• 3 months ago


00:00It's another beautiful day that's coming, a beautiful day for friends
00:04Could you be, would you like to be, do you want to be my friend?
00:12In Dany's village, the tiger sings, laughs and plays
00:16Do you want to come with us? With us!
00:20In Dany's village, the tiger plays like crazy
00:24Do you want to come with us? With us!
00:28In Dany's village, the tiger plays like crazy
00:32In every street, a new friend is there to greet you
00:35It's another beautiful day that's coming, a beautiful day for friends
00:39Do you want to be our friend?
00:45Hello friends! I'm going to meet my friends at Prince Wednesday's castle
00:49Dany has arrived! A royal hello!
00:52Hello Dany!
00:54We're going to the park for a picnic
00:58I've brought my ball to play with
01:01Shall we go?
01:04Yeah, great! We're all going on a picnic!
01:07Have fun!
01:08I'm so happy to go on a picnic
01:12Well, this is a great picnic basket
01:16There's everything you need to have a nice picnic
01:19Great! Because I love picnics
01:24Here's the little train
01:26So, let's go!
01:28Yeah, let's go!
01:29It's so nice to go on a picnic with your friends
01:32Put it down here
01:36But of course! Let's all lift the basket together
01:43Yeah! We won!
01:44We're great!
01:45We're too strong!
01:48Ok, little train, take everyone to the clock factory park for the picnic, please
01:53Mr Tiger will be waiting for you when you arrive
01:56Very good, Prince Friday!
01:57I mean, Dad
01:59Have a good trip!
02:02We're going on a picnic soon with our nice basket
02:05Do you want to come with us? With us?
02:09Do you want to come with us?
02:11Hello kids!
02:15Thanks, little train
02:18What a lovely day for a picnic, isn't it, little tiger?
02:21It's my dad. He works here, at the clock factory
02:29Watch out! Watch out!
02:32Right, let's set up the picnic now
02:35Since it's not raining
02:37Very good. First, we need to set up the roof
02:401, 2, 3
02:44Thanks, that's perfect
02:47Now we can set up our picnic
02:50What if we play a game to get the picnic out of the basket?
02:53Great idea!
02:54I've got a game!
02:55We're going on a royal picnic and I want to eat a fruit that starts with the letter P
03:02P like...
03:12We're going on a royal picnic and I want to eat a fruit that starts with the letter B
03:18B like...
03:28We're going on a royal picnic and I want to eat a fruit that starts with the letter R
03:34R like...
03:48Oh, thanks Elena
03:50And now we can enjoy ourselves
03:52Enjoy your meal, my friends
03:55Oh, time flies!
03:56It's almost time for the carillon
03:58I'll be back
03:59Ok, see you later
04:00Ruggie, if you need me
04:04Look at these little ants
04:10Come and have a look over there
04:13But maybe ants can have a picnic too
04:17An ant picnic?
04:20I wonder what it might look like
04:24Hey, do you want to imagine it together?
04:29Ok, let's imagine that we're all tiny little ants and that we're going on a picnic
04:38Ants on a picnic, it's fun
04:40We eat and we walk under the sun
04:42We discover wonders
04:45This grass will make a great slide
04:48In an ant picnic, there's so much to do
04:50We can play with the explorers
04:52We eat giant fruits and we sing in the heart
04:54I'm the king of the ant farm
05:01Ants on a picnic, it's fun
05:06Wasn't that great?
05:10What do we do now?
05:11I know! It's the perfect time to play ball
05:14Hey Elena, you're really good at picnics
05:18I won't let you say that
05:23Pass, pass!
05:36It's for me! It's for me!
05:39Oh sorry
05:43What happened?
05:47It can't be, it's not rolling at all
05:49Look, our ball's completely flat
05:52Yeah, that's not good
05:54That's it, now we can't play ball anymore
05:56Oh no! Grrr
05:59Well then, I heard a sad grr
06:02What's wrong?
06:04The ball, it's completely flat
06:07Look, it's all flat
06:09And we can't play ball anymore
06:11Oh I see
06:14Yeah, having a ball that's completely flat
06:17can be very disappointing
06:20Yeah, but as I always say
06:22When everything seems to be going badly, take a little walk
06:25See the bright side of things
06:27When everything seems to be going badly
06:29A ball that's completely flat is bad
06:31Yeah, so take a little walk and...
06:34See the bright side of things
06:36What's the point of having a ball if we can't hit it?
06:39Well, what can you do with a ball that's completely flat like a pancake?
06:43Er...we can't hit it anymore
06:46So maybe we can...throw it?
06:50Are you ready, Danny? So catch it!
06:53Yeah, catch it!
06:56Yeah, nice!
06:58A ball that's completely flat is perfect for playing...
07:03It's your turn
07:08Go, go, go!
07:13Go, go!
07:20Go, go, go!
07:26I felt a drop of rain fall on my nose
07:29I felt a drop on the tip of my tongue
07:33I, Prince Wednesday, order the rain to stop
07:38No, rain, stop that!
07:40You'll fall again!
07:42That's enough, you hear?
07:44It's out of the question that it...
07:52Quick! Let's take refuge in the factory
07:55Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom!
07:58Phew! We're safe
08:01Now our picnic is over
08:05I'm so disappointed
08:07Do you know what you can do when you're disappointed?
08:10When everything seems to be going badly, take a walk
08:13and look at the bright side of things
08:16But there's no bright side
08:23Wow! It's carillon time!
08:31This ornament looks like your castle, Prince Wednesday
08:35And look at this one! It's a tiger like me!
08:40It's beautiful!
08:43I've got a brilliant idea!
08:45Can we have a picnic inside, in the middle of the clocks?
08:49That would be a good idea
08:52Great idea!
08:53You've got around the problem of the picnic in the rain
08:56and found the bright side of things
09:04An inside picnic! I love that, my friends!
09:08I'm not disappointed anymore anyway
09:10Me neither
09:11And me neither
09:12It's really great
09:22We wanted to have a picnic, we felt the rain
09:25In the middle of the clocks, we found a shelter
09:29When everything seems to be going badly, take a walk
09:32and look at the bright side of things
09:35With some sand, I built a beautiful castle
09:38A wave overturned it, I made a cake out of it
09:42When everything seems to be going badly, take a walk
09:45and look at the bright side of things
09:48I wanted to put on my red dress, it's the colour I prefer
09:51When I saw it was dirty, my socks did the trick
09:55When everything seems to be going badly, take a walk
09:58and look at the bright side of things
10:02When everything seems to be going badly, take a walk
10:05and look at the bright side of things
10:14Well done, Chef! It's delicious!
10:16Yum yum! So good!
10:19Thanks for coming to our inside picnic despite the rain
10:22We had a lot of fun
10:24And you, have you ever been disappointed about something?
10:28I hope you've found the bright side of things
10:30Kisses, Tiger!
10:35It's so good to have a family and friends
10:38It's so good that they're here to hold your hand
10:42You always get up on the right foot
10:46Once again you have a good day
10:50It's so good to have
10:53So good to know
10:55Friends around
10:57And very soon I'll be back
11:02And I'll have lots of other ideas for you
11:06And you'll have lots to tell me
11:11And me too
11:15Because you're my friends
