The Princess Royal (2024) Ep.27 Engsub

  • 2 months ago


01:33Su Rongxin,
01:36hand over Hong De's son.
01:42Your Majesty, I'm innocent.
01:44I don't know where you got the information.
01:47Please let him come out.
01:49I'll confront him face to face.
01:53What will you confront?
01:56Hong De only recognized you
01:57and reported to the Imperial Court.
01:59Zou Shiting was burned.
02:01I asked him to testify in the palace,
02:03but he died in the middle of the road.
02:05He even committed suicide.
02:06If someone hadn't threatened him with the child,
02:08how could he have committed suicide?
02:11Now he's investigating the child.
02:13It has something to do with you again.
02:15One thing can be said to be a coincidence.
02:17Is there such a coincidence in the world?
02:23Your Majesty is right.
02:25I also think
02:26this is not a coincidence,
02:29but someone deliberately set up a fraud.
02:32Your Majesty, please investigate further.
02:36I'll check it right now.
02:39take Su Rongxin
02:40to the prison.
02:44Your Majesty,
02:45Su Ronghua, the vice director of the Bureau of Investigation,
02:47asks to see you.
02:48Let him in.
02:49Your Majesty.
02:58Your Majesty.
03:03Get up and talk.
03:05I dare not.
03:12He's here to make amends.
03:16Your Majesty, please retreat.
03:19You can go down first.
03:23Can't I call you now?
03:26Yes, Your Majesty.
03:27I'm leaving.
03:33It is said that Mr. Su and Zhang Xun have a deep relationship.
03:39it is true.
03:44Don't you feel guilty?
03:50Your Majesty.
03:56it is the people of the Bureau of Investigation who feel guilty.
04:01Some people
04:03can only go forward
04:05on a dead end.
04:08They can't go forward.
04:13I used to think that
04:15people were forced to go.
04:19But now I find that
04:22the road is made by people themselves.
04:25If you don't go forward,
04:27you'll never know what's ahead.
04:30What if
04:33there is a cliff ahead?
04:35It depends on whether you want to
04:37go forward even if you are broken.
04:39Would you like to go forward
04:40even if you are broken
04:42for this so-called road?
04:52I'm just
04:54taking a step away from you.
05:01Please give this memorial to His Majesty.
05:07His Majesty
05:09wasn't like this before.
05:15will change.
05:20You hit me.
05:27I'm sorry.
05:30I can't help it.
05:33But Your Highness, trust me.
05:36I will never
05:38hurt you.
05:43Your Highness.
05:45It's raining heavily.
05:47I'm here to pick you up.
06:05Mr. Su.
06:08Nice to meet you.
06:11It's more than that.
06:14Mr. Pei.
06:15It's been a long time.
06:20Mr. Pei.
06:30His Majesty
06:31used the identity of Su Wangshi
06:34to entice Consort Rou
06:36and frame the crown prince and Prince Pinyue.
06:41You bastard!
06:43I know what you did.
06:46What you did
06:47更说明此事和苏文清脱不了干系! This means that this matter has something to do with Sun Wenqing!
06:52陛下却不知道,微臣表面心无正事,实则妒忌弟弟,固而拉拢柔妃,想立足于朝堂之上,以这苏家嫡子之位,恕此! Your Majesty, you don't know that I pretend to be indifferent, but in fact, I am jealous of my younger brother, so I pulled Roufei to be the emperor.
07:04以这苏家嫡子之位,恕此! I have been the enemy of the Su family for several times.
07:08陛下,罪臣将洪德的儿子抓走, Your Majesty, I have arrested Hongde's son.
07:13还望陛下,看在苏家和微臣精心教导过肃王的份上,将功抵过,宽佑微臣! I hope that Your Majesty will forgive me for the sake of the Su family and for the sake of the Su family, who have taught me carefully.
07:21这就是朕为肃王找的好老师! This is the good teacher I have been looking for for King Su!
07:27既然是你,为何不早说? Since it's you, why don't you say it earlier?
07:32微臣有罪! I am guilty!
07:37朕再问你一遍,到底是你还是苏文清? I'll ask you again, is it you or Sun Wenqing?
