'I Just Find It Stunning...': Jim Mcgovern Clashes With Bryan Steil Over Amendment Process Of Bill

  • 3 months ago
At a House Rules Committee hearing on Monday, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI) spoke about Republican legislation on voting and the amendment process for the bill.

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00:00Chairman Stiles, we received a letter from you requesting a closed rule and we received
00:08a letter from Ranking Member Morelli asking not even for an open rule but for a structured
00:18Why are you asking for a closed rule?
00:20I mean, do you really think that this bill can't be improved in any way, shape, or form,
00:25especially since some of us believe that this bill could disenfranchise millions and millions
00:29of people?
00:30What's the rationale behind shutting off all amendments for Democrats and Republicans?
00:36We had an amendment process as we went through regular order at the committee level.
00:40You're one committee.
00:42Not just the people on your committee care about voting rights, people on the Rules Committee
00:45care about voting rights, the Judiciary Committee cares about voting rights.
00:49I already said that people on the Transportation Committee care about voting rights.
00:52This is a big deal and some of us believe that this bill will literally disenfranchise
00:57millions and millions of people.
00:59So I guess, what is the justification for not allowing any amendments?
01:04Mr. Morelli has an amendment.
01:06He's the Ranking Member on your committee.
01:08Why should he be denied the right to offer and debate an amendment on the House floor?
01:12In fact, Mr. Morelli did offer amendments and we debated those in committee, as I previously
01:18So you have 12?
01:19How many members are there on your committee?
01:21There's 12.
01:22There's 12 members on your committee.
01:23There's 435 members of the House.
01:26I mean, you don't think we should be able to debate these things, you know, on something
01:30that impacts every single district in this country?
01:35I mean, I'm just stunned that my Republican friends who promised they wanted a more open
01:40process continue to insist on shutting down the process and closing things up so that
01:46no amendments can be offered.
01:47But I ask unanimous consent to put in the record the letters from both Chairman Steyl
01:53and from Ranking Member Morelli on the request for a rule.
01:59I just find it stunning that on an issue, on a topic like this, that really not just
02:0612 members have concerns about, that you are saying that we should shut the process down,
02:11which I'm sure that this committee will do, because that's what this committee normally
02:16Mr. Morelli, Chairman Steyl's talked about the massive voter fraud.
02:21Do you want to comment on that?
02:23Yeah, I mean, I think, look, we have 350 million Americans.
02:29The odds that one or two non-citizens could ultimately vote, I suppose, is possible.
02:35But what's being posited to the American people, and what Speaker Johnson even talked about
02:40without having any evidence, the suggestion is that there's massive efforts to get non-U.S.
02:46citizens to vote in federal elections.
02:48I'll repeat what I said earlier, which is it's illegal to register to vote in the United
02:53States if you're not a U.S. citizen.
02:55It's a further penalty if you actually voted in a federal election and weren't a U.S. citizen,
03:01which leads to deportation.
03:03So for all the suggestion that people are doing this in droves and risking both violations
03:10of law and deportation, it's crazy.
03:12There's no evidence that this is done, and certainly not any evidence done in a systematic
03:17So to make the extreme, and I mean extreme, changes to election law, which federalizes
03:24By the way, my colleagues on the committee, particularly Republican colleagues, are always
03:29talking about how these are state elections, and the federal government should not involve
03:33itself in state elections.
03:35But here we are building a massive set of documentary requirements for people simply
03:42to register to vote.
03:44It is beyond, certainly given what is suggested is the problem, this is not even a solution
03:54in search of a problem.
03:55There's no problem, but this is a bad solution, and this would even go so far to potentially
04:02subject a poll worker to imprisonment, violating the law on imprisonment, even if they registered
04:12a voter who's a U.S. citizen.
04:14But if they didn't get all the documentary proof appropriately, they could face fines.
04:18I mean, we're already struggling to find people to work in elections, fearful of intimidation,
04:24fearful of threats against their life and their families.
04:27This will have a chilling effect.
04:29It simply is not a problem, and frankly, the couple of cases that were cited before the
04:33committee involved a government, state of Pennsylvania, state of Colorado, who made
04:38mistakes which they acknowledged, which they immediately went to enormous lengths to clarify,
04:44and there's no evidence that non-U.S. citizens are voting in federal elections.
04:49Chairman Stile, are you familiar with Project 2025?
04:53Only at a high level.
04:54I mean, I'd urge you to read up on it a little bit more because it's horrifying.
05:00You should take a closer look at what some of your fellow Republicans have been up to.
05:03It's a plan to essentially install Trump as a dictator, which is what he said he wants.
