Coronation Street 8th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Coronation Street 8th July 2024
00:00["We Wish You a Merry Christmas"]
00:30You alright?
00:31I am, yeah.
00:33Look, you know the other day, I wasn't suggesting anything untoward.
00:42You know.
00:43I don't.
00:44I haven't got a clue what you're on about, pal.
00:47The thing with Gemma and the shoe shop owner.
00:49Is this work related?
00:51Because I'm on compassionate leave.
00:53I just want to check that we're cool.
00:54We won't be if you keep talking shop.
00:57This is my time off.
00:58I got you.
00:59I got you.
01:00So, um, are you up to anything nice?
01:04I buried my mother yesterday,
01:06so I'm hardly going to be dashing off to Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
01:09Course, yeah.
01:10Um, well, I will...
01:12I'll just leave you to it.
01:15How's this new chap behind the bar?
01:18Is it work experience, dear?
01:20Hmm, I don't know, but he makes pretty decent brew.
01:23And he's very diligent.
01:24He's rearranged everything behind the counter since yesterday.
01:27I haven't rearranged anything.
01:29I've merely returned things to where they belong.
01:31Including your good self.
01:33Ah, absolutely.
01:34This place wouldn't be anything without you, Roy.
01:37Oh, sorry, I'll just get this.
01:39Hi, thank you for getting back to me.
01:41Yeah, I was just wondering
01:42whether you'd managed to forward the CCTV footage yet.
01:46Oh, no. No, it's fine. Absolutely.
01:48See how you've been missed?
01:50Yeah, see, it's very kind.
01:52And it is good to be back, albeit in unfortunate circumstances.
01:56Yeah, I mean, Shona will be fine.
01:59Look, I just wanted to ask if I could have the morning off.
02:02Is it urgent?
02:04No, it's just that I've got a mate
02:05that's exhibiting some pictures at college,
02:07so I just wanted to go and support her.
02:09But if you'd rather I didn't, it's fine.
02:11No, no, no, no, it's...
02:13It'll be fine. You just go.
02:15Are you sure you'll be all right on your own?
02:17Look, I can hold the fort, if necessary.
02:20OK, well, thanks.
02:22I'll see you later, then.
02:25Bye. Bye.
02:27You have done a good job back here, haven't you?
02:29Did you mean to leave this bag of carrots out there?
02:31Yeah, I need those.
02:32I'll be making a soup for Shona later.
02:35Save her preparing lunch.
02:37No, no.
02:38Don't. Don't. It's ridiculous.
02:43Look, Roy, no woman wants to open her door in her nightie
02:48when she feels like a resurrected zombie.
02:51Just... Just...
02:52If I were you, just leave her be.
02:54Oh. Yeah.
02:57Yeah, it's on the statements. Don't worry about it.
03:01I was going to go in my lunch hour, if it suits you.
03:05All right, yeah. I'll see you at one at the station.
03:10All right, look, I've got to go. Bye.
03:14That was a short day.
03:15I've just come back from my good scissors.
03:17As opposed to your bad scissors.
03:19No, as opposed to my normal scissors. Right.
03:21I got Mrs Dunleavy in at half nine and I've never known her like it.
03:24I don't know whether to sit her in a chair
03:26or jam her between me legs and share her.
03:28I'd probably stick with a chair if you want a tip, yeah?
03:31Oh, there's a letter for you, by the way, on the side.
03:34Is it from?
03:35Dunno, but it looks official.
03:37Let's go and find out, then.
03:39See you later.
03:40Love you.
03:41Love you.
03:47I know I should have been at the biopsy yesterday.
03:50Yeah, you should have realised at the time.
03:53Thank you for talking to me, at least.
03:55Yeah, well, I was too angry last night.
03:57I mean, what were you thinking?
04:00That I could help.
04:01Oh, what? Have you been in the lab doing cancer research?
04:03I mean, you should have said.
04:05It won't happen again.
04:06Yeah, until Rowan and his crew needs come calling.
04:09I mean it.
04:11Look, why don't you go to the bistro and I'll stay here with Toya?
04:16OK, look, staying with Toya is more than just sitting in the room.
04:21You know, you've got to be there.
04:24Yeah, I will.
04:25She'll have my full, undivided attention.
04:29You go to work.
04:42So, me dad says he'll give you a hand shifting his stuff when you move in.
04:46It's all right. I know a man with a van who can help me out.
04:49Well, there's no point in spending any money if you don't need to.
04:52No, no, I won't be spending any money.
04:54Well, if you've got a removal guy, surely you'll charge.
04:59He's not officially a removal guy.
05:01He's just got a lot of experience removing other people's gear,
05:05if you catch my drift.
05:07Right, well, just make sure you draw up an inventory, babe.
05:11OK? Sticky fingers tend to steer that way.
05:14Mm. Although at least it won't drop anything.
