Justice League Cosmic Chaos Episode 5

  • 2 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for Justice League Cosmic Chaos Episode 5. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00:00Hey guys, how are you doing, how are you doing, how are you doing, hopefully you're doing
00:00:09absolutely awesome.
00:00:11If you don't know, you need to be told.
00:00:17My name is Paul Furry, family friendly game, playing some more Justice League Cosmic Chaos.
00:00:29Got a little bit of a new layout, I'm sitting on the couch tonight, we're trying something
00:00:35a little different.
00:00:36Let's see if this is easier on my back.
00:00:37No, that one's not working, there it goes.
00:00:38All right.
00:00:39I'm going to go ahead and bring up chat.
00:00:51How about that?
00:01:06Why am I not flying right now?
00:01:09Flying is the best.
00:01:10There we go, found a spot.
00:01:11Here it is.
00:01:13All right.
00:01:14Hey Josh, hey Gluten, hey Frost Glacier, hey Adrian.
00:01:27How y'all doing?
00:01:28All right, we're going to go this way.
00:01:29Yeah, just another one of these.
00:01:30Level up.
00:01:31My awesome moves.
00:01:34Okay, I need help.
00:02:02I invited some family.
00:02:03Swinging through the fences.
00:02:04Keep your chin up, Batman.
00:02:05All right, let's go ahead and chat.
00:02:06Princess Josh says hi, although I'm not sure how he can see you when you're way off camera.
00:02:22Special attack recharged and ready to go.
00:02:31Did I miss anybody?
00:02:32Everybody good?
00:02:33I'll take that.
00:02:34How about a rematch?
00:02:35We got in.
00:02:36We got in.
00:02:37It's raining.
00:02:38Yes, it's raining.
00:02:39Gluten free.
00:02:47We got a little escort mission here.
00:03:09to the rescue.
00:03:19I invited some family.
00:03:24Enemy defeated.
00:03:31Hold on to this for me.
00:03:38Ready for action.
00:03:41New item for Superman.
00:03:44Wonder Woman, you can take it from here, right?
00:03:46Alright, we got a little going on here, Kevin.
00:03:53Okay, how about you?
00:03:57The battering ram of justice plows through all who oppose it.
00:04:03You might want to stand back for this.
00:04:10Special attack recharged and ready to go.
00:04:20Good call, Wonder Woman. Keep them busy for me.
00:04:27This should clear the way.
00:04:32Special attack ready for action.
00:04:35Now I'm mad.
00:04:39Way to break through this gate like a toothpick.
00:04:42And we're back.
00:04:44Sorry that took so long only to come back with bad news, but here we go.
00:04:49We don't know who the current king is or which division they're from, but I can confirm they're working alone.
00:04:55Which is definitely weird since agents usually work together as a unit for support, even if it's just in pairs.
00:05:02But it looks like most of the other pieces are out on other assignments. I'll check back when I know more.
00:05:07Thank you for your hard work, friend.
00:05:14Specialist back.
00:05:18Did I miss anybody? Everybody good?
00:05:25Wonder Woman, you can take it from here, right?
00:05:28You might want to stand back for this.
00:05:34Bats, do your thing.
00:05:38Got them all.
00:05:41Ah, Mission Impossible. Cool, we got the movie here. Wow.
00:05:46Thanks for coming by the stream.
00:05:51I need to heal.
00:05:56Hey, Rival, how you doing?
00:06:17Good to go. Keep moving.
00:06:22Your serve.
00:06:31Specialist back.
00:06:40I invited some family. Don't rub it in.
00:06:45Got him, got him, got him, got him. Good.
00:07:15Thank you.
00:07:45Nice grab.
00:07:50Moving along. Y'all think you'd like a closer look?
00:07:55Superhero smash.
00:08:02Specialist back.
00:08:08I didn't used to like bats either.
00:08:17Hey, Princess.
00:08:26Victory. Don't rub it in.
00:08:33Specialist back.
00:08:42Ultimate attack recharged and ready for action.
00:08:48In your face.
00:08:53Looks like someone forgot this.
00:09:00Got him, got him, got him. Hey, American Dragon, how you doing?
00:09:10All ready for another round.
00:09:16Specialist ready.
00:09:32What's this?
00:09:37Oh, oh, oh.
00:09:42That guy was pretty weak, huh?
