After a summer prank goes awry, a teenage boy falls in love while grappling with his guilty conscience HD ( Drama )

  • 3 months ago
After a summer prank goes awry, a teenage boy falls in love while grappling with his guilty conscience HD ( Drama )
00:00:00All right, stand back.
00:00:02That's better.
00:00:15Can I try?
00:00:18Go ahead.
00:00:23Get the flame right on the wick.
00:00:26Okay, stand back.
00:00:44How's it going?
00:00:45It's going.
00:00:47Just out taking a walk.
00:00:53Is it cool if I join you?
00:00:58I was young once.
00:01:04Be back by eight, yeah?
00:01:06Come on, Dad.
00:01:08Let's go.
00:01:10When we're young, we think we're invincible.
00:01:16But then life teaches you otherwise.
00:01:18I was sixteen years old the summer I met Grace Turner.
00:01:38What are you doing?
00:01:41Growing this bridge in the river.
00:01:52Go ahead.
00:01:53Toss it over.
00:02:05Doesn't this upset the fish?
00:02:10They just move and then forget why they even moved in the first place.
00:02:16I'd hate to live like that.
00:02:18Like what?
00:02:21Like not remembering things.
00:02:26Think about everything you'd lose.
00:02:30All the great memories you wouldn't have.
00:02:36Well, I guess I better get going.
00:02:46What would you say if I told you you were going to be my first love?
00:02:52What would you say to that?
00:02:55I don't know what I'd say.
00:02:59Think about it.
00:03:01And get back to me when you do.
00:03:05Think about it.
00:03:06And get back to me when you do.
00:03:15I had no idea what I was doing.
00:03:24Our town was trying to kill us with boredom.
00:03:27So Hunter insisted this July 4th would be the greatest act of rebellion since 1776.
00:03:34Timmy was more concerned with the practical matters of manhood.
00:03:38Three of us were in a race to see who could get to third base first.
00:03:42So, what do you do tonight?
00:03:46None of us wanted to lose.
00:04:16You know she totally wants you, man.
00:04:19I don't know.
00:04:21What do you mean you don't know?
00:04:23She told you for Christ's sake.
00:04:26I guess.
00:04:30No guessing, man, alright?
00:04:31She wants it bad.
00:04:33Dude, if I was you, I'd be getting on that shit.
00:04:37I mean, you gotta make sure she knows that you're the one calling the shots, you know?
00:04:41I mean, otherwise, you might as well forget the whole thing.
00:04:44She probably just wants a free body anyway.
00:04:48Yeah, probably.
00:04:49Shut up, Tim.
00:04:50Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.
00:04:55Will you guys want any more of this?
00:04:57I'm good.
00:04:59Huh? Alright, I'm gonna chug it.
00:05:01Do it.
00:05:02Chug it.
00:05:04Here we go!
00:05:05Chug! Chug! Chug!
00:05:10And the crowd goes wild!
00:05:29My father left us five years before.
00:05:33And home hadn't been the same since.
00:05:38To fill the void, my mom had latched on to me so tight I could barely breathe.
00:05:45So today, things were gonna be different.
00:05:49I had an invitation I couldn't refuse.
00:05:53One way or another, I was gonna make my move.
00:05:59But I didn't.
00:06:30Well, look who it is.
00:06:33Come on.
00:06:34We're a while back.
00:06:47How about another burger, Conrad?
00:06:51Oh, I'm okay.
00:06:53Come on. You need to put some more meat on those bones of yours.
00:06:56Okay. You talked me into it.
00:06:58There you go.
00:07:02Eric, could you get me a beer?
00:07:03Sure thing, Dad.
00:07:05It's nice of you to join us, Connie.
00:07:07Your family didn't have any plans?
00:07:11Well, my mom, she's out of town.
00:07:13She's out on business right now.
00:07:15Oh, a working woman, huh?
00:07:16See, honey, I told you they existed.
00:07:18That must be so hard.
00:07:21I mean, I don't know.
00:07:24That must be so hard.
00:07:26Dad, tell her to stop.
00:07:29How about your father? What does he do?
00:07:33Problem there, Connie?
00:07:34Eric, just shut it.
00:07:36See? Always with the attitude.
00:07:39Be careful, man.
00:07:40You're gonna have a hard time keeping her in line.
00:07:42Dad, tell him to stop.
00:07:44Gracie, relax.
00:07:45Well, he's trying to embarrass me.
00:07:47You can do that on your own.
00:07:48Stop being such a shithead, Eric.
00:07:50Watch the language.
00:07:54Oh, my God.
00:07:59Eric, I think you know better.
00:08:01Come on, I was just joking with her.
00:08:18Hey, Connie.
00:08:23Uh, listen, man, you like my sister, don't you?
00:08:26Yeah. Well, I mean...
00:08:28That's cool, man. Don't sweat it.
00:08:31Play it cool.
00:08:33Okay, don't show her you're too interested.
