• last year
Oh no, my child is completely out of control! I guess it's the transitional age and he just can't control his emotions. See the best gadgets and crafts for parents and how they deal with difficult teenagers! And see the characters joy, sadness, anger, anxiety and others in real life


00:00Okay, I think that's enough lipstick.
00:08This is why you need a safety deposit box for your makeup.
00:16Oh no, move your hand! I can't watch, but I can't look away.
00:22Those poor carrots. Luckily, Mom has come to prepare for next time.
00:30This cute little cat will open the door just a smidge.
00:34Ooh, nice manicure!
00:37Who knew that soda came in...chewy?
00:42Time to bring out the extra strength toothpaste!
00:47Come on, Queen Bess couldn't pull off black teeth, and neither can you.
00:52Ah-ha, all we had to do was make it cute.
00:56If only we could do the same with mouthwash.
01:06Wow, it does the work for you! Or maybe she's just saying no.
01:14Eating candy after brushing? This girl's one tough cookie.
01:21Do you need a cup? Oh, I guess not.
01:25A bottle spoon? The long-awaited sequel to the spork!
01:31And it stays in place for you. Now that's just convenience.
01:40With a small spoonful, it'll actually end up in her mouth.
01:47Looks like it's time to wash your hands.
01:54It's going, going, gone.
02:01Yeah, I'm not putting my hand in there.
02:05Once again, a cute character will help save the day.
02:10You can never underestimate the power of cuteness.
02:17Just pour some liquid soap and wash away.
02:20Now we can have some fun. Bring out the dinosaurs.
02:28Okay, where's the detangler?
02:33Or better yet, a gadget. One that braids hair for you.
02:38Just hook up the strands one by one.
02:45Good thing she didn't notice.
02:47Of course, when gadgets fail, it's time for a life hack.
02:58And just like that, pigtails are a go.
03:09Huh, needs more cinnamon.
03:12Uh-oh, too many cooks, and a whole lot of salt.
03:18In fairness, what isn't great with ketchup?
03:24Luckily, we have a tiny kitchen just for her.
03:31Just add dough and watch what comes out.
03:35Look at all those shapes, and colors, too.
03:40Don't worry, she won't eat it. She knows where mom keeps the good stuff.
03:48Aw, poor thing. She's under the weather.
03:53Some cough syrup can help. If only it tasted better.
03:57A mini water dispenser? Well, it's important to stay hydrated.
04:03Oh, I see, we're filling it up with the cough syrup.
04:09I guess what she doesn't know won't hurt her. The opposite, in fact.
04:17And now we can have some fun.
04:21And just like that, pigtails are a go.
04:27Just don't ask for seconds.
04:31Oh no, the whole house is gonna get sick.
04:38Told you she knew about mom's secret stash.
04:47She's just mad she didn't get to it first.
04:52If only she liked veggies the way she liked candy.
04:57Or better yet, the other way around.
05:00With a little bit of camouflage, this pepper's the perfect hiding place for sweets.
05:09You probably need to work a little faster.
05:14Or just buy candy pre-stuffed in produce, if that's a thing.
05:20Ooh, that was quick. But we just need to cover the bottom.
05:27I guess if you can't beat them, eat them.
05:33Aw, what a cute wittle cactus family.
05:39Of course, appearances can be deceiving.
05:43Don't worry, a little pump and you'll be as good as new.
05:47I guess she got over those cucumbers.
05:50Hey, watch out!
05:56Oh no! Is the candy okay? Please, tell me the candy's okay.
06:03A non-spill plate? This was practically made for her.
06:08Oh no, the candy's all over the place.
06:11A non-spill plate? This was practically made for her.
06:20And look, it comes complete with a strainer.
06:30After a long day of snacking, it's nice to have a good meal.
06:35It's only breakfast? This is a really long morning.
06:41Luckily, grandma might just have the answer. Sort of.
06:50We just need to run some loops onto this thread.
06:55Now she can wear it and eat it on the go.
07:00Or just eat it now.
07:07Oh no, that's not good posture.
07:11Of course, good posture won't get the high score.
07:17This mom seems to have a device for everything.
07:22You just have to install it and rest your chin.
07:29And now mom can relax and share her cheat codes.
