Dr. Stone Ryusui English Dub

  • 2 months ago
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00:00What's the deal? Why did he want us to gather here?
00:11A performance? A mysterious light?
00:15One day, thousands of years ago...
00:21A strange light appeared, and it engulfed the entire planet.
00:30This is bad! Really bad!
00:35Thus, the whole of humanity was turned to stone.
00:44All of civilization built up over the course of history collapsed.
00:51But fear not, for one man refused to give in.
00:56But fear not, for one man refused to give in,
01:00and prepared himself for his own hypothetical reawakening.
01:04That man...
01:11was a boy of science, Ishigami Senku.
01:15One, two, three, four...
01:19Senku held on to his consciousness through willpower and dedication,
01:23counting for thousands of years.
01:25Crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle!
01:28Huh? Could it be?
01:31The whole world really did turn to stone!
01:38All right, I'm gonna have to sprint through two million years of humanity's technological advancements,
01:44and we're gonna use science to figure out how to undo the petrification.
01:48I'll rebuild civilization from scratch!
01:57Senku and Taiju continued their research.
02:02Ah! The revival fluid works! We can un-petrify people!
02:08And after a fierce battle with the Tsukasa Empire,
02:11the time has finally come to tackle the mystery.
02:15Okay, to solve the mystery, we're headed to the other side of the planet,
02:19because that's where the petrification beam came from.
02:22We're what? The other side of the planet, you say?
02:26But however will we accomplish that?
02:31We're all gonna work ourselves to the bone to build a ship!
02:36This is exhilarating. Now get excited!
02:43Do you think this Senku guy can do it?
02:46Maybe he will solve the mystery behind the light.
02:49Greetings, Gray!
02:51If anybody here was confused by that, then welcome to the club. You're one of us now.
02:56Just think of it as your initiation. But you got the gist.
02:59So, can we count on you to help rebuild civilization?
03:03The world will be just like before!
03:05I got this!
03:08He's raising their morale by sharing our knowledge.
03:11Getting smart, huh?
03:13And through a stage play. That was a good idea. It was powerful!
03:18Well, ready to get to work?
03:20Since we're all building our ship together, it's time to start making design proposals!
03:29Ah, Gen. Give me a break.
03:31All this confetti's ten billion percent unnecessary.
03:35Oh, don't be such a party pooper. We're trying to set a mood here. Nothing's too much.
03:43Wait, Magma and Yo?
03:44I didn't expect them to step up.
03:46They usually look like total idiots!
03:48But today, they actually seem kind of smart!
03:51The people of Ishigami Village are people of the sea.
03:54Ships are right in our wheelhouse.
03:56I'll win, take charge, then take the throne!
04:02Finally, my chance to strike!
04:04Once I win this design contest, I'll shoot right to the top!
04:08All right! Let's have our three volunteers present their ideas to the audience then, shall we?
04:17Not gonna lie, I don't know why we're even having this competition.
04:21Senku's obviously gonna win, don't you think?
04:24Yeah, it's curious. Especially since we should set sail ASAP.
04:30What are you doing, Yo?
04:32Kicking back. You'll want to see my presentation last.
04:36My ship's already finished, and I wouldn't want anyone to have to follow that up.
04:41Seeing is believing, right?
04:43If I can build the thing and show it off first, it's totally gonna win.
04:50I can't imagine you primitives are gonna come up with much.
04:54Okay, no need to be mean. I shouldn't laugh at the underdeveloped.
05:03That's so cool!
05:06Our village is full of boats. I wasn't about to propose some dinky canoe or something.
05:14I didn't expect this. Now I'm pumped to see Yo's, too.
05:18He said he was gonna show us the finished product already. Seemed pretty smug about it, too.
05:23Yeah. Hurry up and pitch yours.
05:27I never said that. Or wait, did I?
05:31Oh, that's right. I actually forgot it at home, so...
05:35Hey, look! It's a tiny little rat thingy, but it's falling apart!
05:44What's up, Senku? Something on your mind?
05:47These sails... they burlap?
05:50The hell's that?
05:52Are they sewn from plant fiber?
05:54I'm not an expert, but yeah, something like that.
05:58This is insanely useful, Magma. You're right.
06:03You guys really are people of the sea. Experience is worth its weight in gold.
06:08And now that I know that burlap sails work in practice and not just theory...
06:14We can start building my ship.
06:17That one, please!
06:20How can we compete with that?
06:23Who wouldn't want that ship? The problem is, can we build it?
06:27That's a legit sailboat, all right. It looks badass, so I get the excitement.
06:32But how many years are we gonna spend putting it together?
06:35What he said! I'll die of old age before it's done, and I wanna see the thing!
06:40We'd need like a hundred people to get it done soon.
06:43Just open your eyes, you idiots.
06:46You didn't think we'd put on that stupid stage play for fun, did you?
06:55Tsukasa woke up an army of strapping young men for us.
07:00And we've just won them over.