05:09It's a roadmap to end American democracy, to ban abortion, to dismantle constitutional
05:18checks and balances, consolidate power into the Oval Office, and use the presidency for
05:23revenge against Trump's personal enemies.
05:27And when I say this would end our democracy, I'm not exaggerating.
05:31Project 2025 advocates for a terrifying expansion of federal power over the lives of everyday
05:37Americans, and it's deeply disturbing, and I encourage every American to look into it.
05:42Chairman Stile, do you know who Hans von Spakovsky is?
05:46Yes, and he's testified before my committee.
05:49Yeah, because on May 16, 2024, you and your Republican colleagues on the committee held
05:54a hearing on the SAVE Act, echoing election conspiracy theories and praising this bill,
05:59and one of the witnesses you called was Hans von Spakovsky, who's the author of Project 2025.
06:07When you invited him to testify on behalf of this bill, were you aware that he was one
06:11of the leading authors of Project 2025?
06:14I'm familiar with his expertise in federal election law.
06:17Yeah, so on May 23, 2024, a dark money think tank associated with the Heritage Foundation
06:24issued a public statement in support of the SAVE Act, and the Heritage Foundation is the
06:28organization behind the extremist proposals in Project 2025, and they're also publicly
06:34supporting the SAVE Act.
06:36Do you disavow their support, given what we know about Project 2025?
06:42I explained to you what it does.
06:45Is that enough for you to distance yourself from their support of this bill?
06:50Hans von Spakovsky is an absolute national expert in federal election law, was one of
06:55many witnesses who testified before us and walked us through, as many of our witnesses
07:00did, the challenges that we've seen of non-citizens voting in U.S. elections.
07:04It's the reason that this legislation is essential to make sure that we're protecting U.S. elections
07:09for U.S. citizens.
07:10Yeah, and I get it.
07:11I mean, you've said over and over, you think he's a credible—obviously, you believe the
07:17Heritage Foundation is a credible organization, and you believe he's a credible witness,
07:24but he—but again, he is one of the major authors of the Project 2025.
07:30And you invited Mr. Spakovsky to testify in front of your committee, I think on three
07:34separate occasions.
07:36Is that correct?
07:37It could be up to three, yeah.
07:39He is a national expert on federal election law.
07:41For the record, my staff actually looked into it, so he did testify three times.
07:48But when I look at this bill, and I look at some of the stuff in Project 2025, there's
07:54a lot of crossover here between this bill and Project 2025.
07:59And I think, you know, it's one of the fears that we have is that, you know, that this
08:06is, again, advancing this very radical idea, and that you invite the author of Project
08:122025, one of the architects of this initiative, to basically be, you know, one of your expert
08:20witnesses is a little bit disturbing.
08:21Let me ask you one final question.
08:23Do you think that the president has the authority to mobilize the National Guard to seize ballot
08:29boxes in Democratic states?
08:32I'm not familiar with what you're discussing.
08:34Well, I mean, well, let me say, in the last administration, prepared an executive order
08:43to do just that.
08:44Stephen Miller, who spoke at your press conference when you announced this bill, and who was
08:51reportedly also involved in Project 2025, has now apparently said, according to reporting,
08:56that he thinks a future Trump administration should nationalize the Guard for deployment
09:02in Democratic states.
09:04And as I said in my opening statement, this bill is all about sowing distrust and trying
09:09to undermine faith in our elections so that your side can continue to use nonexistent
09:15voter fraud as an excuse to seize power if and when you lose.
09:21This is really serious and dangerous stuff.
09:26And I would urge you to actually read the Project 2025 proposal.
09:34It's something that hasn't been talked very much about.
09:37There's some reporting on it.
09:38I want to insert unanimous consent to it, insert two articles talking about the connection
09:45between Project 2025 and Donald Trump's candidacy.
09:49Without objection.
09:50I got to tell you, I find all this very, very chilling.
09:56And again, as I said in my opening statement, I think this is all about you guys fearful
10:03that you will lose the next election and trying to find an excuse to, like happened in the
10:07last election, to say that it wasn't a free and fair election, that it was a fraudulent
10:14Every single court in this country said it was a free and fair election.
10:19I mean, let me ask you one final question.
10:23Do you believe that Donald Trump lost the last election?
10:26I'm pretty sure we're all aware President Biden is the President of the United States.
10:29Well, that's not the answer to the question.
10:31The answer is whether you think Donald Trump lost.
10:33And the fact that it is so difficult for my Republican friends to even admit that he
10:38lost because you're afraid you'll offend him or some of his more extreme supporters.
10:44And then you bring people like one of the architects of Project 2025 to come and testify
10:52in favor of your bill and have Stephen Miller at a press conference.
10:54Boy, this stuff is this stuff is not good.
10:58I thank you for indulging me.
11:00I yield back.
