(ENG) Her Fantastic Adventures (2024) Ep 2 EngSub

  • 2 months ago
(ENG) Her Fantastic Adventures (2024) Ep 2 EngSub
01:00从胸里夹着温柔 再靠近爱永恒的心窝中 From the warmth of my hands, I'll hold on to the love that's deep in my heart
01:06雨后蔚蓝的天空 凋失了 When the sky turns blue, it's gone
01:13迷人的梦却不一样 醒了 When the dream is gone, it's back
01:19当明光照亮 黑暗的明天 When the light shines on the darkness of tomorrow
01:23江海的太阳不辗转 晒开就成炊 When the sun is gone, the sun will rise again
01:30冥想远处却找不到 去到的终点 The end of the journey will be found
01:54刚刚去专柜试了个色号,好看吗? I just went to the store and tested the color. Does it look good?
01:56七春江,能不能正常一点?赶紧给我擦点! Qichunjiang, can you act normal? Wipe it off for me!
02:03不好看! It doesn't look good!
02:04不是不好看,是不适合!给! It's not that it doesn't look good, it's that it doesn't suit you! Here!
02:08陆子诚,我和你不过是发小,也没那么熟,麻烦你少管闲事! Lu Zizheng, you and I are just childhood friends, we're not that close, please don't meddle in other people's business!
02:14说吧,找我来干什么? Tell me, what do you want me to do?
02:16我想给你借点钱啊! I want to borrow some money from you!
02:19七春江,你知道男女之间在什么情况下会存在纯洁的友谊吗? Qichunjiang, do you know what the pure friendship is like between a man and a woman?
02:25穿开裆裤一起长大的呗,像咱俩一样! We grew up together in a pair of open pants, like the two of us!
02:28No,是在其中一方足够爷们儿的情况下! No, it's when one of us is manly enough!
02:32你超时了,两千五只够堵车三分钟! You, you're late! Two thousand five is only enough for three minutes!
02:42你不要总想着为我改变你自己,也不要这样看着我,更不要喜欢我,我是绝对不会动摇的。 You don't have to think about changing yourself for me, and don't look at me like that, and don't like me. I will never waver.
02:49停,你算是说对了,我是有喜欢的人了,不过不是你。 Stop, you're right, I do have someone I like, but it's not you.
02:55你们不是禁止谈恋爱吗? You're not allowed to date, are you?
02:57目前只是案例,大不了退役呗,反正早晚的事。 At the moment, it's just a case. If your team knows about it, what are you going to do? I'll just retire, sooner or later anyway.
03:04行行行,不说了,你能该祸害谁祸害谁,到时候成功了记得告诉我,我请你撸串喝啤酒,走了啊。 Okay, okay, let's not talk about it. If you succeed, remember to tell me, I'll treat you to a beer. I'm leaving.
03:13哎,陆子昌,别忘了给我转钱啊! Hey, Lu, don't forget to transfer the money to me!
03:16天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花? Where there is a will, there is a way. Why do we have to love only one flower?
03:30文明大哥,你给我闪开你! Brother Wen Ming, get out of the way!
03:33你听我说! Listen to me!
03:35兄弟们,把马车给我背了! Brothers, give me the horse carriage!
03:38是你啊,你也来了? It's you, you're here too?
03:41我们家小姐是长沁章位副会长的大小姐。 Our miss is the vice president of the Changqing Zhangwei.
03:43小姐,你们不能硬闯! Miss, you can't break in!
03:48刚才我怎么听说有人说杀人之女吧啦吧啦的?是你说的吗? Why did I hear someone talking about a murderer's daughter just now? Is that what you said?
03:52小姐,你既然出来了,还请你配合下车检查。 Miss, since you're out, please cooperate with the inspection.
03:58等等,法律面前人人平等,杀人得罪你了吗?这么瞧不起杀人。 Wait a minute, everyone is equal before the law. Did the murderer offend you? You look down on the murderer.