07:03We've got the power of science and might on our side.
07:07So get excited!
07:25So once we build this puppy, we're set, right?
07:28Getting to the other side of the world should be a cinch with it!
07:31Yeah, but we need one more thing.
07:33Without a particular talent, a safe trip will be ten billion percent impossible for us.
07:44Oh, Tsukasa...
07:47When are you gonna stop moping around?
07:51Tsukasa told me about you. Said you're the one to talk to when picking someone to revive.
07:57Got a job for ya, reporter.
08:05In the old world, I had countless connections and tons of intel.
08:09I wielded them like weapons. It was my life's work.
08:13Who do you need?
08:15Give me a description and I'll find your man.
08:20I need myself a captain.
08:23We're starting the new age of discovery.
08:26And we require a captain with godly sailing and navigation skills.
08:30The key to reviving all of humanity is someone who can take us across the planet.
08:36That's who we need on our team.
08:44We made it. That's the island.
08:47We're coming for you, captain!
08:50Hold on. We aren't making a sailboat, aren't we?
08:53Are we sure we can find someone from our time who has experience working on such a retro ship?
08:58For training purposes or a hobby, yeah.
09:01Beyond that, though, I think our chances would be slim.
09:04There's probably no one on Earth who's a literal expert.
09:14Nothing. Forget about it. Anyway, look, we're here!
09:21Nanami Academy.
09:23It was a nautical school located around here that included sailing as part of its curriculum.
09:28If we revive one of the teachers, they should at least know how to steer your sailboat.
09:37Time to mine some statues.
09:38Dig until you can't dig no more, Gorilla Team.
09:41Leave it to us!
09:43Okay, but I am not a gorilla, got it?
09:56Are we waking up all of them?
09:58I wish, but we're running low on revival fluid, thanks to our pal Homura destroying the Miracle Cave.
10:04We might as well pick a silver fox who knows their way around a boat, then, huh?
10:08I actually recognize some of these teachers from when I did a report on the school.
10:16There he is! Ryuzu!
10:19You said that name before, too.
10:22Not him! I promise you don't want this guy!
10:25Quit freaking out. Tell us his deal already.
10:28He's talented, isn't he?
10:30That's why you thought of him first.
10:36Nanami Academy was owned by the King of Maritime Trade, the Nanami Conglomerate.
10:41They were worth 200 trillion yen back in the day,
10:45and this is the Nanami family's self-indulgent son, Nanami Ryuzu.
10:50Ever since he was a kid, he always spent his hundreds of millions of yen in allowance
10:54to collect model ships and ships in a bottle.
10:56Hundreds of millions in allowance?!
10:59But he got tired of toys and had a real sailboat built for him.
11:03As early as middle school, he started captaining that ship himself.
11:07He sailed around the world having all sorts of fun.
11:10He was a captain in middle school?! He must be the real deal!
11:14Perfect! Nothing beats practical experience!
11:17Remember when I said self-indulgent? That wasn't a joke.
11:20Plus, Tsukasa would have hated his rich guts.
11:23I would probably be the one to blame.
11:26I'd really prefer if we picked someone else.
11:29Sure, we won't find anyone more skilled in sailing than Ryuzu,
11:32but we also won't find anyone with a worse personality.
11:35Oh man, that's a tough choice to make.
11:38Do we want a normal guy with normal skills, or a troublemaker who's the best of the best?
11:42Are you kidding me?! He's already using the revival fluid on him!
11:47Of course we're prioritizing skill over personality.
11:56Let's go!
12:15I'm finally back in action!
12:18And once more, all of the world will be mine!
12:26I'm back in action!
12:29And once more, all of the world will be mine!
12:33I'm back in action!
12:36And once more, all of the world will be mine!
12:40I'm back in action!
12:43And once more, all of the world will be mine!
12:47I'm back in action!
12:51I'm back in action!
12:54I'm back in action!
12:58I'm back in action!
13:02I'm back in action!
13:06I'm back in action!
13:10I'm back in action!
13:14I'm back in action!
13:18I'm back in action!
13:21I'm back in action!
13:25I'm back in action!
13:29I'm back in action!
13:33I'm back in action!
13:37I'm back in action!
13:41I'm back in action!
13:45I'm back in action!
13:49I'm back in action!
13:54I'm back in action!
14:18I'm back in action!
14:22I'm back in action!
14:26I'm back in action!
14:30I'm back in action!
14:34I'm back in action!
14:38I'm back in action!
14:42I'm back in action!
14:46I can tell. It's my sailor's instincts.
14:49Civilization's collapsed, which means the Nanami conglomerate and I have lost all of our assets.
14:55Am I wrong?
14:57You're right. I'm glad you catch on quick. Saves me a lot of time.
15:02Ha ha ha! What an opportunity!
15:05I can't thank you enough for waking me up!
15:08With the whole world up for grabs, there's nothing stopping me from taking everything for myself!
15:14Great. Why don't you start by acquiring some clothing?
