Fall Guys Free For All Episode 30

  • 2 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for Fall Guys Free For All Episode 30. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00:00Hey guys, how you doing, how you doing, how you doing?
00:00:06King Paul here.
00:00:07Hopefully you're doing absolutely awesome.
00:00:15If you don't know, you need to be told, my name is Paul Burry, Family Friendly Gaming,
00:00:25playing some more Foul, haven't played today, I guess we'll start with a solo, do some solos.
00:00:44I guess I gotta get my chat from my phone down there, I just need to get a chat from
00:00:49my phone.
00:00:50Oh, Cube Corruption, I like Cube Corruption.
00:00:59Oh, did y'all see the T-Rex Tape YouTube Short today?
00:01:06Man that was really fun.
00:01:07I hope you really loved the T-Rex Tape YouTube Short, man it was a great one.
00:01:11And if you haven't already gone and bought any of my books, definitely go to the FFT,
00:01:16Family Friendly Gaming.com store page.
00:01:19There should be a link in the description box.
00:01:32I'm a shark bot today.
00:01:38Oh someone went flying.
00:01:45Maybe they'll work for you.
00:01:53I don't like that way, maybe they'll work for you.
00:02:06Here we go.
00:02:08Oh I just made that, just, just made that.
00:02:24Not quite first, but decent, decent first, don't you think?
00:02:30Alright, so I think before, oh Gluten Free says hi, Gluten Free is here after the chat.
00:02:37Looks like Kevin, our rival wizard, had something to say before we started.
00:02:41Here's the, so those are members only emotes, so if you become a member of this channel
00:02:57there's a link in the description box so you can become a member.
00:03:00There's a link to our store page, so go buy some of my books.
00:03:03Hopefully you'll support us with some of the books I've written to help us out so we can
00:03:08be able to continue to do this work that helps you out.
00:03:16I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope.
00:03:20Alright, gate crash round two.
00:03:22I got the crown on tonight, hopefully we get a win at some point.
00:03:34That was bad, but okay.
00:03:37Oh there is a new season pass, I need to show that to you all.
00:03:41This is a good time.
00:03:52Silly thing got me.
00:04:03There we go.
00:04:04Got him, got him.
00:04:09Got in, just barely.
00:04:12Hey Kevin, you like the crown tonight?
00:04:16Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
00:04:19I feel like the crown is going to pop off and you'll notice I've got a really big head.
00:04:24Wasn't that nice for saying I've got a big head.
00:04:31I can't say what my response was.
00:04:34I'm doing good Kevin. How about you?
00:04:39Wham bam boom, you know that reminds me there's this comedian and he was talking about how
00:04:44This checker wasn't paying any attention. This checkers like hello. How are you?
00:04:50To every person he's watching person person checking out from like hello
00:04:54How are you? And so the comedians like I have a wedgie. How about you?
00:05:00And the guy just like didn't even like misbehave paper or plastic
00:05:49Don't chance those speakers
00:06:01Okay, here comes a fun part you got speakers right the end I may not make it
00:06:19There we go, all right, let me check chat. Hey Adrian. Hey, thanks. Thanks gluten-free. Glad you like the crown
00:06:30What's going on you gluten-free
00:06:34That tell you that my parents are gluten-free yeah, they can't have gluten
00:06:40I'm doing different. I'm sitting on the couch. I'll be almost that I've kind of changed up and I'll sit on the floor anymore
00:06:44So I'm just it's actually better for my back. So
00:06:48Just kind of trying that you guys like this look a little better
00:06:52I'm still trying to adapt to it and figure out where can I put things like where can I still?
