• 3 months ago
2021.S04E03 >>> https://dai.ly/x92976a


00:00:51Am I glad to see you in Dobry I
00:00:56I knew the boys were planning something stupid. But yeah
00:01:02See what we have here, okay
00:01:06We have you out in two shakes of it. You think let me see. I think
00:01:12We have right things. Yeah
00:01:15It's good. Just
00:01:28My fee it is 180 pounds you having a laugh on you
00:01:38I got that kind of money. Oh
00:01:44You don't have to pay
00:01:56Can't leave me it has to watch
00:02:30The party's closed it's been an accident
00:02:42Please I need to please
00:02:50Feel like I should propose again. This is it went so wrong the first time
00:02:55Didn't go wrong. I suggest
00:02:59That's hate that small bone ruined our moment
00:03:03We have other moments what if he disrupts the wedding
00:03:10Firstly I
00:03:12Think Glenn will have found him long before then and secondly
00:03:21I'm not prepared to live in fear. I want to marry you
00:03:27Want to be happy
00:03:30Alvin's small bone does not get a say in that
00:03:38When do you want to tell people we're engaged
00:03:48Like it just being hours for now
00:03:55It hurts you don't have a rash or a fever and you've eaten all your breakfast you can go to school
00:04:05This isn't like it might be coming down with something he's faking I should know
00:04:12Even if he is faking it must be a reason. He has a spelling test today. Oh, right
00:04:19I'll be Roy
00:04:21See you later
00:04:25Back it's any forensics on the pram. No, sorry clean so far. I
00:04:32Still think it was small bone
00:04:35How can you be so sure
00:04:37Well, I never told you this but one of Sandy's bracelets went missing just as we were moving house
00:04:44Sure, it's not just lost. No, it was definitely taken
00:04:47You know as well as I do right small bone. He's he's all about brute force
00:04:52We're talking about the guy that broke Larry Brooker's fingers, right?
00:04:54If he was in your house, he would have smashed the place up. Somebody took it that much. I do know
00:05:01That we're keeping all lines of inquiry open
00:05:04That's my line, yeah, I know that's why I said it
00:05:09Listen I've got this. All right old timer. Okay. Oh
00:05:14Wait, do you know what's crazy? We've been so caught up in this small bone situation that well never got a chance to congratulate
00:05:22For what Cleo's pregnancy? Oh
00:05:26Thanks, I am so happy for you
00:05:34Any other info keep me posted
00:05:43It's male 50s, there's no idea there's no obvious injuries he was found at first light by a park ranger
00:05:53Did it rain last night no, I don't think so
00:05:59Was he sopping wet
00:06:01Look at the bloating his color. He looks like a drowning doesn't if he drowned he didn't do it all the way up here
00:06:09Well, assuming somebody transported the body in a car it's still a 15-minute walk from the car park to here
00:06:16It's a long way to carry a dead body
00:06:26Superintendent Roy Grace, this is detective inspector Glenn Branson. You must be mr. Whitlock
00:06:36Must been a nasty shock
00:06:39Sometimes you find dead sheep. It's not nice when it's to be expected. Nothing like this
00:06:48Can you describe your morning to us
00:06:52It was the usual
00:06:54Out before dawn walk the paths make sure everything's safe and in order
00:06:59check no one's camping or making fires and
00:07:05And there he was just
00:07:11Do you pass anyone as you were walking
00:07:16Man in the car park
00:07:19He was
00:07:20Leaving as I was parking up. I thought it was a bit odd because he'd be walking out here in the dark
00:07:26Can you describe him?
00:07:31Average height dark hair sort of slick back. I
00:07:38Was wearing suit a
00:07:40Suit yeah black with a white shirt
00:07:46Seem cheerful enough said good morning as we passed I
00:07:51Think it was northern
00:07:53Thank you. Thank you for your help
00:08:08Suppress service on that gentleman's black waistcoat just get your ticket
00:08:19I've taken his prints, but nothing has come back
00:08:22He hadn't eaten in days
00:08:24He had poor personal hygiene
00:08:27Must've neglected himself for a while
00:08:29So, what do you reckon on house? I didn't find any of the opportunistic infections that might be common in someone who's living rough
00:08:36No scabies ringworm or in Patago, but we did find evidence of alcohol-related liver disease
00:08:42Your instincts were correct. He did die from drowning but not in water
00:08:47Samples of the fluid have been sent for further analysis, but I'm confident. It's milk
00:08:57Agricultural accident
00:08:59he could be a
00:09:02Undocumented migrant who's working illegally dies and the farmer dumps his body to cover up
00:09:07If you're trying to cover up a death why dump him in an open space like wooden beacon it seems
00:09:14Quite risky, isn't it?
00:09:17Also, the witness description doesn't sound like your typical farmer
00:09:22Who wears a suit to dispose of a body?
00:09:34Okay heads up
00:09:37This morning we discovered the body of an unidentified male at the top of wooden beacon I
00:09:44Believe this was a deposition site. Not the primary crime scene because the body was soaking wet
00:09:50Pathology have confirmed that he died from drowning
00:09:54in milk
00:09:56Yeah, nothing from fingerprints. So while we wait for DNA, I want checks on incident logs missing persons reports dental records
00:10:05Someone must be wondering what happened to him. The victim might have been a seasonal farm worker
00:10:09So let's ask around the farms talk to the gang master. See if anyone recognizes him
00:10:15there's a map here with 31 farms marked on it, so
00:10:19Let's try and divide them up. Yeah
00:10:21Well, I'll take all the farms to the west
00:10:24And I'll say the one to the east remember to bring your wellies
00:10:27We also need to trace a man with a northern accent seen leaving the area dressed in a black suit
00:10:33And we're setting up a visible police community office in wooden beacon to trace any more witnesses
00:10:38But we also need to trace all cars in that car park
00:10:41And finally, I want checks on all CCTV and NPR from the immediate area
00:10:47Right, let's go
00:10:55Yes, I think it's a better placement for
00:11:02Thank you very much, yeah
00:11:06East Sussex Children's Protection. This is Tommy Adia. Oh, how can I help you?
00:11:14Primary I wanted to follow up on one of my children and what's the child's name?
00:11:20She's seven years old and
00:11:23You say you've called before. Mr. Little. Yeah back in March. Yeah, Lulu has been coming to school saying she hasn't had breakfast
00:11:29Clothes are dirty. I thought you'd have assessed her by now
00:11:34I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find her on my system
00:11:39Unbelievable. Well, there's a small child at risk of harm. I can assure you. Mr. Little. Why haven't you got the files?
00:11:45Why can't you find we are doing our best?