15:17Good call. Sorry about that.
15:20My, how embarrassing. And in front of three beauties, too.
15:24What three beauties? Are you so out of it you can't even count straight? Think you mean two?
15:30If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!
15:34I don't quite understand what you mean.
15:38There are many types of ladies, but they're all beautiful in their own right. Am I wrong?
15:48This is impressive. I can't wait to have it!
15:53I just can't wait to see the darn thing finished!
15:56What do you think, Goldilocks? Can you take us across the world?
15:59I hate to be the one to say it, but this is not going to happen, hey.
16:03Our captain's used to fancy yachts and modern navigation tech.
16:07How can he apply his vast experience to this primitive vessel?
16:11Before I answer that question, we should protect the ship and take shelter.
16:16A sailor's instincts are always right.
16:18The temperature's risen quickly. It's 14 degrees.
16:23When you're right, you're right. It's 14 exactly.
16:27Humidity's up 90% and the wind's coming from the south-southwest.
16:31Probably a system from Siberia being driven upwards by the Yangtze River air mass.
16:37Capuletus clouds approaching at roughly 60 kilometers per hour means...
16:42Some rough weather incoming!
16:44We've got a regular maystorm!
16:50He knew exactly what was about to happen!
16:52I'm glad we listened to him.
16:54This Ryu Sui guy is something else entirely.
16:56Did he use science to do this?
17:02We'd be screwed if this storm hit us on the open sea.
17:05First off, this lumber's weak.
17:07It's nothing like the timber we spent decades carefully culling in our time.
17:12Traveling the world with masts like these wouldn't be wise.
17:15Yeah, I figured. And I've plans for it.
17:18We're making a motor-sail hybrid.
17:20Wait, we are?
17:22I see. You were testing me, weren't you, Senkuu?
17:25Wanted to know if I'd leap before looking.
17:28You're a cheeky bastard.
17:30Could've used you in the family business.
17:33But what'll be powering the motors?
17:35Not the low-grade coal you use in those furnaces, I hope.
17:38That garbage is so heavy the ship would sink from its weight alone.
17:41You wanna make it to the other side of the planet in one piece?
17:44Then we're gonna need some proper fuel.
17:46I got no idea what you're talking about.
17:49Sorry, I kinda suck at science, so I'm lost over here.
17:53Ha ha! Don't play dumb!
17:56You do know what I'm after, don't you?
17:58You're smart. You figured it out.
18:02Yeah, I did. That's what the kingdom of science wants, too.
18:07We're finally gonna get some of the good stuff.
18:11It's the ultimate natural resource.
18:14We're drilling for oil.
18:17We're what?
18:18Where in Japan are we gonna find oil? And how?
18:21This plan is crazy!
18:24You'd be surprised.
18:29Shizuoka?! Eeriously say?
18:32Yeah, eeriously say.
18:34It's the Sagara Oil Field.
18:36They stopped drilling there once profits dipped,
18:38but it's not like they sucked the land dry.
18:40We can dig up some of the highest quality oil in the world there.
18:43The place is like a treasure trove.
18:45Japan's certainly got a wide variety of different resources,
18:49just not a lot of any one.
18:51All right. I may not understand every little bit of this,
18:53but you can count on me.
18:55That's our resource, King. You're up.
19:02We're new and improved. Let's go, Expedition Team!
19:11We're probably the three best people who could be looking for this oil stuff.
19:14We'll get our hands on it, no sweat.
19:16Back in a flash!
19:18So there's one thing I should mention.
19:21Once we have found oil, I'll take you where you need to go.
19:24The other side of the planet's no problem for me.
19:28But on one condition.
19:31I'm putting my life on the line to protect all of yours.
19:34As the captain,
19:36I demand the rights to the oil field that we discover!
19:41You're horrible, Hay! So edgy, Gray!
19:44We're haggling over the cost of your very lives, you know.
19:47If my price is too high, find another captain.
19:50You're the only one who has the skill set we need.
19:54So yeah, go ahead and rip us off.
19:56Hold on. So even if we find the oil field,
19:58Ryusui immediately gets ownership over it?
20:01He could just hoard it all himself.
20:03Not so much could as will, so...
20:08If you people want my oil, you're going to have to buy it from me.
20:18Ha ha ha ha!
20:30What the hell is this? I'm so jealous of him!
20:33You just woke up and he's already rich.
20:36How in the hell did he manage that?
20:40Yo! Sup!
20:42Your name's Ryusui, right?
20:44I'm jealous of... I think you're pretty cool.
20:47Can I, like, join you?
20:48I mean, right, right!
20:49As a former cop, I should probably teach you how things are done around here.
20:55This is the Ryusui conglomerate's new currency, the Drago.
20:59You can buy a milliliter of oil with a hundred.
21:01Not a bad deal, eh?
21:03Think of it as a pre-order.
21:06Look around. In what world would I need oil, my guy?
21:09Plus, what good is money if you can only spend it at one place?
