Catch the official teaser trailer for Season 2 of FX's gripping thriller series, The Old Man. Based on the acclaimed novel by Thomas Perry, the show continues to weave a tense and captivating narrative. The series stars the legendary Jeff Bridges as Dan Chase, a former CIA operative who must confront his past when he's targeted by assassins. John Lithgow joins the cast as Harold Harper, a powerful and enigmatic figure from Chase's history. With its intricate plot, intense action sequences, and stellar performances, Season 2 promises to be even more riveting. Don't miss out on the excitement—watch the trailer now!
The Old Man Cast:
Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow, Amy Brenneman, Alia Shawkat and Gbenga Akinnagbe
Stream The Old Man Season 2 September 12, 2024 on Hulu!
The Old Man Cast:
Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow, Amy Brenneman, Alia Shawkat and Gbenga Akinnagbe
Stream The Old Man Season 2 September 12, 2024 on Hulu!
00:00Black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain?
00:10Black hole sun, won't you come, won't you come?
00:18We're going to save the world!
00:22We're going to save the world!
00:24We're going to save the world!
00:30We're going to save the world!