05:17Well, why can't you play him on another day?
05:20Well, come on, Dave, he's your dentist, not Seve Ballesteros.
05:24All right, all right, I'll see what I can do.
05:28It'll cost you. Bye.
05:31It's bad news.
05:33Yeah, it's awful.
05:36Did you know he'd died?
05:38Er, who's that?
05:40Seve Ballesteros.
05:42The golfer? Yeah, I think so, yes.
05:44Oh, beautiful man he was.
05:48Nobody carried off a V-neck sweater and slacks like he did.
05:52Still, there you are.
05:54And, Dave, you see, he's, um...
05:57He's... He's got an invite, last minute, of course,
06:00to go and play a round of golf.
06:02He thinks it might be a route back in there for him.
06:05I don't know what he's talking about.
06:07But he wants me to go and cover the shop.
06:12So, only if you don't need me.
06:15Er, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
06:17It sounds like Dev's need is greater than mine.
06:20Besides, I need to get used to being on my own again.
06:23You must go.
06:25Right. If you're absolutely sure,
06:27then I'll go and cover the shop.
06:29You must go.
06:31Right. If you're absolutely sure.
06:33I'm not exactly rushed off my feet.
06:36No, I'll be back as soon as I can.
06:39Mind you, of course, that depends
06:41on how rusty Dev's swing is, doesn't it?
06:44Well, if he's wishing to curry favour with his opponent,
06:49it may be a case of the rustier, the better.
06:53Eh? Yeah, well, who knows?
06:57See you.
07:14You know, I don't know whether to bin all this or stuff a pillow.
07:18Hey, I bet that Mr Dunleavy's not sure to jump us.
07:23Hey, did I tell you I've been made ambassador of the Philippines?
07:28Yeah, they fly me out on Friday.
07:31I get a limo, little flags on it.
07:34I get a sash.
07:36As much as those little chocolates I can eat.
07:41See, I knew you weren't listening to me.
07:43I was, what?
07:45All right, well, what have I been made British ambassador of?
07:51Maria, you've been miles away all morning.
07:53Any further and you'd need jabs.
07:55I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
07:57What's going on?
07:59I got a letter this morning telling me
08:01that Mason's going to be released in a couple of weeks.
08:04Mason? Are you kidding me?
08:06No. It's there in black and white.
08:09They're telling me out of courtesy, they reckon.
08:12There's nothing courteous about letting him out of prison.
08:14I mean, he's only just gone in. Yeah.
08:16His trainers will still be warm. Tell me about it.
08:19What are you going to do? Are you going to contest it?
08:21Yeah, I'm going to try.
08:23I mean, at the very least,
08:25I need to make sure that he stays away from Leo.
08:27Listen, I'm telling you, if he doesn't,
08:29I won't be responsible.
08:50Oi, oi, this creepy cropper.
08:53What are you doing out?
08:55Must be day release for burbs.
08:57This the bloke who killed that girl?
08:59Yeah, but here he is, out and about,
09:01cruising for his next target.
09:05Where do you think you're going?
09:13It's lunchtime. You should have woke me.
09:15Where's Nick?
09:17Where's Nick?
09:19He's gone to work.
09:21Isn't that where you should be?
09:25My place is here with you, especially after letting you down yesterday.
09:27Forget it.
09:29No, I messed up.
09:33I know how painful it was, waiting for Oliver's results.
09:35And any time there was any space in my head,
09:37it'd just fill up with worry.
09:41But I was really grateful you were there.
09:47Oh, I'm fine, take it.
09:53Hi, Rowan.
09:55No, I'm not working today.
09:57Did you not get my text message?
10:01Yeah, I can't get away today.
10:07Yeah, yeah, I realise that.
10:09Just go.
10:11Whatever it is, just tell him you'll go.
10:13It's fine.
10:15Erm, could I call you back in, like...
10:19..two minutes? Yeah.
10:21Yeah, OK.
10:23Yep, bye.
10:25I'll be all right, really.
10:27It's just, it's this taster session for newbies.
10:29Compulsory attendance for level sixes.
10:31There you are, then.
10:33You've got to go.
10:35But I promised Nick I'd stay with you.
10:37Promised myself.
10:39Then I guess I'll just have to come with you.
10:41Yeah, I'll get dressed.
10:47You calling my mate a liar?
10:49I'm merely pointing out that he is mistaken.
10:53Those accusations were entirely false.
10:55Which is why I was released.
10:57So if you don't mind...
10:59I've got a cousin the same age as that girl.
11:01How old was she? 18.
11:03You dirty old man.
11:05I've done nothing wrong.
11:07I can call the police.
11:09You appropriate it together.
11:11I've done nothing wrong.
11:13Now, will you please leave me alone?
11:15I'm finished with you.
11:17Barely even started. Let me go!
11:19Hey, get away from him! What's it got to do with you?
11:21If you don't do one right now...