00:09:50Specialist back.
00:09:57Bats, do your thing.
00:10:03Get ready for this gadget.
00:10:09Let me know when you get this.
00:10:16A new item for Superman.
00:10:22Specialist back.
00:10:33I invited some family.
00:10:41Ultimate attack ready to engage.
00:10:49What's all that?
00:10:54What do we have here?
00:11:01I wonder what this one does.
00:11:07Let's see what this thing can do.
00:11:13Specialist ready.
00:11:18Time to sweep up.
00:11:25Fuck this shit.
00:11:31Fresh as a daisy.
00:11:42I took care of most of them for you.
00:11:54Specialist ready.
00:11:59You can never have too many items.
00:12:04I was able to scan the rest of the castle and there are some more gates up ahead. Get back to the battering ram.
00:12:09We meet again, sweet prince.
00:12:15Specialist back.
00:12:20I'm not hurting the door, though.
00:12:26Specialist ready.
00:12:32Time to get rid of that bat.
00:12:47I'm not going to pick it up.
00:12:52Bats. Do your thing.
00:12:54Throw this out there.
00:13:00You can never have too many at once.
00:13:02That gate's toast. Watch out for splinters!
00:13:16I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:13:18This must be for me.
00:13:20This must be for me.
00:13:42Special attack recharged and ready to go.
00:13:46Time to sweep up.
00:13:48How about a rematch?
00:13:50Time to sweep up.
00:14:16Anyone want to grab some food?
00:14:20Let me heal.
00:14:47This must be for me.
00:14:50This must be for me.
00:15:20I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:15:22This must be for me.
00:15:24This must be for me.
00:15:42I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:15:44This must be for me.
00:15:50I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:16:03Bat. This could be helpful.
00:16:11Good to go. Keep moving.
00:16:13Superman, finish them for me.
00:16:20This must be for me.
00:16:30This must be for me.
00:16:34A new item for Superman.
00:16:47Don't worry, Superman. I'm coming.
00:16:50This must be for me.
00:16:58Sometimes justice is messy.
00:17:00I invited family.
00:17:02You can keep that.
00:17:06Throw this out for me.
00:17:10A new item for Superman.
00:17:14Special's ready.
00:17:16Where'd your weapon go?
00:17:21Aquaman's weapon.
00:17:46Why is someone really powerful in one shot, at least?
00:17:50This must be for me it's someone open a window
00:18:17Special attack recharged and ready to go
00:18:43Did I miss anybody? Everybody good?
00:18:47What's this?
00:19:12Special attack recharged and ready to go
00:19:25Someone's coming
00:19:27Did I miss anybody? Everybody good?
00:19:31I'll be taking that
00:20:12I'm gonna head into town for a bit and see if I can help but if you need me you can find me at Mount Justice
00:20:18Good luck gang
00:20:20You can find me at Mount Justice
00:20:30Special attack ready to engage
00:20:33This one's by request
00:20:38A new item for Superman
00:20:45Where did I put my weapon?
00:20:51It's like it shoots water. It's kind of weak though
00:20:55Hey Frostbite shirt
00:21:10Special attack recharged and ready to go
00:21:16Looks like someone forgot this
00:21:22Leave these bricks to me
00:21:27Hold on to these
00:21:29Say hello to the bats
00:21:35You can never have too many of these
00:21:39Special attack ready for action
00:21:47Keep your chin up Batman
00:21:54Special attack
00:21:55This is bad it's hurting me
00:21:57It's killing me
00:22:00Ah that's much better
00:22:03Is the water can? Yes I can
00:22:05This must be for me
00:22:10What's that?
00:22:39Don't rub it in
00:22:50This must be for me
00:22:58Special attack ready to engage
00:23:01Oh watch out
00:23:02Watch out
00:23:08Guess it's an escort mission
00:23:12A new item for Superman
00:23:21Special attack recharged and ready to go
00:23:30We win
00:23:47Cold enough for you?
00:23:56Everyone squeeze in
00:23:57I want to get you all in the picture
00:24:00This must be for me
00:24:02Wonder Woman you can take it from here right?
