Mathura: ऑनलाइन अटेंडेंस के विरोध में शिक्षकों ने सौपा ज्ञापन

  • 2 months ago
Mathura: ऑनलाइन अटेंडेंस के विरोध में शिक्षकों ने सौपा ज्ञापन
00:00In the online attendance of the Education Department, teachers gave a warning to the DM.
00:06On Monday, in Mathura, the headmasters of the government schools reached the district office
00:14where they demanded to remove the online attendance of teachers in the schools.
00:20And they took their demands and reached the district office in the name of the Chief Minister and gave a warning to the city minister.
00:26During this time, men and women teachers were present in all the schools and they also gave a warning.
00:33Lalit Upadhyay, Mathura Samachar 24
00:37We are present at the district office of Mathura Janpath.
00:41You can see the crowd here.
00:43Earlier, we were showing you the crowd.
00:45Here, all the teachers, female teachers, and male teachers have come with their own problems.
00:52They say that the government has issued an order to remove the online attendance.
00:58What is their problem? What is their problem? We will find out from them.
01:03What is your name?
01:05Where are you from?
01:07I am from Raya Block, U.K.
01:09What is your problem?
01:12We have come here to protest against digitalization.
01:15When we walk on the streets, there is a lot of water.
01:18The roads are raw.
01:19When the roads are dug, it is not possible to walk on them.
01:22The roads are so dug that it is not possible to come on a bike or a scooter.
01:27If you go to our school, there is a bar.
01:30So, digitalization is not possible.
01:33The government should understand the problems of the teachers.
01:36They only issue their orders to us.
01:41And we keep listening to them.
01:44We are sending our photos to the teachers.
01:47The government should understand that we will teach the way we want.
01:50Our unity has been awakened.
01:53But now the teachers are not going to bow down to the government.
01:56At the right time, you reached the school.
01:59The attendance is there.
02:00What is your problem with that?
02:02First of all, because of the women's education district, we will support the women.
02:08We will support all the other teachers.
02:10The problem with online education is that our female teachers face a lot of problems.
02:15They have to cook food at home.
02:17They have to do a lot of work.
02:18And then they have to take a scooter to Bhagambad.
02:20They have to walk on the highway.
02:21They have to walk on rough roads.
02:23So, it will be a little late.
02:25This is the biggest problem with online education.
02:27All the other teachers are doing a good job.
02:29I don't know why the government is doing this.
02:31The government should focus on online education.
02:33When there was no online education, there was a lot of good education.
02:36The biggest problem with online education is that people are losing their lives in Bhagambad.
02:41Many of our female teachers have lost their lives because of online education.
02:47Online education is causing a lot of problems for female and male teachers.
02:52That is why a lot of people have come here.
02:55This is a crowd of teachers who teach in government schools.
03:00What is your name?
03:02My name is Preeti Bhatnagar.
03:04I am the Chief Minister of Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh.
03:08Our entire team is with us.
03:10Today, we have given an announcement under the banner of the National Section.
03:13All our organizations are with us.
03:16If our basic demands are fulfilled, we are ready for digitalization.
03:21We have no objection to this.
03:23But if our basic demands are fulfilled, we are ready for digitalization.
03:40What are the problems with online education?
03:43There is a network issue in all the remote schools.
03:47If there is no online attendance due to the network issue, the teachers will lose their lives.
03:54If all these things are taken care of, there will be no problem with online education.
04:00Which school do you go to?
04:02I go to Vrindavan School.
04:04My school is 20 km away from here.
04:06We all reach there on time.
04:09But if there is a network issue, then all the teachers will be in trouble.
04:17Is this a problem for all the teachers or just one or two?
04:23This is a problem for all the teachers because there is no network.
04:27Because of the network issue, it is very difficult to give attendance.
04:31Is it possible to reach on time?
04:34Sir, we all reach on time.
04:36Even if there is no online attendance, we reach on time.
04:38But we are restricted.
04:40If we don't give attendance, then the absence will be a problem for us.
04:44Because the basic demands that we have been asking for a long time are not being fulfilled.
04:49All the teachers are here with their problems.
04:53They are saying that there is a lot of problem with online attendance.
04:57This is Laila Tupadhyay from Mathura for Samachar24.
05:00That's all for this Bulletin.
05:02Keep watching Samachar24 for the latest news from all over the world.