00:08:35But don't hold back too much either.
00:08:37Yeah, I guess.
00:08:40Gotta make the first move, man.
00:08:42Be aggressive.
00:08:44But not too aggressive, all right?
00:08:45She's still my little sister.
00:08:50Good luck, buddy.
00:08:52You too, man.
00:09:01I'm really sorry about my family.
00:09:04They're so annoying.
00:09:07They seem pretty great to me.
00:09:10Well, looks can be deceiving, right?
00:09:15So, you coming to the fireworks with us tonight, or what?
00:09:19Uh, well, I kind of told the guys I'd hang out with them tonight.
00:09:26Let's hope I survive it alone, then.
00:09:34The wind's blowing nice today.
00:09:43Hey, hey, hey.
00:09:45You two looking up or what?
00:09:47Hey, guys.
00:09:48Hi, Grace.
00:09:49Hey, Timmy.
00:09:50Hey, Hunter.
00:09:51You, uh, teaching our boy the ways of the world?
00:09:53Dude, shut up.
00:09:54Oh, look at that.
00:09:55Defending his bro.
00:09:56How sweet.
00:09:58I'm sorry, Grace.
00:09:59Hey, hey, hey.
00:10:00Did you just say sorry to her, man?
00:10:01Because you're supposed to meet up with us like three hours ago.
00:10:05It's cool, Conrad.
00:10:07If you want to hang out with a bunch of children, go right ahead.
00:10:11Oh, God.
00:10:12Oh, bird.
00:10:13How am I going to recover from that one?
00:10:14It hurt.
00:10:16It hurt.
00:10:17How am I going to recover from that?
00:10:18See you later?
00:10:25Oh, yes.
00:10:26How ladylike.
00:10:28Bye, Grace.
00:10:29What a wonderful day.
00:10:30You really got yourself a keeper there, Conrad.
00:10:32Dude, what the hell are you doing?
00:10:34Hey, calm down, man.
00:10:35Why did you have to do that?
00:10:36You're embarrassing me.
00:10:37What are you talking about?
00:10:38Dude, I don't know.
00:10:39I don't even know where his hands have been.
00:10:41Where have they been, Connie?
00:10:43I don't know where they've been.
00:10:46You hear that, Con?
00:10:47Obviously not on Grace.
00:10:50That hurt.
00:10:52It hurt.
00:10:57So did you get a little kiss?
00:11:01You totally blew my mind, dude.
00:11:03I was going to.
00:11:04Oh, man.
00:11:06Oh, dude, you hearing this, kid?
00:11:07Yeah, I'm hearing it.
00:11:08Stop with the angry game, Con, all right?
00:11:10You ditched us for her.
00:11:12I was just sleeping with Don't Find Me guys, I swear.
00:11:14Oh, okay, well.
00:11:16Looked like you were just starting to find something,
00:11:18if you ask me.
00:11:19Oh, man, finding something for sure.
00:11:21Should we even include them in tonight's plans, Tim?
00:11:23See, I don't know.
00:11:25I just don't know.
00:11:26I don't know either, man.
00:11:27I don't know.
00:11:28Just tell me what's going on.
00:11:30All right, we got wheels.
00:11:32Granddad's taking the night off, so we'll snag his truck.
00:11:35He won't even know.
00:11:36Dude, you can't drive.
00:11:38Dude, I got my permit, all right?
00:11:39Don't be a pussy.
00:11:41Well, why can't we just head over to the fireworks
00:11:43like everybody else?
00:11:46And we're doing it with or without you, Con.
00:11:49I mean, you want to ditch us again, go for it.
00:11:51Come on, Con.
00:11:52No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:53It's cool, man.
00:11:54Have fun, buddy.
00:11:55See you later.
00:12:17All right, Tim.
00:12:18Open the trunk and take the wheel, all right?
00:12:24Let's go, let's go.
00:12:27Open it, man.
00:12:28Open it.
00:12:33Come on.
00:12:36I got it.
00:12:37I got it.
00:12:40Oh, shit.
00:12:41Oh, shit.
00:12:54Let's go.
00:12:55Come on.
00:13:00Let's go.
00:13:02Oh, shit. Let's go.
00:13:18Hold on. Let's go.
00:13:23Go, go, go, go.
00:13:25Come here, dude.
00:13:26You're gonna get a scar from that shit.
00:13:28All right, dude. I'm gonna get us caught pulling that shit.
00:13:30She was just gonna be in love with you, like, five seconds ago.
00:13:32Yeah, what's your deal, man?
00:13:34I mean, ever since you started getting pussy,
00:13:36you've turned into a pussy.
00:13:37A man's got a point.
00:13:39Are you jealous? Because I'm actually getting some.
00:13:41If you're such a man, then why'd you prove it?
00:13:45I'm not bringing shit to you.
00:13:46Oh, wow. What do you think, Tim?