00:24:08I didn't used to like bats either
00:24:22Throw this out for me
00:24:26Way to go team that was the last gate
00:24:28Kiss the battering ram goodbye and I'll beam it away
00:24:33Let's go
00:24:34Arthur is counting on us
00:24:42Specials ready
00:24:45A new item for Superman
00:24:49Okay I need help
00:24:52Now I'm mad
00:24:53Now I'm mad
00:25:01Ultimate attack ready to engage
00:25:05Swinging for the fences
00:25:08This could be helpful
00:25:17Keep your chin up Batman
00:25:20We win
00:25:23Special attack ready to engage
00:25:27A new item for Superman
00:25:30Wonder Woman you there?
00:25:39I invited some family
00:25:42Throw this out for me
00:25:53Hold on
00:25:57Hold on at this point
00:26:00Superman finish the form
00:26:04Specials back
00:26:07Now that was a good warm up
00:26:12You want to go again?
00:26:14I'll be taking that
00:26:21Fresh as a daisy
00:26:23I like daisies. They're fresh.
00:26:28Save Aquaman. I guess we're going to Aquaman fight pretty soon.
00:26:34Well, thank you princess. Thank you very much.
00:26:40Specials ready!
00:26:49All right.
00:26:50Dark Knight to King. Check.
00:26:55Star Wars boss battle. Looks like a boss battle, right? Yep.
00:27:03Justice League. I'm almost pleased to see you.
00:27:08Can't say we feel the same.
00:27:10Here we go. Round two. I'm so excited.
00:27:13You see, it's poetic really. We met here for the first time.
00:27:18You and your friends came together to defeat me.
00:27:23And it is here that I will use your friends powers to defeat you.
00:27:31Sounds good.
00:27:32You'll never defeat us. Now release Aquaman and the King.
00:27:36Happily. You can have them back as soon as I'm done with them.
00:27:43Get him!
00:27:43Holy mackerel, this is getting good!
00:27:54Yes, Mix-A-Blitz has low platform.
00:27:59Ah, jeez, put some clothes on.
00:28:05Creature, attack these pests.
00:28:14Oh, no.
00:28:28Yeah, just another one of my awesome moves.
00:28:45Just when you thought you were safe.
00:29:05Specials ready.
00:29:10That's right, more laser.
00:29:12Specials back.
00:29:25Ultimates ready.
00:29:35You asked for it.
00:29:39You may wish to move to the left.
00:29:44Maybe try a little harder next time.
00:29:47Special attack recharged and ready to go.
00:30:03Specials ready.
00:30:06Keep your chin up, Batman.
00:30:14This must be for me.
00:30:16I'd like to speak to your boss.
00:30:19Special attack ready to engage.
00:30:31You all right, Cal?
00:30:35Keep them busy for me.
00:30:47Better apply this.
00:30:49Enemy defeated.
00:30:51Specials ready.
00:30:57Don't let it in.
00:30:58Did I miss anybody?
00:31:00Everybody good?
00:31:05Wonder Woman to the rescue.
00:31:11Special attack ready to engage.
00:31:13You can keep that.
00:31:21Come on, bossy little guy.
00:31:30Hold on to this for me.
00:31:32Hey, Leon.
00:31:37How you doing?
00:31:39Let the games begin.
00:31:43Well, this is awkward.
00:31:47So it's you, Talib Bedi-Khalid, the Black King.
00:31:51Yes, it appears my identity and situation have been compromised.
00:31:55What are you doing here, Talib?
00:31:57I could ask myself the same thing and none of us would have a satisfactory answer.
00:32:00I was here in my castle alone while everyone was out on assignment and suddenly
00:32:05things got weird.
00:32:06I'm talking smoke, sparkles, and I think I shapeshifted into a cheeseburger at some point
00:32:11and then I landed at Happy Harbor.
00:32:12I took two steps, felt something land on my face, and now I'm here talking to you.
00:32:17So what'd I miss?
00:32:19You kind of aided and abetted a major villain into accelerating their world domination plot
00:32:25with checkmate resources.
00:32:28Ah, I see.
00:32:31If this were a sanctioned operation, I'd say I did well.
00:32:34But considering how much it is not, well...
00:32:38How about a little bit of free do-gooding to make up for this mess?
00:32:43I did operate outside of my mission parameters, so I'll set it right.
00:32:47I'll hold down the fort here and pull all of checkmate's resources from everything I've
00:32:51mistakenly authorized.