00:06:56Hang out and still see chat
00:07:00How about that
00:07:03But I'm just trying it
00:07:06It's been better for my back. My back's been healing a little bit now, so that's good
00:07:34Let's have their buddy right here and we go
00:07:43I'm working on my dailies and that's one of them were to not get a not respond
00:07:47So that's one of my dailies and I respond sometimes and to do rounds in there 60 seconds
00:07:51So I should be getting some of those working pretty good right now
00:08:01That's what y'all know I need to play Disney Dream of L.A. because they've added
00:08:07Penelope ventelope, whatever her name is from
00:08:13Wreck-it Ralph the the glitchy racer girl from Wreck-it Ralph. She's in and is injured my belly now and I have to
00:08:20Do that at some point. I just gotta find time also to keep on working on Justice League chaos
00:08:28cosmic chaos
00:08:36We are here
00:08:47Right here for right now
00:09:03We're wasting time doing this buddy
00:10:16I'm gone right there. So close to win man. There's what three of us left two of us. I'll probably fight two of us left
00:10:25Bad luck at the end there
00:10:30I'm just dad it cling to look at all that
00:10:54Guess I show y'all the season past season past three. I don't know how many season passes are gonna do
00:11:04At the beginning I got
00:11:07Charming cup of your cup of Barra
00:11:10walking out
00:11:13flight fight
00:11:21Chest thumpers, okay
00:11:26Sam Porter bridges
00:11:45Cozy crock
00:11:51Zip it
00:12:01Be bots be about my me kind of cool
00:12:06I get there
00:12:08Tons of that stuff
00:12:10Strawberry smoothie, so it's like the milk, but just strawberry. So it's like a
00:12:14Once like a skin color swamp all these
00:12:19Cuddly came in so it's just a skin swap of that croc
00:12:28Cyber wasps, so it's a skin swap to be which I think to be looks better on this thing
00:12:39A cute caviar, which is just a skin swap, but you get the beginning so
00:12:44good times
00:12:46Store real quick store has new items. Oh, yeah, they've got that Yukon lately
00:12:58Okay gluten if you gotta go you gotta go I understand thanks for coming by
00:13:05They're so much more about pay pay pay pay pay for everything
00:13:12Yeah, all right, let's do another one see if I get them some dailies wiped out
00:13:31That season past 3m
00:13:34They put some new stuff out here, I'll probably do another stream, but maybe next Friday, I'll do
00:13:41They haven't really updated some of the stuff lately unfortunately, it's kind of lame but I
00:13:48Got no control over it. You know I'm saying
00:13:55Forgot to check that hopefully it's okay. Okay. Yeah, we're okay
00:14:01Let's check my mic
00:14:13Is it gonna give me a match or we just gonna sit here and stare at the screen
00:14:18It does this sometimes it glitches out
00:14:21It says it found one. It's always waiting for a server
00:14:25I'll give it
00:14:34Don't have to close the game bring my cup for it to actually start working again. I don't know why but
00:14:40It's what happens with this game sometimes
00:14:52Should start a stopwatch or something and princess right beside me here
00:14:58Yeah, girl
00:15:01You bored with watching the guy falling and never landing
00:15:09All right, it's been over a minute I know that for certain I
00:15:17Don't know why you have to quit and come back
00:15:20This is why I prefer offline games and you don't have to play online, you know
00:15:24Cuz all my games do this
00:15:26for whatever reason
00:15:29And fog eyes has been horrible for
00:15:32Just you know
00:15:34connections on their servers and dropping you and you're like
00:15:37Wow on my end. I'm doing awesome with my
00:15:49You disconnected from our server no your server drop me
00:15:53I'm fine on my end. I don't know what's between us. Okay, and it's like I haven't gone to the store
00:16:01Want to try extreme squads, I'm really tempted to try that I'm probably gonna do horrible, but I think it might be interesting to try
00:16:13In order if we have to in order to make sure I get a crown tonight I can always go and do one of them
00:16:19Push up final round things. I
00:16:24Played a few of them and I know
00:16:28I'm not really a fan of them. I got these like seesaw things. You have to drop blocks on bounce up and down and up and down
00:16:41And people aren't cooperating it's for you to play at the same time most
00:16:47People don't cooperate didn't make it even worse. You're like, come on. Are you just trying to waste everyone's time?
00:16:58Have a match of 37 players, but we're still waiting for a server
00:17:04After three minutes now, I've closed out and come back so
00:17:09Can't leave it's been so good
00:17:16I might have to try different rounds at this rate. I don't want to
00:17:24I'll give it give it till 641. I still haven't gotten to a match. I'll try a different thing
00:17:37I'd leave them survey results before and be like give us an offline mode. I'm gonna play it totally offline
00:17:43Wait, what?
00:17:45We're an online game. Yeah, I want to play it offline
00:17:47Hey, I read the internet ever played Ultima offline, it's it's it's the offline version of Ultima online
00:17:53So I know can be done
00:17:56I mean you don't need all their servers to play
00:18:05Brief are they broken tonight?