11:23What? What are you going to do?
11:25Well, I wouldn't stick around to find out, not if you want kids.
11:27Not that you'd ever get a girlfriend, come on.
11:29Shut it.
11:31Are you still here? I said, do one!
11:38It's OK.
11:40Try to explain!
11:42I know. You can't waste your breath with just scumbags, you all right?
11:44Where's my phone? I don't know.
11:46Right, here. Here.
11:48I need to go home.
11:50OK, OK. Let's get you home.
11:52Come on. I can manage.
11:54OK. All right.
12:08I've got some sugar in it. I know you don't like it, but it's a shock.
12:13We're closed!
12:15It's me!
12:17She's a lechery.
12:21All right.
12:25What are you doing all locked up?
12:27It's peak time, lunchtime.
12:30Yes, well, listen...
12:34Was that a bit of bother?
12:36What's that for bother?
12:38It's fine.
12:40Oh, says the man with the face the colour of an egg.
12:43I caught some lads hassling him outside Victoria Gardens.
12:47They were still of the opinion that I had something to do
12:50with whatever's happened to Lauren.
12:52Did they hurt you? Are you all right?
12:54I'm fine. Now I'm back here.
12:56I was foolish of me to go out.
12:58No, boy, it wasn't.
13:00You were just unlucky, that's all.
13:02Wrong place, wrong time.
13:04Your brain, in a sense, thinks this has anything to do with you.
13:12Here, get that down your neck.
13:14Hopefully it'll cheer you up.
13:16I'm all right.
13:18Well, I hope not, cos if that's your resting face,
13:20God help us when you're miserable.
13:22Well, if you must know,
13:24I made a bit of a prat of myself with Kit earlier.
13:27Is that all? I thought it was something serious,
13:29like forgetting the crisps.
13:31Well, you know where the bar is.
13:38I don't think that Kit's the sort of bloke you're upset.
13:44Are you coming round to death's way thinking?
13:46No, not exactly.
13:49It's fine.
13:51Well, it doesn't look fine from where I'm sitting.
13:53Come on, spill.
14:00You look tired, Roy.
14:01Why don't you go upstairs, have a lie down?
14:03I'm not sure I'd sleep.
14:05Horizontal or vertical,
14:07this particular problem defies solution.
14:10Well, they do say mud sticks, but I think in time...
14:13If only it were mud.
14:15I spent countless hours
14:17scrabbling in caves and abandoned buildings,
14:20watching bats.
14:22I've tried and tested remedies for that.
14:24This, however...
14:28If it solves yous again, call the police.
14:30Oh, I'm sure they'll be long gone.
14:35Oh, Evelyn, is Roy OK?
14:37You should be at home.
14:38Yeah, well, Carla dropped him on the way to the factory.
14:42Are you all right? I... I heard what happened.
14:45I thought you were poorly.
14:47I... I am.
14:49Um, I just...
14:51You know, when I heard, I felt I should come over.
14:53Well, there was no need.
14:56Although the fresh air seemed to have done you good,
15:00you look remarkably well.
15:05I'm sorry, Roy.
15:07So you weren't ill at all?
15:10I don't understand.
15:12Have you had time off?
15:14No, look, we just... we just didn't think it was healthy,
15:17you being stuck up in the flat.
15:19And being shorthanded was the only thing
15:21we could think of to get you to come down.
15:23When you say we... were in on this conspiracy?
15:28And Nina, too, presumably.
15:30Oh, come on, conspiracy.
15:32That's a bit strong. I never found out until after the fact.
15:35But they were just worried about you
15:37and it was all done with good intentions.
15:39I was assaulted today.
15:42If Carla hadn't shown up,
15:44who knows how far those yobbles might have gone.
15:47Yes, but like she said, you know,
15:49you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
15:51Absolutely I was.
15:53My place was here, at home, safe.
15:57It's far too early for me to go out into a world
15:59where I'm still perceived as some kind of monster.
16:02Yeah, but that's how you show them that you're not,
16:04that you've got nothing to hide.
16:05Locking yourself away isn't going to get your life back.
16:07That is no justification for this kind of coordinated deceit
16:11and I'd like you to leave.
16:15Both of you.
16:35Come in.
16:37Hiya. I just wanted to apologise again about yesterday.
16:40I was bang out of order sitting on my phone.
16:42Well, I told you, so long as there's no repeat, then it's fine.
16:47Is there something else?
16:49You know you said you liked my work?
16:51Did I?
16:52Yes, I did, yes.
16:54And I'm really enjoying the placement.
16:57Good, glad to hear it.
16:59But, see, it's no point to all this,
17:01only, as you can imagine, I've had a bit of a morning.
17:03Thing is, I was wondering maybe you'd take me on longer term?
17:07In the summer, like.
17:09Take you on, as in full-time job?
17:11A summer job, yeah.