00:32:52All I ask in return is that you keep my operative identity as Black King a secret.
00:32:57I need to remain anonymous to fix things.
00:32:59Very well.
00:33:00Who are you again?
00:33:01I already forgot you.
00:33:02Guess that means our game's over for now.
00:33:05Not quite yet.
00:33:06Arthur still needs our help.
00:33:11Why do I feel like I've had a suckerfish stuck on my face?
00:33:14Starfish, but close enough.
00:33:15Welcome back, Aquaman.
00:33:17Oh, Krabs!
00:33:18They got me too?
00:33:19Yes, but you're back now.
00:33:21Glad to see that you're otherwise okay.
00:33:24Yeah, I mean, starfish to the face aside, it wasn't too bad.
00:33:27While I was under, Starwood just put me through a whale song underwater meditation,
00:33:32so as far as torture goes, it was pretty nice, but
00:33:36do I feel drained?
00:33:37That took a lot out of me.
00:33:39Yeah, I bet.
00:33:40Let's get you back to Mount Justice.
00:33:42Cyborg will help get you back on your feet in no time.
00:33:45Damn, man, I got you.
00:33:46Think of me as your own personal taxi.
00:33:50Nice one, Cyborg.
00:33:51See you later, bro.
00:33:52Y'all should get out of there, too.
00:33:57We've still got to track down Flash.
00:33:59Let's regroup back at Mount Justice and plan our next move.
00:34:02There's a back door that'll get you out of there in a jiff.
00:34:08Specialist back.
00:34:09Oh, my God.
00:34:16Oh, okay.
00:34:17Last time there was a chest off the side.
00:34:26Yes, Aquaman and Cyborg.
00:34:27You're right, Adrian.
00:34:53I was doing a patrol route when all of a sudden the ground started shaking
00:34:58and this castle erupted out of the ground.
00:35:01So I ran over here to try to secure the location,
00:35:03but I was quickly surrounded and detained here.
00:35:06What's happening out there?
00:35:07We'll have to fill you in on what's happened later.
00:35:09Any idea how to get you out of here?
00:35:12Well, this is Checkmate's castle.
00:35:14Everything here runs off a unified security grid.
00:35:16The good news is it's crackable, but it requires authentication codes.
00:35:20During the eruption,
00:35:21there were a bunch of smaller castle entrances popping up in the area,
00:35:25which might be a good place to start.
00:35:27That's great intel.
00:35:28We'll get right on it.
00:35:30You hang tight and we'll be back soon.
00:35:33Thank you all so much.
00:35:34And hey, feel free to hang and chat for a bit if you'd like.
00:35:38I wouldn't mind the company.
00:35:42Where is this chest?
00:35:44You see what I mean?
00:35:44There's no keyhole.
00:35:47I don't know.
00:35:50Can't go in.
00:35:51Can't break the window.
00:35:52It has to be golden.
00:35:59I'll just move on.
00:36:02Is Batman Bruce Wayne?
00:36:04Pick up the whole thing and throw it.
00:36:05How am I just figuring that out?
00:36:16I don't think you break it.
00:36:20I think it's mad.
00:36:24Approaching your destination, sir.
00:36:26Albert Hamhawk's house is up ahead.
00:36:33It's like saying I'm a super dog.
00:36:36Super dog.
00:36:39I can't fly over that.
00:36:42Literally, I cannot fly over some of this.
00:36:46I'm just...
00:36:46Oh, we're going back to Mount Justice.
00:37:17Got it.
00:37:21I'll go ahead.
00:37:51One person I know whose energy reads like that.
00:37:53Considering what we've seen so far,
00:37:55who knows what Starro could do with access to the Speed Force?
00:37:59Yeah, okay.
00:38:01Save Flash ASAP.
00:38:02Got it.
00:38:03Start by going to see what those energy readings at Bufflehead State Park are all about.
00:38:09And don't forget, we're here to help you.
00:38:13Now that I'm back on board, I'm ready to jump into the deep end, too.
00:38:16Glad to have the band back together.
00:38:18Let's go round up our last missing member.
00:38:21Hold on.
00:38:36I'm gonna go talk to Booster Gold.
00:38:40Yes, Booster Gold's here.
00:38:51Booster Glorious.
00:39:09Okay, open shop.
00:39:14We can buy this costume.
00:39:44Okay, now come on.
