Fox NewS TV !! The Five reacts to shocking report about Bidens health

  • 3 months ago
'The Five' co-hosts discuss President Biden’s reaction to calls for him to drop out of the 2024 race and reports that a Parkinson's expert visited the White House eight times in eight months. #foxnews #fox #thefive


00:00The White House in full-blown meltdown mode after a shocking report raises more questions
00:06about the president's health and a growing number of Democrats say he needs to call it
00:11Joe Biden furiously digging in and firing off a letter to House Dems this morning saying
00:16that he will stay in the race until the end.
00:19And then he phoned into his favorite cable TV show, Wasn't America's Newsroom.
00:22It was morning, Joe, and he lashed out at his critics.
00:26I am not going anywhere.
00:28I don't care what those big names think.
00:32They're wrong in 2020.
00:33I'm getting so frustrated by the elites.
00:35Now, I'm not talking about you guys, but about the elites in the party who they know so much
00:42If any of these guys don't think I should run against me, go ahead, announce the president.
00:48Challenge me at the convention.
00:51Total chaos breaking out at today's White House briefing after Corrine Jean-Pierre was
00:55grilled on a startling New York Times report.
00:58It revealed how a Parkinson's disease expert has been visiting the White House eight times
01:04in eight months.
01:05Could you state very clearly, yes or no, was that expert here to participate in anything
01:12surrounding the care of the president of the United States?
01:14So let me just say a couple of things.
01:16We have had a comprehensive, and I just want to take another step back, comprehensive physical
01:26The president has had that.
01:27We've given a comprehensive report.
01:28It's a very basic, direct question.
01:29Wait, wait, wait.
01:30Hold on, hold on.
01:31Wait, wait, wait.
01:32Wait a second.
01:33Eight times, or at least once.
01:37There's no reason to get back and go back and forth and be in this aggressive way.
01:40We are a little miffed around here about how information has been shared with the press
01:43going on here.
01:44I certainly could clear this all up just by saying what he was doing here and if it was
01:48connected to the president.
01:49Yes or no?
01:50I am not going to confirm a particular neurologist, anybody.
01:56It doesn't matter if they're a dermatologist or a neurologist.
01:59I just want to take a step back for a second, because I do take offense to what Ed alluded
02:06Sometimes I don't have the information, and I will always, always admit that, but I do
02:10take offense to what was just happening at the beginning of this briefing.
02:15It's not OK.
02:18So, Dr. Jill Biden also getting tested with the press today, snapping at reporters when
02:22pressed on House Democrats calling for her husband to drop out.
02:25Do you have any message to House Democrats who are calling for your husband to drop out
02:29of the race?
02:30How are you feeling about the state of the race?
02:33All right, ladies.
02:34Why are you screaming at me?
02:35You know me.
02:36Don't scream at me.
02:37Just let me talk.
02:38Oh, wow.
02:39I'm like professionally insulted by the press briefing today because I understand why the
02:50reporters are mad.
02:51Why do they not get that?
02:54I just my advice to Kareem Jean-Pierre is, you know, when you're when people are talking
02:58about the president being near death, don't wear a white coat.
03:04What kind of reassurance is that to dress like a visiting angel?
03:08You know, at least she left a stethoscope with Dr. Evil.
03:11I mean, Dr. Jill.
03:13Yeah, but one thing that was overlooked by the press was that the president said when
03:20they were asked about his health, he said, don't worry, it's just my brain.
03:24Think about that.
03:25That's like being that's like, you know, a skydiver telling a first time jumper.
03:29Don't worry, it's just a parachute.
03:31It's kind of scary.
03:34And you know, this is why it kind of upsets me.
03:38If you've ever tried to get somebody into assisted living, it's hard, takes a lot of
03:44It's a lot of heartache.
03:45But you do it because it's your family.
03:47That's why you have a family.
03:48The Biden family is not my family.
03:51Joe Biden is not my dad.
03:53This is not America's problem.
03:55This is the responsibility of a horrendous family ignoring a huge responsibility for
04:04the sake of preserving their power.
04:06They're forcing this problem on 300 million strangers, you know, and I think what's missing
04:12here is shaming them, shaming them for what they're doing.
04:15They're acting like they're going to get away with this.
04:17The fight isn't over 2024.
04:18The fight is over his resignation.