00:18:12One time I decided to stream the western
00:18:18Say I'm gonna stream this game and they're gonna break they're gonna be the ones are messed up 641. I got to 642
00:18:32And look at jeopardy music and waiting
00:18:56This is awesome game about 642 forget this one, I mean they're broken I guess
00:19:09There was one problem at the end though, yeah
00:19:17People don't know what to do. We're gonna be in big trouble
00:19:36It's like they've changed the mechanics to have like the
00:19:39Pulling objects used to be like really easy and good and it's kind of gotten slow and quickly lately
00:19:55Don't be an idiot
00:20:08I've got people that know what they're doing
00:20:21Jumped over the thing
00:20:32We can't move it with you croc get off
00:20:56He's gonna make sure he gets the next one first not that that's gonna matter cuz he's gonna
00:21:08That was awesome
00:21:14I'm like utterly flopping on this
00:21:32Last one's the hardest one
00:21:58Don't know Mexico
00:22:15Hope it makes it made it
00:22:29This is where it gets frustrating
00:22:44Oh my god
00:23:21Should do it, too
00:23:33There we go gotta win
00:23:36Lots of teamwork required there we made the dream work
00:24:13Was that kite one they had
00:24:33Thought I
00:24:45Was kind of funny, okay
00:24:48We'll go with that
00:24:52See me maybe get a solos to work now
00:24:56It's been 20 minutes later
00:25:05Excuse me
00:25:10Say when and check anything fun plan for the weekend you any fun plans
00:25:14I'm mainly gonna be working on lots of videos. That's my plan work on videos
00:25:20Then there's live streams
00:25:22Here we go
00:25:24Solos working in princess
00:25:28Good girl. Oh what she got you need to go check that out princess need to go check out what she's got
00:25:36Beans ahoy
00:25:40She wants to know what you got princess wants know what you got oh
00:25:46Not not for you bad for your teeth
00:25:50It bad
00:25:58Oh, yeah
00:26:43There we go
00:27:06Those who don't know those are
00:27:08Emotes that you can use if you're a member
00:27:12nurses as low as $1.99
00:27:15speed slider
00:27:28Are you pounding as I told you know about looking my face earlier? I know you look my face at some point though. It's gone
00:28:28Just miss first
00:28:30And we go
00:28:33Don't worry about that bandwidth
00:28:52Keeps me connected. I'm asking pipe dream
00:29:01I had some weird odd glitches in this one
00:29:05There was one I played last week that it dropped me from the pipe like you're going through the pipe and just like drop me
00:29:12straight down
00:29:13And then by the time it respawned me. I had to go redo a bunch of stuff
00:29:18By the time respond me. It was like I couldn't qualify. I was like really? Thanks
00:29:24You go from fighting for first, you know, just eliminate you're like awesome
00:29:30That's having internet issues again, it's not good
00:30:02Did you see that
00:30:32I'm not qualifying. I don't think I'm getting messed over pretty bad
00:30:58Barely go Wow
00:31:07Think it's Kevin. I think that's a copy
00:31:28Or the high five is like double high five or is it clapping
00:31:32Really understanding
00:31:36I'm having internet issues in this game
00:31:40Not good
00:32:18Roll out one. I never die on slip right off the edge
00:32:25Yeah, I need to change my skin I've had shark bottles stream I got cow juice now
00:32:38Let's change our skin I guess
00:32:42Jeff you got a request. Let me know. I think I'm gonna go for a sandcastle
00:32:54And they wait the white flag I surrender where I was just a blue since it matches the bottom part
00:33:02and I mean, you know the
00:33:06The bubbles fits
00:33:18Quite the same as this matches the eyes. Okay
00:33:28Let's try extreme slides, this is probably horrible
00:33:37But I don't know I guess we'll learn real quick
00:33:43Real quick
00:33:51Tender on X. So the thing about extreme is if you
00:33:58There's no response if you fall you're gone, that's that no
00:34:07If ands or buts no coming back no respawning
00:34:11It's like see ya. I don't know if that will makes a squad
00:34:16And they give us the hardest one with the spike log at the end that swings
00:34:36I hear people grabbing
00:34:43Someone's watch me weary. Oh my god. So whatever he's gone. How was someone from our squad already gone?