04:04士能攻杀,生是莫留。小姐,你说呢? You can only attack and kill, you can't survive. Miss, what do you think?
04:08这位好汉,那我想问问你身上的铠甲从何而来啊? Sir, where did you get the armor?
04:13自然是府衙分发的啊。 It was distributed by the government.
04:15那府衙又从何而来? Then where did the government come from?
04:17就关你什么事啊? It's none of your business.
04:20你身上的刀,枪,剑,铠甲都是杀人精心设计打版制作而成的,没了杀人你怎么抵御敌人,没了杀人你怎么穿衣吃饭,没了杀人你又怎么在这儿跟我耀武扬威,你既然这么瞧不起杀人,那你怎么不把这身衣服脱了呀? If you don't have a murderer, how can you resist the enemy? If you don't have a murderer, how can you wear clothes to eat? If you don't have a murderer, how can you show off to me here? If you don't have a murderer, how can you show off to me here?
04:33你既然这么瞧不起商人,那你怎么不把这身衣服脱了呀? If you don't have a murderer, how can you resist the enemy?
04:36我想说的是,经济基础决定上层建筑,市,农,工,商,没有顺序,没有阶级,人人平等。 I want to say that the economic foundation determines the top building, the city, the farm, the business, there is no order, no class, everyone is equal.
04:43商人低贱,你是千百年来的规矩,商人低贱。商人低贱,你知道凌晨三点收摊的辛苦吗?商人低贱,你知道凌晨三点收摊的辛苦吗? You are a business man, do you know you work till 3 o'clock every morning?
04:59你知道烤烧烤烤到尖州盐的疼痛吗? Do you know the pain of scorching salt?
05:01你知道这些商户们一个月不赔就是赚的心情吗? Do you know the feeling of these merchants not paying back a month is earning?
05:07哎,算了算了。跟你说这些你也听不懂。 Alright, you won't understand what I'm telling you.
05:09I don't understand. I just want to say that the people you have stopped are not only their personal livelihoods, but also the needs of tens of thousands of people in Changqing.
05:17Can you afford this responsibility?
05:22Who is this lady?
05:24She is the daughter of the head of the Gu family in Qingfenglou.
05:26She was the one who stole the incense at Shangqing Temple just now, right?
05:30Let her in and keep an eye on her.
05:40Miss, we have arrived home.
05:43You can all leave.
05:45My feet are numb and my walking posture is a bit ugly. I don't want to be seen by others.
05:49You can stay here with Miss.
05:51No need. You have been tired for a whole day.
05:53I'm a little hungry.
05:55You go to the kitchen first to help me prepare some food and boil some water.
05:58Yes, Miss.
05:59Then I'll go first.
06:09It's my first time to be carried back by a woman.
06:21It's better to be carried back by a woman than to climb in by yourself.
06:24Let me see.
06:31You were shot in the back.
06:33Did you die as soon as you came in?
06:36If I stay here, you can't get better either.
06:40Hurry up and see if it's serious.
06:42I won't die.
06:43Don't lie. You're bleeding so much.
06:45I'll go see a doctor.
06:49Are you stupid?
06:50If you call a doctor, it's like saving me for nothing.
06:53I'm out of breath.
06:54This is a wine cellar.
06:55I'll give you some wine to disinfect.
06:57Bear with it.
06:59You seem to really care about me.
07:02You're bleeding so much.
07:04How can I not be anxious?
07:06Does it hurt?
07:08You're so calm.
07:09Stop pretending.
07:10Take it off.
07:14Turn around.
07:32Come and help me.
08:01Why do you have so many wounds?
08:03Why haven't I seen you before?
08:06Did you know me before?
08:08Are you stupid?
08:11Are you stupid or am I stupid?
08:13Of course you're stupid.
08:16What should I do with the sword now?
08:18Hurry up and pull out the sword for me.
08:21No, no, no.
08:22I can't do it.
08:24The sword has a broken heart.
08:26If you don't pull it out as soon as possible, the meridians will be closed.
