• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il paziente affetto da parodontite, in genere, presenta fattori di rischio, uno dei quali è certamente un’igiene orale insufficiente che ha determinato una condizione che precede quella della parodontite, che è la gengivite, cioè l'infiammazione delle gengive. L'abitudine al fumo certamente determina un'accelerazione nella distruzione dei tessuti parodontali: tanto più il paziente è fumatore, tanto più rischia tale condizione con progressione più rapida. Altro fattore di rischio fondamentale è il diabete, in particolare, il diabete non controllato”. Lo ha detto Leonardo Trombelli presidente eletto Sidp, Società italiana di parodontologia e implantologia, all’Adnkronos Salute, nella Giornata nazionale della parodontite.


00:00What is the risk factor of a parodontitis?
00:04The risk factor of a parodontitis is a patient in their fifth decade of life
00:11who generally presents risk factors, the first of which is certainly insufficient oral hygiene
00:19because it has determined a condition that precedes parodontitis, which is gingivitis
00:26that is, the inflammation of the gingiva, from which the corteo of pathological physio
00:36is developed, which determines the destruction of the support tissue of the tooth.
00:40Certainly on a fundamental importance there is, for example, the habit of smoking.
00:47The habit of smoking is certainly something that determines an acceleration in the destruction of parodontal tissues
00:57and is dose-dependent. The more the smoking patient, the more the risk of contracting parodontitis
01:03and when it is contracted, parodontitis is a faster progression.
01:07Another fundamental risk factor is diabetes.
01:11It is no coincidence that parodontitis is one of the complications of the diabetic condition
01:17and in particular of uncontrolled diabetes.
01:20So the warning we give is that the moment we find ourselves in front of a severe condition of parodontitis
01:27it is always necessary to evaluate the glycemic metabolism, the glycemia, the glycosylated hemoglobin
01:35in such a way as to ensure that there is no coexistence of undiagnosed diabetes.
01:41Parodontitis is an inflammatory infectious condition that is determined by a dysbiosis
01:49that is, by an alteration of what was oral microflora, which determines an inflammatory condition
01:55at the level of the tissues that support the tooth.
01:58The two conditions, that is, the presence of bacteria that can go continuously in a circle
02:03filtering from what is the gingival margin and being immersed continuously in the circulatory torrent
02:09even simply during the chewing phase, on one side
02:13and the persistent inflammatory condition on the other, which these bacteria determine
02:19are able to trigger reactions even in organs and narrow body
02:25that have nothing to do with the oral cavity, determining complications.
02:30This, for example, can be that of the insurgence of atherosclerotic lesions and plaques
02:35that then predispose the patient to a cardiovascular pathology
02:41as well as it could, in a pregnant woman, be a condition of
02:47or trigger a pregnancy complication such as the birth of premature newborns and low weight.
