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Adobe Dimension is a 3D Mockup tool which is a part of Adobe Creative Cloud. In this course, you will learn how to work in a 3d environment, import 3d models, add in textures, render and export final outputs.

In this video lesson, we will learn about Using Substance Material in Adobe Dimension.

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00:00So, one of the types of materials that you can utilize inside of Adobe Dimension is substance
00:13So to apply that, first of all, you need to select out this particular object right here
00:19and then you need to go around over here onto materials.
00:22So over here you can see that there's two types of materials.
00:25One is standard materials, which is low power hungry, and another is a sophisticated material
00:32that is substance material, which has more options and usually takes more processing
00:38time as well.
00:39So if I were to go around over here and bring in this bronze right here, just like this,
00:44then this is the material right here, just like this.
00:49You can see that it got bumps and everything right here.
00:52So now I can change around the roughness of the bump right here, as you can see right
00:57And you can also change around the crack intensity right here.
01:01So with the substance material right here, you get specific options like crack intensity
01:07for this particular object.
01:09You can also go for shapes roundness, as you can see right here, and change around the
01:13density to high, to low, to medium as well, just like this, as you can see right here.
01:19So let's just go around with low right here, and this is the object that you have right
01:24here, just like this.
01:25So let me just go around over here onto this sphere right here, just like this, and then
01:29select out the substance material.
01:32And there's some technical parameters like luminosity, as you can see right here.
01:36There's contrast, as you can see right here, hue shift and saturation.
01:40And there's miscellaneous, as you can see right here, like you can change around the
01:43resolution, the quality of the texture as well, just like this.
01:49256 pixels or 4096 pixels right here, just like this.
01:54So you can go around over here and choose the quality of the texture that you have right
01:59here as well.
02:00Let me just go around over here onto the sphere, let's say for example, and delete out this
02:07particular material, then it'll be deleted.
02:12And over here, there's other materials that you can choose from right here as well, like
02:17this honeycomb, as you can see right here.
02:19Let me just go around and delete out as well.
02:22So let's just go around and choose 3D printing right here, just like this.
02:26And then this is what you have, as you can see.
02:28And now you can go around, change around the pattern size, as you can see right here.
02:32You can change around the layer opacity right here.
02:35You can change around the grain size.
02:37You can change around the metallicness of this particular object and so forth.
02:42And there's technical parameters, of course, around over here and the resolution as well
02:47for more details as you like right here.
02:49So you want more details than this, then there's 4096 right here for more detailed outlook
02:55right here, just like this.
02:57So this is how you can go around and work around with substance material for more control
03:03and detailed effect inside of Adobe Dimension.
03:07So hope you found this video useful.
03:09So be sure to comment on what you think about it.
03:12Be sure to hit the like button and don't forget to share this out with your friends
03:16and family.
03:17And for more contents like these, do follow Simple Tutorials.