00:11:47Just incompetent if you give me Lulu's address, I'll check on her as soon as I can
00:11:55Results of the fluid sample from the lungs of our unknown male
00:11:59Call you back
00:12:05Sheep's milk, huh? Yeah higher in milk solids and a2 proteins
00:12:10It's got more medium chain fatty acids and smaller fat globules and cow's milk. It's um
00:12:17It's creamier basically
00:12:20Bella and Norman are wasting their time looking at cows. We need to find sheep farms sheep farm
00:12:29Okay, there's one here which is a mile away from where the body was found
00:12:58Do you have large milk tanks on the premises big enough for someone to fall into I
00:13:03Suppose you could fall into them if you really tried, but it won't be easy
00:13:09This is where the milk's made into cheese. You can see for yourself
00:13:13You can't fall in you'd have to climb in deliberately and I presume you'd notice the tank is constantly checked
00:13:19We'd notice an entire human
00:13:22Has anyone ordered a large quantity of milk recently?
00:13:28Not exactly
00:13:56Had two of these churns, but someone came and stole the other one a few nights ago
00:14:01They took it and filled it with about a hundred liters of milk. Does anyone see you did it? I've got you on CCTV
00:14:08It's a bit odd
00:14:13See what I mean
00:14:16It's just a bit weird
00:14:19Man in the Black Sea
00:14:28Hello, it's Tommy Adiaya from Children's Protection is anyone there?
00:14:33Hello Lulu
00:14:36My name's Tommy Adiaya
00:15:35He's found around 5 a.m. By stagehands who arrived early to unload scenery
00:15:40Did they recognize her no, but they did say that anyone can access this area Tommy Adiaya
00:15:47social worker East Sussex Children's Protection
00:15:50Multiple puncture wounds in the limbs and the torso attacked by a gang
00:15:56Only if they all used identical weapons, what kind of knife are we talking about?
00:16:00I'll be able to tell you more once I've had the chance to examine his body more closely
00:16:04With so many injuries you think he would have bled out on the spot, but there's no blood on the ground
00:16:10Okay, so killed somewhere else and then dumped here
00:16:14It's a big risk dumping the body in such a busy place. I mean
00:16:20Especially right in front of that CCTV, it's brazen
00:16:24Bit like dumping a body at the top of wooden beacon
00:16:34They are
00:16:38That's for a brew it is a brew a
00:16:41Cold brew try it. You might like it
00:16:45Just checking you didn't want sheep's milk with that
00:16:52That you're the girlfriend no, that's what the burner phones for
00:16:58Answer it. She clearly wants to speak to you
00:17:04Yeah speaking
00:17:06No, that date's not gonna work for me
00:17:10Yeah, well, I'm up to my eyeballs will work right now
00:17:14Yeah, look the best I can do is I'll check my calendar and then I'll get back to you
00:17:21Yeah, absolutely. Mm-hmm. Sure. Okay. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. It was that
00:17:28Mobile phone company begging for an upgrade. I mean, right bloody stop, do they well you're hiding something and you know
00:17:35I'll find out impossible. They've all been paid off
00:17:45Not everything has to be a joke Norman when you're ready, I'm here
00:18:02Was another body, oh, that's not that I got cold
00:18:09I'm not done with you yet
00:18:13Cop out of that
00:18:16Any progress on the unknown male no hits on our DNA database. No whisper reports that match still waiting on dental records
00:18:28Earlier today we attended a fatal stabbing
00:18:31Tommy a day who was a social worker?
00:18:33He may have been attacked by more than one person. His body was dumped behind Brighton Dome
00:18:40Nick, can you follow up with Tommy's office his last movements any cases might have been covering
00:18:45He was still wearing his lanyard. He may have been working at the time of the attack
00:18:49I want CCTV coverage of the dome and the whole surrounding areas
00:18:52I need to know how Tommy's body was dumped next to the pavilion
00:18:57Well, there's good coverage around there because of the drugs and antisocials. I'll have some news for you by lunch
00:19:23People have been asking why you keep vanishing
00:19:33Uno has been missing you
00:19:37Did you find what you were looking for on your travels he says I was looking for anything
00:19:44When you first arrived here
00:19:47You told us you needed a place to raise your son and to not ask questions about the past
00:19:53We respected that and welcomed you in
00:19:57but recently
00:19:59You've had this look in your eye
00:20:01Alessandra like the past has found you here clearly. You are not at peace
00:20:15I've made too many mistakes to ever be at peace
00:20:23Sandy Christina grace
00:20:27The wound pattern is very confusing
00:20:30They're all very deep but not ragged. And if you look at his hands, you'll see there's no defense injuries
00:20:36So was he?
00:20:39Before he was stabbed or already dead. He was definitely alive
00:20:43He was virtually exsanguinated and you don't bleed like that. If your heart isn't beating
00:20:48He was alive but not moving
00:20:50So why didn't he fight back?
00:20:52I'm not sure there's multiple entry and exit wounds, but it wasn't a frenzied attack
00:20:58The wounds are deliberate, but their positioning is so random
00:21:01He must have been immobilized, but there's no bruising to suggest restraints or ropes
00:21:06Blade was narrow and pointed very long
00:21:12Most swords are flat and wide
00:21:14Could have been killed with a rapier
00:21:18I can buy a rapier online right now
00:21:20Ceremonial, antique, decorative, cosplay, you name it
00:21:27It's not a good murder weapon though, is it?
00:21:29Hard to conceal, difficult to maintain the element surprise
00:21:32It's not the kind of thing you have lying around your house either
00:21:36Killings are different, but the post-mortem behavior is similar
00:21:41The choice of public dump sites
00:21:45You think they're connected?
00:21:47They're complicated, ridiculously high risk
00:21:51The killer would have had to go to a lot of trouble to plan them out
00:21:53But why? To show us how clever he is?
00:21:57I think there'll be a bigger reason than that
00:22:00They haven't gone for ease or convenience
00:22:02Both murders seem designed to send a message
00:22:07Yeah? Well, who's the message meant for?
00:22:15Let's make some money, boys
00:22:19Sir, hands off the table please, sir
00:22:27Right, remember you
00:22:30Do you, sir?
00:22:32You been here before, then?
00:22:34No, no
00:22:36I remember you from the telly
00:22:41Seems very unlikely
00:22:43I've got a really good memory for faces
00:22:45I have a very ordinary face
00:22:52No, you were on the TV
00:22:55I'm absolutely positive
00:22:57I'm absolutely positive I'd have remembered if I was
00:22:59Stand or hit?
00:23:01I don't know
00:23:05See you later
00:23:28Okay, thanks, Norman
00:23:30Ben, you're going to want to see this
00:23:37CCTV from the dome
00:23:42That's got to be Tommy's body in the case
00:23:45He knows exactly where the cameras are
00:23:47He's got to be in there
00:23:49He's got to be in there
00:23:51He's got to be in there
00:23:53He's got to be in there
00:23:55He knows exactly where the cameras are
00:23:58He must have wheeled the body right across the middle of Brighton
00:24:04Norman, check all the CCTV from the surrounding area
00:24:07We need to identify his route to the dome
00:24:10Here's Tommy's desk
00:24:16Did he have any enemies?
00:24:18Clients that were angry or upset with him?
00:24:21He was lovely
00:24:23Most people don't last long, they get compassion fatigue
00:24:26But not Tommy
00:24:27He had enough, enough for everyone
00:24:30You okay?
00:24:32You need a minute?
00:24:38I want to help
00:24:40You sure?