07:33Look, I like candy as much as the next person, but this is giving me dΓ©jΓ  vu.
07:40And she spilled it all over again. Like I said, dΓ©jΓ  vu.
07:45Luckily, mom picked up just what we need at the shoe store.
07:52Time to put those art classes to work.
07:57It's a face! And a surprised one at that.
08:00I get it, she can have fun feeding the box.
08:05But the best fun's with the round candies.
08:16It makes candy so much fun, she'll forget to eat it.
08:25Be careful.
08:28Be careful, some things are best left hidden.
08:32Well, I hope it was useful for parents of little angels.
08:37Catch you next time.
08:38Looks like you need to clean this room, like yesterday.
08:43Luckily, duct tape solves all of life's little problems.
08:48For once, rolling around on the floor helps you clean a mess, not make one.
08:54And if you think this is a good time, wait until our bathroom bonus episode in the end.
09:02Picking up's the easy part. Wiping off might be a little harder.
09:09On second thought, taking all this stuff off might be the hard part.
09:16Mmm, nothing beats a yummy lollipop.
09:19Except maybe one that's already unwrapped.
09:24Yeah, I don't think the five-second rule's gonna save us this time.
09:30Good idea, let's check our emergency balloon reserves.
09:36Great place to keep your stash, there's all that room on the ceiling.
09:42Just don't bite into any of the hard candy.
09:45Don't play with your food! Better yet, let's make something to play with.
09:52Draw whatever you like with dry-erase markers.
10:03Next, just add water.
10:06Look at how everything just pops off.
10:08Quick, stick your head in!
10:12It's quicker than a tattoo, and no pesky needles required.
10:22Wow, this guy sure loves balloons, but they don't return the sentiment.
10:28Luckily, Mom has just the thing to help.
10:31Oh, it comes in parts. Just give it a good pump.
10:38Release, and you'll have a car that runs on air.
10:46And it can help make tying up those balloons a breeze.
10:51Or maybe you'll just need a little help.
10:54And it can help make tying up those balloons a breeze.
10:59Or some other air-related pun.
11:05All those balloons, and he's playing with trash.
11:09Just like a cat.
11:11Well, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
11:17Look at that, he made himself a new friend.
11:23He even gets to practice his balloon-blowing skills.
11:29And this is why you shouldn't play in the trash.
11:34Aw, it's always nice to have a friend give you a hand.
11:42Good hygiene is always important, but there's such a thing as too much soap.
11:46Too much soap.
11:50Actually, he's pretty lucky. Could have fallen on that train.
11:55But while it's here, maybe we can put it to good use.
12:00Fill it with soap, let it congeal, and you've got block-shaped bars of soap.
12:08Except bars of soap usually aren't this squishy.
12:17I wonder what he's looking for.
12:22Apples can be yummy.
12:24Yeah, bring on the process stuff.
12:31This extender should help. Much safer than climbing on the counter.
12:38Great catch, a candy bar.
12:41Even better, it's raining candy.
12:47Do you think there's such a thing as too much candy?
12:51Nah, me neither.
12:57Look, a puppy. Do you think he needs a good home?
13:04Aw, come on, how can you say no to that face?
13:09Eh, let's just play by ear and bring him inside.
13:17Our new puppy's gonna need a few things to get comfortable.
13:22These foam mats make a great fort. The dog might like it too.
13:31Like she could say no to that face.
13:34No, this time I'm talking about the dog.
13:39Uh, maybe we should give this guy some privacy.
13:42Oh, so that's where Nemo's been. Everyone's been looking for him.
13:50He doesn't look too happy. But what fish out of water would?
13:58Much better. Though I'm not sure why you already had a filled tank waiting.
14:05Looks like a fun toy.
14:07But who cares, we've got bubbles.
14:09Oh no, paint!
14:11But maybe we can turn this accident into inspiration.
14:19With all these rainbow colors, it's like one of those pop-up toys.
14:24Looks like someone else already had this idea. Just much, much bigger.
14:34Almost there.
14:36Always best to make sure the paint's dry.
14:44Did she give him permission or did she just stop caring at some point?
14:51Or maybe she just has a great new idea. A pizza box canvas.
14:56Now to put those artistic skills to good use.