07:42是微臣做的!是微臣做的! It's me!
07:45微臣本不敢承认此事,但不忍弟弟为此无辜受虐,才不得不前来认罪。微臣本不敢承认此事,但不忍弟弟为此无辜受虐,才不得不前来认罪。 I dare not admit this, but I can't bear to see my brother being punished for this innocent act.
07:53还望陛下恕罪! I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!
07:55那为何洪德招供的是你弟弟? Then why did Hongde recruit your brother?
07:59微臣见洪德之时,并未露面。 When I saw Hongde, he was not present.
08:03或许洪德是根据什么东西,猜出我是苏家人。 Maybe Hongde guessed that I was from the Su family based on something.
08:07华剑之中,弟弟的名望比微臣要小。 In the world, my brother's reputation is lower than mine.
08:11或许是洪德猜错了人。 Maybe Hongde got the wrong person.
08:17既是猜错了人,那你又为何放火烧了宋世廷,还杀了人,你图的又是什么? If you got the wrong person, then why did you set fire to the Zou Temple and kill people? What are you up to?
08:24陛下,宋世廷走水一事,微臣并不清楚。 Your Majesty, I'm not sure about the Zou Temple incident.
08:28至于洪德,实属误会。 As for Hongde, it's a misunderstanding.
08:32微臣确实同洪德说过,若出事,他需保卧。 I did tell Hongde that if anything happened, he must protect me.
08:38但是微臣也不明白,他怎么就在来的路上就自杀了。 But I don't understand why he killed himself on his way here.
08:43陛下,微臣也是一时糊涂。 Your Majesty, I was also confused.
08:47微臣身为肃王老师,自然是一心为肃王和柔妃娘娘着想。 As a teacher of King Su, I naturally put my mind on King Su and Consort Rou.
08:52虽然陛下后来也让弟弟当了肃王老师,但是真正为肃王着想的只有微臣。 Although Your Majesty made Hongde a teacher of King Su, I was the only one who really put his mind on King Su.
09:00平月殿下身为督察司司处,位高权重,他与太子本就是姐弟,又怎能分开? Your Highness, Pingyue is the prime minister of the Censorate, and she holds a high position. She and the Crown Prince are brothers, how can they be separated?
09:08柔妃娘娘也是顾虑于此,所以微臣才想了这样的手段。 Consort Rou was also worried about this, so I came up with this method.
09:15你跟柔妃简直就是两个蠢货! You and Consort Rou are two idiots!
09:18朕为何要启用平月?没有平月,像上官家这种庞然大物,你苏家愿意斗吗? Why should I use Pingyue? Without Pingyue, would the Su family be willing to fight against the Shangguan family?
09:27他们可以为了太子动用举足之力,你可以吗? They can use their strength for the Crown Prince. Can you do that?
09:33平月为了权势与世家内斗,不管他们是真是假,上官家如今在朝堂上空出了位置,世家空出了位置,让朕的人能上去。 Pingyue is fighting with the Shi family for power. Whether they are real or not, the Shangguan family is now vacant in the court. The Shi family is vacant, so that my people can go up.
09:44这就是结果!他急什么?他急也就罢!你跟着急什么?这就是你帮他的方式? This is the result! Why is he in such a hurry? Let him be in such a hurry. Why are you in such a hurry? Is this the way you help him?
09:57陛下,为臣知错,是为臣目光短浅,不能体会陛下深意。还请陛下恕罪。 Your Majesty, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm short-sighted. I didn't understand you. Please forgive me.
10:05算了。朕看你也不适合在这朝堂之上待着。下去。 Forget it. I don't think you should stay in the court. Leave.
10:15为臣谢陛下恩典。 Thank you, Your Majesty.
10:35你今日不该来的。 You shouldn't have come today.
10:40我不来,你怎么办? What should I do if I don't come?
10:46陆亲,虽然我不知道你在做什么,可你别忘了,我是你哥哥,这路是你一个人在走。 Lu Qing, although I don't know what you're doing, don't forget that I'm your brother. You're the one who's walking this path.