04:21You can't focus on the election because that's what Dr. Evil wants you to do.
04:26He's not fit to be president right now.
04:29So if they don't replace him this week or next week, what is that telling you?
04:33That tells you that they're comfortable with him not being in charge and that he's not
04:36been in charge for a while because they don't see it as a big deal.
04:39If he's not if he's not present now.
04:42The stock market's not even breaking a sweat.
04:45So clearly all the people in power know that somebody else is pulling the levers.
04:49It's kind of strange.
04:50It's like over the intercom, somebody telling you in a jet airliner both pilots have had
04:54cardiac arrests.
04:55But don't worry.
04:57The plane practically flies itself.
04:59Well, that plane is our country.
05:02Judge, the the truth is, I watched that press conference and I couldn't help but think here
05:11we are.
05:12Joe Biden is the president of the United States.
05:15And for months, they've been trying to put these band-aids on him, band-aids, you know,
05:20cover this up, cover that up.
05:22Everything's OK.
05:23Well, now he's got a lethal wound from the debate.
05:26It is lethal.
05:27So now the press wants to know why.
05:30And all they come up with is the president's medical report from February of 2024, which
05:38basically says the guy's in great shape.
05:41So then they find out that there's this neurologist who's visiting the White House.
05:45And I love the way Corrine Jean-Pierre, after this kerfuffle, goes through a whole thing
05:49and she says, and I never knew this, a thousand military members are under care by the medical
05:56unit at the White House.
05:57And neurologists come in to treat them also.
06:01I mean, why can't the president just say, I'll take a cognitive test?
06:05I am the commander in chief.
06:06I have access to the nuclear codes.
06:09I think that you Americans deserve this.
06:12You deserve to know whether I'm OK.
06:13And I'm so convinced I'm OK that I'm going to confirm it.
06:16But they won't do it.
06:18So what does that tell you?
06:19That tells you that they're afraid of the results.
06:22And that is an insult to the American people.
06:25It's all about the Bidens.
06:27And the truth is, he could waive any of these results.
06:31And I remember the kerfuffle today involved whether or not he saw a doctor after the debate.
06:37Did he see a doctor?
06:38And then Corrine Jean-Pierre says no.
06:40But she says, yeah, they had like a medical review, a telecall or something.
06:45It wasn't a physical examination.
06:48It's kind of like a tele, whatever they call these health calls.
06:52But the truth is, she then talks about every time the president works out, there's a medical
06:57unit down the hall that monitors everything he does.
07:01So you've got that medical unit.
07:03Why can't they tell us if he's got COVID or if he doesn't have COVID?
07:06And he says he doesn't have COVID.
07:08But at the end of the day, he's got a lethal wound.
07:11He goes on Stephanopoulos.
07:13He says he doesn't remember if he rewatched the debate.
07:17He asked him, Stephanopoulos asked him, did you watch yourself on the debate?
07:20Well, I don't know.
07:22But he's in it till the end.
07:24You can expect every day going forward, more and more Dems will call for him to be replaced
07:29because at this point, it's not about 24.
07:33It's about now.
07:35Like right now.
07:36Right now.
07:37Harold, right now.
07:38What is it about your take on the fact that there are some Democrats who are saying he's
07:42got to go, but there are a certain certain there are plenty of them are saying, let's
07:46just hold.
07:47Good to be back.
07:48The couple of things first, I'm not concerned about 2020.
07:53My concern is going forward, I resent President Biden going on my friend Joe Scarborough show
08:00this morning and calling, I assume people like me elites.
08:04I would remind the president that in 2020, if you want to view me as an elite, I was
08:08an elite that supported you in 2020 that said that we should do everything we possibly could
08:14to advantage you against Bernie Sanders, because I thought Bernie Sanders politics were detrimental
08:19to the party and to the country.
08:21But I wasn't being called elite.
08:23I was an elected official.
08:24Some of these people on TV talking about this campaign were elected officials.
08:28We put our name on the ballot, just like you have.
08:30You've been more successful, reached higher heights, but we put our name on a ballot.
08:33So I resent that a bit, but I get where you're coming from.
08:37If I were in your spot and I were running ahead in the polls, independents were supporting
08:43I didn't think I'd be a drag on Senate candidates in the toughest races in the country, which
08:48could flip the Senate to Republican and give Republicans an opportunity to either block
08:54or advance nominees to the appellate court, district court and Supreme Court.
