Commodity of the Day (08/07/2024)

  • 3 months ago
Harga emas melandai di awal pekan, setelah mengalami kenaikan signifikan di perdagangan Jumat pekan lalu. Harga batu bara melemah tipis diperdagangan Jumat waktu setempat, namun dalam sepekan harga batu bara menguat di 3,19%. Sementara harga minyak mentah melanjutkan pelemahan, di tengah keberlanjutan pembicaraan gencatan senjata di Gaza.


00:00We move on to the commodity information, the price of gold plummeted at the beginning of the week after experiencing a significant increase in Friday trading last week.
00:08The price of coal decreased slightly on Friday trading at the same time, but in a week the price of coal increased by 3.19%.
00:16Meanwhile, the price of crude oil continued to decline in the middle of the continuation of the arms race in Gaza.
00:24The owner of Mas Pesta Pura last week, after the price soared to the highest level for more than a month.
00:34After a weak US employment report was released, on Friday trading, the price of gold in the spot market fell by 1.50% to the level of USD 2,391.46 per troy ounce.
00:46The price of gold increased by 3,000 tons in Rabu until Friday last week, with an increase of 2.7%.
00:53Meanwhile, on Monday morning, the price of gold in the spot market fell by 0.22% to the level of USD 2,386.2 per troy ounce.
01:03The price of coal movement in the past week was positive, supported by the hope of a full recovery by the Fed in September.
01:11This policy will make the economy relaxed again and will increase demand for energy, including coal.
01:18This hope emerged after the data of EDP workers weakened last week.
01:22On Friday trading last week, the price of coal was recorded at the level of USD 137.45 per ton or a slight decrease of 0.33%.
01:31However, in a week, the price of coal recorded an increase of 3.19%.
01:36The price of crude oil recorded a negative movement.
01:39Negative? End of discussion on the agreement on arms prices in Gaza.
01:43This undermines geopolitics in the Middle East, so the price of crude oil is a little cold.
01:49On Friday, the price of crude oil fell by 0.86% to the level of USD 83.16 per barrel.
01:57The brand rose 1.02% to the level of USD 86.54 per barrel.
02:02Meanwhile, at the beginning of Monday trading, the price of crude oil fell by 0.32% to the level of USD 82.89 per barrel.
02:11The brand fell 0.12% to the level of USD 86.44 per barrel.
02:17Various sources for external ID.
02:33The graph on your TV screen shows that WTI crude oil fell by 0.60% to the level of USD 82.66 per barrel.
02:42Nickel rose by 0.60% to the level of USD 17,487 per ton.
02:48Gold fell by 0.48% to the level of USD 2,385.10 per troy ounce.
02:55While crude oil fell by 0.46% to the level of USD 4,077 per ton.