00:24:43I'm just looking for anything that shows me Tommy's appointments on the day
00:25:02Yeah, what can you tell me about Lulu Hurst?
00:25:10It looks like Tommy opened a new file on her that morning
00:25:16Surely no child lives here
00:25:23I don't know
00:25:53What the hell?
00:26:24This box was left for us to find at the scene where we now believe Tommy Adeyu was killed
00:26:30It's been sent for testing, but as it seems to have been left on purpose
00:26:34I don't think we'll find any fingerprints or fibres
00:26:37Lulu Hurst, the young girl supposedly at risk, doesn't exist
00:26:42I checked with Kemptown Primary and they have no child of that name enrolled there
00:26:46So then I asked if I could speak to the teacher who called in the referral
00:26:49Alan Little
00:26:50He doesn't exist either
00:26:52I called every nursery, primary and secondary, public and private
00:26:56No Lulu Hurst, no Mr Little
00:26:59What, can we trace the call?
00:27:01Well, the number was withheld, but the call was recorded
00:27:05East Sussex Children's Protection, this is Tommy Adeyu, how can I help you?
00:27:09Hey there, my name is Alan Little
00:27:11I'm a teacher at Kemptown Primary
00:27:14I wanted to follow up on one of my children
00:27:16And what's the child's name?
00:27:18Lulu Hurst
00:27:20Well, the park ranger said the man he spoke to had a northern accent
00:27:24Right, so he leaves the box behind and now we've got his voice on tape
00:27:29Did he know he was being recorded?
00:27:31Yeah, yeah, it's made clear that all calls were recorded
00:27:34Why would you leave a trail of crumbs like this?
00:27:37Unless you want to get caught
00:27:39We've got a match on dental records for the drowning
00:27:42His name is Clyde Graves, we have an address
00:27:51Did he live alone?
00:27:52Tenancies in his name only
00:27:58Oh, I can smell that
00:28:21Looks like we've found the scene of the crime for Clyde Graves
00:28:25Get forensics here, now
00:28:33So this is the intel so far on Clyde Graves
00:28:36I spoke with a PCSO, dealt with him on a number of occasions
00:28:40His life is pretty chaotic
00:28:42Next of kin?
00:28:44No, parents have passed
00:28:46Parents have passed
00:28:48This was on the floor behind the sofa
00:28:55Both boxes the same
00:28:58All the reproductions of antique puzzle boxes
00:29:0119th century, originally made in Japan
00:29:04Popular amusements at the time, apparently
00:29:07Let me guess, they were available online
00:29:10By the hundreds, turned down in a factory in Shenzhen
00:29:14Device placed inside the box, pretty straightforward
00:29:17The lid flipped open, device was triggered
00:29:19And a dose was dispersed through the air
00:29:21Dose of what?
00:29:23Waiting on the lab for results
00:29:26Harry Houdini did a famous escape from a milk churn
00:29:31It was filled with water
00:29:33He was handcuffed, put inside
00:29:35And the audience would hold their breath while he tried to escape
00:29:38Well, how did he get out then?
00:29:40The milk churn was impossible to open from the outside
00:29:42But actually easy to push open from the inside
00:29:45Well, it wasn't easy for Player Graves to push the lid open
00:29:49So what do we think? Is there a trick gone wrong?
00:29:57Can you crouch down for me?
00:30:00Can you crouch down for me?
00:30:02As if you're in a box
00:30:05Yep, okay
00:30:08Neither Tommy nor Clyde had any marks on their wrists
00:30:12There was no evidence to suggest they were handcuffed or tied up
00:30:15I don't think this was a trick gone wrong
00:30:17They were never meant to escape
00:30:24What are you doing?
00:30:27How did you do that?
00:30:33See how the random wound pattern suddenly makes sense
00:30:36If he's crouched down, trapped inside a box
00:30:44He can't move or defend himself
00:30:47Magic sword trick
00:30:50So, the CCTV thing I was telling you about
00:30:54I ordered it
00:30:56Basically, this is where the first camera will be
00:31:00By the front door
00:31:02Another camera here, covers the driveway
00:31:06Two more cameras around the side
00:31:08And then one at the back
00:31:10If they detect even the slightest movement
00:31:12We will get a notification on our phones
00:31:15And then what?
00:31:17Well, then there's a panic button
00:31:19One in the kitchen, one in our bedroom
00:31:22This is madness
00:31:24I told you, I'm not living in fear
00:31:26Jumping out of my skin every time a cat walks by
00:31:29Well, it's just precautionary
00:31:31It won't be forever
00:31:32We're not doing it
00:31:34CCTV will give us a false sense of security
00:31:37You see, in the past, we've never had a CCTV
00:31:40We've never had a CCTV
00:31:42CCTV will give us a false sense of security
00:31:45You see, you're in control because you're watching everything
00:31:47But it's an illusion
00:31:49There is no control
00:31:57It's just extra security, that's all
00:32:16Take me through this again
00:32:18Roy was always working
00:32:20I felt abandoned
00:32:24I was angry
00:32:26And then I realised I was pregnant
00:32:29And I didn't know who the father was
00:32:33When you're in a dark place, you do things you're not proud of
00:32:39I had nowhere to turn
00:32:42It was too much
00:32:48So I vanished
00:32:51It was easy
00:32:53Disappear, then confront the truth
00:32:57Then Bruno started asking who his father was
00:32:59And I didn't have the answers
00:33:02That is why you went back
00:33:05I saw Roy
00:33:09He's expecting me
00:33:12No, he looks happy
00:33:14In a way I've never seen before
00:33:17I don't know
00:33:19I don't know
00:33:21I don't know
00:33:23In a way I've never seen before
00:33:28So I couldn't tell him
00:33:32Sounds like they have all moved on
00:33:35You're the only one still holding on to the past
00:33:40It's not as simple as that
00:33:44Someone saw me while I was there
00:33:47Right, I've checked all the CCTV footage
00:33:50There's no sign of a fella in a black suit with a suitcase
00:33:54That's impossible
00:33:56Well, I showed the screen grabs to every shopkeeper in the area
00:34:00And no-one has seen him
00:34:02I'm telling you, he did not walk down those streets
00:34:05What about taxis? Did someone drop him off?
00:34:07No, there was no drop-offs, I've checked
00:34:09Right, so what, he appears out of nowhere at the dome with the body?
00:34:14Like magic
00:34:18What if making a drowned body appear at the top of Wooding Beacon was a magic trick?
00:34:23What if making a drowned body appear at the top of Wooding Beacon was a magic trick?
00:34:28What if making a drowned body appear in the centre of the busiest part of the city was another magic trick?
00:34:33It's only a trick until you know it's done
00:34:35And it's going to be an obvious solution
00:34:37Norman, go back to the dome
00:34:40Retrace all the approach routes, we must be missing something
00:34:43We need to check out all the local magicians, magic acts, CCTV footage
00:34:47Magic acts, see if Clyde and Tommy had any links to that community
00:34:52Everything that's happened has been meticulously planned
00:34:54Who would have the means and the motive to orchestrate something on this scale?