00:35:05It's not gonna help our squad score the 30
00:35:17Oh, I just got in I just hit the finish line that was lucky
00:35:29All right cow juice
00:35:31Now does that mean do the people in our squad are limited they not continue or do they I
00:35:41Guess our squad continues long someone the squad qualifies
00:35:44The rest of us go. Okay. I
00:35:47Didn't know the exact rules that they were gonna have on this. I
00:35:53Was first in for my squad to I was careful the angst I want to hit that that log and you know
00:35:59Hit the log go straight down you're gone right right at the finish line. I thankfully just got on the finish line. So
00:36:07It counted I was
00:36:09Talking about what I should count that if you you know hit the fin I've hit like the finish line before and fall off
00:36:24You watch me play girl, yeah
00:36:29Are you a good girl good girl, I
00:36:34Can't even play rubber now, I'm sorry. Oh
00:36:38I'm sorry
00:36:43I was like is it starting? Oh now it's getting real bad. You see that
00:36:52Going it's getting very very
00:37:23Want somebody
00:37:47Got him but having some serious problems
00:37:53Very lost somebody
00:37:56I want that one if we do lose them once they quit it quit her what?
00:38:10Five squads remain
00:38:16That's three of us
00:38:43Gotten worse and worse and worse than that. I'm a little worried
00:39:15We lost the exclamation point so it's gotten a little bit better
00:39:43How did that happen
00:39:58Someone else
00:40:22There we go
00:40:28Thank you our matches
00:40:35You might try one more time
00:41:07We're connecting the server again, this might be the whole problem
00:41:31There we go
00:41:39Ha ha ha big fans, I love big fans, but you have to deal with grabbers and grabbers mess you over
00:41:48You're eliminated instantly and it seems like there's I was hearing lots of popping and grabbing on the tundra
00:42:04But I don't see in the bars at the end so that's good
00:42:35Whoa, that was tight, I almost fell
00:43:02There when somebody you saw oh, I'm the last one in my squad that's not good the rest my squad is gone
00:43:29Eliminate cuz the rest of my squad was gone. I was right at the finish line. I
00:43:33Guess we wouldn't got enough points to survive though. I couldn't carry three other players
00:43:51Wacko solos match see we enjoy some solos or not
00:44:02Little doggie
00:44:05Doggies laying here sleeping by me. I think she likes me up here on the couch now streaming like this
00:44:23Try to nap
00:44:27You got her nails
00:44:31It's good less slicing dicing
00:44:35It's handy look at my arm. She's sometimes claws you on purpose
00:44:41Freaking out or stuff like thunderstorms
00:44:48Works on little animals and little children
00:45:29Thank you stupid cow milk person bumps me in the air and takes me off my rhythm
00:45:49Wait, why is bumping other players? Why are we bumping on the players turning me all around? They're just fine
00:46:13Pro tip dive right you get that do a dive. It'll send you flying faster
00:46:26It's like Patrick eyes and he has all my friends kind of
00:46:34You got in good job, buddy good job
00:46:57The whirly gig it's a nice hit parade on extreme
00:47:18Those don't know I've written multiple books there on the family from the gaming comm store page
00:47:23There's a link in description box as well as how you can become a member of our channel with nurses as well as a dollar
00:47:51All about the timing
00:48:22Just made that
00:48:25This one's watching me one of four the qualified
00:48:35Another qualification Patrick make it again. No Patrick's not making it. Bye. Bye Patrick
00:48:44Go say hi to SpongeBob
00:48:55Oh wait, he'd be here as if I was wearing a skin Oh
00:49:04Shortcut links. Oh, yes
00:49:07Gotten used to this one a little bit now
00:49:10Even mess around trying to get that beginning part. So people make the main game part. I
00:49:14Took me three tries. I did eventually qualify, but I decided I'm just sticking with the long path
00:49:21It's just safer. It's better
00:49:23It works better for me anyway
00:50:06Problem there, but I got through
00:50:45Said you saw what people do the first part there after that
00:50:53Keep crying and making failing and I keep responding and I just pass them. I was like third or something
00:51:05Uphill struggle this one can be a struggle
00:51:37Gotta feel the flow of this literally
00:51:58Watch this ball right here that balls got me so many times
00:52:07This will be fun stream
00:52:40I couldn't have first or when I'm falling
00:53:00Lost love chat
00:53:08All right, there we go back again
00:53:15That's a monkey collecting bananas
00:53:25Bigger monkeys. Oh
00:53:28I see
00:53:30Okay, so square up final round just that one more we keep going I think I know this one
00:55:02Was at the end, ah
00:55:05Just just barely one stupid ball hit me
00:55:15Man I'm so close twice tonight. I've been like right on the edge of winning. I think it's that one win
00:55:21But man
00:55:26So tight like right there
00:55:39Okay, two crowns three crowns got three crowns so I have 943 crowns
00:56:06Guess this might be the last one. I was right at the finish line that stupid ball wouldn't have him out of one. I
00:56:14Guess I should have gone to the left instead of the right at that point
00:56:23Live and learn that's exit for us the farthest I've ever gotten on that one
00:56:28Like right, I mean the ball like knocked me off
00:56:33What would have been my next jump would have been the finish line win?