15:06Wait until you see what he can do with a paintbrush.
15:14Looks like he's an artist in the kitchen too. An abstract artist.
15:21And once again, arts and crafts will save the day.
15:35This should help keep things organized. And tape will keep it clean.
15:43You don't even need to know how to read to use it. But it helps.
15:52He seems to be up to something. And the unicorn's an accomplice.
15:57Oh, I see. This is the perfect way to organize his toys.
16:01And practice his tracing skills.
16:06Come on now, don't cry over spilled toys.
16:10As I promised at the start, it's our b-b-b-b-b-bonus episode. Yeah!
16:16Time to wash your hair.
16:21Or better yet, time to hire a plumber.
16:24And maybe a good massage therapist. This is just not her day.
16:35Let's hope this guy has better luck with this bathroom.
16:43Guess not. Do you think he's got any ideas?
16:48This cleanser should help.
16:50Anyone in the mood for a twist soft serve?
16:57At least the shower head's a lot cleaner.
17:03Eh, one problem at a time.
17:14Covering makeup with paint.
17:17Covering makeup with makeup. Just like a princess.
17:25Hmm, it's not exactly blending. Maybe a gadget could help.
17:32Add citrus.
17:37Some water. And freeze.
17:40Once it's solid, you can roll it along your face.
17:43And indulge your skin.
17:46And indulge your skin.
18:03Come on, squeeze. Maybe a little tighter.
18:06No, that's too tight.
18:10Don't worry, that stuff washes right out.
18:13And Dad has the perfect thing to help.
18:16Just give it a little push, and he dispenses exactly what you need.
18:23Now brush those pearly whites.
18:30Be careful with that comb, or it'll be messier than before.
18:39Wow, it's like an anime heroine's wand.
18:43Is the talking cat included?
18:46Just put your hair inside, and it styles it for you.
18:55She's even got enough hair to make a mustache.
19:00Let's see who else we can make pretty.
19:12I'd watch your next step if I were you.
19:16Trucks, the perfect thing for a nice trip.
19:22Aw, don't cry. No, really, it looks like an easy fix.
19:31Huh, these corn sticks might just come in handy.
19:36Dip in some tea, and stick together to make anything you can imagine.
19:41It's a brand new truck, and look at all those colors.
19:49Things can sure get scary at night. Here's the nightlight when you need it.
19:57Don't worry, a good story will cheer you up.
20:02Aw, it looks like it already did the trick.
20:11Spoke too soon.
20:18We just need to fill this rubber glove with uncooked rice.
20:25Leave it on her shoulder, and it'll feel like you're there.
20:35You know chocolate tastes better if you get it inside your mouth.
20:39Looks like someone needs a bath, or at least a facial.
20:46Luckily, we have something to make bath time fun.
20:50Just fill up with shampoo.
20:53Now crank that handle. Look at all those bubbles.
20:59This looks so fun. Maybe we should keep it for ourselves.
21:04Now we've got her attention.
21:09Aw, just don't forget to wash that face, and behind the ears while you're at it.
21:20This is why it pays to get the furniture insured.
21:24Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll run away to join the circus.
21:31The solution's right under our noses. This tank top.
21:39Because they don't make high chairs for big kids.
21:44Though honestly, the whole thing's an untapped market.
21:50Time for a quick jog around the house, or inside, rather.
21:56Ouch! Who put that table there?
21:59Hurry, she needs a band-aid stat, and maybe some cookies.
22:03Oh, don't worry. Dad has just the thing to help. An old tennis ball.
22:10Just cut a hole along the side, like this triangle.
22:22Scold that naughty table, and put the ball on that sharp corner.
22:29Always better to be safe than sorry.
22:34Somebody stop that paintbrush!
22:42We need to back things up a little bit.
22:45Okay, okay.
22:48What this girl needs is a smock, and this plastic bag works great in a pinch.
22:54And it works just like tracing paper.
23:00All clean, except those hands. Just imagine if she was finger-painting.
23:08Oh, french fries. Looks like someone's sneaking snacks.
23:13Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll run away to join the circus.
23:17Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll run away to join the circus.
23:20Looks like someone's sneaking snacks.
23:23Guess he's one of those do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do parents.
23:29Well, maybe we can meet her halfway there.