08:28The sooner you pull it out, the sooner I die.
08:30Whether I can live or not depends on you.
08:32You can't die.
08:42Hurry up.
09:02You can't die in my hands.
09:15If you die in my hands, I won't live either.
09:18Is there such a deep relationship between you and me?
09:22It's time.
09:23What are you talking about?
09:24If I don't clean up, you'll feel bad all over.
09:32You have so much blood.
09:34I have to make up for it.
09:37What do you want to eat?
09:39Beef noodles?
09:40No chopped green onion?
09:41I'll get it for you.
09:54It's short.
09:55Miss, when will you know how to make noodles?
09:57Is it difficult to make noodles?
10:00Except for Chef Ada, no one in the Gu family knows how to do it.
10:03Deng Xi, get me some blood.
10:05What blood?
10:06Any blood will do.
10:07Miss, what do you want to do with blood?
10:10I've been looking at the recipe recently.
10:13I want to make a blood tofu.
10:15Blood tofu?
10:17I want to make a blood tofu.
10:19Blood tofu?
10:21Blood tofu?
10:23I want to make a blood tofu.
10:27Deng Xi, eat here first.
10:29Go back to your room after you finish eating.
10:31I won't call you. Don't come out.
10:33Okay, Miss.
10:47Why are you so far away from me?
10:49I don't know if Miss is suitable.
10:53I just saw you passing by and called you.
10:55Miss, it's okay.
10:56I'll go first.
11:00Come here.
11:05Do you have a problem with me?
11:07I dare not.
11:09What are you wearing on your neck and hands?
11:16This is...
11:17Do you dare to put down the sword in your hand?
11:20I can't do this.
11:21This is my ancestral treasure.
11:23I heard that as soon as I came back to life,
11:25you were going to find a Taoist priest to kill me.
11:28If I were a monster,
11:30I would be the first to eat you.
11:31Miss, please spare me.
11:33Don't kneel.
11:34Give me the key to the wine cellar.
11:36What's wrong with the wine cellar?
11:38It's okay.
11:39Keep it for me for the time being.
11:40If you want to take the wine, just ask me for it.
11:46And give this bowl of noodles to Master.
11:48I made it for him myself.
11:50Yes, Miss.
11:52Just one bowl.
11:54Just one bowl.
12:11Lu Zizheng.
12:13How's your injury?
12:15When the pharmacy opens tomorrow,
12:16I'll get you some medicine.
12:17General Gu,
12:18the noodles you made are really delicious.
12:20Are you crazy?
12:22It's not the first time you've eaten.
12:23Is it okay?
12:28This bowl of noodles is enough.
12:31Lu Zizheng,
12:32tell me.
12:33How did you get through?
12:35Lu Zizheng?
12:37What do you mean by getting through?
12:42Don't hit me.
12:43I haven't recovered yet.
12:44I haven't recovered yet.
12:46Oh, right.
12:48When we were swimming,
12:49why didn't I see your injury?
12:51How did you get it?
12:53Miss Gu,
12:54what is swimming?
12:57What did you call me?
12:58Miss Gu.
13:02What else do you know?
13:04Miss Gu,
13:05I also know that
13:06you are the daughter of the vice president of the Changqing Chamber of Commerce.
13:09Lu Zizheng,
13:10are you sure you're not pretending to be angry with me?
13:12I'm sure.
13:15Then swear.
13:17Miss Gu,
13:18are you going to swear for such a small matter?
13:20Isn't that too much?
13:21It's not too much.
13:22I must swear.
13:28I swear.
13:30I'm not Lu Zizheng.
13:32I'm not a person who got through.
13:33I'm not pretending to be angry.
13:37What is pretending to be angry?
13:40Is this the beginning?
13:45It is said that
13:46the Star of Rebellion can connect the stars of the two worlds.
13:50People on the other side will appear in the reality.
13:53The scattered four spirits will be found.
13:57How can I find the four spirits?
13:59Love, hate, love, hatred,
14:01break up, leave.