00:35:00We are watching a performance
00:35:06DI Branson?
00:35:08Yeah, one sec
00:35:10Yes, tell him I'm...
00:35:11What the hell's going on?
00:35:17Detective Superintendent Grace
00:35:19The guy you're looking for, my ex-husband used to know him
00:35:22They liked day drinking in Russell Square, but they had a falling out over money
00:35:26How did you get this number?
00:35:27I won the £10,000
00:35:29What £10,000?
00:35:30Well, for the tip
00:35:32What are you talking about?
00:35:33The murder of Clyde Graves
00:35:38Where are all these calls coming from?
00:35:39Hey, hey, hey, look, boss
00:35:42When did this happen?
00:35:43Uh, three minutes ago
00:35:45It's been forwarded and shared all over Brighton
00:35:47We never sanctioned this
00:35:49Why is our number on there?
00:35:50Who's responsible for this?
00:35:52It's a local farm
00:35:53E-vice rubbish removal
00:35:55How did they get the names of the victims?
00:35:57Social media's rife with speculation
00:35:59Call them
00:36:00Tell them they are jeopardising a police investigation
00:36:02I've tried
00:36:03It's just ringing, no one's picking up
00:36:06Norman, Bella, go down there
00:36:08Tell them in person
00:36:10No one can resist this vice
00:36:13Let me do the talking
00:36:22Are you sure this is the right address?
00:36:24Yeah, I'm sure
00:36:25Oh, what, you don't believe me?
00:36:26I'm double-checking
00:36:27Look, this is the exact location that it says on the website
00:36:31Apparently, we are at E-vice rubbish removals
00:36:36Well, they don't exist then
00:36:38Absolute waste of time
00:36:40More smoke and mirrors
00:36:41Yeah, but we must have been sent here for a reason
00:36:47Lab reports are back
00:36:48Toxicology have confirmed that both boxes have traces of a powder containing powerful barbiturates
00:36:54It's going to take them a while to identify all the compounds, though
00:36:56So this powder, if blown directly into your face, would it be strong enough to render you unconscious?
00:37:01I believe so
00:37:02Which would enable you to put something into a milk churn or a box without a struggle?
00:37:06The rubbish removal firm doesn't exist
00:37:10Why am I not surprised?
00:37:12Yeah, the firm doesn't exist, but the ad and the website do, and they've both been paid for
00:37:16Who are you?
00:37:17Alan Little
00:37:18The primary school teacher, who also doesn't exist
00:37:22But he used a real credit card to pay for the ad
00:37:24I've got the details, and it's registered to an address that does exist
00:37:29Let's get a warrant for that address
00:37:40Oh, I'm locked
00:37:43I guess we're taking the stairs then
00:38:09What's this?
00:38:39I want this flat taken apart
00:38:55DNA swabs the works
00:38:57Anything that gets us closer to the real identity of Alan Little
00:39:03This address is a hoax
00:39:06Alan Little was a hoax
00:39:10Even the bloody broken lift was a hoax
00:39:18Well, that's the message, isn't it?
00:39:20Nothing is real
00:39:22Don't trust anything you see
00:39:46Okay, so, the flat where we found the dummy was rented for the week
00:39:51Let me guess, by Alan Little
00:39:54Same credit card as the ad, yeah
00:39:57Clyde Graves had a shoebox of mementos under his bed
00:40:00This was in there
00:40:06Can't believe that used to be him
00:40:08He had a double act with a magician called Cedric Mervier for a bit
00:40:11Worked the cruise ships and theatre circuit
00:40:14But then Cedric went solo and hit the big time with an escapology trick
00:40:21Welcome to the incinerator
00:40:26This box, airtight, and cannot be opened from the inside
00:40:31This gas is highly flammable
00:40:35Army secured with chains and locks inside the box
00:40:40And I've got two minutes to escape
00:40:45Okay, so, usual thing
00:40:47Straight jacket, handcuffs, shackles
00:40:50Into the box, lid bolted on
00:40:52And the gas and countdown time were stopped
00:40:57And two minutes later
00:41:01Turn the gas up, turn the gas up
00:41:04Clyde, quick, for the fire!
00:41:25Can't find any TV appearances after this one
00:41:28He kind of fades away
00:41:29Yeah, but did you notice his look?
00:41:31The suit, it's what the park ranger described
00:41:34He works at the casino now
00:41:36Nice work, Bella
00:41:37Let's go and find Cedric Mervier
00:41:45Hey, what's up?
00:41:46The school called and said Sammy's been complaining of a stomachache all morning
00:41:50They want to send him home
00:41:52What, now?
00:41:53I can't pick him up
00:41:54We're massively short-staffed here as it is
00:41:58Right, I'll go get him in a bit
00:41:59Can you do that?
00:42:00Yeah, yeah, it's all covered
00:42:02Amazing, thanks
00:42:04Listen, dinner, homework, I'll take care of it
00:42:10All okay?
00:42:11Yeah, yeah, family life
00:42:14Got it all under control
00:42:22You used to work here, didn't you?
00:42:24Yeah, I was a bouncer for a good few years
00:42:26What was it like?
00:42:29I watched people come in with high hopes and leave with absolutely nothing
00:42:48Hello, Cedric
00:42:51Detective Superintendent Grace
00:42:53This is Detective Inspector Branson
00:42:56They know Graham these days
00:43:02I haven't seen one of them in years
00:43:03Where did you find him?
00:43:04At the home of a murder victim
00:43:09Clyde Graves
00:43:13When was the last time you saw him?
00:43:16Last time I saw Clyde?
00:43:18Twenty years ago at least
00:43:19We only worked together briefly
00:43:22What happened?
00:43:23A good magician pays close attention to all the details
00:43:27Escapology is dangerous
00:43:29If your partner doesn't do his job properly, you could die
00:43:33Did Clyde put your life in danger?
00:43:38I used to do a version of Houdini's milk churn escape
00:43:41He didn't fasten the lid correctly and it got stuck for real
00:43:44It took him three minutes to work out I wasn't getting out without help
00:43:47So you held your breath for three minutes?
00:43:49Yeah, I thought I was going to drown on stage
00:43:51So I never worked with him again
00:43:54Clyde was drowned in a milk churn
00:44:04Let's talk through it
00:44:10Listen, I haven't performed in decades
00:44:12Why stop?
00:44:13When you were on primetime TV you were famous
00:44:16I had one great escape
00:44:17Which was the incinerator
00:44:19And I was selling out all my shows up and down the country
00:44:21And the TV people approached me
00:44:27I jumped at the chance but that was a fatal mistake
00:44:29Because once everyone sat down with their tea that Saturday night
00:44:33To watch the escape
00:44:34They didn't have to buy a ticket to see it in the theatre
00:44:37That TV show, it ended my career
00:44:40Couldn't you invent another escape?
00:44:41I'm a showman
00:44:42I perform, I can't invent the escapes
00:44:44That's another skill entirely
00:44:45Where did you get the incinerator from?
00:44:46I bought it cheap from another magician
00:44:49I didn't have the money for another
00:44:51I couldn't sell the incinerator either
00:44:52So, we're over
00:44:55Did you know a Tommy Adeu?