23:32Let's cut up some apple fries.
23:35That's some knife.
23:39It even removed the stem.
23:42Use the old container.
23:43Wow, she can't tell the difference.
23:46Kind of surprising, but let's just enjoy our secret stash while we can.
23:52Something's wrong with this soap.
23:55Hey, I thought you liked slime.
24:02Foam shaped like a flower? She'll love that.
24:06Just look at her shirt.
24:07Maybe she loves it a little too much.
24:10Well, at least she's clean.
24:13Looks like this sinks out of reach. How is she going to wash those hands?
24:20Luckily, this duck can help give you an extension.
24:25Also comes in elephant or dolphin, and you can even flip when needed.
24:29Always good to let your kid get some fresh air.
24:35And even more important, fresh puddles to splash in.
24:43With all this splashing, she's all wet, and so is he.
24:49Maybe we should give him a bath.
24:52With all this splashing, he's all wet, and so is he.
24:58These should help. Waterproof galoshes.
25:03Kind of makes you wonder why he waited until now to break them out.
25:11Especially when he has his own pair.
25:22Some artists are their own worst critics.
25:26But here's something that can help. A projector.
25:30He can shine out pictures of a bunch of animals.
25:36So that you can practice how to draw them.
25:39Look at her go. Don't forget to color it in.
25:46Soon you'll have your own soap.
25:49Soon you'll have your own zoo.
25:57A cool, refreshing smoothie sure would hit the spot.
26:02The expression, too many cooks, comes to mind.
26:07Let's hope all that milk cancels out all that spice.
26:15Guess not.
26:18I haven't seen this much fire breathing since the Ren Fair.
26:23A mini blender? I guess this will let her try out her experiments.
26:29Without using dear old dad as a guinea pig.
26:33At least she's starting healthy with bananas and milk.
26:37I see that she doesn't want any hot sauce.
26:42It's fun coming up with flavors and all.
26:46Just don't forget to drink. It's the best part.
26:58Back to the drawing board. Literally.
27:01If only her hair wasn't in the way.
27:06Looks like a job for these hair stickers. Much better.
27:10Much better.
27:15Who needs markers and paper when your hair can be a work of art?
27:22Parent-mazing stuff. Catch you next time.
27:25Hey, calm down. There's enough pomney for everyone.
27:29That's not exactly what I meant.
27:32Poor pomney.
27:34Maybe we can make her a new arm.
27:40Hot dog. That sausage is just what we need.
27:45Just wrap it up.
27:48And slip it right inside the socket.
27:56Well, I guess the circus is in town.
27:59And Dolly has the best seat in the house.
28:02Oh, let's get her out.
28:05Ouch! Your hands!
28:10Ah, it's okay. Just grab a door stopper.
28:15Add a bunch around the toilet seat.
28:20This'll give it some extra space.
28:25And no one will notice.
28:27Extra space.
28:30And no more pinched fingers.
28:36High five!
28:39Mmm, broccoli. Like, little trees you can eat.
28:45Of course, not everyone's a fan.
28:48Well, it's always nice to share.
28:51But save it for someone with a real mouth.
29:03Hey, you know we didn't mean her.
29:06We need some special spill protection.
29:09Just pour your soup right into the bowl.
29:14And take it for a spin.
29:18Here, why don't you try it?
29:20You try it.
29:25And now we can enjoy our lunch in peace.
29:32Here's a sweet treat. Apples.
29:37Let's just say they come tooth fairy recommended.
29:45She also suggests a good brushing.
29:47Come on, try it. It tastes like peppermint.
29:55Maybe our special pomney nozzle can help.
30:02Just attach a toothpaste tube to her head.
30:06Now just give her a good squeeze.
30:11And let's try our special toothpaste sprinkles.
30:17Here, try it. Something tells me you could use it.
30:28Someone's getting a foot bath for Christmas.
30:31Oh, poor Dolly. We'll clean you up.
30:39And look what we've got. A foot cleaner.
30:43Guess it also works for faces. Doll faces.
30:47Oh no, I think we scrubbed too hard.
30:54Well, at least it makes great makeup remover.
30:58What can we do? Wait, that's it. Our special bath boots.
31:06Load it up with bubbles and fizz.