00:13:49You think you'd prove something to shit-faced Grace
00:13:51if she asked you to?
00:13:53I bet he would.
00:13:54Yeah, I think so, too.
00:13:57No real man chooses some chick over his best buds.
00:14:06Hey, Tim, make a left right here.
00:14:13Fourth house on the right.
00:14:17Dude, you don't have the balls.
00:14:56Get his dick, bitch.
00:15:01Look at his face.
00:15:02What the hell, Hunter? He saw me.
00:15:04Jeez, man, whatever, okay?
00:15:05It's dark. He doesn't have a clue.
00:15:07Besides, it's a stupid plant, all right? Who cares?
00:15:10Oh, shit.
00:15:16All right, chill out, you guys.
00:15:18Make a right up ahead, okay? We're gonna lose them on the outskirts.
00:15:23Connie, you need to throw that goddamn plant out the window.
00:15:30Hunter, what are you doing?
00:15:32Hey, don't let him.
00:15:34That's the point, man.
00:15:36What the hell is wrong with you?
00:15:38Calm down.
00:15:40I can't get rid of him.
00:15:44You better keep it on the road, Tim, all right?
00:15:46I got it.
00:15:50Here we go.
00:16:26Is he okay?
00:16:32He's dead, isn't he?
00:16:34Shut up, Tim.
00:16:40Oh, my God.
00:16:42Oh, my God.
00:16:53He's still breathing.
00:17:05Let's get the hell out of here.
00:17:09It's a public road, Conrad.
00:17:12Someone's gonna drive by any second,
00:17:14and when they do, they'll get help.
00:17:16We need to get the hell out of here.
00:17:21I'm not gonna leave him there to die, Hunter.
00:17:23We're not gonna leave him, okay?
00:17:25He's not gonna die, goddamn it.
00:17:28Look, he's breathing, Conrad, okay?
00:17:38All right, we take a boat, okay?
00:17:42Hunter, we're not gonna leave him here.
00:17:45I say we leave.
00:17:49We're not gonna leave him.
00:17:53What's it gonna be, Timmy?
00:18:00You need to vote, Tim.
00:18:02Look, I need you to trust me here, Conrad, all right?
00:18:04Everything is gonna be fine.
00:18:10Come on.
00:18:24I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:18:26I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:18:28I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:18:30I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:01I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:03I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:05I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:07I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:09I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:11I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:13I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:15I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:17I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:19I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:21I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:23I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:25I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:27I swear to God I'll leave you.
00:19:29All right.
00:19:35Take care of the ornaments, all right?
00:21:27So you did come home last night.
00:21:29Yeah, I got tied up with Hunter and Timmy.
00:21:31Tied up?
00:21:33You ran off when we had a whole day planned.
00:21:35Mom, I'm sorry.
00:21:38I didn't...
00:21:40Didn't what?
00:21:46Come eat breakfast.
00:22:18What's that?
00:22:20What's what?
00:22:22On your shirt.
00:22:24Is that blood?
00:22:31Get it?
00:22:45It's Williams.
00:22:52Morning, Rachel.
00:22:54This is an early surprise.
00:23:00Oh, my God.
00:23:08I appreciate you telling me first.
00:23:12This is terrible. They must be a mess.
00:23:16Call me if you hear anything more, will you?
00:23:19Bye-bye to you, too.
00:23:50He's dead.
00:23:54Did you hear me, Hunter?
00:23:57I said he's dead.
00:23:59The whole town's talking about it.
00:24:02Well, what are we gonna do?
00:24:04What do you mean?
00:24:06He hit a deer.
00:24:08I know, but he needs to know anymore.
00:24:12I know, but he needs to know anymore than that.
00:24:14Hunter, we should have done something.
00:24:16Just what do you want, Con?
00:24:18We can't just bring him back to life by saying a few words.
00:24:21What happened happened, Connie,
00:24:23and there ain't no changing that.
00:24:25Would you stop with the damn ball?
00:24:27You know, we can go on and on about what we should have done,
00:24:30but in the end, we still didn't, all right?
00:24:32We walked, and that was our decision.
00:24:34That was your decision, Hunter. That was your decision.
00:24:37Oh, yeah.
00:24:39That was real nice of you to help him out.
00:24:41I said stop with the damn ball.
00:24:46Guys, guys, guys, guys! No, stop! Stop!
00:25:05I was furious.
00:25:08At Hunter.
00:25:10At the pain.
00:25:12At myself.
00:25:16But I had it coming.
00:25:22They don't always hit you right away,
00:25:24but when they do, you feel it.
00:25:27Oh, my God.
00:25:39What happened to you?
00:25:43I'm okay.
00:25:50Grace, I...
00:25:52I just heard.
00:25:56I'm fine.
00:25:58I was just... I'm going for a walk.
00:26:01I'm... I'm still up now, but...
00:26:04Stop, okay?
00:26:06I'm fine.
00:26:08Jesus, you're covered in blood.