11:01可有的路,注定要一个人走。能走到头了,如果我死在那里,兄长愿意的话,帮我说个誓也好。 But some paths are meant to be taken alone. If I die there, if you're willing to do it, it would be good for me.
11:17陆亲,你在胡说八道什么? Lu Qing, what are you talking about?
11:19兄长,可否答应我一件事情?以后不要再管我了。今日之事日后不可有二。我的路我自己走,我的罪我自己扛。 Brother, can you promise me one thing? Don't blame me anymore. What happened today can't be repeated in the future. I'll walk my own path. I'll bear my own sin.
11:38哥,如果你想为我好的话,就请你做好你自己。剩下的交给我。 Brother, if you want to be good for me, please be yourself. Leave the rest to me.
12:09哥,回吧。去找上官亚喝一杯。等到一个合适的时候,提亲去吧。 Brother, let's go back. Let's have a drink with Shangguan Ya. Let's propose a marriage when the time is right.
12:24苏大人,你该出宫了。 Mr. Su, it's time for you to leave the palace.
12:38苏大人! Mr. Su!
12:54苏公子! Mr. Su!
13:04梅艾凡兹啊。恭喜恭喜。 Congratulations, Mr. Mei.
13:08你是来幸灾乐祸,看热闹的。 Are you here to see the show?
13:11你这戏不都演完了吗?陛下也没怪罪你啊。 Didn't you finish the show? His Majesty didn't blame you either.
13:14那你就是关心我,特地来接我的喽。 Then you care about me, so you came to pick me up.
13:17那你可想错了。我可不是一个会心疼人的人。 You're wrong. I'm not a person who cares about others.
13:21无妨,这是我擅长,我可以教你。 It doesn't matter. I'm good at it. I can teach you.
13:26实话跟你说吧,我呢,带了酒。 To be honest, I brought some wine.
13:31不知道苏大公子可不有兴趣同我一起上山看日出。 I wonder if Mr. Su is interested in going up the mountain with me to watch the sunrise.
13:35看日出? Watch the sunrise?
13:39怎么?你没兴趣啊? What? You're not interested?
13:41不,不,不。那当然有兴趣啊。 No, no, no. Of course I'm interested.
13:44再说,让上官大人一个人上山,没个护花使者,怎么有我放心呢? Besides, it's not safe for me to let Mr. Shangguan go up the mountain alone.
13:50我怎么没有发现,你这张嘴倒是挺会心疼人的。 Why didn't I notice that you have a sharp tongue?
13:57走着。 Let's go.
14:00陛下,微臣知道您现在谁都不信,可既然不信,为何不试一试? Your Majesty, I know you don't trust anyone now, but if you don't trust anyone, why don't you give it a try?
14:10试什么? What?
14:12是您心中所有的疑惑。 All the doubts in your heart.
14:21怎么了?看你出生很久了,心疼啊? What's the matter? I've seen you for a long time. Does it hurt?
14:27心疼什么? What hurts?
14:31你无不无聊啊。我有什么好心疼的?我就是在想,你说,如今大家都好好的,怎么就变成从前那个样子?到底是哪里出错了呢? Why are you so boring? What's there to feel sorry for? I'm just thinking, you see, everyone is fine now. How did it become what it used to be? Where did I go wrong?
14:47殿下,出淤泥而不染的是圣人,但大多数人,如同你我,都是普通人。 Your Highness, most of the saints are like you and me, ordinary people.
15:00那你做过恶吗? Have you ever done evil?
15:04我也是普通人,但每当我想做恶的时候,我都会想起殿下。 I'm also an ordinary person, but whenever I want to do evil, I think of you.
15:16不知道为什么,即使在我最恨你的时候,我也不想让殿下看不起我。 I don't know why, but even when I hate you the most, I don't want you to look down on me.
15:26为什么呀? Why?
15:30初见之时,公主在我眼里是如此之好。 When I first met you, you were so good to me.
15:37我想成为殿下目之所及的光,而非是黑影。 I want to be the light in your eyes, not a shadow.
15:47殿下,其实…… Your Highness, actually...
15:51没关系。只要一切对得起良知,我便会支持。 It doesn't matter. As long as everything is in line with conscience, I will support it.
