The EASIEST Metabolism Boost EVER

  • 2 months ago
The EASIEST Metabolism Boost EVER
00:00I have Keith back with me to discuss a study that shows that drinking this each morning
00:05can boost your metabolism by 24%.
00:08It costs you nothing, and it is super easy, but you have to do it a specific way.
00:13We'll talk about it in this video.
00:17Everyone wants water to be the magic cure-all to boost metabolism, mainly because it is
00:25free and it's easy.
00:27You can find lots of current research that talks about the benefits of water and metabolism.
00:33They typically are focusing on consuming water all day long for hydration, those types of
00:40However, a lot of those studies come with so many variables.
00:44They're talking about dietary recall, or it's a long, drawn-out process, and there's a lot
00:51of individual variability.
00:52We came across a study from 2003 that had a really interesting twist.
00:58This one was done by Boschman and his team.
01:02They showed the result of the study was that drinking 500 milliliters of water gave the
01:09participants a metabolic boost of 30%.
01:12500 milliliters, that's two cups of water.
01:1630% significant.
01:18That is significant.
01:19Almost too good to be true type of significant.
01:23In fact, Brown, a couple of years after that, came out and said, I think it is maybe a little
01:28bit too good to be true.
01:29He conducted his own study, basically debunked the first one, said that, nope, water does
01:36not give you any extra energy expenditure.
01:41He used some different waters.
01:43He used different tools to check their metabolism.
01:49It wasn't apples to apples.
01:52I get the feeling that maybe his intent was to debunk it a little bit.
01:56We weren't there.
01:57Who knows?
01:59We can't speak on that.
02:00But Boschman's team came back a year later and said, you know, I think we were pretty
02:05well spot on.
02:06They redid their initial study and came up with a very similar result showing that indeed
02:14drinking two cups of water gave a metabolic boost of 24% this time.
02:22And that was possibly because they were looking at a different subset of the population.
02:27They looked at overweight patients in the second one and normal weight participants
02:31in the first one.
02:33Regardless, the takeaway is that to get this metabolic boost, the participants drank the
02:41water in a very specific way.
02:43Specifically, they drank it plain and fast.
02:47Or specifically, it was plain tap water and they consumed it within five minutes.
02:53So let's talk about why those two things are significant.
02:58So let's talk about the waters and the type of water and the amount of water that they
03:04used first.
03:05So they used a control of 50 milliliters, which is about two ounces.
03:09Then they used 500 milliliters of plain tap water, which is what we see here.
03:14It's about two cups.
03:15Then they used 500 milliliters of what's called an isoosmotic solution, which means that it
03:21had a similar salinity to our body fluid, the fluid in our cells.
03:26So they utilized, or they had 16 overweight subjects in this control.
03:34They drank the different solutions, waters, at 9 a.m.
03:41It was, I believe, room temperature, and they drank that within five minutes.
03:46So it's fast, but it's not chugging it.
03:48You can chug it if you want, I guess.
03:50But after that, they spent the next 90 minutes in a metabolic chamber.
03:55And it was also a randomized crossover trial, which means that each subject was tested with
04:03each of the three types of water, amount of water.
04:08And what they found was that only the 500 milliliters of regular water, plain water,
04:15gave the result of the 24% increase in metabolic rate.
04:20The other two water samples did not provide that.
04:24So by quickly drinking the plain water, the participants got a metabolic boost.
04:30They had more energy expenditure, which means their bodies burned more calories to balance
04:39this influx of water out.
04:43And the results started very quickly.
04:46They started within like a 10 minute after ingesting the water.
04:51So why did this work?
04:53So kind of the possible reason they came up with that this worked this way is something
04:58called osmolarity.
05:00And basically that is just a term that means the number of particles that are dissolved
05:06in a certain volume of fluid, whatever that fluid is.
05:11So when we say isoosmotic, as in the saline solution, that means that that saline solution
05:18was the same as the saline or the solution that's within our cells, has the same amount
05:26of salts, the same amount of those types of things.
05:29The whole proposed mechanism is that when you kind of flood that environment, that cellular
05:34environment with plain water, that it actually causes this gradient.
05:39So the cell has more of this concentrated solution inside of it, and outside of it is
05:46less concentrated.
05:47So in order to equal that out, the cell has to pull this water in and expand itself to
05:53kind of get everything diluted and evened out.
05:56It's that expansion that triggers a lot of those cellular effects.
06:01So that, and that triggered this thermogenesis, which was the thing that required more calories
06:06to burn it up.
06:07It's basically like, you know, so, and that only worked for the plain water, right?
