Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep15 - When Saladin's Grandson Imprisoned His Brother For The Sake of Power

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Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep15 - When Saladin's Grandson Imprisoned His Brother For The Sake of Power
00:00He left Cairo with his family in a state of despair and reached the city of Karkh on the 7th of Shaban, 637 Hijri.
00:08He intended to go to Damascus but when he learned that Najm-ud-Din Ayyub was imprisoned in the prison of Qala Karkh, he changed his mind.
00:18He wanted to meet Najm-ud-Din Ayyub.
00:20In his mind and heart, Jamal-ud-Din Al-Marahi's desire to take a terrible revenge was growing stronger.
00:26He was staying in a small inn in Karkh at that time.
00:29One evening, he took the route of Umda-Poshak, Zib-e-Tanki and Qasr-e-Shahi.
00:33From his style and attire, the guards realized that this man belonged to the class of Umrah.
00:39After inquiring, he was taken to the royal guest house.
00:42He had to wait for a long time.
00:44Then, the ruler of Karkh, Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir Daud came.
00:48Upon his arrival, he stood in a polite manner.
00:51Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir Daud took a deep look at his face and then started to look at him politely.
01:21Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir Daud said to Jamal-ud-Din Ayyub-ud-Din Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir-Daud,
01:36Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir Daud said to Jamal-ud-Din Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir-Daud,
01:46I have come to know that you have imprisoned the Sultan of the Middle East, Najm-ud-Din Ayyub, in a fort.
01:52I want to meet him.
01:55Ghazi-ud-Din Abdullah Shafai said what was in his heart.
01:59It was a different matter that his voice was echoing with fear.
02:03What did you say to Najm-ud-Din?
02:05Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir Daud took a look at his unexpected request.
02:08Ghazi-ud-Din Abdullah Shafai's head was involuntarily shaken.
02:12As soon as he regained consciousness, he began to see the face of the Sultan.
02:17On the other hand, Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir was not ready to hear such a thing,
02:22so his face was still in a state of shock.
02:25Emir of Egypt, you have troubled me for a moment.
02:28I would like to know what you want from him.
02:31I want to talk to him about some important things,
02:34especially about his younger brother Saif-ud-Din Abu Bakr.
02:37Is there any government message?
02:39No, no, this is not a government matter,
02:41but my personal meeting with him can be said.
02:43If I do not allow you to do this, then?
02:46Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir said, staring.
02:48I am sure you will not treat me so rudely.
02:52Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir laughed unconsciously at his way of speaking.
02:56Okay, you come here tomorrow morning and get permission from here.
03:00But remember, you have only been allowed to meet once.
03:03I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.
03:05I do not have the right words to thank you.
03:08The meeting should be completed by tomorrow evening.
03:11What if there is another prisoner in the prison?
03:14Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir's face was full of suspicion.
03:17Ghazi Abdullah looked at him and was disgusted.
03:20He thanked him again and took permission from him and left.
03:24He did not expect Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir to agree to meet Najm-ud-Din Ayyub so easily.
03:32His heart was very busy with his first success.
03:35He had attached countless hopes to Najm-ud-Din Ayyub without meeting him.
03:39He anxiously waited for the next morning.
03:42On the other hand, Muti-ud-Din got up secretly in the darkness of the third night
03:46and left the tent and walked towards As-Tabal.
03:49When he reached As-Tabal, he was shocked
03:51because he was not mentally prepared for what he saw there.
03:56Sardar Maji Khan was already there with two people.
04:00Muti-ud-Din's face began to show signs of worry
04:04because he was going to run away from there.
04:07He tried to listen to his conversation,
04:10but whatever he heard, his worries went away
04:13and a smile began to spread on his face.
04:15He had decided about his next step in a moment.
04:19Sardar Maji Khan had come there to send him on a special mission.
04:23He now had to leave there following his new plan.
04:28If he succeeded in following them,
04:32he could not only leave the boundaries of this settlement,
04:34but also reach some other place and find out the whereabouts of the well.
04:39In his mind, Sardar Maji Khan's words were still echoing
04:43that he would have to leave there and wander in the mountainous areas for a long time.
04:47According to him, there was no other human settlement
04:50other than this settlement far, far away.