16:01其实今天弘德的事呢,我心里是有些打鼓的。 Actually, I was a little worried about what happened to Hongde today.
16:06但是你让我去与苏荣卿对质,我便去了。 But you asked me to confront with Su Rongqing, so I went.
16:09因为我知道你肯定会安排好。 Because I know you will arrange it well.
16:12因为你在,我心里有底。 Because you are here, I feel secure.
16:19梅文轩,我眼里容得下黑白,但是你能够满足我像梦一样的期许,我也挺高兴的。 Lian Wenxuan, I can tolerate the darkness, but I'm happy that you can satisfy my dream-like expectation.
16:37回去吧,累了。 Go back. You must be tired.
16:42来了。 I'm here.
16:48母妃,弘德的事只怕会牵累我们。 Mother, I'm afraid that what happened to Hongde will implicate us.
16:53我也有此担忧,但只要你舅舅守在边关一日,我们就有希望。 I'm also worried about it, but as long as your uncle stays at the border for one day, we will have hope.
17:00娘娘,殿下,娘娘,二公子卓伦带了口信,请娘娘和肃王殿下将一切罪责推在苏大公子身上即可。 Your highness, your highness, the second prince, Zhurong, has brought a letter, asking you and Prince Su to blame Prince Su.
17:10他还是不够了解陛下,陛下想要的可不是推责。 He still doesn't know you well enough. What you want is not blame.
17:21诸位爱卿,对今年朝中官员职位调动的名单有何意义啊? Your highness, what do you think about the list of officials to be promoted this year?
17:31启禀陛下。 Your highness.
17:34你有何想法? What do you think?
17:35陛下,微臣才疏学浅,资历浅薄,近日就任尚书以来,未敢吃力,还请陛下另择他选。 Your highness, I am inexperienced and inexperienced, and I have not been able to do my job well since I took office recently. Please choose someone else, your highness.
17:53他这又是唱的哪一出?他不做,谁做? Which song is he singing? If he doesn't do it, who will?
17:58嗯。 Um.
18:04既然苏爱卿主动请辞,朕也不好为难。这样吧,刑部尚书一直先空着,平日事宜由左右侍郎协商,拿不定主意的可直接呈报给朕。 If you take the initiative to resign, I won't make it difficult for you. How about this? The Ministry of Justice has been vacant for a long time. If you have any doubts, you can consult with the assistant minister. If you can't decide, you can report to me directly.
18:19直接呈报,那就等于越国尚书上直接接管了刑部。 If I report directly, it means that the Ministry of Justice has taken over the Ministry of Justice directly.
18:23苏爱卿以为如何? What do you think, your highness?
18:25陛下英明。 Your highness is wise.
18:29嗯。 Um.
18:31诸位,可还有其他意见吗? Do you have any other comments?
18:59and share my burden.
19:02Pei Liming, Su Mianzhi, Shangguan Xu,
19:05I'd like to ask you to spare some time
19:09to help me with the memorials.
19:11If you're busy,
19:13you can tell me in advance.
19:15I can make other arrangements.
19:19Yes, Your Majesty.
19:21These people have almost covered
19:22all the different factions in the court.
19:25It's fair.
19:27But the three Vassals are usually very busy.
19:30I'd like to recruit a few more
19:32besides them.
19:35As for the candidates,
19:36I haven't decided yet.
19:38Let's discuss it later.
19:39Your Majesty,
19:40it's not about today.
19:43It's about the people who will fill in.
19:45A cabinet that can be monitored by Pei Wenxuan
19:48is not as good as a cabinet that can be exposed by King Su.
19:57I know I'm very stupid.
19:59I made a big trouble
20:00and got caught.
20:02To avoid the gossip,
20:03I asked myself to be a concubine.
20:11You're not too stupid.
20:15It's good that you know you're wrong.
20:16You don't have to be a concubine.
20:27You know you're wrong.
20:28Why are you crying?
20:30I know
20:31you'll scold me
20:33if I say it out.
20:35But based on a woman's intuition,
20:37Pei Wenxuan and Pingyue
20:40are all concubines and concubines.
20:44I guess
20:46they're on the same side.