00:56:46Big bamboo things in the middle. I want to stay away from the middle at the beginning
00:57:26What's going on what did you see that I just started bouncing around wildly
00:57:45My teammates is already in though
00:57:50I'm not gonna be second. I think I'm second. I think the two of us are first and second
00:58:01Here we go
00:58:05So we got two good players one average player and somebody I don't know what what are you doing
00:58:12You know what the dive button, you know, you can dive
00:58:18Dodge dip duck and dive
00:58:21Yeah standing on it's not gonna help you
00:58:25So we've got two good players one average player or I'd say decent player one person I got are you a noob I
00:58:33Don't know if they know what they're doing
00:58:37Hey Wow
00:58:41You know, you could just stay on that one till you can get
00:58:46But there's also a dive button. I know they can't hear me
00:58:57So the Cabrera I guess
00:59:00This he's the one who got first and I got second
00:59:04He must take in the middle route, which I was not chancing
00:59:09One slip you're gone
00:59:11One just off a little bit. You're gone. I'd rather not chance it
00:59:16We're doing this one next
00:59:23Tree top tumble
00:59:31Rhinos can be a real problem for teams here. I would think
00:59:41I got the bars to
01:00:02Our horribly
01:00:31Rhinos and fans
01:00:35Two of my team already gone
01:00:57One minor miscalculation, but I got through it
01:01:04We're second with half a team, so I guess me and the other guy are
01:01:09Competent enough together
01:01:23Five squads is where we lost it last time
01:01:28I'll get crash
01:01:50Stay away from the hammers. Oh, we're on the far, right
01:02:36We're second
01:02:40Captain hat all in white the one who I said might be a noob
01:02:50Adrian what's all the ends for you trying to say no?
01:02:57Think I'm having the first one for my squad that time
01:03:03My extreme squad oh
01:03:07Time to run again, it's gonna hit the spiked log again. I really hit the spot
01:03:24Oh, it's with a fan that's even worse
01:04:21There we go
01:04:23First second third again
01:04:26This guy tries to figure out with a fan
01:04:32Shit oh, no he's not going the fan
01:04:42Top three
01:04:48Can we do it
01:04:51No find out
01:04:57Whirligig, okay
01:05:13We're one to put here at the end
01:05:24Hey frustration, how you doing? It's okay. Adrian. No worries
01:05:50No dogs here
01:06:20Look at that man, I think it's the
01:06:30We got first place as a squad oh
01:06:33Thanks Adrian. How'd you like my crown? I
01:06:36got one win earlier and
01:06:39Assuming do now we're going to bring a final round
01:06:41us in this other squad, so
01:06:43See what you do
01:06:45Now we got two good players on my team, you know, I didn't say minute other ones the third one might be good
01:06:50But we got we got a noob to kind of balance us out. Oh, they're nice. Okay
01:07:02Let's try to win it let's try to win it
01:07:07See we get a win I win an extreme squad democrate don't think I've ever won it twice before
01:09:15Did I win or do my squad win? Yes
01:09:19Winner winner crown winner winner winner
01:09:24I'm a flag. Hi. Does everyone give me flying a kite? Oh
01:09:28Sail okay. Wait, where'd it go? I
01:09:32Flew a kite and the kite flew me
01:09:45My very first extreme squad win I got blue moon and
01:09:52our blue moon
01:09:58And I'm level 20 got another crown
01:10:05944 crowns. Thanks Kevin
01:10:10All right, so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up here for tonight
01:10:15Superstars of the stream are gonna be Kevin gave me channel Adrian you frost glacier gluten free
01:10:22Y'all are gonna be superstars the stream I think everyone for watching I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day lots of wins in