00:45:01Are you sure?
00:45:02Take another look
00:45:07Well, you spoke to him
00:45:10East Sussex Children's Protection
00:45:11This is Tommy Adeu, how can I help you?
00:45:14East Sussex Children's Protection
00:45:15This is Tommy Adeu
00:45:16How can I help you?
00:45:17Hey there, my name is Alan Little
00:45:19I'm a teacher at Kemptown Primary
00:45:22I wanted to follow up on one of my children
00:45:24And what's the child's name?
00:45:26That's not my voice
00:45:30Sounds like you
00:45:31It's an impersonation
00:45:34He's pretending to be me
00:45:35But it's fake, I promise you
00:45:40Well, thanks for your time
00:45:44Do you believe him?
00:45:45The impersonation story?
00:45:48I can't arrest him
00:45:49It's all circumstantial
00:45:52I'll see if I can link him to Tommy Adeu
00:45:55And check his phone's location history
00:45:57I want to know if he's been anywhere near Witchcross Farm
00:46:00Clyde's flat
00:46:01Trap House or the Dome
00:46:08So, this will be the last time you see me
00:46:11So, this will be the last time you see me for a while
00:46:15How long have you been gone for then?
00:46:18Long enough to make plans
00:46:21What you got in the works?
00:46:23In the works?
00:46:26I've got unfinished business, mate
00:46:29With the man who cost me everything
00:46:33My relationship
00:46:35My liberty
00:46:37And my reputation
00:46:41Cannot stand
00:46:45Do you have a minute, sir?
00:46:46Yes, come in
00:46:48I just wanted to ask your permission to access the CCTV around the station
00:46:52It's to see if Alvin Smallbone's been in the vicinity
00:46:56Is that likely?
00:46:58Roy's in a new house, so
00:47:00Smallbone would have had to have followed him home
00:47:02You think that it was Smallbone who lit the pram?
00:47:05Yeah, well, in view of his recent threats
00:47:08Grace has been here a long time
00:47:12I'm sure there's more than one person who holds a grudge against him
00:47:16But Smallbone's the only active threat that we're aware of
00:47:22I'll obtain the footage for you
00:47:34Hi, auntie, it's Glyn
00:47:36Yeah, I need you to...
00:47:38One second, sorry
00:47:39There's something we need to see
00:47:41I'm so sorry
00:47:43I promised Harry I'd go and pick up Sammy from school
00:47:45He's not well
00:47:46No, you go
00:47:49Hi, auntie
00:47:50Yeah, I need a huge favour
00:47:52It's been wiped clean
00:47:54Not a single print
00:47:56That thing is creepy, isn't it?
00:47:58I keep waiting for it to jump up and strangle me
00:48:02It's all handmade
00:48:04You can see here there's a pretty simple mechanism to control the eyes and the mouth
00:48:10There's also a label stuck inside which I believe is the maker's mark
00:48:16Lubos Sturber
00:48:22Let's find out who that is
00:48:24Yes, boss
00:49:04Hi, auntie, thanks
00:49:06Dad, I thought you were staying with me
00:49:08I've got to get back to work, mate, eh?
00:49:10Come on
00:49:11No, Sammy, look, auntie's going to take good care of you
00:49:13I promise you, all right?
00:49:14Look, I won't be long
00:49:15Go on
00:49:16Come on, Sammy
00:49:17All right, then
00:49:23Lubos Sturber specialises in making magic tricks and apparatus
00:49:28He's a magician
00:49:29Lubos Sturber specialises in making magic tricks and apparatus
00:49:33He also makes puppets
00:49:34I know, he showed him a picture of the dummy
00:49:36He recognised it immediately
00:49:38He said the dummy was called Alan Little
00:49:41Who did he sell it to?
00:49:42Alan Whitlock
00:49:43So the dummy's little Alan
00:49:46I mean, you can see what he did there
00:49:50Glenn, the park ranger who found Clive Graves' body
00:49:53Wasn't he called Alan Whitlock?
00:49:55Er, yeah
00:49:56Right, hold on
00:49:59Yeah, Alan Whitlock
00:50:00He's the one who told us about the man in the black suit
00:50:02He set the ball rolling
00:50:04We need to find him
00:50:05Gave an address
00:50:07He gave a statement
00:50:12Who knows if it's even real
00:50:29Come on
00:50:59What are you doing?
00:51:29Who are you?
00:51:35Houdini's real name was Eric Weiss
00:51:39Evite's rubbish removals
00:51:43This looks like a lifetime dedicated to illusion and misdirection
00:51:49Lulu Hurst
00:51:51That's the name of the abused girl that Tommy couldn't find
00:51:56He's here
00:52:00Come on
00:52:11Get down on the ground
00:52:12Put your arms behind your head
00:52:17Get down on the ground
00:52:30So you're not really a park ranger then
00:52:34What the eye sees and mind believes
00:52:38You saw a park ranger
00:52:41But I was looking at a murderer
00:52:46You don't look well
00:52:48I'm dying of cancer
00:52:50The pain keeps me awake at night
00:52:55What type of cancer?
00:52:57What type of cancer?
00:53:00It's a gift from my father
00:53:05It starts a very small wound
00:53:09It's like magic
00:53:11It's everywhere
00:53:13Is that why you decided to kill Clyde and Tommy?
00:53:17Because you're running out of time
00:53:21What did they do to you?
00:53:25That's like asking a magician to reveal his secrets, don't you think?
00:53:31I've heard enough
00:53:32I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder
00:53:34Clyde Graves and Tommy O'Day
00:53:37You do not have to say anything
00:53:39But it may harm your defense if you do not mention or question something you later rely on in court
00:53:44Anything you do say may be given in evidence
00:53:46Call an ambulance
00:53:56Yes, ambulance
00:54:08His bathroom is full of sleeping tablets and painkillers
00:54:12Let's get them across to the lab
00:54:14I'm guessing he mixed those into the powder he used to subdue the victims
00:54:45Something's not right
00:54:47Alan would have seen the police cars
00:54:49But he still walked straight towards us
00:54:51Well, he was surrounded
00:54:52I mean, where could he go?
00:54:53Yeah, but why would he give himself up so easily?
00:54:56After he'd planned everything so carefully
00:55:01Unless he didn't give himself up
00:55:05Who was the officer that went with him?
00:55:08We need to find out where that ambulance is
00:55:14Go, go, go
00:55:33Hey, come back here!
00:55:35Come back!
00:55:36What's he doing?
00:55:37Get him!
00:55:45So, I've updated PNC and ANPR
00:55:48And applied for authority to track Whitlock's bank account
00:55:51There's an all points warrant out for him
00:55:53But I'm guessing he's going to want to lay low
00:55:55Look, he prepared this disappearance carefully
00:55:58Unless he makes a mistake, our only option is to get ahead of his next move
00:56:01Well, he faked the seizure so he might be lying about the cancer as well
00:56:05I want to see his medical records
00:56:07I'll get a warrant
00:56:13First Smallbone, then John Nash
00:56:16And now Alan Whitlock
00:56:18Slit through your fingers
00:56:19I'm doing everything I can to find him
00:56:21If once is a mistake and twice is unfortunate
00:56:23What does that make this?