20:49Pei Wenxuan is said to be your man.
20:52But I think
20:54he's cheating on you.
21:00The son-in-law of the Pei family is extraordinary.
21:03Princess Pingyue is as beautiful as Chunhua.
21:06Although they are handsome and beautiful,
21:08they are destined to be together.
21:10They have different personalities.
21:12It's hard to get married.
21:14I, Pei Wenxuan,
21:17ask for a divorce.
21:24I, Pei Wenxuan, ask for a divorce.
21:28Mr. Pei, please accept the edict.
21:31I accept the edict.
21:33Thank you, Your Majesty.
21:43I'm going back.
21:45Take care, Eunuch.
21:46Take care, Eunuch.
21:54Take care, Eunuch.
21:58Mr. Pei, you're so arrogant.
22:01You're too arrogant.
22:03You lost the crown prince so easily.
22:12That's it?
22:16Yes, Your Highness.
22:19I didn't lose the money or the power.
22:21But I lost her.
22:25Your Highness,
22:26I have been taking care of her well.
22:29She is a gentleman.
22:31She is going to marry him.
22:33She will lose the power.
22:34You need to take care of her well.
22:37I don't want to lose the power.
22:39Don't worry.
22:40I'll take care of her.
22:44I've made my decision.
22:46If you don't want the crown prince,
22:48I'll take you away from here today.
22:51It's all right.
25:47She and Joe I can't wish to go that you take our bar
26:21Thank you, Mr. Cui, for the medicine.
26:28Yuqing, let's go home.
26:35Go and check these people.
26:42Tell them to report to the government.
26:51Greetings, Your Highness. Miss Shangguan.
26:54Your Highness, I have something to do.
27:03Give me the porcelain.
27:08You took it away.
27:10I'm not stupid.
27:13But it's also good for you.
27:16If you continue to work in the government,
27:18I don't know what the future will be like.
27:26I won't see you off.
27:28Let's get together another day.
27:31Thank you, Your Highness.
27:36Your Highness.
27:40Although I'm biased,
27:44I've never thought of harming you.
27:47Please don't hold a grudge against him.
27:53There is no personal grudge in the court.
28:02Your Highness is right.
28:10Your Majesty.
28:11Concubine Rou is here to see you.
28:15Let her in.
28:19Your Majesty.
28:24This is the calming soup I made.
28:27Please enjoy it, Your Majesty.
28:37Why are you still kneeling? Get up.
28:40This is my punishment for myself.
28:43If I can't beat others, I have to admit it.
28:45I have to remind myself.
28:48It's good that you know.
28:51You can forgive me,
28:53but I can't forgive myself.
28:56I know I'm not talented,
28:58but I'm loyal enough.
29:01I'm also your sword.
29:03And I'm definitely better than Pei Wenxuan.
29:06From now on, whatever you want to do,
29:09I'll do it.
29:17Bring the soup here.
29:26I don't want it.
30:07Your Highness.
30:08This is the new boiled egg.
30:09Let me get you a new one.
30:13Help me roll this way.
30:25It's hot.
30:29I'm so embarrassed today.
30:32My reputation
30:34is ruined by Pei Wenxuan.
30:38It's all that bastard's fault.
30:40When did you get here?
30:48If you have something to say, say it.
30:49If not, get out of here.
30:50It's not the time to meet.
30:53Sister, I haven't seen you
30:55in the morning.
30:57Isn't this much better than in the morning?
31:03You can apply this egg again.
31:05It'll be fine tomorrow.
31:12Say it.
31:13What do you want me to do?
31:15As far as I know about Pei Wenxuan,
31:17he must have his own arrangements
31:18for this matter.
31:21At worst,
31:23you two can get married later.
31:29I know you like him.
31:31Or according to your temperament,
31:33it's impossible to say
31:34that you can chase a whole street
31:35by a carriage.
31:37But to be honest,
31:39you have such a good stamina.
31:40Wait a minute.
31:42Who's chasing a carriage
31:43to run a whole street?
31:46It's all spread.
31:47The whole of Huaqing City knows.
31:55In my opinion,
31:57divorce is always better
31:59than both of them having an accident.