14:03The identity of the Star of Rebellion cannot be leaked out.
14:06Otherwise, it will bring about the disaster of killing.
14:09It will also break
14:11the door of time and space.
14:15Damn you, Tianxiu.
14:21What did you do this morning?
14:22Miss, the blood tofu you asked for.
14:24Did you make it?
14:25I asked Chef Ada to help me.
14:27Oh my god, this is so disgusting.
14:29You hurry up and go to the kitchen.
14:36What is this?
14:37I don't know.
14:38What do you eat?
14:40You shed so much blood.
14:41You should replenish it.
14:49Are you in a better mood?
14:51What do you mean?
14:52When you left me yesterday,
14:53I saw you gloomy.
14:54I'm a little worried.
14:55Are you worried about me?
14:56No, I'm worried about me.
14:58I'm afraid of being killed by you.
14:59I can't beat you.
15:01If you can't beat me, you can poison me.
15:03There are so many ways.
15:05You really look like Lu Zizheng.
15:07Then you can call me Lu Zizheng in the future.
15:10So when you talk to me,
15:12I'll feel better.
15:13You have a conscience.
15:14I brought you a change of clothes and a painkiller.
15:17I'll give you medicine after you eat.
15:18No, I'm fine.
15:20I don't believe it.
15:21You don't believe it?
15:29It's really good.
15:32What's the situation?
15:35How did your injury heal?
15:38I'm a person who has learned martial arts.
15:44So calm.
15:52You said calm.
15:55I learned from you what you said yesterday.
15:57I'll learn to talk to you in the future.
15:59So you can take me as the real Lu Zizheng.
16:05In this world, anything can happen.
16:09What do you mean?
16:12Let me ask you.
16:13Why were you arrested by the government?
16:18I stole a treasure from Mantuo Sect.
16:22Mantuo Sect?
16:23You shouldn't know too much about the world.
16:28So when are you going to leave?
16:29Go where?
16:30Leave Changqing.
16:31Changqing is too dangerous.
16:33I'll leave after I pass the seal.
16:36Since you are from the martial arts world,
16:38let me ask you something.
16:40Say it.
16:43Do you know Si Ling?
16:46Why are you asking about this?
16:49Just asking.
16:52Then why are you asking me?
16:54I only have one friend.
16:56I can only ask you.
16:58You treat me as a friend?
16:59Of course.
17:04I'll help you find out.
17:06I'll tell you when I find out.
17:11Miss, the clothes you made are very beautiful.
17:14Miss, you are here.
17:15Miss, I want to get changed.
17:20Thank you.
17:34Good morning.
17:35Good morning.
17:47I called everyone here today for one thing.
17:49The government hopes that our Changqing Chamber of Commerce
17:51will help the government catch Mantuo Sect.
17:54President, excuse me.
17:56You are from the world.
17:59You are also famous in the martial arts world.
18:01But you are not familiar with the rules of businessmen.
18:03The Chamber of Commerce only cares about business.
18:06Catching a disciple
18:08should be done by the government itself.
18:11Xing Si, bring it here.
18:22Shopkeeper Yang, take a look.
18:24This is...
18:25Last year, Chunfeng House entered the war.
18:2718,000 people were killed.
18:29Last year, Chunfeng House entered the war.
18:3118,236 taels of silver.
18:33It earned 9,361 taels.
18:36The tax is 673 taels and 4,000 taels.
18:39Is there any problem?
18:41Shopkeeper Yang,
18:43how much was the egg last year?
18:46There is a price increase all year round.
18:48Even if it's five copper coins,
18:50it's not much, right?
18:51Five copper coins?
18:53It's not cheap.
18:55Shopkeeper Yang,
18:56do you accept this price?
18:59Yes, yes.
19:01And you used
19:0210 copper coins for an egg
19:04and 8 copper coins for a cabbage.
19:05This account is worth 9,361 taels of silver.
19:07I'm afraid you need to pay more than 3,000 taels.