00:26:12Did Hunter or Timmy give you that?
00:26:18God, why do you hang out with those dicks?
00:26:22Grace, I'm really...
00:26:24Conrad, I said it's fine.
00:26:26I'm fine.
00:26:28I'm fine.
00:26:30I'm fine.
00:26:32Conrad, I said it's fine.
00:26:34I mean, Jesus Christ.
00:26:36Did you shut the hell up for, like, five seconds?
00:26:57No problem.
00:27:00Come on.
00:27:02Let's get you cleaned up.
00:27:29Come on.
00:27:53Here, give me that.
00:28:00Come here.
00:28:12Where are your parents?
00:28:14I don't know.
00:28:16Upstairs, probably.
00:28:21I'm sorry about yesterday.
00:28:24About what?
00:28:26I was just...
00:28:28I was angry.
00:28:30And I wanted it to feel right when it happened.
00:28:35I mean, I've kissed other boys before, but with you...
00:28:38I don't know.
00:28:40I wanted it to be, like, important, you know?
00:28:55You lost a lot of blood.
00:28:59Want some juice or something?
00:29:01Uh, sure.
00:29:12Apple or orange?
00:29:18That's a point.
00:29:20A point?
00:29:22Yeah, I'm keeping score for you.
00:29:25You're at three now.
00:29:27What if I wanted apple?
00:29:29Well, we don't even have apples,
00:29:31so you definitely would have lost a point.
00:29:37What are my other two points for?
00:29:39Well, one is for my parents.
00:29:42I think they like you.
00:29:44And the other one?
00:29:47Never mind that one.
00:29:59Grace, can I...
00:30:01Can I tell you something?
00:30:05Just say it.
00:30:11Just give me a sec.
00:30:17Oh, Grace.
00:30:19I'm sorry.
00:30:25Hey, listen.
00:30:29I heard about what happened,
00:30:31and I wanted to do something.
00:30:33I know this is not much, but...
00:30:35It's tuna noodle casserole,
00:30:38the recipe your mom loves.
00:30:40How's she doing?
00:30:42She's good.
00:30:45Oh, hi.
00:30:46Hi. Conrad.
00:30:48Nice to meet you.
00:30:50Her friend.
00:30:51We live across the street.
00:30:53Are you okay?
00:30:56Oh, yeah, I had a bloody nose earlier,
00:30:58but I'm fine.
00:31:00I think Mr. and Mrs. Turner are upstairs.
00:31:03I can tell them you stopped by.
00:31:05That'd be great, yeah.
00:31:06I'm here, Conrad.
00:31:11Thank you.
00:31:15This helps.
00:31:17How's Lynn doing?
00:31:19It's gonna take some time.
00:31:21Conrad, maybe you should go home
00:31:24and get cleaned up, okay?
00:31:26Oh, yeah.
00:31:29If you need anything, I mean anything,
00:31:32don't hesitate. I mean it.
00:31:39I'll call you later.
00:31:45I'm still meeting you.
00:31:47Me, too.
00:32:14It is in the times when confronted with death
00:32:17that we are reminded how truly precious life is.
00:32:21This is never more present
00:32:23than when a life is taken away at such a young age.
00:32:27It is not always evident in the moment
00:32:29as to the ways of our world,
00:32:31and it causes us to question,
00:32:33for it is through this imperfect world
00:32:36that we are confronted with death.
00:32:39I wasn't invited.
00:32:43But I forced myself to bear witness to what I had done.
00:33:25Need a little help over here?
00:33:38No, I figured it was you up here.
00:33:47Oh, man.
00:33:49Hunter really did a number on you the other day, huh?
00:33:53Well, you know, for what it's worth,
00:33:55I think he's sorry.
00:33:57Thanks for the apology, Hunter.
00:34:00Come on, man.
00:34:02You know how he is.
00:34:05Men aren't even caring about that.
00:34:07What are you up here for? What do you want?
00:34:12I've been thinking about Eric's family.
00:34:15We better get used to it.
00:34:19Because now we have to for the rest of our lives.
00:34:24What if we said something, you know?
00:34:26What if we did something to fix it?
00:34:29Timmy's dead.
00:34:31We can't fix that.
00:34:34We can't fix that.
00:35:07Oh, hey.
00:35:09Can you come over?
00:35:11What's going on?
00:35:13I need to talk to you.
00:35:22It's easy to think that life will fix your problems for you.
00:35:28But somehow everything will turn out all right.
00:35:34You want to climb up?
00:35:38That's the thing about fear.
00:35:42It can convince you of anything.
00:36:01Come on.
00:36:03We've got to be quiet.
00:36:27Just watch where you step.
00:36:31Now it's a mess.
00:36:51When you left the picnic that day,
00:36:55you said you couldn't stop by the fireworks.
00:36:59Yeah, well, I don't think I...
00:37:00Oh, you just shut up and let me talk.
