What If All Animals Were As Smart As Humans

  • 3 months ago
Imagine if all animals were as smart as humans! We'd have dolphins running their own underwater cities and elephants creating art and architecture. Birds might start organizing complex societies in the trees, and dogs could finally tell us what they’re thinking. Our world would be a wild mix of interspecies communication and collaboration. It’s fun to think about, but it would definitely make life a lot more complicated! Credit:
Short_Lingonberry941 / Reddit
Kafadafada / Reddit
solateor / Reddit
Ok_Lebanon / Reddit
crypticcase / Reddit
skyfall91404 / Reddit
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00:00Oh, capybaras.
00:01I bet your social media is flooded with these adorable creatures enjoying a hot bath, looking
00:07like they couldn't care less about the world's problems.
00:09Yeah, I get it.
00:11The world's largest rodents don't exactly look too sharp with that zen vibe going on,
00:16but they're actually pretty clever.
00:18Studies reveal they're even smarter than 2-year-old kids and average dogs.
00:22The thing is, while dogs can be trained, capybaras are independent thinkers with their own unique
00:28way of doing things.
00:29So if you ask them to do a rollover, they'll probably think, oh, not again, and come up
00:35with their own quirky way to pull it off.
00:37Or they just might decide not to do it at all.
00:41Another thing that adds to their intelligence is their complex communication.
00:46Capybaras whistle when they sense danger, purr when they're happy, chirp when they're
00:50in a group, and even do teeth chattering when excited about food.
00:54The list goes on.
00:56Just imagine what they'd do if they suddenly gained human-level intelligence overnight.
01:01With their unique vocal abilities, capybaras could make fantastic voice actors, creating
01:06sounds beyond human capability and adding realism to animals in movies.
01:11Ultimately, getting back to the fact that the capybara in Disney's Encanto doesn't
01:16have a voice.
01:20Capybaras could even host swimming championships, like they're the Michael Phelps of the
01:23Animal Kingdom.
01:24Alright, maybe I got carried away a bit, but they do move with way more grace underwater
01:29than they do on land.
01:31Oh, and remember when we chatted about capybaras in hot baths?
01:35It's not just for showing off on social media.
01:37They genuinely love it because it helps with treating skin conditions and retaining heat
01:43So, with a bit more intelligence, they'd probably take control of hot springs and jacuzzis,
01:48kicking the humans out.
01:50Picture signs that read CAPYBARAS ONLY, handwritten by capybaras themselves.
01:58You know when you're feeling down and out of the blue your cat saunters over, purring
02:02and rubbing against you to lift your spirits?
02:04It's not like these kitties have a crystal ball for predicting gloomy days.
02:09But cats do have this uncanny power to sense their owner's mood.
02:13That's because picking up on others' emotions is crucial for animals that live in social
02:19So, cats do pick up on their owner's usual behaviors, so they can tell when something
02:24is off and their human is acting differently.
02:27Now imagine this sixth sense paired with human-level intelligence.
02:32Cats would open their own whisker wellness center, providing theropods with purrfection.
02:38If you're lost for words during the therapy session, no worries, they can just purr in
02:42your lap for an hour.
02:43But they'll still charge you for that.
02:46Cat therapists wouldn't even need little notepads to write down patients' complaints
02:50because they have an excellent memory.
02:53Just like humans, cats find it easier to remember significant or extreme experiences, such as
02:58the time they got stuck in a closet or when you bought them the first lick-and-lap treat.
03:03With impressive procedural and spatial memory, cats can recall and retain these memories
03:08for 10 years or more.
03:11Whether they're happily crashing down a hill or engaged in a bamboo mukbang, there's something
03:16about pandas that we just can't look away from.
03:20YouTube is brimming with thousands of videos featuring these oddly enchanting creatures
03:24rolling around, backward, and even sideways.
03:28Theories suggest that they roll for a bunch of reasons, like regulating body temperature
03:33or waking up muscles that have fallen asleep after sitting for long periods.
03:37Well, there's another crucial factor – laziness.
03:40I mean, why walk when you can use gravity and roll down hills, right?