17:12As you like my stuff and...
17:14You've been here a day and a half?
17:16A big chunk of that you spent texting some fella.
17:19And, yes, thus far you've managed to bang out some knickers
17:22with the required number of leg holes in them,
17:24but that is not a basis for me employing you.
17:27But I thought you'd...
17:29You thought wrong. OK?
17:31I mean, if the time comes when I think you're worth employing,
17:35I'll come to you, cos that's how it works.
17:38Well, it does in this factory, anyway. Capisce?
17:44So, this is how we recruit members.
17:46We encourage friends and family to come and see what we do.
17:49Hmm, we'll see what you want them to see.
17:51I thought you said you were going to be Abe?
17:53Yes, no, I am. I will. I'll be no more trouble than a fly on the wall.
17:56Well, just make sure I don't have to reach for Miss Water.
17:59Yeah, cross my heart.
18:00Oh, you didn't say that Amy was going to be here.
18:03Well, I didn't realise that she was coming.
18:05Let's go and say hello.
18:07Amy! Hi!
18:09Wasn't expecting to see you.
18:11Wasn't expecting to see you.
18:13No, it was a bit of a last-minute decision.
18:15I was hoping you might be here.
18:16Well, listen, if you've got any questions, I'm more than happy to help.
18:18I was hoping you might have thought better.
18:20Is uni not keeping you busy?
18:22More than.
18:23I don't know, just reading some of the stuff online
18:25really resonated with how I've been feeling.
18:27Yeah, that's exactly how I felt. Willow's great, isn't she?
18:30Really good. She's the reason I'm here.
18:32Well, listen, you enjoy, and if you've got any questions,
18:35I'll give you all the details later.
18:37Will do. I'm going to head in.
18:41See? The Institute speaks to all kinds of people.
18:45Even uni types.
18:57Hi, Amy. Hi.
18:59Having a bit of bother?
19:01What, me? No.
19:03No, I'm just, um...
19:05I just came to get an update on Nathan Curtis.
19:08Sooner he's behind bars, the sooner that Bethany can sleep properly, so...
19:11Well, if my experience is anything to go by, I won't count on it.
19:15Just found out they're letting Mason out.
19:17Already? Yep. Unbelievable, isn't it?
19:20He must be worried sick. Yeah.
19:22Listen, do you want to...
19:24Maybe we could go have a coffee, chat about it?
19:27No, you're all right.
19:29I just need to speak to this lot.
19:31I want to know what restrictions are going to be
19:33put in place on Mason's movements.
19:35Right. I think they're quite busy.
19:37I think they were saying something about, like, half an hour wait.
19:40I mean, we could go for a drink and then come back after.
19:42No, honestly, I just need to put my mind at rest, you know?
19:45Yeah, right.
19:51All right, Beth?
19:53What's going on?
20:01Hey! You're supposed to be under house arrest if Roy sees you.
20:04Haven't you heard? Heard what?
20:06Well, I thought Carla would have rang you all evening.
20:0912 missed calls?
20:11Forgot to turn my phone off silent after the exhibition.
20:13Why? What's happened? Is Roy all right?
20:15Well, he is now, yeah, but he popped out earlier to bring me some soup
20:18and these lads just set upon him.
20:20Is he hurt? No, he's OK.
20:22I mean, luckily, Carla saw what was happening and stepped in,
20:25but he was really shaken up and he was bound to be
20:28after being set upon.
20:36I knew you were hiding something yesterday.
20:38Why do you pair keep taking me for a fool?
20:40Well, no, honestly. So what are you doing in there, then?
20:43Do you not think it was worth mentioning that you've just been interviewed by the police?
20:46You dread to think what you've done this time.
20:48It's not like that. Yeah, it never is, is it?
20:50It's all my fault. Do you know what? You can have him this time.
20:53He's all yours. There's nothing going on between us.
20:55How many times?
20:58Look, I gave her 10 grand out of the factory sale.
21:01What? Why? Because she was worried what Nathan hanging around
21:04was going to do to Bethany.
21:06So we gave him 10 grand to go away.
21:09This being the 10 grand that I asked you about and you fobbed me off?
21:13I should have told you. I'm sorry.
21:15But I knew how you'd react and you've got enough going on.
21:18Oh, right, so you lied for my sake. Of course you did.
21:21Thank you, Gary. Thank you so much.
21:23But what's all this got to do with the police?
21:26Because Nathan told the police about the money
21:29and they think that Damon gave it to me,
21:31so I needed Gary to speak to them, make them know it was legit.
21:36That's all there is to it.
21:38That's all there is to it? Are you for real?
21:41You've lied to me yet again.
21:43You've gone behind my back with her yet again
21:45and you've given away money for our future.
21:47Look, I'll pay you back.
21:49Oh, do you know what? I don't care. I'm done with this.
21:51Maria. Get stuffed.