21:19Senku and his buddies need to raise enough Drago to buy a huge stock of oil.
21:23So it seems they're using science to whip up stuff worth buying.
21:27Am I wrong?
21:33Didn't take long for it to become a legitimate currency, huh?
21:36You sure you don't need it? Last chance.
21:38Know what? I changed my mind! Thank you, money!
21:42I hate to say I told you so, but I believe I told you so.
21:46Look at the guy. Are you sure we're gonna be okay?
21:50I'm not sweating it. At least not yet.
21:53Currency is as much a fruit of science as anything.
21:56It's a way to measure the value of hard work.
21:59And since he went through the trouble of making it,
22:01we might as well exploit this monetary system for all it's worth, right?
22:06Gotta strike while the iron's hot, and they've got lots to spend.
22:13Quite impressive, Niki.
22:17I want that strength of yours.
22:21Ryusui, I don't mind giving you a hand since you're new here.
22:26But stop. I'm not looking to take your play money, okay?
22:30We don't have oil, and who knows if we'll find any.
22:33What value do these scraps of paper really have?
22:37An excellent question.
22:40The value of currency has little to do with what's backing it or what's behind it.
22:46It's all trust.
22:49Take Senku.
22:51The man brought science to a world that hadn't seen it in thousands of years.
22:56We trust that he can find that oil field.
22:59And that very expectation is what turns this paper into real treasure!
23:09Hear something?
23:10A waterfall.
23:24I see it!
23:30This is bad.
23:32There's nothing like this on Senku's map.
23:35Could he have drawn it wrong?
23:37I don't know.
23:38I may not be an authority on geography, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't here 3,000 years ago.
23:45It's like...
23:47a Japanese Niagara Falls.
23:51See that mountain in the distance, taller than all the rest?
23:54The western side looks treacherous.
24:03I think we may have underestimated...
24:07how long 3,700 years really is.
24:14Oh, yeah?
24:16Guess that means the coastline's a mess, too, huh?
24:19So's the inland.
24:21What are they talking about, Senku?
24:24Just something I should have thought about way sooner.
24:27Feels like every time I screw up, real scientists would be disappointed in me.
24:32The cycle's only a few centuries.
24:38All it takes is a single eruption of Mount Fuji,
24:42and the surrounding landscape changes significantly.
24:46In the 3,700 years we were asleep,
24:50it must have gone off at least four or five times.
24:53Could have even been more than ten.
24:55Our modern maps are way off.
24:57They aren't worth shit in the stone world.
25:00Are you serious? Then what do we do?
25:03We'll need a new map.
25:05And we'll have to start working on it right away.
25:07What do you mean? We can find the place without a stupid map.
25:10Can we?
25:11Digging for oil haphazardly, not knowing where we are, is a fool's errand.
25:15Not to mention dangerous.
25:18A map!
25:19But how do we make one?
25:28If only we could ride a big bird to get a better look around.
25:31I bet they all know what the ground looks like,
25:34and with how high they fly, the land probably looks like a map to them already.
25:39That's brilliant, Suika!
25:43Hip. And lots of it.
25:45We need a stupid amount of it, so everyone will chip in.
25:48Um, that's all well and good, but...
25:51everyone's got their hands full building the ship.
25:54Yeah, but our currency and oil search are linked.
25:56Let's take advantage of that.
25:59This is where we make use of all that precious Drago they've been saving up.
26:07About time I got rich! I'm rolling in it!
26:10You said it!
26:11But I've got twice as much as you, so I'm mega rich!
26:14Sure, but...
26:16Haven't you guys heard?
26:18Your Drago is in grave danger.
26:21We just can't seem to find that oil field.
26:24It's possible we never will at this rate.
26:27The Drago's value was based on oil sales, so what's it worth without any?
26:32That said...
26:34I know a way to ensure your beloved Drago doesn't end up as worthless stacks of paper.
26:38Would you like to hear it?
26:47This really puts into perspective how much our old lives revolved around money.
26:51One rumor can bring about a dire financial crash!
26:55I've spent that way for thousands of years!
26:57After all the effort they put into saving money, you've gone and crashed the market like it's no big deal.
27:02You and your pack of friends are surprisingly ruthless, you know that?
27:07Check out how much hemp we got, Senku!
27:11Suika was right on the money.
27:13It'll be a lot more efficient to scope out our surroundings from above.
27:17We're making hot air balloons.
27:19We'll find our treasure.
27:22And we'll do it from the sky!
27:29Way up in the sky?
27:32If we're gonna take on the rest of the world, we gotta start with this new Japan Mt. Fuji made for us.
27:38So yeah.
27:40Don't make me laugh, Senku. Not even you could make that happen.
27:44You won't fool me into thinking humans could fly.
27:47Okay, no need to be mean.
27:49I shouldn't laugh at the underdeveloped.
27:52Chill out, dude. I'm not gonna laugh.
27:54I don't know how this'll work either.