03:45If pandas were as smart as humans, they could pioneer the world's first school for perfect
03:50jobs for the lazy, such as working on motocross circuits.
03:54Rolling all the way down to check if the ramp's slope is just right.
03:59They would also be the champs at detecting when people lie, so they could do a pretty
04:03good job as lawyers, HR professionals, or negotiators.
04:07I know, I know, we often think of them as black and white, clumsy creatures, and not
04:12exactly protagonists from Lie to Make.
04:15But after years of living among humans, they've learned how to distinguish between angry and
04:20happy human expressions.
04:22So with a human-level brain, they could easily become experts in reading microexpressions.
04:28What would you say if I asked you which sea creature is the smartest?
04:32I bet dolphin was the first thing that came to your mind.
04:35Yeah, they're pretty clever.
04:37For example, dolphins have this cool move where they use sponges to protect their noses
04:41while fishing.
04:42And they learned how to do that 200 years ago.
04:46But do you know who figured out how to use tools way before dolphins?
04:50Yep, sea otters.
04:52I know we often get distracted by how stinkin' cute they look floating on their backs, and
04:57it's easy to forget those tiny hands and brains can do some insane stuff.
05:03Thanks to their forepaws, equipped with retractable claws and tough pads for gripping, sea otters
05:08can rub, twist, pull, or tear things with surprising skill.
05:13So don't be surprised when you see them doing crazy stuff like hiding their favorite toys
05:18in their bellies or helping people clean pools.
05:21These behaviors are really fun to watch, but they've also learned some impressive tricks
05:26in the wild, like using rocks as hammers to crack open shellfish.
05:31In a world where these water pups are as smart as humans, they'd probably own 5-star
05:35seafood restaurants around the world.
05:37I mean, they've got mad skills handling the tough shells of creatures like sea urchins,
05:43clams, and crabs.
05:44Plus, their impeccably good taste in food would only get better now that they can finally
05:49enroll in Les Cordon Bleus.
05:53Just because an elephant's brain is 3 times bigger than the human average, that doesn't
05:57mean elephants are 3 times smarter than us.
06:00Sure, they have 3 times more neurons, but only a small part of them is in the cortex
06:05– the part responsible for complex skills like problem-solving and learning.
06:11However, elephants are remarkably developed emotionally.
06:15While empathy is often considered a hallmark of human intelligence, elephants also put
06:20themselves in each other's shoes – I mean feet.
06:23These sensitive beings can discern when their elephant buddies are in pain or feeling down,
06:28and they offer comfort when needed.
06:31With a more refined intelligence, they might delve into the world of art, expressing their
06:35complex emotions on huge canvases, and using their trunks to create Jackson Pollock-inspired
06:43From a huge brain to a tiny one the size of your pinky-nick, yep, we're talking about
06:48the hamster brain.
06:50These cute little buddies are among the cleanest animals in the world, and I'm not just talking
06:54about self-cleaning.
06:56They actually like to keep their surroundings clean – not only in captivity, but also
07:00in the wild.
07:02For example, hamsters dig deep burrows with nesting places, and they separate different
07:07sections for their waste and food.
07:09If hamsters were as smart as humans, they'd turn this cleaning OCD into a business.
07:15Hey, meet the SparkJoy rodent, the world's first hamster to publish a book, adapting
07:20Marie Kondo's techniques to keep its cage squeaky clean and organized.
07:26Hey, Rocky, come here, boy!
07:29Did you really expect the list to end without mentioning dogs?
07:33Let me guess, you probably think your best buddy is the smartest thing on four legs and
07:38beam with pride that Rocky actually knows its own name, right?
07:42Well, Rocky might be much smarter than you think.
07:46In fact, dogs can understand around 165 words.
07:50In our make-believe world, I'm pretty sure dogs would be the first animals to come up
07:55with their own complex language, opening wolf-language schools around the country.
08:00I can picture dogs sitting down for TV interviews, declaring they're done being called man's
08:05best friend, and would prefer to be recognized as joy coaches.
08:09Yep, they're excellent at dealing with others and can even intentionally try to trick other
08:14dogs and humans to score some tasty rewards.
08:17Good for them, my guess!
08:21That's it for today!
08:22So, hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your
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