00:37:05I don't care that you didn't.
00:37:07I just need to get this out, all right?
00:37:09All right.
00:37:11After the picnic,
00:37:14Eric and I got in a fight.
00:37:17I don't even know what it was about, but...
00:37:21I told him that I didn't want him to come
00:37:25to the fireworks.
00:37:28He wouldn't come because of me, Conrad.
00:37:35If I had him,
00:37:37he wouldn't...
00:37:43It's not your fault, Grace.
00:37:49It's not your fault.
00:37:58It's not your fault.
00:38:28It's not your fault.
00:39:10Come here.
00:39:13Come here.
00:39:27Sleep with me.
00:39:31Don't be stupid. Just sleep next to me.
00:39:34Just for a little while.
00:39:38What about your parents?
00:39:43I haven't been able to sleep for days, and...
00:39:48I think it would help.
00:41:11Mom, just get in the paper.
00:41:40Suddenly, it struck me.
00:41:44One day,
00:41:47Grace would be older than her older brother.
00:41:53She would grow up,
00:41:56follow her dreams,
00:41:59but he would always be 19.
00:42:34What are you doing?
00:42:38Eric was gonna...
00:42:41Grace is out riding her bike.
00:42:53She's gonna be a while.
00:42:59You need any help with this?
00:43:02No. No, I'm good.
00:43:05You sure?
00:43:10I'd be happy to do whatever.
00:43:24All right. Knock yourself out.
00:43:33Take out the one bias,
00:43:36and then, uh, take it down with the frame.
00:43:39Got it. Okay.
00:43:44There you go.
00:44:06Grief has a way of uncovering the things we'd rather hide.
00:44:11Hey, Connie.
00:44:13I had to take the heat off.
00:44:18Sometimes it pulls us together.
00:44:21Sometimes it pulls us apart.
00:44:25How is Gracie, comrade?
00:44:31She seems all right.
00:44:33That's good. That's good.
00:44:43He was just like you, you know?
00:44:48Not now, I mean, but when he was your age.
00:44:51Her brother was much different with her when she was young.
00:45:00Don't forget that part of you, okay?
00:45:07What's going on?
00:45:09Hey, Grace.
00:45:11Your mom was just giving me a glass of lemonade.
00:45:15There's some more in the fridge.
00:45:28What's your mom like?
00:45:31A total freak.
00:45:33Without my dad, it's like she thinks I'm his replacement or something.
00:45:38All I want to do is just be a kid, you know?
00:45:43God, I just don't get them sometimes.
00:45:47It's weird, right?
00:45:49Like, when we were younger, they were sort of like gods.
00:45:52All-knowing and all-powerful.
00:45:55And had all the answers in the world.
00:45:57Yeah, totally.
00:45:59But then, like, you wake up one day and you realize that
00:46:05your parents are just as crazy and messed up as we are.
00:46:16What is this place?
00:46:21Come on. I'll show you.
00:46:36So, is this, like, where you and the guys hang out?
00:46:42They don't even know about this place.
00:46:44Well, why not?
00:46:47I don't know.
00:46:49I just don't think they'd get it if I brought them here, you know?
00:46:58I like you.
00:47:04I feel different around you than I do with the guys.
00:47:07Well, I would hope so.
00:47:10Shut up. That's not what I mean.
00:47:13I mean, I can be myself more.
00:47:18You know, say what's on my mind
00:47:21instead of all that stupid stuff.
00:47:26I like how you worry about me and that look you give me.
00:47:31I don't really know what it is, but I like it.
00:47:39So, do you think someone used to live here or what?
00:47:44Yeah, I guess.
00:47:47Something must have happened, though.
00:47:56It's totally a mess now.
00:48:00I mean, it's not as bad as your room.
00:48:03Shut up.
00:48:11Pick something out.
00:48:14Anything. Anything you want. Pick it out.
00:48:27What about this?
00:48:32Are you sure?
00:48:35Okay. Come on.
00:48:39What are we doing?
00:48:56Hurry. Quick, before it burns out.
00:49:12I know it's dumb, but this stuff has so much history.
00:49:18These things people used to love, they're just objects.
00:49:24But they've been through so much, you know?
00:49:27Sometimes people forget that history is all still there.
00:49:33But it's weird, like, you burn it, and it's gone.
00:49:38You're the last person in its life.
00:49:43And suddenly, nothing's left.
00:49:48Where does that all go?
00:49:51Where does that all go?
00:50:17Hello. Can I help you?
00:50:20I'm Catherine Stevens.
00:50:22Conrad's mom?
00:50:26Come in.
00:50:30I was so devastated when I heard about your loss.
00:50:34I hope he hasn't been too much of a fuss.
00:50:36Connie? No. No, he's a real good kid.
00:50:40It's a pleasure to have around here anytime.
00:50:44Is he here by any chance?
00:51:04You're beautiful.
00:51:08Guys aren't beautiful. They're handsome.
