I had to get some cash together like a focus on the job in hand does he know
05:13Does Teddy know that his mum broke your marriage
05:20Billy it's not told you I call you not you call me
05:27Supposed to be carpet yeah, I am calm so someone's like fussing about you are you yeah, yeah, they're fine
05:35It's about with him
05:37Yeah, let's just concentrate on you. Yeah the clinic this evening
05:48What you doing, did you know well did I know what did you know that your mum was a woman that he was with
05:55Because he told me that that was just a one-off, but he couldn't have been could it
06:00Because he was still with her ten years later when you came along
06:04You never told me about any of this and mum neither. Oh come on. You must have known that it wasn't a one-off
06:10I knew they were together before they had me
06:12Yeah, huh?
06:14So you lied to me as well
06:17You never reconnected 20 years ago. You've been with him since since birth you you grew up with him
06:24And I'm sorry about that when he came out with that he caught me off guard bill, but I'm not lying about this
06:31And I didn't know
06:34She'd taken her own life
06:36That's right. We kept it all from him
06:41So my mom dies and
06:43You move in with his mom. Yeah, no that came later
06:47How much later that same time that you put me in again? No, so what was all that about?
06:53Just get me out of the way. What is the point of raking all this up now point is I?
06:59Want to know why you didn't want me you've seen the pictures
07:03You and your mother you're spitting image of each other. I
07:07Come down in the morning after it happened
07:10You'd be sitting at the kitchen table and I'd look at you and I'd see her it was like she came back
07:16That's just pathetic. I was in a fog
07:18I couldn't find any way out no matter which way I turn all I could see was your mother's face
07:24And all I could think of was a body in that stinking B&B
07:33It was my sister who phoned the social
07:38She could see that I wasn't coping
07:41Charlie was older. He was out and about
07:45Aunt Rene took him in sorted him out
07:50They said they were gonna find you a family a
07:54Decent family a new home
07:58And when I did get my head back together, I thought yeah
08:02I'll go back to the social
08:05But by that time you'd gone into the system, and I thought there's no way we'll ever get back together
08:18I can't do this I
08:21I can't do this with a review
08:34All right, so I spoke to the school and I told me you weren't well today
08:38But I said she was feeling better now. So you'll be in tomorrow. So you can start catching up
08:45It's a matter if you say something
08:50Told you know, the police took him all didn't they? Yeah. Well, you also told me you was having extra lessons with mr. McConnachie
08:56So convincing and all just tripped off your tongue. So what else are you lying about?
09:07Hey, I don't know what to do. It's like I don't know him that more
09:19So, what are you doing?
09:21What for Bobby's birthday?
09:23I've just seen Vic and it's decked out for Stevie's party. So I was thinking some sort of surprise what was like me doesn't like surprises
09:37Yeah, are you not doing anything for Bobby's birthday?
09:41Are you not it's only two weeks off and it's a big one. It's 21st. Oh, yeah, of course we are just some fixed up
09:47Oh, yes, I have you got any ideas? Yeah, but don't tell you dad. He just shot me down when I tried talking to him about
09:55How long have you not
09:58When did you find out cut them out Scott how
10:02Good Richie told her to do some digging
10:04What would you call her for? I mean if you thought something was wrong, why don't you come straight to me? Hold up?
10:09Why am I getting all the verbals? Hey, I'm not the one who's been lying to you for all these years. Am I?
10:15Sorry, I don't know what I'm doing. I
10:18Don't even know why I'm here. I told you I told you he's scum
10:21You know and this this proves it you lost your mum because he couldn't keep in his pants because of some tart
10:26There wasn't some talk. I was it
10:29There's Teddy's mom
10:31He shacked up with her when he stuck me in care
10:34They brought Teddy up together
10:37She didn't messed up with some other woman
10:40So is it now you finally gonna listen to me cuz if you don't what she done in the first place
10:46He'd be long gone by now
10:48Ain't gonna bring my mom back does it? Well, nothing was ever gonna do that Billy and that's that's down to him at all
10:53But you've been cozying up to him for days now, you know sniffing around him
10:56That's I'm run to the litter desperate to be liked but a truth is Billy
11:00You don't need him and you you've never needed him
11:05So wake up, yeah open your eyes and don't see what you want to say see what's really there
11:12Well, it ain't just this and you've kept from him all these years is it
11:17It's me too
11:18Harry and Barney
11:21All made to feel like your dirty secret that you want to catch him the way I
11:26Turn mummy to some big lies. Well, mum
11:31No, she was just some girl you picked up one night
11:36Can't help yourself Kenya
11:39You've lied your entire life and now you just can't stop and it ain't just you and Billy you flushed down the cars in either
11:51So what happens now
11:54Well, that's me and Billy now
11:58So I think it's best you go
12:08Well, I know you said dinner with my clunkies, but I didn't realize you're coming my banded shut up and sit down I
12:18Just I don't know how many more times I have to say I'm not on those steroids
12:23All right, I'm off for them and that ain't good either
12:27Told you I've been breeding up on it. You need to sit properly. Give it a rest. Oh, yeah
12:32I've had all this from Nugget as well saying I have to keep doing them
12:36Well, I'll go down a storm with dad. Won't it leave your father to me? I
12:41Can't do right by doing wrong
12:43What if what Amy and Nugget say is right?