22:01Get stuffed.
22:25Roy? Roy, don't worry.
22:27Roy? It's going to be OK.
22:29Roy, can you hear me, mate?
22:31I don't get it. What's happened?
22:33Let's get him in as quick as we can, yeah?
22:35I don't know.
22:51OK, Roy.
22:59Can you hear me? Everything's going to be OK, yeah?
23:01You're going to be OK. Come over here with me, Roy.
23:03If it's step failure, he'll need an emergency PCI
23:05or a coronary artery bypass. Can we get him prepped for theatre, please?
23:09Come on.
23:13Yeah. Thanks, babe.
23:15I'm outside, Roy's.
23:17OK. Cheers. Bye.
23:21What are you doing? Why are you locking up?
23:23Roy's had a heart attack.
23:29Me and Nina saw the ambulance arrive
23:31and we think he managed to call them before he collapsed.
23:33Well, just because he collapsed doesn't mean to say he's had a heart attack.
23:35Well, they were doing CPR.
23:37Oh, no.
23:39Look, Nina's gone in the ambulance,
23:41but I'm headed to the hospital now if you want a lift.
23:43Yes. Thank you.
23:45Of course. Joel's just bringing round the car.
23:49I mean, he was very het up, wasn't he?
23:51Yeah. Yeah, but it was horrible.
23:53It was like he wasn't there.
23:57I mean, if you'd have lent her a tenner...
23:59Cheers. ..even 100 quid OK, but...
24:01Did you want to book your next appointment, Steve?
24:03No, I'm fine, thanks.
24:05Ten grand?
24:07For something that might not have even worked,
24:09that didn't work?
24:11And, er... Oh, while I remember,
24:13it's 10% off all hair straighteners
24:15if you wanted...
24:17David, are you even listening to me?
24:19Why have you suddenly remembered to push all the products
24:21when you don't usually?
24:23Yeah, yeah. Hang on a minute.
24:25You knew, didn't you? No.
24:27You knew about the money?
24:29David. Look, she's my sister.
24:31So when has that ever mattered?
24:33How do you know?
24:35Well, I worked it out.
24:37I overheard Gary going on about
24:39the dodgy leak or something that he found
24:41after the survey, and I thought,
24:43it's just obvious.
24:45Well, not obvious. I'm not saying you're stupid.
24:47I mean, er...
24:49Hey, look, there's somebody else here that you can shout at,
24:51all right? I'm just going to pop to the shop.
24:53No, no, wait. I'm going a minute.
24:55Oh, and did he tell you that he beat Nathan up and all?
24:57What? Mate, why would you do that?
24:59Mate, she's like terminal velocity.
25:01You'd best get it all real open now, believe me.
25:03Do you want some chocolate?
25:05No, no, no. David, wait a minute.
25:07Who else knows? David!
25:12Bethany knows.
25:16It's not like getting involved with that scumbag
25:18is something we're proud of, is it?
25:20Are you still in love with Sarah?
25:24Are you still in love with her?
25:26Is that what this is?
25:29Do you know who took this order?
25:31Yeah, Michael.
25:33I can't imagine him making a mistake like that.
25:35I think it's their new buyer. What's her name?
25:37Sylvia. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
25:39She's really flaky.
25:41Yeah, well, now, obviously they're blaming us
25:43and she's having kittens about getting the wrong stock, so...
25:45Is this a good time?
25:47No, Betsy, it's really not.
25:49OK, well, look, it probably was Sylvia,
25:51but would you mind just checking with Kurt,
25:53just see if anything went awry in packing?
25:55Yeah, sure. OK. Oh, this is her now, Sylvia.
25:57Betsy, can we do this later? Better still tomorrow.
26:00Hi, Sylvia.
26:02No, I really can't make head nor tail of it, lovey.
26:04Well, we'll have to go through it all again, won't we, the order?
26:14OK, well, we got there in the end, didn't we?
26:17OK, thanks, Sylvia. Ta-da.
26:19Seriously, it'll take two seconds.
26:21You look at that and tell me it's not as good
26:23as everything else people are making out there.
26:25Er, hello?
26:27Tell Sarah to take over.
26:29Sarah, take over!
26:31Colin, what's wrong? Roy.
26:33Nina, just got your message. Call me back, yeah?
26:37So, we're really back here, are we?
26:39Well, you beat Nathan up for her.
26:41I didn't do that for her, trust me.
26:43You let a ten grand out of the blue.
26:45She was desperate.
26:46So why didn't you come to me?
26:48And we could have discussed it together.
26:50That's what couples do, Gary. I know, I know.
26:52I thought we were past all the lies.
26:55After she tried to kiss you.
26:58I'm sorry, babe, I...
27:00And that's just the stuff that you told me about, anyway.
27:02There's nothing else. Yeah, but there is that, isn't there?
27:05Cos that did actually happen, it's not just me being jealous.