00:51:14You're beautiful, too.
00:51:17So are you.
00:51:23Want to see something?
00:51:27There's more?
00:51:34Well, what happened?
00:51:37When I was eight, Eric and I got into a fight about something.
00:51:42And he pushed me into a pole down in our basement,
00:51:46and a screw on it dug into my back.
00:51:49Jeez. That had to hurt, huh?
00:51:51No. It didn't, actually.
00:51:54That's the funny part.
00:51:56I didn't even know it happened until he told me that I was covered in blood.
00:52:00It was 13 stitches.
00:52:02The scar will probably be there forever.
00:52:06It's ugly, though, huh?
00:52:08No. No, I like it.
00:52:12It's beautiful.
00:52:19Guess we better get going, huh?
00:52:32Oh, hi. I'm Kathy Stevens, Conrad's mom.
00:52:37My hands are filthy. Sorry about that.
00:52:40There's something outside.
00:52:41Yeah, it's a new gazebo.
00:52:44So Conrad told me you were away on business.
00:52:49Excuse me.
00:53:11I asked you what was wrong with you, and not what went wrong with you.
00:53:14What was wrong with you? What is that?
00:53:16What are you doing with this?
00:53:18Would you stop?
00:53:19I can't believe you went over there.
00:53:21I was doing something nice.
00:53:23Don't you think I want to see where my son's disappeared for the last two weeks?
00:53:26Don't you think I worry?
00:53:27Yeah, Mom. I'm sure you'd get real upset.
00:53:30I don't like your tone.
00:53:32I don't know what's going on with you.
00:53:35Hunter and Timmy said you...
00:53:36Hunter and Timmy are assholes, Mom!
00:53:38What are you two up to?
00:53:39Just hanging out. You said it yourself, I should watch out for her.
00:53:42I didn't tell you to spend every waking moment with her.
00:53:46I got news for you, kiddo.
00:53:48As long as you live under my roof, you owe me answers.
00:53:55Where are you going?
00:53:56Just get out of the way, Mom.
00:53:57Where do you think you're going?
00:53:58Don't just...
00:53:59Just move.
00:54:01Just move!
00:54:09Just move.
00:55:27You guys built this in grade school?
00:55:31My dad helped us build it.
00:55:35We really even came in here for that.
00:55:38You barely even come here anymore, though.
00:55:40You shouldn't even be in here, actually.
00:55:46No girls policy.
00:55:49Yeah, well, it's kind of like our place, you know?
00:55:54I thought you didn't hang out with them anymore.
00:55:56Yeah, I guess.
00:55:59That was a while ago.
00:56:01Aw, aren't you guys cool?
00:56:07So now what?
00:56:10Okay, go slow. Hold on, hold on.
00:56:13Okay, it's okay. Just go slow.
00:56:20I'm sorry.
00:56:22I'm sorry.
00:56:24I'm sorry.
00:56:26I'm sorry.
00:56:28I'm sorry.
00:56:30I'm sorry.
00:56:32I'm sorry.
00:56:34I'm sorry.
00:56:36I'm sorry.
00:56:39Holy shit!
00:56:44What's up, man?
00:56:46Oh, what's up, man? You tell me, playboy.
00:56:49Nothing, dude. We're just hanging out.
00:56:51Okay, these two are just hanging out to me.
00:56:53Oh, that's cool.
00:56:55Oh, wait. Oh, wait. I'm sorry.
00:56:57Did I say hanging out? Because what I meant to say was
00:56:59Conrad's over here finger-blasting the hell out of Grace.
00:57:01Dude, Connor, shut up.
00:57:03Can you shut up?
00:57:05Just get out of here, dude. They're fine.
00:57:07I'll just not piss you off.
00:57:09Are you two gonna leave?
00:57:11We were just getting started, and I'd really like to get back to it.
00:57:17Come on.
00:57:19Come on, let's go.
00:57:33What the hell, man?
00:57:34Grow up, Hunter.
00:57:37I'm sorry.
00:57:44I'm seriously sorry about that.
00:57:46Stop apologizing for them.
00:57:48That neither of them ever even kissed a girl before.
00:57:51What are they doing?
00:57:55Um, they're heading up north for the night.
00:57:57For what?
00:57:59To pack up Eric's dorm room.
00:58:03You're not going?
00:58:06Don't you think you should?
00:58:08God, stop.
00:58:10You sound just like them.
00:58:12Just get in the way and be miserable the whole time.
00:58:16Besides, if I don't go,
00:58:19then we have a place to ourselves.
00:58:22You don't think your parents have thought of that?
00:58:25Yeah, they gave me this whole lecture on trust and stuff,
00:58:28but I'm not a child.
00:58:37Sleep with me tonight, Conrad.
00:58:40It's just that I just wanted things to be about us right now.
00:58:44You know?
00:58:46I want to.
00:58:48I just...
00:58:50I just...
00:58:54I don't know.