27:56Flying's gotta be way more complicated than sailing, and we're not even past that.
28:01Ha ha!
28:02This is getting better and better by the minute!
28:05The sky? I want it!
28:08Here it is.
28:09Our next roadmap that'll take humanity airborne.
28:12Oh, great.
28:14I can't wait to get to work!
28:15This is gonna be the longest one yet, I'm sure!
28:18But that just makes me more excited, so bring it on!
28:24That's it?!
28:26You'd be shocked by how easy hot air balloons are to make.
28:29You could pack up a whole flight kit and fit it into the trunk of your car with ease.
28:34I never thought flying could be such a casual activity.
28:37Wait, Hempcloth. That doesn't exactly sound airtight. Aren't you worried?
28:42A little leaking's fine.
28:44The first ever hot air balloon was made the same way, actually.
28:49Though there is one massive hurdle to overcome.
28:53Uh-huh. You need...
28:55A ton of cloth, right?
28:57What do you know? Looks like it's up to the Crafts Club again.
29:00Didn't think of that, not even for one millisecond. Oopsie.
29:06The science team will be busy making the basket.
29:09But if you need any new tools, we'll do our best to make them.
29:12Can I count on you to lead the charge on the cloth-making?
29:15You and your team are the best shot we've got.
29:23Of course you can.
29:27Leave it to me to crush all the hemp. I got this.
29:32I'm still totally lost. Are we really gonna fly with this grass stuff?
29:36Ha! You don't fly with grass. We gotta make it into thread first.
29:45Then we're doing it using a spinner.
29:50It's Yuzuriha's...
29:54Episode 1!
29:56First, we take these scraggly-looking hairs of fiber that we pulled off the hemp's core.
30:00Gather a bunch of them together and tie it tightly around the spinner.
30:05Then place it through the slot, like so.
30:07And after a little diligent spinning, it's done!
30:12See? It's pretty easy, right?
30:14Kind of fun in a weird way, too.
30:16And all we need is...
30:18Thousands of kilometers worth!
30:21I knew there had to be a catch!
30:23This is never gonna end, is it?
30:25Just do it, and it will.
30:27Okay, great. The grass is string now.
30:29Still don't see how this is supposed to get us flying.
30:32Aw, man, you can't fly with thread, either.
30:34We gotta make it into cloth now, idiot.
30:38Okay, on that topic, let's make cloth.
30:41It's Yuzuriha's...
30:44Episode 2!
30:46Step 1. Stretch out some of the newly-made thread vertically, kind of like a harp.
30:50Step 2. Do it horizontally.
30:52Go over and under the vertical ones from before, back and forth, up and down.
30:58Do that over and over, like a lot of times.
31:01Then it starts to become cloth!
31:04Are you telling me we have to make the cloth one thread at a time? You can't be serious!
31:08Yeah, it's gonna take forever.
31:10Crafting takes patience.
31:12What happened to this being an easy craft?
31:14The work itself is easy. It's just doing it non-stop that makes it a pain.
31:19But you're not wrong. Doing it by hand probably will take us forever.
31:23Maybe we should ask the science team for help.
31:27A loom, eh?
31:34Finally! A real loom!
31:37Hey, it's done.
31:47What's wrong, Yuzuriha? Is this not what you were expecting?
31:50Sorry, this was kinda on short notice. Bet you wanted an electric one, huh?
31:55No, no, not at all! This is perfect! I couldn't be happier!
32:03This is the life!
32:08Wanna pick these and make some dye? Could be nice to have around.
32:12I knew you had a soft side to you, Niki!
32:28Whoa! Look how nice it is!
32:32Great work, crafts team! You rock! You must be almost done by now, huh?
32:37We should be, but we messed up a few things.
32:40So we're a teensy tiny bit behind schedule.
32:43We don't want to hand you the ones that turned out too thin to hold hair.
32:47Looking forward to the final batch!
32:52Did you guys hear?
32:55We don't have enough thread to make the hemp cloth we need.
32:58So I was thinking we'd have a friendly thread spinning competition.
33:01What do you say?
33:03Enter our fun little contest and make the longest thread!
33:06And you'll win!
33:07Enter our fun little contest and make the longest thread!
33:10And you'll walk away with 10,000 Drago!
33:14Hey, what's the big idea, kid?
33:16I mean, sure, you got them fired up and helping out.
33:19But where'd you get this cash?
33:25Oh, calm down! We'll have all the money we need soon enough.
33:28Think about all that extra cloth.
33:30The fabric that's a little too breathable?
33:32Why not transform it into something we can sell?
33:35Huh? Well, where would we sell it?
33:38Senku's department store.
33:44Are you interested?
33:46I would love to!
33:53What the heck's going on in there?
33:55Yuzuriha, are you okay?
33:57Hey, it said keep out!
34:00No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
34:02Look who's gone off the deep end.
34:05She's nothing like the Yuzuriha we know.
34:07What do you mean?
34:08She's always like that when she's working on her crafts.
