AccuWeather Chief Meteorologist Jonathan Porter joins "Forbes Newsroom" to discuss what's next for Tropical Stom Beryl.
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00:00Mhm. Hi everybody. I'm Br
00:05Forbes breaking news. Joi
00:07Porter, chief meteorologi
00:10Thank you so much for com
00:12to be with you. Brittany.
00:14update from a story you g
00:17about for a while now. Yo
00:19last week. It is barrel m
00:23earlier today. What do we
00:26barrel brought a wide var
00:28impacts to the Texas coa
00:32And this is what Accuwea
00:34had been identifying for
00:36of all other sources. Thi
00:39can be significant wind d
00:43of southeastern texas, si
00:47That certainly has occure
00:50threatening storm surge a
00:54life threatening flooding
00:56some of the impacts that
00:58southeast texas. But we'r
01:01getting started with the
01:03be a threat for days to c
01:07about significant flash f
01:10risk from parts of northe
01:13up into northwestern Loui
01:17all the way to Cincinnati
01:21So and then we're going t
01:24rainfall further from the
01:27of the Great Lakes states
01:29the middle of the week in
01:30there's a lot to unpack a
01:33to let their guard down.
01:35now moved inland and it h
01:37intensity. But we're talk
01:40of dangerous impacts here
01:42days from texas to Ohio.
01:47area. Let's start again i
01:50in a conversation, you sa
01:53starting in Houston. Talk
01:56for us. Well, the big imp
01:59the rain and the wind imp
02:02the Houston metro area. W
02:04on the Accuweather networ
02:07and we've been helping pe
02:09surrounding areas, underst
02:11when the wind and rain wa
02:14and then also start to re
02:18the rain and wind impacts
02:21the worst of the wind and
02:25downtown Houston. But we
02:28accurately forecast, we'r
02:32to 80 MPH wind gusts over
02:36Houston metro area. That'
02:39largest city. So that's a
02:41a lot of infrastructure t
02:44by it. That's why there's
02:48addresses without power a
02:51the Houston metro area. A
02:53a sense of just how signi
02:56outage problem is. What I
02:58are just getting started
03:01to be dealing with the ma
03:03continuing by user overfl
03:06are flooded. Some roadway
03:09very serious life threate
03:12areas that will continue
03:15Additionally, over the ne
03:17we're going to be dealing
03:21heat and humidity. And no
03:23a problem for people to d
03:25have access to the power.
03:28They have fans. But with
03:30of the Houston metro with
03:33serious concerns that peo
03:37to heat stress and heat i
03:39especially the young, old
03:42special medical condition
03:44to keep in mind. The othe
03:47got is oftentimes when th
03:50long lasting. And let's f
03:51of situation is going to
03:54that are going to last da
03:57in the hardest hit areas.
04:00become desperate for powe
04:03needs. We understand that
04:05to stress for people to u
04:09that have been installed
04:12and that are well ventila
04:14Brittany in these types o
04:17in the past, there have b
04:19who have been seriously i
04:20killed as a result of gen
04:24generators improperly or
04:26So that's something else
04:28to highlight in terms of
04:30to be a tough couple of d
04:33metro area as these impac
04:36felt. This just adds a wh
04:40to an already bad storm.
04:43flooding, storm surge. Um
04:49in texas. So what should
04:52think that obviously the
04:55is to if you're in the Hu
04:58areas that have been affe
05:02to follow the advice of l
05:05travel in areas where wat
05:08That's very important. It
05:11inches of fast flowing wa
05:14to sweep a car away. And
05:18are another thing to be a
05:20particular situation. Uh
05:23your neighbors to there m
05:25need extra help without p
05:27can become quite serious.
05:31along the coastline, ther
05:33damage and local official
05:35to become to start the da
05:38area. So it's going to ta
05:40the full scope of this di
05:44and again in other surrou
05:47the Ohio Valley and also
05:50the impacts from the heav
05:53tornadoes are still yet t
05:56of millions of people are
05:59in the path of dangerous
06:01next several days. Let's
06:04of dangerous impacts. Who
06:06do they need to do? What
06:09and when do they need to
06:12well, let's break those d
06:14threat here as we make ou
06:17next couple of hours int
06:19the combination of floodi
06:22be across parts of Northe
06:25like Tyler texas over tow
06:29heavy rain can also affect
06:31parishes of Louisiana and
06:34Rock and Hot Springs and
06:36are just some of the area
06:39by heavy rainfall. The ra
06:41at a rate of 1 to 3 inches
06:44rainfall is just too fast
06:47why we're concerned about
06:49especially amplifying tha
06:52where there's a little bi
06:54can be a big problem of c
06:57there will be a tornado t
06:58tornadoes that are associa
07:01storms and hurricanes. Th
07:03when you're dealing with
07:05that has made landfall. T
07:08tornadoes, they can spin
07:11they can be obscured by r
07:13get a tornado warning for
07:15sure that you move to saf
07:18level of your home, often
07:22room, a basement if you h
07:24be a concern as we mentio
07:25the Ohio Valley, reaching
07:28by later Tuesday into Tue
07:31area being impacted by th
07:35the concerns around isola
07:38well, aside from barrel a
07:42I mean hurricane season i
07:45started off with a bang h
07:47else you're looking out f
07:49future? Well, just to hig
07:52is that rainfall will als
07:54into parts of the northea
07:58into thursday that will b
08:01across portions of northe
08:04upstate new york into par
08:06as well. There could be a
08:08there as well as a risk f
08:12to continue even into Wed
08:15before the storm moves aw
08:18storm system will produce
08:21for flash flooding a lot
08:24corridor later this week
08:27another problem in those
08:29rainfall expected. Now, a
08:32in the tropical atlantic.
08:34is that we expect a lower
08:38storms to develop in the
08:40perhaps over the next wee
08:41going to be a lot of midl
08:45from the african continent
08:49the tropical atlantic sus
08:51And so in those kind of s
08:54the risk for tropical sto
08:57to form. But still you wa
08:59over the next couple of w
09:02is and we saw that with b
09:04season threat. We do see
09:07in july and the first par
09:10for more tropical storms
09:13average will increase. An
09:16expecting as we have been
09:19of other sources for mont
09:22hurricane season with 20
09:26and we see no reason to c
09:28The number of storms and
09:31enhance as we head toward
09:34the hurricane season. So
09:36I wish I had better news,
09:38started. Well, it sounds
09:41of the country needs to k
09:43only this week, but for t
09:46season. Yeah, that's righ
09:49be very important to be v
09:50Accuweather. We work with
09:53500 firms and thousands o
09:56we've been helping many m
10:00their weather risks are f
10:02that they're prepared at
10:04locations, looking at supp
10:07and all those other conce
10:09make the best decisions d
10:11going to continue to do t
10:14threat through the hurric
10:17porter. Thank you so much
10:19of our viewers. So well i