Gypsy Rose Blanchard Is Pregnant!

  • 2 months ago
Gypsy Rose Blanchard is pregnant! The 'Life After Lock Up' star is expecting her first child with her boyfriend, Ken Urker, sharing her happy news on her YouTube channel.
00:00I'm happy to announce that I am 11 weeks pregnant.
00:05Ken and I are expecting our very first child
00:08come January of 2025.
00:11Gypsy Rose Blanchard is having a baby.
00:14We're both very excited.
00:15This was not planned at all.
00:18It was completely unexpected,
00:20but we're both very excited to take on this new journey
00:24of parenthood.
00:26I'm entering into a new era in my life.
00:29The Life After Lockup star is sharing her happy news
00:31on her YouTube channel,
00:33announcing she and her boyfriend, Ken Urker,
00:35are expecting their first child.
00:37The baby looks healthy, happy.
00:40I know it's still gonna be a long journey ahead,
00:44but I'm up for it.
00:46I know that there are gonna be people
00:50that feel like I'm not ready to be a mother,
00:54and I don't know if anyone's really ready
00:56to become a mother.
00:58What reservations, if any,
00:59do you have about having children someday
01:01after considering what you've experienced
01:04in your own childhood?
01:05I don't have any reservations.
01:07The mama-to-be getting emotional
01:09as she reflects on her own upbringing
01:11as she prepares to welcome her little one.
01:13Suddenly, it's not about you.
01:16It's not about anything
01:19other than the tiny little life that's inside you,
01:24and that you have to make sure that you protect,
01:27you love, you take care of,
01:29and all of the things that I wished I could've had
01:35when I was little.
01:38And I just wanna be a good mother for my child.
01:42I wanna be everything my mother wasn't.
01:45Gypsy and Ken might not have planned their new addition,
01:48but they're both ready to step up as parents.
01:51It doesn't matter what we go through, him and I.
01:54Whatever we face, we'll face it together.
02:00Because we have a baby now.
02:04We have something that's bigger than either one of us.
02:08So whatever comes our way, we're gonna stick together.
02:12We're not breaking because we are a family now.
02:16The news comes just over three months
02:18after Gypsy announced her split from husband, Ryan Anderson.
02:21Rekindling her romance with former fiance, Ken,
02:25I'm blindsided about how fast the process went.
02:28I am blindsided about how fast it was like,
02:32I'm gonna stay with my parents for the weekend,
02:33and then it's, I'm never coming back.
02:35So it's one of those where it was just shocking
02:38how fast it went from this to that,
02:41to now I'm with Ken and I'm in love with him.
02:45As for whether there'll be wedding bells
02:47in the couple's future.
02:48Are you having conversations
02:50about maybe taking that next step?
02:52Yeah, I think those conversations
02:53are fun to have, but nothing seriously laid out.
02:59It's just kind of like, oh, this would be cute.
03:00You know, X, Y, Z, when we X, Y, Z.
03:04Yeah, yeah, of course.
03:05We're having those fun conversations.
03:07Okay, so if you saw,
03:09is there like a timeline that you envision?
03:12No, I mean, I think that, you know,
03:14I am the kind of girl that don't tell me
03:17just because we're in love,
03:19I don't wanna know what your plans are
03:22if you're gonna propose, don't tell me, just do it.
03:25You just wanna be surprised.
03:27Yeah, I wanna be surprised.
03:28So those are, you know, those are,
03:30that's in his hands right now.
03:32Congrats to Gypsy and Ken on their growing family.
03:35All that matters is making sure that I'm healthy,
03:39the baby's healthy, my relationship with Ken is healthy
03:43and we are moving forward in a positive way.
