Menperin Luncurkan Aturan Baru Kawasan Industri

  • 2 months ago
Kementerian Perindustrian melakukan, sosialisasi atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2024 tentang perwilayahan industri. Menteri Perindustrian, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita berharap, PP tersebut dapat meratakan penyebaran Kawasan Industri, sekaligus sebagai upaya mempersatukan industri ke dalam bentuk kawasan.


00:00The Ministry of Industry has implemented the Socialization on Government Regulations No. 20 of 2024
00:05on Industrial Agriculture.
00:07The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang, hopes that the Ministry of Industry
00:10will be able to balance the distribution of industrial areas
00:13as well as the effort to unite industries in the form of areas.
00:21The Ministry of Industry has implemented the Socialization on Government Regulations No. 20 of 2024
00:27on Industrial Agriculture.
00:30The Ministry of Industry has implemented the Socialization on Government Regulations No. 20 of 2024
00:33on Industrial Agriculture.
00:38The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita,
00:41said that the regulation is one of the forms of government adjustment
00:44in facing the continuously developing global and national dynamics.
00:48In facing the increasingly dynamic industrial movement,
00:50the Ministry of Industry has a goal to create an environment
00:53in accordance with the conditions of manufacturing with the expectations of industry players.
00:57We hope and we believe that it will help
01:02to support the growth of the manufacturing industry
01:07that has competitive power and added value.
01:12The Ministry of Industry added that the Socialization on Government Regulations No. 20 of 2024
01:15is a joint recommendation
01:17in developing an industry with an inclusive competitive power
01:19and moving forward.
01:21The Ministry of Industry is open to the inclusion of industries
01:24in the implementation of this Socialization on Government Regulations
01:25and the arrangement of its regulations.
01:32For more information, visit
