• 2 months ago
00:00Laura, it's been a long time since we've seen each other.
00:10I bought you some gifts.
00:13I spent $3,000 on these.
00:16It's been a while.
00:19The last time we met each other was at Sophie and Bill's wedding.
00:24Sophie's been staying with me these last few days.
00:27You don't mind, do you?
00:29She's married to my son.
00:32There's no reason to stay over at her grandma's house.
00:36It's not good if people knew about it.
00:39To be honest, we are here to pick up Sophie today.
00:43Lotus, when we got married, you said that we can live our lives our own way.
00:49You're an open-minded mother, aren't you?
00:52You know, my grandma has some cardiac issues.
00:56Her chest hasn't been feeling well these days.
00:59So I'm staying, because I don't think it's safe.
01:02You've been married to Bill for five years!
01:04I have been waiting to get a grandson from you all this time!
01:09You're being irresponsible by not giving Bill an heir!
01:16Lotus, you must be mistaken.
01:19Bill told me that he's infertile.
01:21I can't be blamed for that.
01:23If this is my fault, then your son is more infertile.
01:26Sophie, that was incredibly rude.
01:31Bill was never infertile!
01:33When are you going to have that baby?
01:39So, Lotus was waiting for an opportunity to blame me.
01:44Sophie and Bill both have careers to pursue Lotus.
01:48There is no time for them to have a baby.
01:51She's almost 30 years old.
01:53Pregnancy can be dangerous for older women.
01:57And not to mention with a career.
02:02Laura, how about you leave Skyline Conglomerate to my son?
02:07Let Sophie enjoy herself at home.
02:10I'm not going back.
02:12Sophie, what do you mean?
02:13You are such a disappointment.
02:15I spent $3,000 on this gift for your grandma.
02:18Don't be ungrateful.
02:20You must come home with me today.
02:24Anyone can tell that it's less than that.
02:27Well, it seems you don't deserve it at all.
02:40Here you go, Grandma.
02:49Thank you.
02:52Edmund, what are you doing here?
02:55Sophie, what exactly is your relationship with Edmund?
02:59He is my guest.
03:01Do we have a problem?
03:05Bill, when are you going to get your shit together?
03:08We have to learn how to respect others.
03:10Edmund, you gave me a fake diamond bracelet.
03:16Well, about that, I must have sent it by accident.
03:19I'll get you the correct one next time.
03:21How rude of you!
03:26Mr. Conklin, you're here too?
03:28Mr. George, Mrs. Armani, what are you doing here?
03:32We heard that Madam Laura wasn't feeling well, so we came here to visit.
03:36Here's a high-class ginseng root for you.
03:38Please accept it.
03:40The ginseng root was very expensive at the auction.
03:44Uncle George, are you sure you want to give it to my grandmother?
03:50I hope you like some of this jewelry too, Madam.
03:53It's perfect. Wasn't that worth $50,000?
03:57I love it. Thank you so much.
04:03Their businesses are worth twice as much as Laura's family's.
04:06Why are they trying to please her?
04:10Well, I also have a special art painting for Grandma.
04:13I hope you enjoy it.
04:17Oh, look at that, Sophie.
04:19Oh, I love this painting.
04:21It's worth tens of thousands.
04:24And you're giving it to me?
04:27As long as you like it, it's worth the price.
04:30This man knows how to respect his elders.
04:34I wish he was my grandson-in-law instead.
04:41Bill, how do you come unprepared like that?
04:45No gift for Sophie's grandma?
04:50Well, Bill does have me in mind.
04:53He spent around $3,000 to buy me these supplements.
04:57Just $3,000, Bill?
04:59I don't think I've heard that your business went bankrupt.
05:02Why did you prepare such a cheap gift?
05:05Wait, isn't this fake?
05:08I work in pharmaceuticals. I know these better than anyone.
05:11Bill, did you prepare fake medicine for my grandmother?
05:16It's a mistake. I took the wrong gift.
05:20I heard that Madame Lotus yesterday bought a really nice emerald ring for only $50,000.
05:26That sounds really good.
05:28Is it a gift, I'm assuming, for Grandma?
05:32Yeah, that's actually for Grandma.
05:35My assistant took the wrong one.
05:37Bill cares about his reputation the most.
05:40In front of other bosses, he can't afford to lose face.
05:44Edmund's quick to turn that in his favor.
05:46Well, Bill, why don't you call up your assistant and have him bring over the emerald ring?
05:52Good idea.
05:57Hello? The emerald ring that arrived this morning.
06:00Take it over to Madame Laura's house.
06:02It's urgent. Get it done within the hour.
06:08Let's go. It's not enough.
06:12It's been a while. Would you like to go on a walk with us?
06:15Take a walk.
06:16Let's go.
06:17Edmund, please stay for dinner. You should taste Sophie's cooking.
06:23Well, how can I say no to a supper with Sophie and Grandma?
06:31I can't believe Lotus tried to drug you.
06:34I can't believe Lotus tried to drug you.
06:37What the hell does she want?
06:39I don't know.
06:40But I did tell Bill that I'm staying all over the Ulysses.
06:45They must be getting impatient.
06:48They're trying to make the first move.
06:50Could you go check on the chicken stew in the kitchen?
06:53Okay, Grandma.
06:55Hello, Edmund. This is Sophie's grandmother.
07:00Would you be available tomorrow to meet with me?
07:07Where are you going? I suffered so much for you.
07:10Wouldn't you stay and comfort me?
07:13I have to bail you out.
07:15You're staying here and laying low.
07:19I have to bail you out.
07:21You're staying here and laying low.
07:24That filth.
07:26Sophie, let's go stay with Laura.
07:29So, I gotta go bring her back home.
07:40Sophie, you've really got some nerve.
07:48What's the matter, baby?
07:50I'm guessing that you miss me.
07:52Does Bill not satisfy you?
07:54Stop joking.
07:56I have something to ask you.
07:58Wayne, do you know any gang members?
08:01I have to teach someone a lesson.
08:06This is pissing me off, Edmund.
08:08That bracelet is definitely fake.
08:11We must take Sophie back today.
08:13You two need to have a baby as soon as possible.
08:17I think she is having an affair.
08:21That woman needs to be disciplined.
08:24Don't worry, I'll bring her back to reality tonight.