08:58I don't understand what you're saying, but the numbers don't favor what you're doing
09:01and what you're saying.
09:02So I dial that back a bit.
09:05If you're serious about going forward, then get on the road.
09:08Give me three events a day.
09:10Put a give me a long form interview.
09:12Put Brett Baier as a part of that group.
09:13You're going to give the long form interview to and demonstrate to the country that indeed
09:18what happened 11 days ago was a one off.
09:20It's still not.
09:21I'm still not convinced that was a one off.
09:23And then to have the press secretary come into the press room and yell at the press
09:28like that, all they're asking for are the facts.
09:31And if the facts run counter to what they are suggesting or can or comport with what
09:36you are saying, fair enough.
09:38But all this nonsense about calling people elites and all this nonsense about not sharing
09:43all of the facts, particularly about your health, only only damages your credibility,
09:49your great legacy, because you have a great one and will drag down our chances of winning
09:54the House and holding on to the Senate.
09:57And for me, that's what's at stake in its election.
09:59You can call me an elite.
10:00You can call me your friend.
10:01You can call me a former politician.
10:03But most of all, I'm a voter and I don't like what's going on in my party right now.
10:06Let me tell you something.
10:07If I ever disappointed Harold Ford Jr., I would probably crawl under the table in the
10:12That's him when he's in some rage.
10:13I know.
10:14I mean, wow.
10:15But, Jesse, I'll give you the last word.
10:17I mean, I just take a week off and I come back and Gutfeld showing his chest hair.
10:23Biden's calling in the morning, Joe, trying to save his presidency and Mika rolling their
10:27eyes at him.
10:28That's like Hannity losing Trump.
10:31It's it's hard to understand when Mika says, did you take a cognitive test?
10:37And Joe says, yeah, I test myself all the time.
10:39I stayed up till 2 a.m.
10:42They said Trump was unfit because he stays up till 2 a.m. and Biden's like, I'm fit.
10:48I stay up till two to say you're a night owl, Joe.
10:51Four more years.
10:53This guy has the entire Democratic Party held hostage.
10:56He wakes up this morning, sends him a ransom letter and says, you better stick with me
11:01and nobody gets hurt.
11:03That's true.
11:04And everyone's like, wait a second.
11:05If we stick with you, we all get hurt.
11:09And then he's blaming the elites, the elites, the elites is why he's in the White House
11:14to begin with.
11:15Joe Biden would be nowhere without the elites, without the CIA, the donors, the media.
11:21They put him in there and they can take him out right now.
11:24And you can already see they're trying to take him out.
11:26He's like a puppet with no strings, thinks he can dance.
11:29All of a sudden you find out the Parkinson doc like lives at the White House.
11:32Oh, where'd that come from?
11:35He has no cards for everything.
11:36They tell him where to stand.
11:37They're probably going to find his fingerprints on the cocaine.
11:40If he stays one more week, I'd be watching out for sandbags everywhere.
11:44I'd be worrying about the teleprompter breaking all of a sudden.
11:48Sorry about that, Joe.
11:49They they have so much dirt on this guy.
11:52They they know everything about his dirty son.
11:54They're probably negotiating a golden parachute because let's be honest, there's no way Joe
11:59Biden's making money on the lecture circuit after this.
12:03There's no way Joe Biden's writing a book and selling it on cable TV.
12:08Reverse mortgages.
12:09The reverse mortgages is all he has.
12:12We're in deep trouble.
12:13I don't know.
12:15I think it's Biden gate.
12:17That's what this is.
12:18It's worse than Watergate.
12:20Way worse than Watergate.
12:21Actually, he's like he's like a guy in a rowboat with a teacup trying to get the water out
12:25as it's sinking.
12:26And he's so close to the shore he could just get out and leave.
12:29But instead he's in this little thing trying to get himself up.
12:32It is really sad and infuriating to see what's going on.
12:35But he's got to go.
12:36And I this reminds me of the Andrew Cuomo progression where there was no way to turn
12:42this thing around once it starts.
12:44And this is way worse than that.
12:46It's like Weekend at Bernie's when the guys that propped him up for four years think they
12:50can just say, oh, yeah, blame the dead guy and then walk away.
12:54You can't you can't get away with that.
12:56You cannot get away with that.
12:57You can't get away with that.
12:58You can't.
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