34:11This is so embarrassing.
34:29Aiming for an exotic look?
34:31Why not add a touch of elegance by topping it off with a scarf?
34:36You don't swing with the arm you're stepping with!
34:40Exude confidence with this knitted turtleneck sweater
34:43and accessories that show off your fun side
34:45for the man who knows what he wants.
34:48Dude, did she make all this with just ham?
34:51That's unbelievable!
34:53Try an adorable design with a dash of street fashion
34:56for a contemporary look.
34:58That is so cute!
35:00Do I kind of want that? Yes, I do.
35:03Special occasions demand a suave three-piece,
35:06but that doesn't mean hiding your inner rocker!
35:09So expensive!
35:10Try not to fall for me.
35:20What do you think of this?
35:22Another good pick? You'd look awesome in that, Magma!
35:25It's pretty, but the price is a little high.
35:28Same for this, but I think I'm going to go for it.
35:31You're right. I shouldn't rush your decision.
35:34The Senku department store's first offerings are on the pricey side,
35:37so it may be a while before we sell out the entire line.
35:40Might as well give the leftovers away to the workers.
35:43We're making bank now that King Midas over here
35:45has opened his bottomless pockets.
35:48Thank you, sir. I hope you'll come again.
35:55Giving them a ton of money is only going to hurt me, isn't it?
35:58Giving them a ton of money is only going to hurt me, isn't it?
36:11That's it for our biggest obstacle.
36:13We've officially got the insane amount of cloth we need.
36:17Time to get this thing built and into the sky.
36:25Hold on! A flying machine!
36:27That's bad!
36:28Where are you going?
36:29We're flying! That's bad!
36:33Hey, Senku.
36:34What are the measurements for the balloon supposed to be?
36:37Let me think.
36:39Suppose it's 2,000 cubic meters,
36:41and we heat 15-degree air up to 90 degrees.
36:44We get 520 kilograms of lift.
36:47Air temperature drops 6.5 degrees every 1,000 meters.
36:51We can't exceed 100 degrees,
36:53or we run the risk of burning the thin cloth.
36:56But we want to make it climb to 1,500 meters,
36:59just below the jet stream,
37:01which means a diameter of 7.8 meters
37:05for a max of three people.
37:09I poked myself again!
37:13Gotta admit, Chills,
37:15how are you primitives so good at this?
37:17We've all had plenty of practice sewing.
37:19Leather clothes don't make themselves.
37:22You modern people are useless when it comes to manual labor.
37:26Why are you being so condescending?
37:28You're not even doing anything.
37:33Yo, what was that about modern people being useless again, big guy?
37:37Why are you the one being so condescending now?
37:43It's finally done!
37:47This thing will fly!
37:49It's freaking gigantic!
37:54So who's going to be testing this out?
37:56It holds three people, right?
37:58I'll pass myself.
38:00Well, Senku knows how it works, so he's a given.
38:03Who's the next best to?
38:05We can't let the balloon choose its own path.
38:07And navigating relies on reading the wind,
38:10meaning our pilot needs to know his way around a gust or two.
38:13That makes sense.
38:15Hey, Ryusui!
38:18You and Taiju's negotiation tactics are way too straightforward!
38:22Ryusui's going to rip you off again, you idiots.
38:25I'm well aware, which is why you'll be the one dealing with the guy.
38:31Okay, everyone, gather round!
38:33We need two more people to man the balloon, so we'll make this fair.
38:38We each pick a card, and whoever draws one of the two jokers wins.
38:48You're up next, Ryusui.
38:53I see. So Ryusui's going to win by sheer coincidence.
38:57That way we can make him work for free.
39:00If he buys it, that is.
39:04I see through your tricks.
39:06If you wanted my help, you could have just asked, you know.
39:09Gen, out of respect for your clever ruse,
39:12I'll pilot for a mere one million drago!
39:15The winning joker card is mine!
39:21When people lose what they were convinced they had,
39:24that's when the loss hits hardest.
39:26Psychological tests have proven as much.
39:29It's often seen in matters of the heart.
39:34Oh, darn, it seems I drew a joker.
39:37I can't say I'm thrilled about it, but a deal's a deal.
39:41Oh, yeah?
39:44Oh, yeah?
39:46Why the face? You didn't want to win?
39:48You realize some people would kill to have their hands on a ticket like that.
39:51It makes you one of the first to take flight in the new world.
39:54I know.
39:56I guess I'm just a little afraid of being at the whims of the wind.
39:59If you're that scared, I wouldn't mind taking your place!
40:03For eel-ray?
40:05Although, I did win this ticket with my own two hands.
40:09I'm afraid that I can't just give it away.
40:14We thought we'd be paying him!
40:16How did we get what we wanted and profit from it?
40:18Watching Gen work his magic is kind of terrifying.
40:21At this rate, we'll have our oil funds in no time.
40:25All right, there's one more winning card left, and it's mine.
40:29Damn, I really thought I had it.