00:56:25A trend?
00:56:27A habit?
00:56:28I will find Alan Whitlock, sir
00:56:30Right now we're examining every inch of his house and digging into his history
00:56:34I want you to contact the Argus
00:56:35And launch a public appeal
00:56:37With respect
00:56:39The Argus has traditionally done more harm than good to my inquiries
00:56:43You need to rebuild your relationship with the press
00:56:48Kevin Spinella has gone
00:56:50Clearly, you need help
00:56:54Will that be all?
00:56:56So who are we meeting?
00:56:58Spinella Mark Two?
00:57:00Siobhan Sheldrake
00:57:02She seemed nice enough on the phone
00:57:04You've given her the benefit of the doubt already?
00:57:06Well, that's your call
00:57:07You'll be her point of contact
00:57:11Consider it part of your SIO training
00:57:15Well, thank you guys
00:57:16If you can just stay behind for a photo, that'd be great
00:57:21Hi, I'm Siobhan, it's lovely to meet you
00:57:23Pleased to meet you too
00:57:25I'm sure you know about my history with your colleague
00:57:27Never my colleague
00:57:28He was already in prison when I took his place
00:57:30Right, so you'll appreciate why we're going to need some ground rules
00:57:34Of course
00:57:35Right, so any tips or leads that you receive as a result of this meeting
00:57:39remain confidential
00:57:41You inform us first, okay? We investigate it, not you
00:57:45And don't give Alan Whitlock a silly name like
00:57:49The Escape Artist
00:57:50Or The Murdering Magician
00:57:54Well, it was good to meet you
00:57:57I have a ground rule for you guys too
00:58:02Go on
00:58:03I get everything first, give me a head start on the nationals
00:58:08Well, this goes well
00:58:11I don't see why not
00:58:25Yeah, Branson?
00:58:26Yeah, hold on, just give me a second please
00:58:29I've never seen a house with this many doors
00:58:32Most of them are fake, they don't even open
00:58:36Have you found anything to link Alan Whitlock to Clyde Graves and Tommy O'Dahu?
00:58:42Not yet
00:58:43But I did find out that Alan Whitlock inherited this house after his father died
00:58:48A lot of this stuff belonged to his dad
00:58:51So he must have grown up here
00:58:53Surrounded by magic
00:58:55Okay, great, thank you, I appreciate it
00:58:58It seems like Whitlock recorded every performance until 2004
00:59:03And after that, nothing
00:59:05Siobhan found this in the Argos archive
00:59:07It's also from 2004
00:59:10Community leaders have appealed for calm after a night of violence
00:59:14Forced homeowners Alan Whitlock and Clyde Graves
00:59:17To flee their house on Beaconsdale Road
00:59:20After it was attacked at 11pm on Tuesday night
00:59:22By a group of residents
00:59:24So Alan and Clyde were a couple
00:59:26Yeah, it would seem so
00:59:28The trap house is on Beaconsdale Road
00:59:33So maybe Alan sent Tommy there for a reason
00:59:36If he lost everything in 2004
00:59:39Maybe Tommy was a part of that
00:59:42We need to find out why
00:59:44That's the missing piece
00:59:56Come on
01:00:15There you go, sir
01:00:17Thank you
01:00:19Do you think he will say anything?
01:00:21The man who saw you?
01:00:25Probably not
01:00:27But it's complicated
01:00:29For a while I thought he was Bruno's father
01:00:35And your husband never found out?
01:00:38What happened between us was a long time ago
01:00:44One thing I do know
01:00:46Is that Cassian is selfish
01:00:50He only reveals something when he stands to gain
01:00:56We think there might be a connection
01:00:58Between Tommy Adeu
01:01:00And an Alan Whitlock
01:01:02Clyde Graves
01:01:04Do either of those names mean anything to you?
01:01:09Can we see Tommy's case files from 2004?
01:01:13Oh, this only goes back to 2005
01:01:16So you're saying that
01:01:18Tommy and Clyde were a couple
01:01:23Oh, this only goes back to 2009
01:01:26But come with me
01:01:31Right, over here I think
01:01:40So those are all Tommy's cases?
01:01:43For 2004, yeah
01:01:45Alan Whitlock, Clyde Graves
01:01:52So Clyde Graves and Alan Whitlock
01:01:55Fostered a child called Roman
01:01:57And Clyde accused Whitlock of sexually abusing him
01:02:01Tommy investigated
01:02:03No evidence found, case dropped
01:02:05But the foster placement was ended
01:02:07Roman was removed
01:02:10Where is Roman now?
01:02:12He's over 18, so he's no longer under our supervision
01:02:16Let me keep hold of these
01:02:19Do you remember the graffiti at the trap house?
01:02:22Yeah, pedo out
01:02:24That must have been what the article was about
01:02:26I mean, they were forced out of their home
01:02:29Yeah, the community were judge and jury
01:02:31They made their own minds up
01:02:33Back then, homophobia would have been a bigger factor
01:02:36A gay couple fostering was new
01:02:38And lots of people would have had a problem with it
01:02:40Yeah, look
01:02:41Clyde tried to retract his statement after the attacks
01:02:44Would have been too late
01:02:45That kind of allegation sticks
01:02:47They say there's no smoke without fire
01:02:51So Clyde's lie was the spark that started it all
01:02:56Clyde Graves was in a relationship with Alan Whitlock
01:02:59They fostered a child called Roman
01:03:01Now, Roman has aged out of the system
01:03:03But we are trying to find him, urgently
01:03:06The complaints were made in 2004
01:03:08That's the same year that Alan Whitlock gave up magic
01:03:11Well, no more children's parties
01:03:13Yeah, if all the memorabilia in his house was anything to go by
01:03:16His career was really starting to take off
01:03:18Graeme True said that he bought the incinerator from another magician
01:03:22What if that was Alan Whitlock?
01:03:25Graeme True and Alan Whitlock both had motives to kill Clyde Graves
01:03:30Both magicians, both masters of deception
01:03:33Think about it
01:03:34If Whitlock really is terminally ill
01:03:36How did he carry Graves' body to the top of the beacon?
01:03:38How did he move Tommy Adeu all by himself?
01:03:40With help, a double act
01:03:42Yeah, but Graeme True's location data suggested he was nowhere near the dump sites
01:03:47Well, his phone wasn't
01:03:50But he might have been
01:03:53We're on it
01:04:04Where's Graeme True?
01:04:06He went on a break, he hasn't come back yet
01:04:13Package for Cedric Mervier
01:05:14Graeme True isn't at his house
01:05:16I don't know where he is
01:05:17What about the location data we requested from his phone?
01:05:20Does it tell us anything about his usual movements?
01:05:23He only seems to go to the casino and the street near his house
01:05:28What's there?
01:05:29It's right on the seafront
01:05:32Looks like a raw garages
01:05:44Oh shit
01:06:02Bloody nuisance
01:06:07Oh shit
01:06:08Do you reckon Whitlock killed him because we were getting too close?
