White strawberry, mabibili sa Benguet | Dapat Alam Mo!

  • 2 months ago
Aired (July 10, 2024): Sa La Trinidad, Benguet, hindi na lang red strawberry ang maaaring mabili at matikman… pati na rin white strawberry! Ang nakakamanghang kuwento na ‘yan, alamin sa video.


00:00You see, the vegetables here are so beautiful.
00:04Susan and El, when you go to the North, especially to Benguet,
00:07you should not miss the taste of not just vegetables, but strawberries.
00:11Oh, I like that, Brother Kim.
00:13Especially the red ones.
00:15Oh, you'll really be amazed there.
00:18Right, El?
00:19Yes, Miss Sue.
00:20There's a new and exciting strawberry season.
00:24But the catch?
00:25It's white.
00:28That's the story of Jamie Santos.
00:31White strawberry.
00:34There are small, there are big, there are round, and there are even red.
00:40In a cold place like Benguet, strawberries are usually fruitful.
00:47But there's a new exciting scene there.
00:50It looks good, but it's not raw.
00:54Their new plant is the white strawberry.
01:04In this strawberry farm in La Trinidad, Benguet,
01:07not only red strawberries can be tasted.
01:10This came here last year.
01:13It's really like a strawberry, but white.
01:17Someone came here and they cultured it.
01:20It became white.
01:21But usually, it's a Japanese variety.
01:23We brought it here, we planted it, we just multiplied it.
01:27According to the agriculturist, Mary Wyeth,
01:30they continue to study the different varieties of this.
01:33There's a Chinese businessman who visited our municipality.
01:37He's the one who gave the planting materials.
01:39We know that La Trinidad is one of the producing municipalities of strawberries.
01:45When they showed the white,
01:47the white strawberry ventured as an additional variety.
01:50Even though Jerry has been planting strawberries for 6 years,
01:54the growth of white strawberries is still new to him.
01:57In red, it's different in taste and size.
02:00Its production is also different.
02:02The white has a lesser production.
02:04The ratio, ma'am, is like the red,
02:062 kilos is produced in 1 square meter.
02:08Then the white, only half a kilo.
02:10It's more selenium, it's more prone to disease.
02:12In red, it can produce fruits for 45 days.
02:16In white, it can produce for 2 months.
02:18It's hard to take care of,
02:20but it's worth it because it's more expensive compared to red strawberries.
02:25It's hard to take care of, that's why it's difficult.
02:28But it's worth it when it's ripe.
02:31In red, it's sweet, it has a different aroma.
02:34In white, it's like a mixture of bay leaves and pineapple, it's sweet.
02:371 kilo is 800 pesos.
02:38It's a big thing for us, ma'am,
02:40so that more people will come here.
02:43White strawberry is an ongoing production trial.
02:47We sell it to our farmers
02:49so that its planting material is readily available.
02:52We teach it to our farmers
02:54so that they can easily produce white strawberries.
02:58The businessman, Warren,
03:00also tried mixing white strawberries with nachos and other drinks.
03:05It's the first time we came this year for Strawberry Fest.
03:08It's an unusual menu for us to incorporate strawberries.
03:12We offer berry drinks, which is strawberry jam-based,
03:15from soda to milk-based and to lemonade.
03:18We have savory, which is the strawberry nachos.
03:24The reactions of others are mixed.
03:26They say it's weird, but for others,
03:28the sweetness and savory flavor are mixed,
03:31especially when we add our homemade strawberry vinaigrette.
03:36Our strawberry nachos is worth only 180 pesos,
03:39which is good for 2 to 3 persons.
03:41And our beverages, which are the berry drinks,
03:44ranging from 90 to 100.
03:47It's a surprise that it's sweet,
03:49and it tastes like a bit of pineapple.
03:52Whatever changes in tourism,
03:54it's important to study and support
03:57so that it can help more farmers and businesses.
04:01I'm Jamie Santos,
04:03and that's the story you need to know.