19:10Shopkeeper Yang,
19:11take a look at this account
19:14and this tax.
19:17Shopkeeper Yang,
19:18what you said just now
19:19is that the Chamber of Commerce
19:21should help the government catch the disciples.
19:23I agree with this.
19:25If you have money, you give money.
19:26If you have strength, you give strength.
19:27What do you think?
19:29Very good.
19:31Let's talk about the account later.
19:35What's the matter?
19:37The government issued a decree
19:39to ask the Chamber of Commerce
19:40to help catch the Mantuo disciples.
19:41Although some merchants are not willing,
19:43our Qingfenglou
19:45still needs to pay more attention.
19:47Mantuo disciples?
19:49Recently, the original business is not good enough.
19:52I have to cooperate with the government
19:53and compete with Chunfenglou for business.
19:56is the restaurant
19:57that remodels vegetarian dishes
19:58and plays cards with our family.
20:01Which other restaurant can it be?
20:05A vegetarian restaurant
20:07can compete with a wedding restaurant.
20:09This is not reasonable.
20:14Guests are coming.
20:16Ladies, please come in.
20:19Dong Xi,
20:20do you think these people
20:21are here to talk or to eat?
20:23Why do I think they are so cheap?
20:25Ladies, please come in.
20:28I like to sit in the lobby.
20:31The air is good and bright.
20:33It's OK to sit in the lobby.
20:39Bring me your menu.
20:40Let me have a look.
20:41Lady, look over there.
20:46Do you have a telescope?
20:49No telescope.
20:50You hang the menu
20:51so far away.
20:52Who can see it?
20:54why don't you go and have a look?
20:56Bring all the specialties here.
20:58Bring all the specialties here?
21:01OK, lady.
21:02This is good.
21:03Wait a minute.
21:04Wait a minute.
21:19The elbow is not rotten.
21:20The duck is fresh.
21:22The braised pork is greasy.
21:26No wonder you can't beat a vegetarian.
21:28Let's go, Dong Xi.
21:29Let's go home.
21:31Pack it up.
21:32Don't waste it.
21:38Pack it up.
21:49How did you get in?
21:50What if Dong Xi sees you?
21:53I watched him go out.
21:56Why don't you ask me
21:57how I got out?
21:58You broke such a big hole
21:59on your shoulder.
22:00You'll be fine in a day.
22:01How can a small cell
22:02lock you up?
22:05Calm down.
22:07Don't talk nonsense.
22:09Say it.
22:10What's the matter?
22:11Actually, it's nothing.
22:12I haven't seen you for a day.
22:13I want to see what you're doing.
22:15Dong Xi just went out.
22:16So I came in.
22:18Lady is sleeping.
22:19Thank you, Lady.
22:30Dong Xi,
22:31come in.
22:39You were outside just now.
22:42Did you know that?
22:44But don't worry, Lady.
22:45Dong Xi won't
22:46tell anyone.
22:47When did you know?
22:48When I came back from Qing Temple
22:50and made noodles.
22:52When you were in the cell,
22:54did you help me guard like this?
22:56Yes, Lady.
22:58Dong Xi,
22:59you're so nice.
23:00Thank you.
23:02it's up to you.
23:04Thank you.
23:11What's this?
23:12I've got an idea
23:13to help our business
23:14in Qingfeng Restaurant.
23:18Master again.
23:19When can you call me father?
23:21It can wait.
23:23It can wait.
23:27What's the idea?
23:28You'll know when you see it.
23:30I want to hold a food festival
23:31in Qingfeng Restaurant.
23:32This is a good idea.
23:34The Chamber of Commerce
23:35should support it.
23:37Changqing is a food-poisoning place.
23:39But major shops
23:40have never promoted it.
23:41If we can hold a food festival,
23:42it can increase
23:43the fame of the Chamber of Commerce
23:44and promote business communication
23:45between shops
23:46and expand the influence
23:47of the Chamber of Commerce.
23:49Is this your idea?
23:50No, no, no.