01:06:11Or was he another victim, just like Clyde and Tommy?
01:06:14I don't know, but if Graeme True wasn't his accomplice, then who is?
01:06:28Okay, thanks
01:06:29Someone's broken into Lubos Sturber's workshop, stolen an escape trick he was building
01:06:35It was Alan Whitlock, I have no doubt
01:06:38He is the only one who can get past my security
01:06:42What did Whitlock steal exactly?
01:06:44Oh, I was building it for a Saudi prince
01:06:47He wanted to show off for his 21st birthday party an electric chair
01:06:56How did Whitlock know about the commission?
01:06:58I do not know, these illusions are very closely guarded secrets
01:07:02You want?
01:07:05I think Whitlock is the Saudi prince
01:07:08Lubos, these are his designs
01:07:10Can you tell us everything you know about Alan Whitlock?
01:07:13A great magician
01:07:15But his private life, it was a mess
01:07:19Alan and Clyde, they fought all the time
01:07:21The whole reason they fostered that boy was to try to mend their relationship
01:07:26But then Alan, he met Jason Peterson and he fell in love
01:07:34And that's when Clyde called the police
01:07:36He was so bitter, so angry, he just wanted to destroy him
01:07:43So, he make up the abuse
01:07:46It was a grotesque illusion, but people believe it
01:07:51He must be furious
01:07:53He was
01:07:54When Clyde admitted he had made up everything
01:07:58Alan think that the police would clear his name
01:08:03But they did not
01:08:05So, his windows were smashed
01:08:08His walls were sprayed
01:08:11He wanted justice and he got nothing
01:08:19Can you think of any reason why Alan might want to hurt you?
01:08:25I was building a design for Alan
01:08:30You mutants
01:08:32It was called the incinerator
01:08:35We think it make him very famous
01:08:38But after all the accusations, the work for Alan dried up
01:08:44So, I offered to sell it for him
01:08:47I tried to get a good price, but Alan, he say it is not good enough
01:08:52The buyer was Graham Tritt?
01:08:54Yes, I tried to make him understand that Graham is the only buyer
01:09:00But he is angry with me
01:09:04And our friendship had come to an end
01:09:08Graham Tritt died today
01:09:11In the incinerator
01:09:14Whitlock rigged it, so there was no escape
01:09:19Lubos, do you have anywhere you could stay? Friends or family?
01:09:25So, you think he will come for me too?
01:09:29What Lubos Sturber told us, Graham Tritt was a victim, not Whitlock's accomplice
01:09:34I've been looking into Roman Parker, the kid who was fostered
01:09:37He has an impressive history of offending
01:09:40Drugs, theft, burglary, assault, starting from the age of nine
01:09:45I spoke to a custody sergeant who knows him pretty well
01:09:47And he said Roman is very clever, but very damaged and angry
01:09:51Did you find him?
01:09:53He vanished six months ago, no arrests, no known address
01:09:57Well, could he be the one that's helping Whitlock?
01:10:00He's lost his home and his family too
01:10:02I'll keep looking for him
01:10:04Okay, in the meantime, we need to look for other possible victims
01:10:08Whitlock stole an electric chair, so we should assume that he intends to use that next
01:10:14Whitlock's neighbours let attacks at his home
01:10:16He's lived on that street for years
01:10:18He would have known those people well before they turned on him
01:10:22They're at risk, certainly
01:10:24Who else?
01:10:25I tracked down Jason Peterson, the man Alan left Clyde for in the early 2000s
01:10:30He's now a curator at the pavilion
01:10:40Jason Peterson?
01:10:45Our relationship was so brief
01:10:49It hardly seems worth a grudge, it was over 20 years ago
01:10:54So what happened between you and Alan?
01:10:57Well, we met at one of his shows
01:10:59And I had volunteered to shackle him before one of his escapes
01:11:04And then he found me afterwards and offered me a drink
01:11:08And we ended up just talking all night, I mean
01:11:11How long were you together?
01:11:14A couple of months, maybe? I mean, it wasn't anything serious
01:11:19And you think he wants to come after me now? I mean, that doesn't make any sense
01:11:25D.S. Moy?
01:11:29We'll protect you until he's found, okay?
01:11:33Oh, yeah, thank you
01:11:41Finally got hold of Whitlock's medical records
01:11:49You really think he's lying about having cancer?
01:11:52Well, everything so far has been an illusion
01:11:55I'd like to see what's real and what isn't
01:11:59It's all medical jargon
01:12:02Wait, there's a biopsy result
01:12:06Stage 4
01:12:08It's everywhere, it's all over his body
01:12:11Those are the drugs we found in his house
01:12:13It's legit
01:12:14He's dying
01:12:21Sorry, I can see you have this corridor secured
01:12:25But I was wondering if you'd consider the tunnels as a possible point of access
01:12:30Yes, there are tunnels under the pavilion
01:12:32Prince Regent had them built so he could move around the ground without public scrutiny
01:12:36Where do they go?
01:12:38I could show you
01:12:54Six months ago, Jason Peterson was listed as Alan Whitlock's next of kin
01:13:02Six months ago
01:13:03Doesn't make any sense, he told us they broke up 20 years ago
01:13:06He's lying
01:13:24Where does this go?
01:13:26Oh, er...
01:13:28Well, there is some service areas and...
01:13:31Well, it's just access to different parts of the pavilion, really
01:13:36It's just this way
01:13:43She's not picking up
01:13:47PC Croft, acknowledge, over
01:13:48PC Croft, sir, over
01:13:49Do you have eyes on D.S. Moye?
01:13:51D.S. Moye's gone to secure the tunnels under the building
01:13:53Is she alone?
01:13:55She went with Jason Peterson
01:14:02Jason Peterson has taken Bella
01:14:04What, she had nothing to do with it?
01:14:05No, Bella didn't, personally
01:14:06But the police did
01:14:07Alan's going after everyone that was involved
01:14:09Any one of us could have been his next victim
01:14:11We've got to get out of here
01:14:12We've got to get out of here
01:14:13We've got to get out of here
01:14:14We've got to get out of here
01:14:15We've got to get out of here
01:14:16We've got to get out of here
01:14:17Jason Peterson's been his next victim
01:14:18This is an urgent call, acknowledge, over
01:14:21D.S. Moye
01:14:29What are we waiting for?
01:14:30Norman, you're no use to any of us
01:14:33If you lose control
01:14:34I need you to focus
01:14:36I need you to find where the tunnels exit
01:14:39Do it
01:14:42Well, get going then
01:14:47Requesting backup at the pavilion!
01:14:57Is he asleep in the street?
01:15:00Yeah, right behind the dome.
01:15:03The dome?
01:15:08Is it all connected?
01:15:10Yes, it's ready.
01:15:11Did you remember to set all the times?
01:15:13I've done it all.
01:15:14Exactly as the diagrams show.
01:15:17You need to go, Jason, before this starts.
01:15:22She's coming soon.
01:15:26Here we are then.
01:15:29Listen, Alan...