31:13Cause someone's getting a good wash.
31:17Slip right in, there's plenty of room.
31:21Give your feet a good soak and dry off.
31:27See, now they're squeaky clean.
31:33Those boots on the other hand.
31:42Ooh, someone sure likes lollipops. And I don't mean her.
31:47They're great for a quick wax job.
31:51Yeah, I wouldn't lick that if I were you.
31:58Next time, your candy just needs a little security.
32:03Now wrap the case up with air clay.
32:07Add a familiar face, and it's Jax.
32:14And when you want something sweet,
32:18well, Jax has got you covered.
32:22Have your candy and eat it too.
32:28Uh-oh, someone doesn't feel too good.
32:32And I think that someone needs a treat.
32:36And a tissue.
32:42Here, some medicine should help you.
32:48Hey, it's supposed to go in your mouth.
32:53How about a little magic trick?
32:57Hide the medicine inside a soda can.
33:01Just need to add a straw on top.
33:06Here, it's important to stay hydrated.
33:12Ah, I think he feels better already.
33:19Let's hear some tunes.
33:26Uh-oh. Oh, it just isn't safe for earbuds these days.
33:31Where did he get those scissors anyway?
33:36I think this kid needs a distraction.
33:39And I think we've got just the thing he needs.
33:44Just need to give this guy some hair.
33:47And think outside of blonde and brunette.
33:55It's nice, but I think he could use a trim.
34:00Why don't we start with the bangs?
34:03And maybe work our way down to a buzz cut.
34:10When you run out, just add more clay.
34:16Snack time! What fresh, clean apples!
34:20Let's keep them that way.
34:23You need to wash those hands.
34:26Dolly will help. Press on some sand.
34:29And fill it up with liquid soap.
34:36Now you've got doll-shaped soap.
34:40Hey, why don't you try it out?
34:47Remember, lather, rinse and repeat.
34:54Ooh, she should follow.
34:57Ooh, she should follow that advice too.
35:01Sweet dreams, cause a nightmare's on its way.
35:13Oh, you made her hurt her leg.
35:16At least it matches your shirt.
35:21Maybe our handy extractor can help.
35:27Ah, now that should feel better.
35:31Let's add a band-aid while we're at it.
35:34And watch out for any bumps in the night.
35:41Some say chocolate causes zits.
35:44I'm not really sure if it's always true.
35:49But you should do a mirror check.
35:53Oh, we'll need to cover it up.
35:57Why don't we try a nice slime mask?
36:03Give it time and peel it off.
36:10Oh no! You're breaking out all over!
36:15Okay, it's time for a backup plan.
36:19Plop on these special pimple patches.
36:21Let's hope these work better.
36:27Yes, the pus peels right off.
36:31Now she's feeling peachy keen.
36:36Let's see what's in the fridge.
36:40Who put Pomny on the menu?
36:46Why Pomny?
36:49Why, she's a Pomny popsicle!
36:53Maybe we should help her thaw out.
37:03Well, at least she's out of the pan.
37:06Wow, that's one tough block of ice!
37:10You know, this gives me an idea.
37:13Grab a toy car and a balloon.
37:16Plop it inside and fill it up with water.
37:22Ooh, nice and big!
37:24Stick in a freezer and slice the balloon on top.
37:34You think you can get the car out?
37:37At least it'll keep him out of trouble.
37:40Oh, these chips are just so good!
37:46They're even better if you eat them.
37:50Oh, you're making a mess all over!
37:59Someone needs to get sweeping.
38:03Oh no!
38:06Someone needs to get sweeping.
38:09Here's looking at you, kid!
38:15Come on, what did that broom ever do to you?
38:21Let's add it to an RC car.
38:26And get your engine started.
38:31Soon, the floor will be good as new.
38:35And it gets great mileage, too.
38:42Looks like another day of fun in the sun,
38:44finding treasures on the beach.
38:50Why don't you subscribe while we wash up?
38:54It's Pomny. She's got no body.
38:58Eh, that's an easy fix.
39:00Take some old, and hopefully clean, shorts.
39:05And tie up most of the ends.
39:10Next up, fill it up with sand.
39:12Plenty to go around.
39:18Now add some glue and pour on glitter.
39:23Glitter! It's like sand, but, you know, better.
