yes school on saturday part 80

  • 3 months ago


00:00Okay, so here is the Spangler fam was actually like reacting in Massive Beam when he was
00:21built a secret, I mean, I mean, I'm sorry.
00:26So here is Massive Beam was building, I'll try that again and I'll start over.
00:33So here is Massive Beam was building a Logan Paul's car, let's see how well it's going.
00:40Okay, one, two.
00:49In this video I will be customizing Logan Paul's very first car.
00:52You see, in 2020, Logan announced a massive giveaway where one lucky fan was going to
00:56win his most prized possession, my Dodge Challenger, my yellow Dodge Challenger.
01:00As a huge fan of Logan, I felt that no one else but Logan deserved the car.
01:03That's why I plan to win the car, customize it, and then give it back to Logan with the
01:06hopes of breaking the internet.
01:08However, nothing has gone to plan.
01:09It's wrecked?
01:10Are you serious?
01:11This has turned into my craziest story yet.
01:13Friday, September 4th, 2020.
01:16Logan's announcing who wins the car today.
01:19And after waiting 20 minutes, Logan just posted a story that the winner's in Colorado.
01:22Are you serious?
01:23I live in Colorado.
01:24He did not just send that.
01:26Unfortunately, I did not end up winning the giveaway, but luckily the winner also lives
01:29in Colorado.
01:30Did it win the car?
01:31It did.
01:32Now that the winner of the car has been announced, the goal is to track that person down and
01:35convince them to sell me the car.
01:37How are you going to go to find him?
01:39Luckily, finding the winner was really easy since Logan Paul tagged him on Instagram.
01:43So after messaging the winner about buying the car, he wants to talk on the phone.
01:47Hey, it's Matthew Beam.
01:48I'm calling about Logan Paul's car.
01:50After multiple phone calls and negotiating, we finally agreed to a deal.
01:55So we just agreed on a price.
01:56I am so happy right now.
01:58Only one problem.
01:59I don't have enough money to buy the car, so we need a loan.
02:01This is about to be the biggest purchase I've ever made, and I'm just going to give it away
02:04back to Logan Paul.
02:05It's so much money, and I still don't even know if I'm going to be able to contact him.
02:09Alright, we just arrived at the bank.
02:11Right there is where I'll be applying for my first ever massive bank loan.
02:14I'm in my giant loan for one YouTube video.
02:16Hopefully this works.
02:17I'm risking my entire future for this one single video.
02:23I just got approved for the loan.
02:24Let's go.
02:25And if you're new here, welcome to the Beam Team.
02:27I post new bangers every single Tuesday.
02:29And I'm giving $1,000 to one person that subscribed to this channel.
02:32So if you're not already subscribed, subscribe now to win $1,000 and join the Beam Team.
02:36I'm going to buy Logan Paul's car.
02:38I don't make that sound cool.
02:39I'm going to buy Logan Paul's car.
02:41Everything was going great until I got this horrible phone call.
02:44Logan's call.
02:48It's wrecked.
02:49Are you serious?
02:50I just got the loan.
02:58Basically, after we agreed to the deal, someone accidentally drove into the side of Logan Paul's car.
03:02Luckily, everyone involved in the accident is safe.
03:04Unfortunately, basically the car is totaled, and it's going to cost $8,000 to repair.
03:09We were able to renegotiate the price, and luckily, I fixed cars for a living so I can repair it myself.
03:14Next, we drove 200 miles to buy the car.
03:16Currently on a two-hour journey right now to go pick up Logan Paul's car.
03:20And after weeks of stress, the car is finally mine.
03:23Oh, this feels...
03:24This feels crazy.
03:27Once I got the car, I immediately floored it.
03:32I'm just filling up Logan Paul's car with gas.
03:34You know.
03:35Alright, let's go.
03:36Is this going to be the one?
03:37I'm really excited.
03:38You're naked.
03:40You're fat.
03:44Now it's time to start fixing the car.
03:46First, we have to remove the wrap.
03:48That was anticlimactic.
03:51It doesn't even look like Logan Paul's car anymore.
03:53Removing the wrap took over nine hours.
03:55And the damage is even worse than we thought.
03:57It's going to cost you.
03:58Break out your wallet.
03:59Basically, every square inch of the car needs to be fixed, starting with the roof.
04:03The roof on this thing is literally so dented from Logan Paul standing on it that we have to replace it.
04:09We had to replace almost every panel on the car.
04:13After fixing and installing the new parts, it's time to sand and paint the car.
04:16This is what I do, boys.
04:17Let's get it.
04:19Sanding is one of the most tedious parts.
04:21It takes forever, but luckily I've been doing this my entire life.
04:24Now that the car is sanded, I can start painting.
04:26I decided to paint the car a candy yellow because yellow is my favorite color and this is the hardest color to paint.
04:31I honestly can't believe I'm about to paint Logan Paul's car, but I have to be very quick.
04:35The reason I have to hurry is because Logan has talked about moving to Puerto Rico.
04:38And that would make it way harder to give him the car.
04:40I first began by putting down gray sealer.
04:42Once that was completed, I started with the base yellow.
04:44This color is really transparent, so I'm going to need to do a ton of coats.
04:47And after hours of work in the paint booth, the car is officially painted and it looks incredible.
04:52I've literally painted thousands of cars in my lifetime, and I personally think this one's the best by far.
04:56But I'm not just saying that because I painted it myself.
04:58Okay, maybe I am.
04:59I've put every dollar I have into this project and hundreds of hours of work.
05:02I can't wait to see Logan's reaction to it.
05:04There's another really big problem, though.