00:59:02Well, I guess you think about it,
00:59:04and then you can come back later tonight.
00:59:06Whatever happens, happens.
00:59:09But if you do want to,
00:59:12then you need to be ready.
00:59:16You know what I mean?
00:59:19Yeah, I think so.
00:59:21All right.
00:59:23I'll see you later tonight.
00:59:25All right.
00:59:56Can I help you with something?
00:59:59No, I'm good.
01:00:37Is that all?
01:00:39Yeah, and some condoms, too.
01:00:41What's that?
01:00:43Um, some condoms, please.
01:00:45What kind?
01:00:47I don't care.
01:00:49It doesn't matter.
01:01:08Watch where you're going, dude.
01:01:10Who are you watching?
01:01:14Hey, hold up, man.
01:01:16Just stay away from me.
01:01:20I'm sorry, all right?
01:01:23No, no, no, seriously, I am okay.
01:01:27Well, it's just not the same without you around.
01:01:31I mean, we're all supposed to be in this together, right?
01:01:34And now Tim doesn't even want to talk to me anymore.
01:01:36So now, because you've lost your two best friends,
01:01:38you feel bad that we let some kid die?
01:01:43Hey, can we just talk for a minute?
01:03:08I didn't think you'd ever get here.
01:03:15You look beautiful.
01:04:07Have you ever played what if, Conrad?
01:04:10What do you mean?
01:04:14What if our lives never crossed?
01:04:18Like, what if we never met?
01:04:21You and me and my life, and everything would be different.
01:04:29This whole summer would be different.
01:04:34Yeah, it would be.
01:04:40You'd make me really happy.
01:05:33You okay?
01:05:35Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
01:05:40Was last night okay?
01:05:43Yeah, it was perfect, right?
01:05:47Yeah, totally.
01:05:53You sure you're all right?
01:05:54I'm great.
01:06:03What are you doing?
01:06:05Going to church.
01:06:06Mr. and Mrs. Morris will be here to pick me up any minute.
01:06:09Are you going to be gone long?
01:06:11No, just a couple hours.
01:06:14You can make yourself at home, though.
01:06:19My parents won't be back until tonight.
01:07:17Grace, we're home.
01:07:32She's in the shower.
01:07:59Where is she?
01:08:01She went to church.
01:08:03You're not supposed to be home.
01:08:04We welcomed you into our home, and this is what you do?
01:08:08Mr. Thompson.
01:08:33Hi, Grace.
01:08:38Do you have a second?
01:08:39You just leave me alone.
01:08:40It's important, okay?
01:08:42What do you want?
01:08:57I want to say, um...
01:09:01I'm sorry.
01:09:03I'm sorry for, um...
01:09:05for everything.
01:09:07I just, uh, needed to say that.
01:09:11Jesus, your respects.
01:09:17What if lies don't cover up the past?
01:09:23Maybe they cover up the present.
01:09:28Turn us inside out...
01:09:31and force themselves to the surface.
01:09:35I'm not gonna stop seeing him, Dad.
01:09:38Frankly, Grace, after what you've done,
01:09:40you have no choice in the matter.
01:09:45We trusted you.
01:09:46Let go of me.
01:09:47And you promised you wouldn't betray that trust.
01:09:49And yet you go right ahead and walk all over it
01:09:51right when your mother and I needed you most.
01:09:53You both just can't stand the fact
01:09:55that I found something good.
01:09:57That something actually makes me happy.
01:09:59Gracie, please stop.
01:10:01Grace, honey, you need to be honest with yourself
01:10:05and do what's right for this family.
01:10:08You've got to be kidding me.
01:10:10Grace, it's already been decided.
01:10:13Decided by who?
01:10:16The two of you?
01:10:19You've barely even talked to each other since Eric died.
01:10:23You've barely even looked at me since he died.
01:10:27He has nothing to do with this.
01:10:29He has everything to do with it!
01:11:08Oh, my God.
01:11:10My God.
01:11:11I've been looking everywhere for you.
01:11:26You okay?
01:11:27It hurts.
01:11:28I know, but listen.
01:11:30I don't care about what they said or what they want
01:11:34or about them at all.
01:11:36You're the only one that I care about anymore.
01:11:42Just run away with me.
01:11:45I'm serious.
01:11:46Let's just go.
01:11:47Our parents are crazy.
01:11:48We're better off alone without them together.
01:11:50Zane, but think about it.
01:11:51Grace, listen.
01:11:52You've already run away,
01:11:53and we could live here for a while
01:11:54and plan something out.
01:11:55Grace, stop!
01:12:07What is it?
01:12:09Conrad, talk to me.
01:12:22I let your brother die.
01:12:27I'm sorry.
01:12:28No, what are you talking about?
01:12:30It was an accident.
01:12:31I was out with Hunter and Timmy.
01:12:33It was supposed to be a prank,
01:12:35and nobody was supposed to be home,
01:12:36but it was.