06:12Because when you drink the water that was similar to the internal environment, that
06:16isoosmotic saline, well, you didn't get that cell expansion because you're just putting
06:22more of the same thing in.
06:23But when you flood your body with just plain water, now the cells are more concentrated
06:29and water has to rush in there because that's what osmolarity is all about, keeping that
06:34balance, keeping that homeostasis.
06:37And that then caused the thermogenic effect that we're after.
06:41It does, it does, it's a, it's an interesting theory and they're calling it a theory.
06:45They didn't really prove it through that, but it did work and then they got the results.
06:51So let's go through some rapid fire questions and answers that people might be thinking
06:56about if they want to employ this in their, in their morning routine.
07:00First of all, did it have to be cold water?
07:02So it didn't have to be cold water.
07:04They, in fact, in, in Boshman's experiments, they used room temperature water, I believe.
07:09In Brown's experiments, he did some things with cold water and there is in fact a small
07:18increase in caloric expenditure when you drink cold water, you know, the body has to
07:22warm it up a little bit.
07:25So it wasn't done in Boshman's experiments.
07:28If you want to do it, I think it's fine.
07:31Both of us use room temperature water.
07:33We just go to the tap, we have filtered water, but we go to the tap and, and stand at the
07:37kitchen sink and drink down to glasses of water first thing in the morning.
07:41And if you're doing it fast, I mean, if you're drinking ice cold water, that might be a little
07:44hard to get that down quick, you know.
07:48Maybe, yeah.
07:49Does it have to be tap water?
07:51So it can be tap water or plain water.
07:55The main thing is that it can't be water that has anything in it.
08:00You know, no, no salt, no electrolytes, you know, nothing mixed into it.
08:04It just has to be water.
08:06Because you are trying to get that imbalance, right?
08:09You want to put plain water in your body to get that imbalance started.
08:13Now, does that, we talk about electrolytes a lot on my channel, does that mean electrolytes
08:17are not important?
08:18No, electrolytes are still very, very important, especially if you're low carb or keto.
08:24Just, you know, don't, don't take them in the first couple hours of the day.
08:27Take them throughout the rest of the day.
08:30You really just, you want to create that kind of imbalanced fluid environment in there to
08:36get this effect.
08:38And in the study, the effect went on for over an hour.
08:42So, so you want to not be taking in extra electrolytes or taking a supplement if you
08:51take it in the morning.
08:52Just wait an hour after doing this to get that full benefit.
08:56Does it have to be first thing in the morning?
08:58I guess it doesn't have to be.
09:00The studies did it at 9 a.m.
09:03You and I kind of both agree that first thing in the morning seems like the most logical
09:07time to do it.
09:08You're in a fasted state.
09:09You don't have bodily process going on.
09:11Nothing's been in your stomach for probably 12 hours or so.
09:16And you know, I like coming down here in the morning, getting it out of the way.
09:22It is getting it out of the way.
09:23But then there's also that, there's kind of a good psychological effect that you get because
09:28you're, you're intentionally doing something for your metabolism right off the, right at
09:32the start of the day.
09:33It kind of starts you, kind of starts your day.
09:36It's a good way to start.
09:37And yeah, it's simple.
09:39So being that it's morning, can you drink coffee afterwards?
09:44You can sip coffee afterwards.
09:45I mean, you're not adding any, any, you know, solute, any particles into that, that fluid
09:53environment, you know, that you've just created.
09:56So you're not, you're not negating your advantage by drinking coffee.
09:59All right.
10:00So let me wrap this all up so that you are very clear on what we do and what you can
10:05do if you would like to give yourself a metabolic boost in the morning.
10:09Get up, grab two cups of plain water, drink them down within five minutes.
10:16They can be room temperature or they can be cold.
10:18It's up to you.
10:20And that is it.
10:22Then hold off on using any supplements for the next hour and you're done with the protocol.
10:28Super simple.
10:30One of these things that just accumulates your progress throughout the day.
10:35If it's simple, we do it right.
10:37And if you don't have a way of eating right now that you're comfortable with, or you're
10:41a little confused about things, keep it simple.
10:44One of the simplest things that we have to offer is our 0123 strategy.
10:49I like to say it's four things that you can do every day that coax your body into losing
10:56It's already in use by hundreds of thousands of people.
10:58If you just are confused and you just need a starting place, we will put the link below
11:04us here on this video so that you can grab that.
11:07Otherwise, thanks so much for watching.
11:10Go grab some water if it's first thing in the morning.
11:12And if you enjoyed this, please give us a like, give us a subscribe, and we'll see you
11:17in another video.