00:39:46That's all?
00:39:51There we go.
00:40:00That's excellent.
00:40:06That's okay.
00:40:08Yes, you can still fly without a cape.
00:40:11It'll be okay.
00:40:15I'd say that wasn't great, but I'd say it wasn't that bad.
00:40:33Drat, I don't know if...
00:40:45Yeah, we use them all in suits.
00:40:56That's one of the lame things is it takes forever to upgrade things.
00:41:05Okay, we got some different costumes on.
00:41:08Got the black outfit for Superman.
00:41:17That was like during the resurrection after the death of Superman.
00:41:21You can visit Booster Gold in Skeets to change into any new costume you unlock.
00:41:26Silver Kal-El.
00:41:26Oh, is that wrong with, you know, what you're wearing now?
00:41:29Who said that?
00:41:30Good to be back outside.
00:41:38Oh, okay.
00:42:08You're all gonna love this.
00:42:15You all right, Kal?
00:42:21Get him, boys.
00:42:26Got it.
00:42:39There's something not quite right with this Mixie character.
00:42:45Special attack ready to engage.
00:42:52I brought friends.
00:42:58This could be helpful.
00:42:59Ultimate attack ready to engage.
00:43:09You might want to stand back for this.
00:43:17Special attack ready to engage.
00:43:22I'm so proud of us.
00:43:25Hey, it's some kind of a teleporter.
00:43:30Fish Monsters!
00:43:32You're being called upon to protect our great ports.
00:43:35You might as well just hand it over now.
00:43:37That's not gonna happen, bad boy.
00:43:46I got it, Wonder Woman.
00:43:50I brought friends.
00:43:56You could never have too many items.
00:44:00Time to sweep up.
00:44:01I just want to side mission things.
00:44:16Special attack ready to engage.
00:44:27That guy was pretty weak, huh?
00:44:38We win.
00:44:45A new item for Superman.
00:44:52Wonder Woman, you can take it from here, right?
00:44:54You'll serve.
00:45:08This could be helpful.
00:45:19Special attack ready to engage.
00:45:22Specials ready.
00:45:25Better hold on to this.
00:45:27Keep your chin up, Batman.
00:45:31Yeah, just another one of my awesome moves.
00:45:35Ultimate attack recharged and ready for action.
00:45:51Wonder Woman, you there?
00:45:58Say hello to the bats.
00:46:03I'm swinging for the fences.
00:46:05Anybody want to reconsider the choices they made?
00:46:08Specials ready.
00:46:16Help is on the way, pal.
00:46:18That guy was pretty weak, huh?
00:46:32I don't get paid to say that, by the way.
00:46:35All right.
00:46:41I think I'll go back to the main mission.
00:46:51The people of Happy Harbor need an outsider as mayor.
00:46:54Someone who can shake things up.
00:46:56And it don't get much more outside than the fifth dimension.
00:46:59Time to start shaking things.
00:47:02It's more fun to fly out here.
00:47:04Oh, he's got it.
00:47:09Specials ready.
00:47:13This should clear the way.
00:47:17Wonder Woman, you can take it from here, right?
00:47:22Keep them busy for me.
00:47:27You were asking for that one.
00:47:34Yeah, just another one of my awesome moves.
00:48:04Ah, that's much better.
00:48:15Special attack ready for action.
00:48:20This must be for me.
00:48:26Was that too much?
00:48:28That seemed like maybe it was too much.
00:48:34Wonder Woman, take over.
00:48:39Fresh as a daisy.
00:48:53We win.
00:48:56You're all gonna love this.
00:48:59Yeah, we're supposed to get her.
00:49:26I don't see anything.
00:49:28If it's not here in the sky, maybe it's underground.
00:49:31There's got to be another way inside.
00:49:34Okay, I need help.
00:49:39Special attack recharged and ready to go.
00:49:44Keyless don't match.
00:49:47Don't feel bad, Bats.
00:49:48I'm happy to help.
00:49:50What's this?
00:49:53Aha, open sesame.
00:49:55That's where we're supposed to go.
00:49:58I put too many like things too close.
00:50:04I know they're not supposed to make it easy for us, but come on.
00:50:10Super villains aren't known for making things super convenient.
00:50:13Hopefully Taiki is on our side and we'll find something useful and fast.