39:28And Pomny's back in one piece again.
39:35Here's the airplane.
39:37Oh, come on, it's first class.
39:42Not quite an easy landing.
39:47Grab a ducky snowball maker and make some rice ducks.
39:52Talk about duck soup!
39:55Now toast some bread.
40:00When they're done, add some duck-shaped butter.
40:06Ooh, it's like their personal slide.
40:11Almost too cute to eat.
40:13Well, almost.
40:20Well, when Dad's away, she's gonna play.
40:24Well, pour her own juice at least.
40:31Next time, let's try this mini-cooler instead.
40:36Just make sure to twist it while it's upside down.
40:41Here, just take a little cup, press the lever, and voila!
40:52And it works great for creamers, too.
40:58Especially if you like your creamers straight.
41:02Oh, no! Not his hair! It took forever to grow out.
41:07Now what'll he sell for Christmas presents?
41:13Wait, this cardboard ragatha gives me an idea.
41:17Poke some holes throughout the scalp.
41:24And run some red yarn right through the hole.
41:28And run some red yarn right through it.
41:35Pull it out until it's nice and long.
41:38She's all ready for a new haircut.
41:46Help everyone see her shiny butt.
41:50And our little barber can cut to her heart's content.
41:53Just don't forget the bow on top.
41:58Careful! Your phone!
42:01Well, down the drain it goes.
42:06There's only one option. Grab some tights.
42:12Use it to cover your toilet seat.
42:15And cut out a nice hole in the middle.
42:19Let's test it out.
42:21Something tells me your phone's gonna be okay.
42:26Speaking of phones, can we borrow this?
42:31Ooh, someone sure likes arts and crafts.
42:36Aw, her eyes match her pigtails.
42:42But why don't we clean her up?
42:45And a little air clay covers all blemishes.
42:50Could use some legs to stand on.
42:53And some arms.
42:55And a little more clay.
43:01Give it a good texture.
43:05Now add a little water.
43:09And a little water.
43:12Now add eyes.
43:16And some eyelashes while we're at it.
43:19Now for some feathers on back.
43:26Here, this should cheer you up.
43:30Look, they're already fast friends.
43:36Aw, she made a fruit plate just for you.
43:42Uh, would you like a wet wipe?
43:46Well, if he's gonna act like a baby,
43:49we'll just have to give him a pacifier.
43:52Filled with all his favorite fruits.
43:58Here, chew on this.
44:04Now that's a fresh squeeze.
44:11Look, here's a new toy with a lollipop.
44:17But I think it needs to get a grip.
44:23A balloon? Maybe it can help us.
44:28Tie up some candy and let it float.
44:31Try to catch them with your mouth.
44:34There's chocolate and lollipops too.
44:42Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
44:47Yeah, that wasn't just a cute rhyme.
44:52Don't worry, Super Dad to the rescue.
44:57Complete with an anti-insect tent.
45:03Looks like it's time for round two.
45:06Ooh, a somersault.
45:10Well, at least she stuck the landing.
45:14But I'm sure Dad knows what to do.
45:19That glove should come in handy.
45:22Add to a cup.
45:28Now let's put it on the table.
45:31Now let's put a new face on things.
45:36It's Jax!
45:38Add a straw to perk him up.
45:41Until he goes back down the rabbit hole.
45:46Time for a midnight snack.
45:48Let's see, candy?
45:50Candy? Chips?
45:52Ooh, candy!
45:59Uh-oh! Dad's onto us!
46:04Good thing she's got a backup.
46:07And she'll be careful next time.
46:09Let's empty a glue stick.
46:13And fill it up with bite-sized candies.
46:18Now chew.
46:20Chew like no one's watching.
46:22As long as no one really is watching.
46:34Anyone hear some bumps in the night?
46:37Think it's after his mustache?
46:39Oh no!
46:42What's under the bed?
46:44Oh, it was just a cat in some gloves.
46:49I know, if you're scared, this projector should cheer you up.
46:53You can make your very own light show.
46:59No monster's gonna come around here.
47:07Dad's a great guy, but he's no hairstylist.
47:12You'll need a magic wand to fix it.
47:16Or at least a cool gadget.
47:19Run your hair through it.
47:22It'll tie up loose ends.