40:32We're really leaving the final slot to chance?
40:34Why not? Anyone who won't freak out mid-flight and is interested.
40:38Me! I'm insanely interested!
40:41Why so bad?!
40:45I'm drawing. You can't stop me.
40:48I'm not passing up a chance to ride that flying machine.
40:51I'm going to draw the winning card with sheer willpower!
40:54Did you run all the way back here, Chrome?
40:58I want to see with my own eyes, from the sky, what the world is really like.
41:04I know what you told me, Senku.
41:07That the planet's round.
41:10We've lived our whole lives in one spot.
41:14We'd never know.
41:16Even now, we're still just taking your word for it at the end of the day.
41:21So please!
41:34All right!
41:35Dude, no way!
41:37I actually got the flying card with sheer willpower! That's incredible!
41:41Oh, yeah!
41:52Hey, what are you three gents up to over here?
41:55I made a pilot balloon out of hydrogen and a deer's gut.
42:01What's its rate of ascent?
42:03At that size, I'd estimate it at roughly 70 meters per minute.
42:06Okay, and does that mean something?
42:08You can see the winds by how it moves.
42:11And what I'm seeing is looking good.
42:14These are the perfect conditions for takeoff!
42:24We're really floating!
42:26This is so bad!
42:28I can't believe they're actually flying!
42:31Guess we pulled it off, everyone!
42:37Human beings are amazing.
42:39We're greedy. We're utterly relentless.
42:42And when we want something bad enough, we get to work and make it happen.
42:47Even if it takes science millions of years.
42:52I can't believe how small that huge thing looks already.
42:56Hang on. What's that light?
43:14It's still pitch black for everybody down on the ground.
43:17We're 1,200 meters up.
43:20We're experiencing dawn seven minutes earlier than they are.
43:26It's true.
43:28The world's round.
43:30It really is.
43:32And I saw it with my own eyes!
43:36Oh, crap! I want more!
43:39I want to know everything about this world of ours!
43:44This is as real as it gets.
43:46There's nothing between us and the sky.
43:49We won't get this feeling anywhere else.
43:52This is a unique luxury!
43:58What the birds!
44:01Sure are. And I wouldn't be too happy about that.
44:07Do you see what I mean?
44:09Birds used to be responsible for tons of plane crashes.
44:12Oh, man.
44:14We'll be fine if we just get out of the way.
44:17On second thought, we're not rising all that quickly.
44:22The way the balloon moves depends on the wind.
44:25It's basically a sailboat in the sky.
44:28Which is all the more reason for me to master it and guide our maiden voyage to the finish line!
44:33Uh, finish line?
44:36Where is this thing headed, anyway?
44:38Ishigami Village.
44:42That's a two-day walk, even if you book it!
44:44Yep. And about two hours by balloon.
44:47That's the power of wind, my friend.
44:50We wore ourselves ragged making that trip, but now it'll only take a couple hours?
44:54Traveling by air is bad! And so easy, too!
44:58It's a little tougher than it appears.
45:01We gotta go west to get to Ishigami Village, and that's tricky.
45:06We're dependent on the wind, if you recall.
45:08And in Japan at this altitude, it always flows eastward.
45:11Yeah. A novice could fly this craft east.
45:15Okay. But like you said, we're flying west, so how's that possible?
45:20Low pressure!
45:22Low pressure systems are what produce storms.
45:25They rotate counterclockwise.
45:28So we're taking advantage of that and hitching a quick ride to the west!
45:32Ha ha!
45:33With the experience I'm sure to gain as captain of this journey, we can go even further.
45:38Finding that oil will be easy once I've mastered this.
45:42It's dangerous and hard work, but a professional adventurer overcomes everything!
45:48Am I wrong?
45:49With me leading the charge, you amateurs are free to relax and enjoy the view, okay?
45:54He's a professional adventurer?
45:57Did this guy just call me an amateur?
45:59Me? The Adventure King?
46:04Okay, Ryusui. Maybe you're a pro when it comes to adventuring the seas.
46:09But when it comes to exploring the land, I don't know.
46:12I'd say you're about as green as those lush treetops.
46:16The terrain affects wind patterns this close to the ground.
46:19We're coasting on the wind right above the river.
46:22Now that you mention it, we are being drawn along the river somewhat.
46:25We don't want to be blown out to sea. We'd never make it back.
46:28Better gain some height.
46:30Any real professional adventurer who's surveyed the land with his own two feet would know this stuff.
46:35It's something you just get a feel for while exploring. Understand?
46:39Who am I kidding? Someone who needs a boat to get anything done can never wrap his head around it!
46:44Enough of this dick-measuring contest.
46:47To be safe, we'll check.
46:49All we gotta do is drop something weighted but light, and we'll see what the wind's doing.
46:59Wasn't expecting such a dramatic change.
47:02I guess our westward flight is up against a real sky god, isn't it?
47:07It's huge!
47:09Allow me to introduce the storm-making demon of the clouds, the Cumulonimbus!