32:01So, sister, don't be too sad.
32:03I'm so happy.
32:04It's too late to be happy.
32:07Are you happy that your eyes are crying like this?
32:12I'll tell you the truth.
32:16Your Highness,
32:17this is a candle from Shudi.
32:19After eating it,
32:20your eyes will be swollen.
32:24I haven't eaten it yet,
32:25so I feel like I'm going to be swollen.
32:38I see.
32:40Then I'm relieved.
32:43All right.
32:44Don't talk nonsense with me.
32:46If you have time,
32:47go and ask me something.
32:49What is it?
32:51Go and ask
32:53whether the Chief Examiner of the Imperial Examination has been decided.
32:56It should have been decided.
32:59But it shouldn't be so soon.
33:01It's strange this year.
33:02Minister Wang said
33:03this year's selection of talents in the court
33:05is of great importance.
33:07And he also told my father that
33:09he wanted to be the Chief Examiner.
33:11Minister Wang took the initiative to be the Chief Examiner.
33:14No one can surpass him.
33:16So even if it hasn't been decided yet,
33:19I don't want to be the Chief Examiner.
33:25don't think about Pei Wenxuan.
33:27The old one won't go,
33:28and the new one won't come.
33:29I'll take you to see him recently.
33:31Which one do you like?
33:32All right, all right, all right.
33:33Don't worry about me.
33:34What about you?
33:36How is your marriage?
33:40I don't care.
33:42They can find whoever they want.
33:47What do you think the result will be?
33:51Father and mother discussed in secret.
33:53I won't be chosen for the time being.
33:55You won't be chosen?
34:02Your Majesty,
34:03Her Majesty is here.
34:13Don't you want to know
34:14why I'm here?
34:16I'm here to ask for an explanation.
34:19Since all the focus of the problem
34:21is on the Crown Princess,
34:23it's not a good idea to continue like this.
34:26And our Shangguan family
34:28has given up the position of the Crown Princess.
34:33Give up?
34:35What is the condition?
34:37Chuan'er can't marry Concubine Rou.
34:45All right.
34:47I can promise you.
34:49You're straightforward.
34:53No matter how much I object to the Crown Prince,
34:57I also hope that
34:58he can have a Crown Princess
34:59who deserves him.
35:05That's good.
35:07I'll leave now.
35:37Young Master,
35:46why don't you want to marry her?
35:47If you don't say it,
35:49I will follow
35:50the result you want
35:51to develop the family.
35:56Xiaorou is too stupid
35:58and has a grudge against us.
36:01You mean...
36:05My original intention
36:06was to make Pei Wenxuan unable to become an official
36:08and only be a prince consort.
36:13My goal
36:15was to reduce the expenses of the Princess's Mansion
36:17and the Duchess's Office.
36:19But he
36:21made you divorce.
36:25Reducing the expenses of the Princess's Mansion
36:27is to limit
36:29the development of the Crown Princess's military power.
36:35Your Highness,
36:36there is a letter from the northwest and southwest.
36:38Say it.
36:40There is no direct battle in the northwest.
36:42The enemy
36:43is only targeting a certain city
36:44to attack Qiufeng
36:45and then run away.
36:47was sent to the front line
36:48to guard the city alone.
36:49He temporarily recruited
36:50the people who were robbed of food
36:51in the city and joined the army.
36:53In addition to his direct control,
36:55there are nearly ten thousand people now.
36:57But the biggest problem now
36:58is the lack of money.
36:59He wants to ask Your Highness
37:00to find a way to get money.
37:02The current development has reached a bottleneck.
37:06Money again.
37:10What about the southwest?
37:12There have been several battles
37:13in the southwest.
37:15Ling Feibai was promoted very quickly.
37:17But now there is also a problem.
37:19Zhuocheng needs to
37:20deal with his superiors on the way.
37:21He also needs money.
37:24It has nothing to do with money.
37:28What about the divorce?
37:30How is the investigation going?
37:31It's clear.
37:32It's Su Rongqing.
37:34I don't know what he and His Majesty
37:35talked about in secret.