05:06I have no clue how I'm going to contact Logan Paul.
05:08He's one of the biggest stars in the world and gets tons of messages.
05:11This is going to be nearly impossible to do.
05:13Please subscribe for all this effort I'm doing.
05:15After some thinking, I decided I would just tweet a bunch of pictures hoping Logan would see it.
05:19So I just woke up and Logan Paul messaged me in the middle of the night.
05:22He said, are you serious?
05:23I guess he saw a picture of the car.
05:25This is insane.
05:26I'm going to message him.
05:27Hopefully he'll accept the car.
05:28Oh my God!
05:29He messaged me!
05:30Unfortunately, after three weeks, he still hasn't replied.
05:33So I decided I needed to make the car even cooler.
05:37I've got a crazy project for you.
05:39This is my friend Marco.
05:40He's a super talented YouTube artist who has done countless projects for Logan in the past.
05:47He agreed to help me customize the car to ensure Logan likes it even more.
05:50Now it's time to drive to California so Marco can customize the car.
05:53Watch this.
05:55That's my favorite part.
05:56And after a long two day drive, we made it to California.
06:00Are you alright?
06:08This is the...
06:09Next, Marco could start customizing.
06:11So I'm in the hotel right now waiting for Marco to get done customizing.
06:14And he just Snapchatted me this picture saying it's done and this is what it looks like.
06:18I spent over $50,000 on this video.
06:20I really hope this isn't how it looks.
06:22He may have just completely ruined it.
06:25Please tell me you're joking.
06:27There's no way that's what it is.
06:31Let's go see what he did to the car.
06:33This is incredible.
06:34Marco did a fantastic job.
06:36Logan Paul is going to love this car.
06:38He added a Charizard and Pikachu.
06:39Luckily not the Pikachu from earlier.
06:43Alright, Marco just did his thing.
06:45It looks insane.
06:46Now all we have to do is surprise Logan Paul with his car.
06:48Sounds insane.
06:49And I still have no idea how to contact him.
06:51This is bad.
06:52Now that Marco customized the car and made it even cooler,
06:54I posted pictures everywhere hoping Logan would see it and message me again.
06:58The problem is I have a bad feeling about this.
07:00That we're not going to get a response and I have to go back to work soon.
07:02I spent so much money on this project.
07:04There's only one thing left to do.
07:06I really don't want to have to do it.
07:07But I think I'm just going to have to go wait outside of Logan's house.
07:10And I am terrified.
07:12This is the worst plan I've ever had.
07:14I'm just going to sit outside of his house like stalkers.
07:16Hopefully he doesn't get mad.
07:17You're home, baby.
07:18The car's home.
07:19Not yet.
07:21So we've been waiting outside of Logan Paul's house for about 10 minutes.
07:24And he did leave his old garage door open.
07:26We've been waiting at least an hour outside of his house like stalkers.
07:30I did not like this at all.
07:31Please no one do this ever.
07:32But it's our last hope.
07:33I've spent so much money.
07:34We've had 10 months.
07:35After sitting outside of Logan Paul's house for about an hour,
07:37I realized this wasn't right and left.
07:39This project means the world to me and Logan Paul's my favorite YouTuber of all time.
07:43And I feel really bad that I just showed up uninvited like that.
07:46I just spent so much money and didn't want to take no for an answer.
07:48But I realized it wasn't the right thing to do.
07:50And now we wait.
07:51So the new plan is to reach out to every single person that knows Logan Paul,
07:54who ever follows him, his managers, his editors,
07:56and hopefully we get a response back.
07:58In the meantime, I'm just going to wait in the hotel room hoping we hear something
08:01and just rebooking the room every night until I have to go home.
08:03And after waiting six days in the hotel room, this hotel is sold out.
08:07So now we've got to go somewhere else and wait more.
08:09So Logan just posted on his Instagram story that he is on the way to Puerto Rico.
08:13That means we just waited here the last week for no reason at all.
08:16He never got an email back.
08:17And I have to fly home and be back to work tomorrow.
08:19I don't even know if we can make this video anymore.
08:21We've spent tens of thousands of dollars.
08:25I've learned that I hate failure more than I like success.
08:28We're going to have to go to Puerto Rico.
08:29Oh, I know.
08:30Once I got home, I started doing research on Puerto Rico.
08:34Hi, I was wondering how much it would cost to import a car to Puerto Rico.
08:37About $30,000.
08:38Did you say $30,000?
08:40There's no way I can do that.
08:42I've already spent $50,000 on this video and I'm only averaging 200 views per video.
08:46And I can't even get Logan in the car.
08:48I risked everything hoping that this would blow up my channel.
08:51I just have to wait and hope Logan accepts it one day.
08:54It's almost been a year and a half since I bought Logan Paul's car.
08:56And over the last six months, I've continued to try to get Logan in the car.
08:59But I've realized it's basically impossible to do.
09:02And I've also realized how much this car means to me.
09:04Over the last six months, I've grown my YouTube channel more than my wildest dreams and since quit my job.
09:09After painting cars for seven years and pursuing YouTube, hoping this one video would change everything.
09:14I've since grown my channel from nearly zero to over 800,000 subscribers in six months.
09:18And I've customized countless cars for other people but never one for me.
09:22So I decided I'll keep this one for myself.
09:26That's it for this video.
09:27Thank you so much for watching.
09:28Make sure you subscribe.
09:29Make sure you click this video right here.
09:30I'll see you guys next week.
09:32I love my car.
09:35Thank you to Strangler FM.
09:36Thanks for watching.
09:37I'll see you later. Bye.