27:11You know, it's hard enough for me, seeing you both together,
27:14but then you go and do this, more secrets.
27:16Yeah, and I get why you're angry, I do.
27:18Oh, do you? Do you? Good, I'm glad.
27:20I'm glad you get why I'm angry, Gary.
27:22Well, it didn't stop you lending her the money, did it?
27:24It didn't stop you lying to me.
27:26Look, I should have told you, OK? Yeah.
27:29But you've got to remember that I was there
27:32when all this was happening to Beth and he.
27:35I saw how much those men nearly destroyed her.
27:37And the whole family.
27:39Yeah, but they're not part of your family any more.
27:42And Nick's got money.
27:44Oh, Audrey, why didn't she come to Audrey for a loan?
27:48No, she came to you because she knows
27:50this is the world that you operate in.
27:52All dodgy loans and threats and violence and paying people off.
27:55I was just trying to help Beth and he.
27:59And, no, I'm not part of that family any more, but I was back then.
28:02And I let that happen to her.
28:06And all that other stuff, you know that's not who I am any more.
28:09Yeah, well, you beat someone up.
28:11That looks a lot like that person to me.
28:17I don't know how I'm supposed to believe
28:19that you're not still in love with her.
28:21Because I'm telling you I'm not and I never will be.
28:25I love you.
28:27That's the truth this time, is it?
28:33That will always...
28:35be the truth.
28:41I am starving!
28:43Yeah, well, hold on. I mean, you've just had your lunch.
28:46Yeah, but then I had P.E., so now I'm hungry again.
28:49It's fine for you. You're surrounded by food all day.
28:51Yeah, but you're not meant to eat it, are you?
28:53Anyone home?
28:55Guess not.
28:57Ah, and notes.
28:59Ah, and notes.
29:03Garnet 2, a taster session with Toya.
29:05Message if you want me to pick up some takeaway on the way back.
29:08Oh, we could try that Persian place.
29:10I've always wanted to try food from a country that doesn't exist any more.
29:13Wait, hold on, what?
29:15Persia's called Iran now, but people still call the restaurants...
29:17No, no, no, the other bit.
29:19Leanne is at a session with Toya.
29:21Yeah, that's what it says.
29:23I thought Auntie Toya thinks the Institute is a load of codswallop.
29:26I thought Auntie Toya thinks the Institute is a load of codswallop.
29:29Yeah. Codswallop?
29:31Yeah, my new favourite word.
29:33She didn't say that, obviously, but what she did say is that the Institute is a big pile of...
29:36Whoa, whoa, whoa, OK, OK, OK.
29:38But she did, didn't she?
29:42So, Amy, what did you think?
29:44I thought it was interesting.
29:46I really like what they were saying about deprogramming thoughts and feelings regarding trauma.
29:50Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what happened to me with my grief over Oliver.
29:53Restart, reboot, reset.
29:57You OK? Yeah.
29:59You hated it, didn't you? Go on.
30:01I know that's the only reason you came.
30:03No, I didn't.
30:05Look, I still think a lot of it is jargon mixed with decades-old CBT techniques,
30:10but those techniques do work,
30:12so, equally, I can see why you find it helpful and why other people do.
30:17You just said it worked.
30:19I said it could work if, you know, you suffered trauma or were having a tough time.
30:23You said it worked.
30:25Well, yeah.
30:27Brilliant, I knew it. You just needed to give it a go.
30:30Right, I'm going to get us all a drink.
30:34So, come on, then.
30:36Do you think you, like, threatened him or what?
30:38No, he just...
30:44He just sorted it out.
30:46Sorted it out? Not like that.
30:48You're flipping her. Please don't make a thing out of this.
30:51What do you mean, a thing? I'm not going to make a thing.
30:53Anyway, it's good to look after your family,
30:55and it's nothing you wouldn't do, is it, Craigie?
30:58I might buy him a pint. You know, Olive Branch.
31:01It always pays to butter up your boss.
31:03It's probably best just to leave him alone.
31:06He's just lost his mind.
31:08Kirky, tell DS Green it's our round.
31:10Mum, he's a...
31:12He's a DC.
31:14No, it's fine. I'll take the promotion.
31:17And the pint.
31:20You two OK?
31:24They're having a hard time.
31:31Any news?
31:32Yeah, they've taken him into surgery.
31:35The stent failed, so they're doing a coronary bypass to fix it.
31:39Who was with him?
31:41No, they made out it was a miracle he even managed to call an ambulance.
31:44If he hadn't have been... Sorry?
31:46Nobody was with him?
31:47Well, when he realised that they'd lied about Shona being ill,
31:51you know, to just get him out of the flat,
31:53he threw a wobbly and kicked all of us out.
31:55What are you talking about? Who lied?
31:57So you left him on his own,
31:59knowing how shaken up he was after them idiots?