01:15:30No, no, no, no.
01:15:33Let's begin.
01:15:35No more talking.
01:15:38Off we go.
01:15:47DS parting. Patch me through to the Royal Pavilion.
01:16:04I need to speak to your site manager now.
01:16:13Norman, what have you got?
01:16:14Right, and now I was able to move Tommy's body without us seeing it.
01:16:17The tunnel exits at the dome.
01:16:19Tunnel exits at the dome. Look for a concealed entry.
01:16:22Okay, I'm on it.
01:16:36I need you to cover the exit at the dome, okay?
01:16:50He's alive.
01:16:51And Bella?
01:16:52No sign.
01:16:53The exit's covered.
01:16:54Stay with him.
01:17:15No! No!
01:17:23Welcome, gentlemen.
01:17:25So, we can begin.
01:17:41A series of timers.
01:17:44Each one delivering a shock.
01:17:46Worse than the last, but the final shock is painless.
01:17:53After all, a stopped heart feels nothing.
01:17:58If you leave...
01:17:59She dies.
01:18:01I will hit the switch...
01:18:02And deliver a fatal shock.
01:18:04If you close your eyes, she dies.
01:18:07If you turn away, she dies.
01:18:10Am I making myself clear?
01:18:13Am I making myself clear?
01:18:21Were you thinking you were going to save her?
01:18:23Oh, well.
01:18:25So near.
01:18:26But yet so far.
01:18:28As they say.
01:18:31What does it feel like to watch and do nothing?
01:18:36Because that's what you do, isn't it?
01:18:38You see, suffering, like...
01:18:40Like the horrors I was subjected to, and you turn away.
01:18:43But this time you can't.
01:18:45You will witness the consequences of your actions.
01:18:49You will be accountable.
01:18:50And this time, you can believe your eyes.
01:18:53Her agony is real.
01:18:55Her pain is real.
01:19:04What does he mean by so near, yet so far?
01:19:07Where is she near?
01:19:10She's definitely not in this building.
01:19:12There's something behind this.
01:19:13A yellow window.
01:19:20Right, okay, what the hell is happening?
01:19:22She's not here.
01:19:24It's a trap.
01:19:27Alan's broadcasting a feed of Bella, and we don't know where she is.
01:19:31We're running out of time, man.
01:19:33I'm so sorry.
01:19:35I'm so sorry.
01:19:45I know. It's all right.
01:19:48It's just... It's just pain.
01:19:51They'll be over soon.
01:20:02Stop, stop.
01:20:04The music, I can hear it through his feet.
01:20:06And on your phone, it's near you somewhere.
01:20:12You said so near, yet so far.
01:20:15Near, near.
01:20:16Near to me in the station.
01:20:18You're going to have to narrow it down, dickhead.
01:20:20It's a derelict building.
01:20:23There's a yellow window.
01:20:25Yellow windows.
01:20:26There's yellow windows, Norman.
01:20:28Can you see them?
01:20:31Got it!
01:21:00Alan! Alan!
01:21:07Out of time.
01:21:09You've made me do this.
01:21:14No, no, no!
01:21:15Stop! Stop!
01:21:18I'd rather die a murderer than a paedophile.
01:21:20Please! Please!
01:21:23Alan, you don't need to do this.
01:21:26It's too late.
01:21:54Norman, Norman.
01:21:57It's okay.
01:21:58It's okay, you're safe.
01:21:59It's okay.
01:22:00You're okay, you're safe.
01:22:07I thought I'd lost you.
01:22:10I couldn't bear that.
01:22:14You took your bloody time.
01:22:48Come on, come on!
01:22:52Here we are, Mr. Wendell.
01:22:53Don't come any closer.
01:22:55Let's get out of here.
01:22:56Let's get out of here.
01:23:07Come on.
01:23:25Given your prognosis,
01:23:27I shouldn't think you'll make it to trial.
01:23:31But Jason will.
01:23:33You think you had no choice.
01:23:37Do you think I coerced him?
01:23:40Or hypnotized him?
01:23:43We were in love.
01:23:45But we were surrounded by hate.
01:23:47People threw bricks at our windows.
01:23:51And at slurs on our walls.
01:23:55When I was diagnosed, and I mentioned revenge,
01:23:57he wondered why it had taken me so long.
01:24:01Well, he's going to prison for a very long time.
01:24:06We'll see.
01:24:08He knows all my tricks.
01:24:31What's going on, buddy?
01:24:32Look, I'm worried about you.
01:24:35Worried about all these tummy aches you keep getting at school.
01:24:41You know Daddy's a detective, right?
01:24:44A really good detective.
01:24:47And it's my job to find out what's really going on.
01:24:52I'm sick.
01:24:54No, you're not.
01:24:55You're not, are you?
01:24:56No, you're not.
01:24:57You're not, are you?
01:25:03Are you being bullied?
01:25:10Do you not like your teacher then?
01:25:12I like her.
01:25:18Don't tell me what's going on.
01:25:21I can't make it better, can I?
01:25:22Why can't I?
01:25:26Come here.
01:25:28Are you going to tell me what's wrong?
01:25:34Don't go away.
01:25:37You said I was leaving.
01:25:41Is that what all the tummy aches have been about?
01:25:48Look at me.
01:25:50I'm not going anywhere.
01:25:54I promise.
01:26:00I love you.
01:26:03When I saw Roy, I realised
01:26:06if I face him, I'll no longer be the missing wife.
01:26:14I'll be the villain who put her husband through hell.
01:26:16Well, sometimes a lie is more painful than the truth.
01:26:21What would you do?
01:26:23If in a moment of weakness you created something
01:26:26that grew until you couldn't take it back?
01:26:29I can't change what I've done to my parents,
01:26:32my friends, Cassian.
01:26:37I'd rather they think I'm dead
01:26:40than let them know what I've done.
01:26:43you have to choose a new life,
01:26:46the same way your husband is.
01:26:52They said there was no way you could do it, so I was into that.
01:26:56Hey, some very good news.
01:26:59I had pictures of the pram sent to charity shops
01:27:01and a witness has come forward saying they remember
01:27:04sending it to someone matching Smallbone's description.
01:27:07Ah, good work.
01:27:09I knew it was him.
01:27:11What are you two gossiping about, eh?
01:27:15Actually, I think now might be a good time
01:27:19to tell you
01:27:21that I asked Cleo to marry me.
01:27:30And I want you to be my best man.
01:27:33One hundred percent.
01:27:36It'd be an honour, man.
01:27:38Okay, so your first job is to stop Norman singing at the wedding.
01:27:43And then we'll get some time to celebrate.
01:27:45That'd be lovely.
01:27:47Yeah, I want to get some tips on how you juggle this family work thing.
01:27:50Yeah, well, out there.
01:27:52I'll teach you all that I know.
01:28:14What's going on?
01:28:16What's going on?
01:28:18What's going on?
01:28:20What is it?
01:28:43What is it?
01:28:45What is it?
01:28:47What is it?
01:28:49What is it?
01:28:51What is it?
01:28:53What is it?
01:28:55What is it?