12:46I'm explain it to him. So first he tells what to do. I know you are no
12:52Look I
12:54Understand I messed up with dad and Nugget
13:02Just everyone
13:04But I do not need you going behind my back and whispering about me you understand
14:10It's me I hope everything's good. Hey
14:18Hope your auntie Caroline's feeling about
14:25My mom
14:30I've just found out my mom's dead
14:37He's dead
14:55What do you buy
14:57Been trying you for a lot
15:00My phone was on silent. I mean, what is it Delia called me the police have been trying you to
15:07They found her original report. It was filed in Essex. That's why the Met hadn't picked up till now
15:14Well, the two reports both making the same allegation the CPS are going for it
15:20Pastor Clayton has been charged with two counts of sexual
15:39Yeah, mate no escape room down the high street sick
15:42It's very cool. Imagine being locked in there all in the dark
15:47So you pay to get in there just to try and get out. Yeah
15:52Giz you love this stuff. It's using your brain is solving puzzles with clues and
15:57You know, it's for my birthday, isn't it?
16:00You trying to like suss out what I want to do and then you're gonna spring it on me. No, I
16:06Mean, no, it's not exactly that
16:08You need to do something. Oh, yeah. Come on, mate. This is your 21st birthday. This ain't just any birthday. It's a big um
16:16You know a big
16:18Milestone. Yeah, big one big milestone
16:21Okay, I could I could go to the Vic for a little drink. How about that? Just keep Tyson away from me
16:28You can go for a drink in the Vic anytime
16:30Hold on you don't even drink and it's not just us that want to do something Peter does to talk to him earlier
16:39Should I'm your girlfriend Freddy's your mate your girlfriend and your mate and your family want to celebrate exactly
16:47Not all of them
16:53Right, listen, um, I'll sort him out. It'll be fun. What did he mean by that?
16:59No, no, man, I can't believe it I bet you that's what that monster is saying right now staring at the walls in his cell
17:06They will need to be a plea hearing first
17:09He'll probably plead not guilty
17:12But he has been suspended from the church until further notice. That's got her
17:17But he thought that dog collar protect him forever. Clayton doesn't wear a clerical collar still
17:23Man, thanks. He's God's gift, honey
17:25That fence
17:28And it's all thanks to you
17:31Not just me remember Delia
17:41What you next is it? Yeah
17:44What you tried Amy now, it's his turn
17:48That is not why Levi is here
17:51Who's next what pastor Clayton or something?
17:57What we were talking about has got nothing to do with you, which is why you will stop talking a minute I walked in
18:03How many times stop lying to me stop going behind my back all of you
18:17Wasn't exactly many happy returns was it?
18:21You know me mo. I never met a bridge that I couldn't burn
18:28Let the dust settle
18:30Let me try and get their age around all this
18:33And remember never give up on them
18:44God didn't ask for this Billy didn't even know about most
18:52It's gonna be a problem then we can just go back to how things were a couple of weeks ago
18:59Is that all it was me down in Dartford and you up here
19:07But then he ain't just robbed you of your mum he's robbed us both of a brother too
19:43I'm sorry for it and you love like that. I
19:46I just... I just wanted to take it out on the old boy instead.
19:50But you couldn't. I get that.
19:53And what you said, I get that too.
19:58No, I don't blame you for looking at me and thinking.
20:02You know, it ain't fair.
20:04And what we had is the life you should have had, if anything.
20:08It makes me admire you even more.
20:11You started with nothing. Bill.
20:13Less than nothing.
20:16Not even a mum or a dad.
20:19And now look at you. What?
20:21Out on the stall all day in the cold and rain,
20:24scratching around for pennies.
20:25Oh, mate, you've got honey, the kids,
20:29grandkids, great-grandkids, a life,
20:32a proper life with a proper family.
20:36There's nothing proper about me, Teddy.
20:38Never has been. Ask anyone, hasn't there?
20:40Because you're not flash like I am.
20:42And you don't give it the large like I do.
20:44Mate, I'd swap all that in a second for what you've got.
20:50No, you wouldn't.
20:52Phil got it right.
20:55I'm a loser.
20:57I always have been.