23:51This is my idea.
23:54Then she must
23:55make a good dish.
23:56Yes, yes.
23:58Mr. Du,
23:59when are you free
24:00to invite me
24:01to your house
24:02for a family dinner?
24:04Very good.
24:05Thank you.
24:09Mr. Du,
24:11we should focus on
24:12helping the government
24:13to arrest Mantuo.
24:14If we hold a food festival rashly,
24:16I'm afraid it will
24:17displease the Du Mansion.
24:18This idea is actually good.
24:20What President Gu said
24:21makes sense.
24:23But Miss Gu
24:25is not an ordinary woman.
24:27The Chamber of Commerce
24:28robbed a villager
24:29and set off an alarm.
24:30I don't know
24:31if it has anything to do with her.
24:33She broke into the city gate rashly
24:34and held a food festival.
24:36There must be something wrong with it.
24:39Send someone to check it.
24:44This matter can't be disclosed.
24:50Master, you called me.
24:51This matter
24:52must be dealt with by everyone.
24:54The people in the mansion
24:55must not run around.
24:56Lock up
24:57all the people
24:58who are a little arrogant.
24:59Report to the palace.
25:00Just don't allow them
25:01to show their faces
25:02in front of President Duan.
25:03What is this?
25:05Are you stupid?
25:06If not,
25:07how can he see
25:09at a glance
25:10among tens of millions of people?
25:13are you going to set him up?
25:15Mr. Duan is handsome
25:17and has a good family background.
25:18He hasn't been engaged yet.
25:19What if
25:20Qiaoqiao falls in love with Mr. Duan?
25:22Then find a matchmaker.
25:23No, no, no.
25:24No way.
25:26Qiaoqiao will be resurrected.
25:28I can't let her be wronged.
25:30Even if I have to find a matchmaker,
25:32I have to
25:33make her fall in love with him first.
25:36you are
25:38a small opportunity.
25:40Our Qiaoqiao
25:43has a good taste.
25:51what are you doing?
25:52Fry sugar.
25:53Delicious braised pork
25:54must be fried with sugar.
26:14what are you doing?
26:16I know why your braised pork
26:17is not delicious.
26:19I don't know.
26:20I don't know.
26:21That's because
26:22you didn't fry sugar.
26:23Braised pork
26:24must be fried with sugar first.
26:27Like this.
26:29how do you know
26:31so much?
26:32This is my ancestral secret recipe.
26:34I not only want to teach you,
26:36I also want to teach all the cooks
26:37in Qingfeng Restaurant.
26:38They are jealous of their restaurant.
26:40Qingfeng Restaurant is famous for meat.
26:42I don't believe
26:43I can't beat them.
26:46Mr. Duan is here.
26:48We must commemorate his future.
26:49Convince him to hold a gourmet festival
26:50in Qingfeng Restaurant.
26:51This is a great opportunity
26:52for us to promote.
27:02Mr. Gu.
27:03Mr. Duan.
27:04Mr. Duan is here.
27:05It's a great honor.
27:06Please come in.
27:10Please come in.
27:11Mr. Gu.
27:13It's so abundant.
27:14Mr. Duan is here.
27:15You have to come up with a good idea.
27:19It's rare for you to come today.
27:21I will treat you to a good meal.
27:24Thank you.
27:26Try our braised pork.
27:36It tastes good, right?
27:38This braised pork
27:39is really unique.
27:40I named it
27:41delicious braised pork.
27:43Why is it delicious?
27:45It is said that eating this braised pork
27:48will bring you happiness.
27:52It's true.
27:54If it's delicious, you should eat more.
27:56Eat more.
27:58Mr. Gu.
27:59When Ms. Gu proposes a gourmet festival,
28:01do you have a specific plan?
28:03My suggestion is
28:04to set up a stall
28:05in front of Qingfeng Restaurant
28:06at the Yong'an Street
28:07in front of the restaurants.
28:08Qingfeng Restaurant will be the main venue.