01:12:37So slow down.
01:12:38He chased us and he hit that deer.
01:12:39You're not making any sense.
01:12:40What are you talking about?
01:12:41And he hit the tree.
01:12:43We didn't...
01:12:44We didn't stay.
01:12:45I wish we had.
01:12:48No, he was alone.
01:12:51He wasn't, Grace.
01:12:58This isn't...
01:12:59This isn't funny.
01:13:02This isn't a funny joke.
01:13:04Don't tell me you're joking.
01:13:14It's true.
01:13:17Oh, my God.
01:13:18It's true.
01:13:19I can't see it in your face.
01:13:21You watched him die.
01:13:22I didn't watch him die, Grace.
01:13:23You said he was there.
01:13:24I wanted to stay here.
01:13:25I wanted to help him.
01:13:28I did.
01:13:30Oh, my God.
01:13:32Why would you do this to me?
01:13:33Grace, stop. Listen.
01:13:34No, don't tell me to stop.
01:13:40I let you sleep with me, Conrad.
01:13:44I let you sleep with me.
01:13:48Grace, I love you.
01:13:51I don't want to see your face.
01:13:56I never want to see anything of you ever again.
01:14:49I'm sorry.
01:14:50I'm sorry.
01:14:51I'm sorry.
01:14:52I'm sorry.
01:14:53I'm sorry.
01:14:54I'm sorry.
01:14:55I'm sorry.
01:14:56I'm sorry.
01:14:57I'm sorry.
01:14:58I'm sorry.
01:14:59I'm sorry.
01:15:00I'm sorry.
01:15:01I'm sorry.
01:15:02I'm sorry.
01:15:03I'm sorry.
01:15:04I'm sorry.
01:15:05I'm sorry.
01:15:06I'm sorry.
01:15:07I'm sorry.
01:15:08I'm sorry.
01:15:09I'm sorry.
01:15:10I'm sorry.
01:15:11I'm sorry.
01:15:12I'm sorry.
01:15:13I'm sorry.
01:15:14I'm sorry.
01:15:15I'm sorry.
01:15:16I'm sorry.
01:15:17I'm sorry.
01:15:18I'm sorry.
01:15:19I'm sorry.
01:15:20I'm sorry.
01:15:21I'm sorry.
01:15:22I'm sorry.
01:15:23I'm sorry.
01:15:24I'm sorry.
01:15:25I'm sorry.
01:15:26I'm sorry.
01:15:27I'm sorry.
01:15:28I'm sorry.
01:15:29I'm sorry.
01:15:30I'm sorry.
01:15:31I'm sorry.
01:15:32I'm sorry.
01:15:33I'm sorry.
01:15:34I'm sorry.
01:15:35I'm sorry.
01:15:36I'm sorry.
01:15:37I'm sorry.
01:15:38I'm sorry.
01:15:39I'm sorry.
01:15:40I'm sorry.
01:15:41I'm sorry.
01:15:42I'm sorry.
01:15:43I'm sorry.
01:15:44I'm sorry.
01:15:45I'm sorry.
01:15:46I'm sorry.
01:15:47What's wrong?
01:15:58No, please.
01:15:59I'm sorry.
01:16:08I'm sorry.
01:16:18You thought he'd be okay.
01:16:22And when he wasn't...
01:16:26I just didn't know what to do.
01:16:29You might have saved that boy's life.
01:16:34And you might not have.
01:16:37You're gonna be an old man one day, and you'll still wonder.
01:16:42Excuse me.
01:17:00As we get older, we all come to a fork in the road.
01:17:05And as we choose our path, some of us grow wiser,
01:17:10and some of us don't.
01:17:14Some relationships last,
01:17:18and some disappear.
01:17:23But what once was
01:17:27can't stay the same.
01:17:29No matter how much we wish it otherwise.
01:17:35Truth is, no one gets it right.
01:17:40But I think we're all supposed to try.
01:17:54I'm sorry.
01:17:56I'm sorry.
01:17:59I'm sorry.
01:18:20Mr. Turner, please.
01:18:23There's something I need to tell you.
01:18:30I'm sorry.
01:18:38I don't remember what I said on that porch that evening,
01:18:42or how our parents exactly reacted.
01:18:51Moments like that,
01:18:54they cloud your memory and leave only a feeling.
01:18:58A feeling you can't ever shake.
01:19:16Wherever she is, I hope she's okay.
01:19:22Losing someone,
01:19:25you don't really ever get over it.
01:19:30I'm home.
01:19:35You have a good night?
01:19:37Yeah, pretty good, I guess.
01:19:44That's good.
01:19:47Go on inside and tell your mom you're home.
01:19:50Making peace with the past, well,
01:19:53sometimes it seems impossible.
01:19:59Maybe it's supposed to be.
01:20:01Dad, you coming?
01:20:08I'm coming, Eric.
01:20:19I'm coming.