47:24And look at all the colors.
47:36Let's pop the balloon.
47:40Good thing you have the broom out.
47:46But let's switch things up a bit.
47:49Tape the bristles to an RC car.
47:51Now start your engine.
47:53Well, remote control.
48:03It'll do all the heavy lifting while you supervise.
48:11Um, kid, that's not spaghetti.
48:15Let's sneak out.
48:17We've got a surprise for you.
48:19Let's sneak out.
48:21We've got some party planning to do.
48:24Watch out! Not the presents!
48:29Uh-oh, looks like we're starting all over again.
48:35It's okay, there's still time.
48:38That girl sleeps till noon.
48:41And look, even an old can can help.
48:44Straighten it out.
48:45Add a stencil.
48:47And poke some holes.
48:57Now add some lights inside.
48:59Make room for the batteries.
49:02Add a lid on top and try it out.
49:07Great for any giant blowout party.
49:16What's in here?
49:18Ooh, a baby doll!
49:20Coochie coochie coo!
49:25Why don't we take a balloon?
49:28Cut a little off the top and the bottom.
49:34Add it onto the doll's legs.
49:38And pour on some clear glue.
49:40With glitter.
49:42Lots of sparkly glitter.
49:46It's a mermaid tail.
49:48Just add a fin.
49:51Maybe a few jewels.
49:54Can't forget the seashell bikini.
50:04Poor Dolly, she's missing the back of her head.
50:06It's okay, our glue gun can make a brand new head.
50:14Just need to put on your face.
50:20Now attach a chain right on back.
50:24And a new do is just what our new necklace needs.
50:28Oh, careful when opening that soda!
50:31Never mind.
50:36Still, all that soda gives me an idea.
50:39Grab some old bottle caps.
50:43And glue two together.
50:47And glue two together.
50:50And glue two together.
50:52And glue two together.
50:54And glue two together.
50:56Add glitter glue around the side.
51:06And a chain on top.
51:09Stack a bunch of these bottle caps.
51:13And it's a sweet pair of earrings.
51:16Ooh, toilet paper is a great gift.
51:20Especially for crafts.
51:25Give them a nice soak.
51:29And start ripping them up.
51:33Time for a little tenderizing.
51:35And don't forget some color.
51:38Really spread it around.
51:42Now use it to cover the top half of a balloon.
51:54And there you have it.
51:56A balloon necklace.
51:58A balloon necklace.
52:00A balloon necklace.
52:02A balloon necklace.
52:04When it dries, pop the balloon.
52:10Throw on some finishing touches.
52:16Now that's one lit pig.
52:23Ah, what a mess.
52:25Let's try a new recipe.
52:29Make a mold out of some sand.
52:34Now add some candy and gelatin.
52:42Why not use different flavors?
52:47Ooh, it looks like a bird's head.
52:51Let's add some plumes on top.
53:00Add some teeth for a prehistoric look.
53:04For a new twist on birthday cake.
53:11A plastic bottle?
53:13It's weighed.
53:15Aw, don't cry.
53:19Well, now that it's empty, add some bands and popsicle sticks.
53:28Save some for a makeshift motor.
53:34Wrap it up with construction paper.
53:39And make it into a shark.
53:43Of course, a shark needs water.
53:53Watch out!
53:56Oh, it's revenge of the produce.
53:59But these carrots look trustworthy.
54:02Stick them together with toothpicks.
54:09And soon enough, it's the letter N.
54:14Maybe this banana isn't too bad.
54:18After all, it can make a great C.
54:24And it couldn't be easier
54:28to make a cucumber E.
54:32With all these curbs, a pepper can be M.
54:46Well, we found the slime.
54:48It's going on some nanotape.
54:52Now roll it up and start slicing.
54:55Now roll it up and start slicing.
55:05Stick these little pieces together.
55:10And start stacking them up.
55:15It's a corn cob.
55:17Add some leaves.
55:18Make sure you cover it up so we can get right to shucking.
55:30At least the flowers are okay.
55:32Sorry, I think I jinxed it.
55:39Twist up some pipe cleaners.
55:42And roll them up into a bunch.
55:47You know, these new flowers could use some Christmas lights too.
55:56For a bouquet that will last and last.