28:10Her purpose
28:11is to promote Qingfeng Restaurant.
28:13No, no.
28:14We still need to promote Changqing Restaurant.
28:17This is just an idea.
28:18We still need to discuss it with everyone.
28:22Mr. Gu.
28:23Please stay.
28:24I will come to taste
28:25Ms. Gu's cooking another day.
28:27I will be waiting.
28:30Mr. Gu.
28:32Mr. Gu.
28:33I have a request.
28:35I want to go to your kitchen
28:36and see
28:37how the braised pork is made.
28:38Even if it's for the promotion of the gourmet festival,
28:40I can feel at ease.
28:41Okay, okay.
28:42This way, please.
28:43This way, please.
28:46Go and see
28:47if Mr. Duan mentioned the gourmet festival.
28:58So fast.
29:15Qi Chunjiao.
29:17Don't you have training today?
29:20I have been in Fujian recently.
29:22But the wall is not big.
29:25Then why did you stand at the station just now?
29:30Actually, I...
29:32Actually, I was waiting for you.
29:36I have something to tell you.
29:47Let me say it first.
29:50I'm leaving.
29:54Where are you going?
29:55I'm going abroad to study next month.
30:01Will you come back?
30:03Actually, I have planned everything.
30:05I will go abroad to study when I'm 22.
30:08I will come back when I'm 25.
30:10Then I will move to Luohu
30:12in the first-tier city.
30:15You mean
30:17you won't come back, right?
30:21I think so.
30:29Will your decision
30:31be changed
30:33because of someone?
30:38I don't think so.
30:44I don't think so.
30:54Don't come over.
30:55I look ugly now.
30:56Don't come over.
30:58Okay, I won't come over.
31:02Don't move.
31:06Why are you here?
31:08Didn't you say
31:09you have your own plan?
31:10Are you going abroad to study?
31:12Did I say that?
31:14Yes, you said it yourself.
31:16You said
31:17you won't give up
31:19what you want easily
31:20and won't change for anyone easily.
31:24Then why are you here
31:26instead of going abroad to study?
31:28Miss Gu,
31:29did you get the wrong person?
31:32Me? Get the wrong person?
31:34No way.
31:35Even if you turn into ashes,
31:36I won't recognize you.
31:37Duan Yu.
31:38Do you have a grudge against me?
31:41Even if I have a grudge against anyone,
31:42I won't have a grudge against you.
31:47I didn't wash my hair today.
31:50I turned around.
32:12I'm sorry.
32:14Why are you all floating?
32:18I'm sorry.
32:23What are you doing?
32:28Mr. Duan,
32:30you said you wanted to see the braised pork,
32:31but you didn't let me follow you in.
32:42This is inappropriate.
32:44Mr. Gu, I...
32:46This is not what you think.
32:48Duan Yu,
32:49is this true?
32:51Miss Gu,
32:52I'm Duan Yu from Changqing.
32:55Take a closer look at me.
32:57Do you really not recognize me?
33:00Miss Gu and I
33:01haven't met before.
33:03By the way,
33:04how is your foot now?
33:09Miss, you can't take it off.
33:10What are you doing?
33:12I just want to see
33:13if there's a blister on my foot.
33:14How can you let a stranger
33:15see your feet?
33:18A woman's feet
33:20are not to be seen by her husband.
33:22Why can't I see it?
33:24It's just a foot.
33:26Miss, you can't.
33:29Okay, okay.
33:30I won't take it off.
33:36Mr. Duan,
33:37you and my daughter
33:38are husband and wife.
33:39Except you,
33:41she can't marry anyone else.
33:43Mr. Gu,
33:44my son
33:45didn't see or touch her.
33:47How can he be husband and wife?
33:48Why didn't he see her?
33:50Did he see her foot?
33:52Did he hug her?
33:53Gu Xingwu,
33:55Miss Gu is beautiful and talented.
33:57There are many people who want to marry her.
34:00Although you said that,
34:02Mr. Duan
34:03saw my daughter's foot.