47:28Okay, this is bad! What now?
47:31Any closer and we'll be sucked in by its overwhelming force!
47:34Our balloon will be torn to shreds!
47:36We need to prepare for an emergency landing now!
47:39Pull that rope, Chrome!
47:41It'll open the top of the balloon and release hot air, making us drop fast!
47:45On it!
47:49What's wrong?
47:50It's already popped.
47:53If you pull it and the cloth tears, we'll crash.
47:56What the...
47:57Must have been those birds from earlier.
48:00No wonder we were having trouble ascending before.
48:06This is bad, you guys!
48:08We're going higher even though we already shut off the flame!
48:11That damn cloud! We're caught in its insanely strong updraft!
48:16Is there any way we can descend?
48:18I wish! We don't have any escape routes left!
48:37Come on, Brain. Think! Think!
48:40How can science get us out of this situation?
48:43Once this deadly ascent causes my brain to crap out from altitude sickness, we'll be out of time!
48:49The perfect challenge!
48:51Overcoming this cloud demon will force me to master this craft!
48:55I'll find us a way out!
48:57There has to be a hole in the wind!
48:59This is really bad! We gotta escape!
49:02But there's no clear path.
49:04Wait, escape?
49:06Is that really the right move?
49:10Humans are pretty damn weak.
49:12Mountain nature, if we turn our backs to a threatened run, it's game over!
49:17So we can't!
49:24The only option we have is to bust our way through with our brains and our hearts!
49:28We gotta attack this thing head on!
49:30Bad idea?
49:31Good bad.
49:33Since dropping down's not an option, we can try our luck and shoot up another few thousand meters instead.
49:38Do it right, and we'll peer straight through this growing cumulonimbus.
49:42It's an insane altitude, but we'll just barely avoid suffocating.
49:48That'd work. Not bad, Chrome.
49:51In that case, throw in all the fuel we have left!
49:54I'll take care of the rest.
49:57In that case, throw in all the fuel we have left!
50:05We're gonna need a huge burst of height to beat that cloud, right?
50:08Isn't that... the revival fluid that broke me out?
50:12It's a mix of alcohol and nitric acid.
50:15Naturally, it burns like crazy.
50:18Our last bottle.
50:20Wish we didn't have to waste it.
50:22But it's worth it.
50:24You're about to witness the awesome power of liquid fuels!
50:43All right! It's working!
50:48Hazard, where are you?
50:55Ryusui! What are you doing?
50:59Finding a more favorable updraft! A hole in the wind!
51:05Now! Give it the rest of our fuel!
51:08Let's bust our way through this cloud-demon skull!
51:16Let it rip, Ryusui!
51:19Another challenge conquered! The skies are mine!
51:50They're doing it.
51:53They're actually flying.
51:56Hey, Chrome. Ryusui.
52:07Everyone! Senku, Chrome, and Ryusui made it to the village safe and sound!
52:12What? How'd they get there already?
52:14Seriously? It's only been a few minutes.
52:17The world suddenly feels a lot smaller, doesn't it?
52:20All right!
52:22The rest of us better get working, too!
52:25Everyone over there sounds spirited.
52:27Science elevated that balloon and their hearts.
52:31You're right. Everyone's excited as hell, hey?
52:34Imagine what they'll do if we complete the ship early.
52:38Gen, on that topic, I've been wondering.
52:42It was obvious to me that there was something wrong.
52:46It was obvious to everyone who would win the ship design contest.
52:50Why'd you bother?
52:53Forcing is this thing in magic.
52:55You make a person choose a certain card.
52:58Know why?
52:59Because making people choose for themselves,
53:02or at least making them think they chose for themselves,
53:05is incredibly important.
53:07People can't truly come together if their leader doesn't let them be part of the process.
53:12Oh, man.
53:14If you'd sided with Tsukasa or Hyoga, I don't know what we'd do.
53:18I'm happy we've got you.
53:20The finish line. We made it.
53:23No big deal for you, though, eh, Ryusui?
53:26With your skills, this must have been easy.
53:29You guys are no slouches, either.
53:32Get a couple of pro adventurers together and we can do anything.
53:35Finding that oil field will be a piece of cake.
53:43The whole enemies-to-friends schtick is cute and all, but can we focus, please?
53:47I'm kind of holding on for dear life here.
53:49Think you could give me a hand?
53:54Senku's smart.
53:56He knows what gets people motivated.
53:59And people are power.
54:05I agree with what you said, Chrome.
54:09There's a lot to learn about the world.
54:11And I want to know it all, too.
54:14First and foremost, what's on the other side of it.
54:18Where the petrification beam came from.
54:20You can count on me, Senku!
54:22I can take you to the other side of the planet.
54:25Nothing's too far for me.
54:29All right.
54:30Then let's milk this hot air balloon for all it's worth.
54:33And find Petroleum, the king of fuel.
54:38This is exhilarating.
54:40Get excited!