00:50:30Okay, chest.
00:50:39This is just what I wanted.
00:50:46Ultimate attack recharged and ready for action.
00:51:06what the heck is this?
00:51:08Cyborg, any ideas?
00:51:10No clue, but I'm seeing a lot of fish freaks on my scanner,
00:51:13so it's safe to say this is a Starro situation.
00:51:16We stopped the boats from shipping Starro clones all over the world,
00:51:20so what could he possibly be up to next?
00:51:24Cyborg, are you picking up anything from whatever this thing is?
00:51:27Negative, but you're getting close to that huge energy ring.
00:51:30Keep looking around and you'll probably find something.
00:51:35Last chance to turn around and run.
00:51:40I'll be taking that.
00:51:50I love hitting stuff with other stuff.
00:52:07nice for justice.
00:52:26not even being sarcastic, I feel good about that.
00:52:59see you guys later.
00:53:02Special attack recharged and ready to go.
00:53:06A new item for Superman.
00:53:09Where am I going to talk to them?
00:53:14I'm going to take the Starro off this person.
00:53:37Uh oh.
00:54:09Uh oh.
00:54:22Uh oh.
00:54:26Uh oh.
00:54:28Uh oh.
00:54:34No good deed goes unpunished, they say.
00:54:38you big guy special attack recharged and ready to go
00:54:49super I don't get paid to say that by the way
00:55:15what's this
00:55:36I must have dozed off while converting energy to the generators
00:55:39go get some rest friend Victor let's get her home
00:56:04this facility must be built specifically to test out these portals
00:56:08there's so many of them just lying around a new item for Superman
00:56:18I'm having a great time with you guys today
00:56:28extra mustard please wait you're not the sandwich artisan sorry I must have
00:56:44dozed off go make your lunch we'll take it from here
00:56:47cyborg beaver out of here
00:56:57Oh a working portal
00:57:04it's just like the other portals only bigger and definitely active
00:57:09cyborg anything with the scanner nice work gang that's the source of the
00:57:12energy readings in this location is flash there nope just the portal and
00:57:17some generators huh weird because according to my data
00:57:22this portal is powered by speed force energy
00:57:24so where the heck is flash pardon me but
00:57:28what how is that possible I don't know die but if he's not there
00:57:33that means Staros found a way to channel his energy remotely somehow
00:57:37perfect always the one with the bad news thanks Vic
00:57:40somebody's gotta you know but I might have some good news too you see those
00:57:43four generators over there I think if you disable all of them you
00:57:48should be able to power down that main portal
00:57:51and you better do it quick because you got something coming your way those
00:57:54magical morons are going to regret coming here
00:58:01special attack recharged and ready to go
00:58:07running in the bath tub there must be a way to cut them off
00:58:12bat target set to generators halfway there
00:58:16Hera give me strength just a few more shots and we're gonna shut them down
00:58:21I love hitting stuff with other stuff
00:58:27time to sweep up and that's how it's done wait I'm getting an enormous energy
00:58:34surge coming your way something huge is coming through whoa
00:58:38whatever that was I do not like the sound of it
00:58:41turn that jellyfish into gel while I figure out what just happened all over
00:58:45it like the cover of night
00:58:59Wonder Woman to the rescue these aren't just
00:59:03looking pretty got it I hope you're not allergic
00:59:08ultimate's back
00:59:11take a break bats you okay girl
00:59:21specials ready
00:59:27you should have known that we'd win you could never have too many items
00:59:34say hello to the bats let me know when you get this
00:59:39I'm swinging for the fences
00:59:45you can keep that
00:59:55throw this out with me don't rub it in
01:00:00time to sweep up nice
01:00:08okay I need help now I'm
01:00:18bats do you okay
01:00:30don't rub it in
01:00:39got it special attack recharged and ready to go
01:00:47got him special attack ready to engage jellyfish sufficiently jellied what's
01:00:54the situation Vic more bad news gay you know that humming
01:00:57we heard earlier that was every other portal in this
01:01:01facility activated there's so many of them I don't know
01:01:04what we're gonna do why do you sound so worried we can
01:01:07destroy their generators easily no matter how many there are
01:01:11let's crush Starro's latest plans with our fists
01:01:15yeah you're right show them team go make this place impossible for Starro to
01:01:20operate destroy the generators why is it so
01:01:22weird what's this
01:01:37fresh as a daisy sometimes I wish I could just watch you guys shut down
01:01:45a new item for Superman
01:01:50down to perfection
01:01:59it's wild he can't fly in places like this he should be able to
01:02:20I hear noises trying to figure out what it was
01:02:33oh yeah time for combat
01:02:43that was awesome
01:02:49oh man
01:02:54we win
01:03:04this one's firing quest ultimate attack recharged and ready for
01:03:09action what's this the escape
01:03:42okay we're free
01:03:45So the Justice League has an actual cyborg on the team and it's name is very cyborg
01:03:54Hey cyborg, are you still reading speed force energy on your scanners?