34:05Didn't you force us to propose marriage?
34:07Xing Si,
34:09don't be rude.
34:11Mr. Gu,
34:13I'll leave now.
34:16Mr. Gu,
34:17I'll leave now.
34:21just now,
34:22just now, I was because...
34:25Five out of ten have five,
34:26and they are made of blood.
34:28Three out of ten stand.
34:30Four out of ten don't get.
34:32Five out of ten know the destiny.
34:33Six out of ten obey.
34:34Seven out of ten follow.
34:35Seven out of ten do what they want.
34:40Sir is too sleepy.
34:41He fell asleep.
34:43It has nothing to do with us.
34:59What kind of story is this?
35:02Modern tragedy.
35:04Ancient reunion.
35:06Am I going to
35:07face the highlight of my life?
35:09What highlight of your life?
35:12Miss, what's wrong?
35:16I just saw a bug
35:18and was scared.
35:19Wait at the door for a while.
35:23Why did you bite me?
35:24Are you crazy?
35:25What were you thinking just now?
35:26It's a trick.
35:28It's none of your business.
35:29Go back and teach him a lesson.
35:31I have a favor to ask you.
35:34What is it?
35:35Can you
35:36let me
35:39take a hot shower?
35:41The floor is wet.
35:42I cut my pillow.
35:47I really don't know
35:48what I owe you in this life.
36:05When are you going to leave?
36:06Lu Si Cheng.
36:15Where's the stuff?
36:17It's upstairs.
36:18Don't interrupt me.
36:19Do you trust him so much?
36:20In this house,
36:21the only person who doesn't mind
36:22that I crawled out of the coffin
36:24is him and my father.
36:27I don't want them to be involved.
36:29And then?
36:30In this house,
36:31the only person I know is you.
36:33I don't want you to be caught either.
36:35But if you stay here,
36:36you'll always be a burden.
36:40What is a burden?
36:41It's something that will explode.
36:48Keep soaking.
36:49I'll go out and get some fresh air.
37:04Let's go.
37:11Miss, why are you here?
37:13It's nothing.
37:14I'm just talking to the moon.
37:17Talking to the moon?
37:21Miss, why are you crying?
37:24Dong Xi.
37:26You said
37:27I came back from the coffin alive.
37:29They were all afraid of me.
37:31Why aren't you afraid of me?
37:33It's a good thing to come back alive.
37:35I asked the monks.
37:37They said
37:38only good people can come back alive.
37:43Little thing,
37:44you're so cute.
37:45Every time you lie, it's different.
37:50don't cry.
37:52I will take good care of you,
37:54protect you,
37:55and accompany you to live a long life.
37:57Thank you, Dong Xi.
38:03I love you.
38:34Two hands holding the string of wind,
38:36flowing into the horizon.
38:38The moment you look at me,
38:41I know the story written by time.
38:43How sweet it is.
38:47You are in the world,
38:48the hot wind is hard to sleep.
38:50How many times have I read the love letter?
38:54The fate is left in the hands of the devil.
38:57Such obsession.
39:01You are in the world,
39:02the hot wind is hard to sleep.
39:04How many times have I read the love letter?
39:08The fate is left in the hands of the devil.
39:11Such obsession.
39:14I am in the world,
39:17the hot wind is hard to sleep.
39:20How many times have I read the love letter?
39:25The fate is left in the hands of the devil.
39:30Such obsession.
39:35You are in the world,
39:37the hot wind is hard to sleep.
39:41Two hands holding the string of wind,
39:44flowing into the horizon.
39:46The moment you look at me,
39:49I know the story written by time.
39:52How sweet it is.
39:55You are in the world,
39:57the hot wind is hard to sleep.
39:59How many times have I read the love letter?
40:03The fate is left in the hands of the devil.
40:06Such obsession.
40:09You are in the world,
40:10the hot wind is hard to sleep.
40:12How many times have I read the love letter?
40:16The end is like the first meeting,
40:19as you wish.