32:01Yes, Carla.
32:02And with the benefit of hindsight, we probably shouldn't have done.
32:06Unfortunately, I'd left me crystal ball at home.
32:10No, she's right.
32:11It was a stupid idea to force him out.
32:14If you die...
32:15He's not going to die.
32:18We'll have none of that.
32:20Right? Not today.
32:22He's not going to die.
32:24He's not.
32:39No news.
32:42There'll be ages with him yet, so I thought,
32:44mind if I come and sit down for a while out here?
32:57I hate waiting.
32:59I hate doctors, I hate hospitals,
33:01so you can imagine I'm having a fine old time.
33:08I'm sorry I snapped at you.
33:10It's fine.
33:11No, wait, I'm finished.
33:13I'm sorry I snapped at you,
33:15but I stand by why I snapped at you.
33:19Because you were coming out with,
33:21it was all my fault, I should never have...
33:24You forced him into a stressful situation before he was ready.
33:27Stressful. Stressful.
33:29I mean, life is stressful, Nina, if you're doing it properly.
33:32I mean, nobody ever got a heart attack
33:36because someone didn't come into work.
33:38I put too much pressure on him.
33:41What do you want me to say? It was a stupid plan?
33:45It was a stupid plan.
33:48But you only did it because you wanted him to be better
33:52because you love him.
33:53I mean, OK, OK.
33:55If you are determined to take the blame,
33:58to decide everything that's wrong with the world is your fault,
34:01then go ahead.
34:03It'll pass the time.
34:05It'll pass the time.
34:12I thought you goths were supposed to, you know,
34:15wallow in all this gloom.
34:20Mope in the dark reverie.
34:25Hey, that'd be a good name for your first autobiography,
34:28or your girl band, you know.
34:31I'll let you have it for free.
34:33All your little goth friends will be tickled black.
34:37It's just...
34:39He's been so good to me ever since my dad died.
34:42Yeah, well... I've let him down again.
34:46As I see it, that's his fault for being so perfect.
34:49You know, goody two-shoes.
34:51You were always pale in comparison.
34:54It is infuriating.
34:59Still, look,
35:01you weren't to know what was going to happen.
35:04You tried.
35:06You know what that bloke says?
35:08Try, fail. Try again, fail better.
35:16Right, Dee Dee said that she'll let us know when he's out of surgery.
35:20All right, good.
35:25Hi. Sorry to interrupt.
35:28I just wanted to, you know, give credit where credit's due.
35:34Oh, well, Craigie told me what you did for Gemma.
35:37I didn't do anything for Gemma.
35:39Oh, course, yeah.
35:41And I should say, what he told me about what you didn't do,
35:45well, I forced it out of him cos he can never keep secrets from me.
35:48But he's very good at keeping them from everybody else.
35:51That's good to hear. Yeah.
35:53And I was just saying how important it is to look after your family.
35:57Right, time to go. Come on, Mum, we're going. Kirky, let's go.
36:02I hope she wasn't saying anything too embarrassing about me.
36:05Model of discretion.
36:07See you tomorrow, PC Tinker.
36:09Night. Night, TC Green.
36:12How much have you had to drink? What?
36:14Got it right this time, didn't I?
36:18He's out.
36:20The surgery was a success. Roy is recovering in ITU and he's doing well.
36:24Is he going to be OK?
36:26He's had major surgery, so we're going to keep a close eye on him.
36:29Yeah, of course, but it went well?
36:31Yeah, it went well. Wow.
36:33When can we see him?
36:35Nursally, you know, when he's conscious and when he's ready for visitors.
36:38If you haven't already, it might be an idea to bring some things in for him.
36:42He's going to be here for a few days.
36:44Thank you so much. Yes.
36:46Thank you. Thanks. Thanks.
36:51I think Amy found it really useful, don't you?
36:54Erm, yeah. You've changed your tune.
36:57Sam. What?
36:59I thought you said it was all... Sam?
37:03I'm never going to be its biggest fan
37:05and I do think it's helpful to approach anything that suggests a quick fix
37:08with, you know, a certain degree of scepticism.
37:10I'm not saying it's a quick fix.
37:12Come on, let's not start this again.
37:14But equally, I think it's a good thing to keep an open mind,
37:17so that's what I'm doing. And that's all I ask.
37:20And all I ask is for a bit of pudding.
37:22They're for open mind, for pud.
37:24All right, I'll go to Deb's, grab us something. You clear these plates.
37:33Keep an open mind?
37:36I need more information.
37:38And, you know, I'm not going to get that by appearing hostile.
37:40Right. And you think now's the right time to be?
37:43But what choice have I got?
37:45If I have got cancer, then, you know, I might not have that long left.
37:50Come on, you can't think like that.
37:52Can I?
37:54Well, I can't sit around doing nothing.
37:56You calling my mate a liar?