01:03:58Yep, sorry Batman still got some hot spots on the map. I was afraid you'd say that I'm getting worried gang
01:04:04If star develops this tech he could easily control tons of portals all at once that connect all over happy Harbor and knowing star
01:04:10Oh, he's going to take it further than that. How do we stop him?
01:04:14We got to get flashback and cut off Star Wars direct access to the speed force and we should shut down any other facilities
01:04:20We find we've still got more energy readings to check out. One of them's got to be flash himself
01:04:25I've marked another hot spot location on your map. Go check it out and let me know what you find
01:04:29You got it cyborg. We're on it faster than the speed of sound
01:04:49This should clear the way
01:04:56Well, that looks inaccessible there must be another way in
01:05:02Or I think I've got just the thing for this problem, but I'm gonna need you to watch my back for a minute
01:05:09Buy me some time while I drill through the rock wall
01:05:13Got it
01:05:17This should do the trick
01:05:19Wow sure can't buy that at the hardware store. No, that's a power tool. Watch out enemies approach
01:05:41Don't worry Superman I'm coming
01:05:50Now we're getting somewhere
01:06:03Batman are you there cover me?
01:06:09Specials ready
01:06:19You all right cow
01:06:25Reserve get it boys more of them. Yeah special attack recharged and ready to go
01:06:35Superman finish them for me this one's by request
01:06:45You all right cow
01:06:47Special attack you ready to engage
01:07:05That's a relief most there this must be for me
01:07:10Special attack recharged and ready to go
01:07:16Special attack recharged and ready to go
01:07:22Just a bit more game we can do this
01:07:30That's better than coffee
01:07:36Now I'm mad
01:07:41Batman I have some fish friends for you to meet
01:07:56How about a rematch new item for Superman
01:08:08Special attack ready to engage. I'm keeping my back. I brought friends
01:08:30I took care of most of the for you specials ready
01:08:48I actually feel bad about that
01:08:52Get it boys
01:08:57Got them all
01:08:59I'm swinging for the fences. Let's shut it down
01:09:13Great aphrodite how many of these facilities could star have made by now?
01:09:18Wait, listen for a portal hub. It sure is quiet in here
01:09:24way to flash
01:09:27And here are a bunch of would appreciate the touch of drama
01:09:32Star Oh release our friend now Amazonian. Why would I do that?
01:09:39With the speed force at my disposal
01:09:41I have the power of space and time at my command star. I want him back
01:09:47Well, you're just going to have to catch him
01:09:53We'd better finish off these enemies quickly and catch up to flash
01:09:57Easier said than done. He's already got the head start
01:10:02We may be slower, but we'll win this race and save the day
01:10:11It's not your imagination the ground move this could be helpful
01:10:17Perfect attack ready to engage anybody want to reconsider the choices they made
01:10:37Specials ready. I think three you ask
01:10:47Ultimates ready
01:11:07We win
01:11:10What's this
01:11:14Special attack ready to engage
01:11:26A new item for Superman
01:11:32This should clear the way
01:11:41That guy was pretty weak, huh? Okay. I need help. I
01:11:51Invited some family
01:12:00Could never have too many items
01:12:04Hold on to this for me
01:12:09Special attack recharged and ready to go specials ready
01:12:18I'm swinging for the fences help is on the way pal
01:13:03Man I love doing that
01:13:12Go ahead
01:13:16Let's see about some superstars. Kevin gave me a channel where I have a wizard Adrian you
01:13:23Leon Skywalker American Dragon
01:13:27Frost Glacier
01:13:31Y'all are gonna superstars the stream like thank you everyone for watching. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day