Nick Langworthy Bemoans Dishwasher Standards That 'Serve The Radical Woke Environmental Agenda'

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Chairman Yates, General of New York is recognized. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Speaker, I rise today
00:05in support of my bill, the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act, which will put the
00:10brakes on the Biden administration's relentless assault on efficient, affordable, and reliable
00:16appliances for everyday Americans through overbearing regulations. When Congress enacted
00:21the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, the goal was straightforward, encourage a more
00:28efficient use of energy that is both practical and cost-efficient. But the Biden administration
00:34has abused and twisted this law beyond recognition to serve the radical, woke environmental agenda
00:41of the far left. They're not just out of touch. They're making life more expensive for hard-working
00:49Americans. In fact, the Biden administration's own analysis of the proposed rule for the new
00:54efficiency standards admits that it would take more than 12 years for an American family to see
01:00$17 in savings. $17. Over 12 years. And that's if their dishwasher lasts that long, which is really
01:09doubtful. This is a textbook example of big government overreach. Now, here's the bottom line.
01:15Our country is in the midst of a historic affordability crisis. Millions of Americans
01:21cannot afford to buy their first home or even save for a rainy day. And what does this Biden
01:26administration do? They pile on more regulations, more requirements, and higher standards onto the
01:32most basic household appliances. To my friends across the aisle who disparage this legislation
01:38here today is trivial and unimportant. I encourage them to go explain to the average American family
01:44right now, already crushed by this Biden economy, that their daily struggles with skyrocketing
01:51costs don't matter. Go explain to seniors in my district, living on fixed incomes, why they should
01:57shell out thousands more to replace their basic home appliances to satisfy some radical environmentalist
02:03pipe dream. Go tell them that you think they should take a back seat to the Green New Deal agenda.
02:10Go tell them that you think the Biden administration knows better than what's best for them.
02:15Why should Americans who are putting their groceries on credit cards be forced to deal with
02:19more out-of-touch, expensive regulations? The hard-working families, seniors, and constituents
02:25in my district might not matter to the Biden administration, but they matter to me. And that's
02:30why I introduced this legislation. By stripping away consumer choice and imposing draconian new
02:36regulations and standards that make absolutely no sense from an affordability and efficiency
02:42standpoint, this administration is making life harder for the American people, pure and simple.
02:49Mr. Speaker, enough is enough. We cannot tackle this affordability crisis facing our country today
02:55if we don't stop the Biden administration's regulatory agenda dead in its tracks. I urge
03:01my colleagues to support my bill, H.R. 7700, and I yield back.