37:58I'm merely pointing out his mistake.
38:01Those accusations were false.
38:03Which is why I was released.
38:05I've, um, I've uploaded a video of them hassling Roy.
38:09They recorded him leaving in the ambulance.
38:11Don't worry, we're getting it taken down.
38:13How stupid do you have to be to upload yourself doing something like that?
38:16Pretty flipping stupid.
38:18But at least it means I'll probably get caught.
38:20Oh, excuse me, if I don't hold my breath for the police to do anything,
38:23I tell you what, if I ever see them kids around here again...
38:25You'll leave well alone, yeah?
38:27Cos the last thing Roy needs is any more aggro.
38:29Yeah, well, I can't promise anything. Do you reckon this is enough?
38:32Yeah, I think so.
38:33Right, I'll run it back, then.
38:35You know, come on, you've been out all day. Joel can do it.
38:37It's fine.
38:38Carla, it's only a drop-off anyway.
38:40They won't let you see him at this time.
38:42You don't mind, do you?
38:44No, of course not. I need to make a few calls tonight.
38:46Anyway, I might as well do them in the car.
38:49I'm sorry. I didn't mean to boss you about.
38:52See, it's fine. I'm happy to.
38:55All right, then. Night, darling.
39:01Hey, Maria.
39:05Yeah, no, that's fine.
39:07Just buzz on and I'll let you up.
39:12It's OK, sweetheart. It's just a friend of Mummy's. Go to sleep.
39:19Hiya. Sorry it's late.
39:21Oh, no, it's fine.
39:22Erm, I just didn't want to leave it till tomorrow.
39:27So, Gary's told me everything.
39:30I just need to know where your head's at.
39:33Look, Sarah, I know that you and Gary are always going to have history,
39:36and, you know, if it is all about Bethany, like what he said,
39:39then I get that.
39:41I know that he was there throughout all the stuff with Nathan.
39:44That is all it was.
39:46I'm so sorry. I was just desperate.
39:49Right, OK, so you just used him, then?
39:51You just used his sympathy for Bethany?
39:56I didn't want Nathan destroying her life again.
40:01Yeah, well, if it is just that, then I get it.
40:03It is just that.
40:04Yeah, and I'd probably be OK with it.
40:07You know, yes, I'd be angry that he didn't come to me first,
40:09but I'd be OK...
40:11..if I didn't know that you'd tried to kiss him that time.
40:17But, you know, that's all done now, isn't it?
40:19So, regardless of whether you've still got feelings for him or not...
40:22Maria, I promise you, I don't have any feelings for him.
40:24That is all over. It was only about Bethany.
40:27Yeah? Yeah.
40:30Right, so are you going to back off, then?
40:32Cos I know we have to live on the same street and all of that,
40:35but you don't really need him to be part of your life, do you?
40:38You don't need him as a friend. Yeah? Yeah.
40:44And, look, if I hear that you've done anything like this again,
40:48like, if you've used the fact that he still cares for Bethany
40:51to get him involved in so much shady, then...
40:53I promise you, I won't. I won't do anything like that. It's done.
40:56I'm sorry, Maria. I shouldn't have got him involved.
40:59I shouldn't have got him involved.
41:01I've got it! He's only gone and sent it, and...
41:03Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there.
41:05No, it's fine. I was just leaving anyway, so...
41:08All right. Goodnight, Maria.
41:10Yeah, goodnight.
41:14Ooh! Was she having a proper go at you, then?
41:17Oh, my gosh. Erm...
41:19Yeah, a little bit, but, honestly, I think I got off lightly.
41:22Oh, I need a drink. I need a glass of wine. Do you want one?
41:25Yes. Yes, you get the wine.
41:27I'm going to get the laptop, because the guy from the pizza place
41:30has sent me the CCTV. Really?!
41:32Yeah, yeah. So open that Shiraz,
41:34because we are going to find out who's been using my card.
41:44Hey. Hey, kid.
41:46Thanks. I'll go and find a charge nurse, cos they're still not letting me in.
41:49Is he still unconscious? Yeah.
41:51Well, look after yourself, yeah? Didi said she'll be here first thing.
41:54Yeah. Thanks.
42:05Is there not any way you can, like, enhance it?
42:09Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hang on a minute. You just stand back.
42:12Computer, enhance.
42:15No, obviously there's no way to enhance it. We don't live in a spy movie.
42:18All right, sarky face. All you had to do was say no.
42:21Look, I know that IT isn't your forte.
42:23It isn't your forte.
42:25Right, is that it? Can you rewind it?
42:27What? I've already rewound it.
42:29This is literally the clearest shot I can get.
42:31Why wouldn't they put the camera behind the counter?
42:37I'm pretty sure it's a woman.
42:39Hmm. A girl, maybe.
42:42That's definitely a young person's coat.
43:10I'm so sorry, Raleigh.
43:13I'm sorry.