20:59Always looking for approval.
21:03It's about time I started seeing things for how they really are.
21:07Not how I want them to see.
21:09And that's the Phil Mitchell,
21:11who lives in the big old house up there.
21:13No wife, no kids, no grandkids.
21:15Or at least none that want to be within 1,000 miles of him
21:18from what I can see.
21:20Yeah, that's a great role model that is, Bill.
21:24But don't let him or anyone tell you what you should do.
21:29You've done all this, all of it,
21:31with half the help most people get.
21:33So start seeing yourself the way the rest of us see you.
21:37Cos in my book, my big brother, well, he's a hero.
21:47Come here.
21:56How are you feeling? Fine.
21:58Just need some fresh air. Of course.
22:01Oh. Who's that?
22:03That's just one of those new clients I told you about.
22:06Well, that's good.
22:07You know what, I'd better take it.
22:08It's trying to boil the irons hot.
22:09See you outside.
22:13Is Colwell?
22:16Yes, no, I know Debbie's fees were overdue.
22:21Three months, really, is as much as that.
22:24No, no, no, no, he's fine.
22:26It's in hand.
22:27You'll have everything in the next day or so.
22:31No problem.
22:46What's going on, boy?
22:48What's happened?
22:50You and Grandad?
22:52I saw Phil talking to him. Is it something to do with him?
22:57A few things have come out.
22:59Things? What things?
23:01Stuff I didn't know about.
23:03So Phil's told you, then?
23:05Look, I didn't ask him to get Lola's money back off Kyle.
23:11Or to frame Grandad.
23:20Oh, hi.
23:22What are you doing here?
23:26You were right in what you said.
23:28So you guys were talking about me?
23:36And going behind your back.
23:39We weren't talking about you, Denzel.
23:45But we have been hiding something from you.
23:49Something to do with me.
23:59Sit down.
24:05I knew it.
24:08You were sick, aren't you?
24:11It's Clayton.
24:14Pastor Clayton.
24:17Even though I feel ashamed.
24:25He assaulted me, Denzel.
24:30He sexually assaulted me.
24:35I tried to keep it from almost everyone.
24:39Including Patrick.
24:44I didn't, er...
24:46..want to face it.
24:47I didn't want to admit that it had even happened.
24:55I needed help.
24:58And I didn't get it.
25:00For weeks...
25:03..I just locked myself away.
25:07And tried to just...
25:10..get on with life.
25:13OK, let's go.
25:16I called you, you won't.
25:20He's going to be punished.
25:25But I faced up to myself.
25:30I spoke out.
25:32I reached out.
25:35I didn't try to do it all by myself.
25:39And you can't.
25:42Not with this.
25:45You need to talk to someone who can help you with distance.
25:51Don't make the same mistake I made.
25:56So you knew?
25:58He knew Will was being blackmailed, but...
26:01..you didn't tell me?
26:03So I promised him that I wouldn't say anything.
26:06You know what it is, the kid was embarrassed and...
26:09Well, I thought I could sort it, I could have a word with the other kid and...
26:12..deal with it and no-one would be any the wiser.
26:15So you was looking out for him?
26:20And what about my dad?
26:25..you making my boy a liar like that...
26:28..pretending it was your grandad that took the money when it wasn't...
26:35..I knew that it wasn't Will when he was telling me.
26:39He can do stupid things like any other kid and he can panic like any other kid,
26:43but he hasn't got that in him to do something like that.
26:48I should have seen.
26:50I should have seen that someone put him up to it.
26:52Yeah, well, I was just trying to get your son out of the mess that he got himself into.
26:56And drop his grandad even deeper into it, yeah?
27:00This wasn't about Will.
27:02This was about you doing what you've wanted to do...
27:05..ever since my old man rocked up on his square, which is send him packing.
27:12..you've got a kid.
27:14A 16-year-old kid to do that for you.
27:18Peggy would be turning in her grave at you trying to tear up the family like this.
27:22Well, if you'd have listened to me in the first place...
27:23Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Yeah, yeah, listen to you.
27:26Yeah, we all have to listen to you, don't we?
27:29Why do we have to listen to a loser like you?
27:33Oh, and what you said.
27:35That was... That was... That was true, though. Yeah.
27:37Yeah, I... I did. I looked at my old man...
27:41..how I wanted to see him, you know?
27:43Instead of the broken-down old liar that he really is.
27:48And it's funny, because...
27:50..all this time...
27:52..that's exactly how I've looked at you.
27:57You want to watch your mouth.
27:59You see, I've finally taken your advice, Phil.
28:02I'm finally seeing people for what they really are.
28:08Cos I ain't the runt of the litter any more.
28:12You are.
28:13You are.
28:43You are.
28:44You are.