37:36Then His Majesty issued an order
37:38to cut the cost of the Bureau of Investigation
37:40and let the tax payers in Qingzhou
37:41hand over half of the court
37:43to support the military supplies in the north.
37:47Then who
37:48asked His Majesty to change his mind?
37:50Concubine Rou.
37:52Concubine Rou?
37:56There is no pattern in a smile.
37:58Only Su Rongqing knows
38:00the weakness of the Palace.
38:03How about this?
38:05You go to Cui Yulang
38:07and ask him
38:08if he plans to continue
38:10what he told me before.
38:13The rose is in full bloom.
38:15The white tea is in full bloom.
38:19The smile is in full bloom.
38:27what are you doing here?
38:29Did I make a mistake
38:31and need to go to the Bureau of Investigation?
38:34Her Highness asked me
38:35to ask you
38:36if you plan to continue
38:38what you told her last time.
38:40Her Highness?
38:42Ha, ha, ha.
38:47Mr. Cui.
38:51Then please
38:52help me ask you
38:54if you do as Her Highness said,
38:57will Her Highness
38:58guarantee my life?
39:01Is there anything else?
39:05after it's done,
39:07will Her Highness
39:09really help me with the case
39:11and give justice to my friend?
39:13Anything else?
39:14If Her Highness agrees,
39:17you can tell me.
39:23In three days,
39:24I will be waiting for you
39:26in the room at the top floor
39:29of Deshun Inn.
39:34By the way,
39:35before you come,
39:37please don't tell my son-in-law.
39:41As for my son-in-law,
39:44he's just a lowly official.
39:46I hope Your Highness will pity him.
39:49Pity him?
39:50Mr. Cui,
39:52why do you mention my son-in-law
39:53out of the blue?
39:54Why do you want Her Highness to pity him?
39:57He's sick.
39:59He can go wherever he wants.
40:01Tell him
40:02to wait for me
40:03in the room at the top floor in three days.
40:04Okay, I got it.
40:08I have to tell him
40:11that Her Highness is quite playful.
40:15Her Highness also said...
40:16What did she say?
40:17Tell her
40:19not to think too much.
40:21Be normal.
40:22I'm not interested in her.
40:41What's up, Mr. Cui?
40:45go to the Princess's Mansion
40:47and ask Jinglan and the others
40:49if the Princess has any plans for her birthday.
40:51Tell me when you get the answer.
40:54Mr. Cui,
40:56you should have known it earlier.
40:59I promise I'll make it clear to you.
41:03Your Highness,
41:04Mr. Tong said he wanted to ask you out.
41:08But I've asked Cui Yulang out.
41:11What should I do?
41:16How about this?
41:17Send someone to tell him
41:18that I have something to do in the capital
41:20and will come back next time.
41:22Tell him the truth.
41:23Tell him the truth.
41:24He doesn't have to worry about it.
41:25What's the truth?
41:28Why didn't you answer me?
41:35Mr. Cui,
41:36why don't you stay at home
41:37and have a good rest today?
41:42My intuition tells me
41:43there must be something wrong.
41:54Your Highness,
41:55someone is following us.
42:07Let's change the place.
42:08Find someone to tell Cui Yulang
42:10to wait for me in the Luwei Hall.
42:13Find a place to stop
42:14and let everyone have a rest.
42:25Let's go.
42:30According to Li Rong's way,
42:32there must be someone in the carriage.
42:36Wait for me here.
42:54I'll go up by myself.
43:23Your Highness.
43:25Can you be a good boy?
43:27I came to see Cui Yulang
43:29because I hate him so much.
43:54Who is looking at the sky
43:57A cold wind in the night
44:00Singing in the Milky Way
44:04The wind blows over the hill
44:07The wind blows over the water
44:11The bright moon in the corner
44:14In the Milky Way
44:45Step by step
44:49She has walked a long way
44:52Looking back
44:56She has seen the clouds
44:59She is holding a red bamboo
45:03She has never been afraid of the big fog
45:06The years are a little bitter
45:10There is still a style after the swallowing
45:13Like a dream
45:20Warm but silent
45:27Like a dream
45:34The moonlight in her eyes
46:08The moonlight in her eyes