04:54For Muti-ud-Din, it was a difficult test
04:56that he would not only escape from there without coming into the eyes of the Azqai tribe,
05:00but it was also necessary to avoid the eyes of both the companions who were traveling ahead of him.
05:05He sat there for a long time.
05:08Sardar Maji Khan was busy talking to him.
05:10After a long time, Sardar Maji Khan sent him in front of him.
05:14After going a little far, he got lost in the darkness,
05:16so Sardar Maji Khan walked back to his house in peace.
05:21After a while, Muti-ud-Din moved and walked slowly towards Astabal.
05:27Suddenly, he remembered something.
05:28He carefully examined the four sides of Astabal.
05:32He wanted to examine every possible danger in advance.
05:36If he had any qualms, it was the absence of a weapon.
05:40If he had a sword, he might have been more courageous.
05:43With empty hands, he was also reluctant to defend himself.
05:46For a long time, he was busy examining the surroundings of Astabal
05:50When he was satisfied in every way, he chose a black horse.
05:54Holding the reins of the horse, he slowly began to move to one side.
05:58He was completely alert.
06:00He was holding the reins with one hand and his neck was constantly moving with the other hand.
06:05He was also afraid that the horse would recognize him as a stranger and bark at him.
06:10Destiny was with him.
06:12He came out of the settlement safely.
06:14In the dark night, he could not hear anything.
06:17However, from a distance, the sound of the horses' hooves was reaching his ears.
06:21He was definitely the same horse rider who had left there a while ago.
06:25Muti-ud-Din took the name of Allah and rode on the bare back of the horse.
06:29It was the first and most interesting experience for him to travel on a horse without a reins.
06:33After riding on the horse, Muti-ud-Din looked around again.
06:38There was a deep silence everywhere.
06:40He slowly turned around and went to the same direction where the two riders had gone.
06:45He was moving forward with the help of the sound of the horses' hooves.
06:48The dark night had made his work difficult,
06:51yet he was moving forward with the help of God's help.
06:54He himself was unaware and ignorant of such an unknown destination.
06:59Bahauddin Zuhair was saying on the other side,
07:02We all know that Najm-ud-Din Ayub is a very faithful and principled person.
07:06He does not like any kind of dishonesty.
07:09This is why he has come to this state today.
07:11In the affairs of the world, you have to deal with politics with understanding and understanding.
07:15I am not saying that Najm-ud-Din Ayub has such a lacking ability,
07:19but what I mean to say is that sometimes it is necessary to take the wrong path for your protection,
07:24but it becomes a compulsion.
07:25Najm-ud-Din Ayub is never ready for this deal for the sake of his special training and honesty.
07:31Bahauddin Zuhair started his speech after a few moments of pause.
07:35Baibars sat in between them, but he did not yet know what the central purpose of this assembly was.
07:42He did not disagree with Bahauddin Zuhair, but he also did not like the advice to take the wrong path.
07:48You say openly, Bahauddin, what do you think is the path on which we will be able to get our master out of this trouble?
07:54Abu Khawalad asked, I am talking about this path.
07:57The name of this path is repentance.
07:59The answer to the question of good and bad is only bad.
08:02If you want Najm-ud-Din Ayub to succeed in regaining his power and his opponents kneel in front of him,
08:09then he will have to take this path.
08:11This is the need of the time.
08:13Whatever is in his heart, he should act against it.
08:15Whoever has to be humiliated, along with enmity, he should also make friendly ceremonies and attack when he is completely in hell.
08:24By calling out to the enemy and attacking, he becomes alert.
08:27Then only he is successful who follows the right path.
08:30However, if the enemy is made to believe that there is no danger from our side, then he will become heedless.
08:36It will be easy to take him in your arms.
08:38Can you explain this further?
08:41A stranger in the gathering suddenly said,
08:43Of course, his fresh example is Hakim-ul-Qarq.
08:46He refused to fight in Nablus as much as possible and made him believe that he did not want to fight.
08:51If he did not want to fight, then why did he go down to the battlefield with the soldiers?
08:55He wanted to fight in a rational way instead of fighting in a traditional way.
09:00In a traditional war, whoever is powerful wins.
09:03In a rational war, there is no need for power.
09:05And you saw that he took Najm-ud-Din Ayub out of the palace and sent him to the dungeon.
09:11This is a political war.
09:13He found his real purpose by following the path of the seed and adopting a repetitive attitude.
09:18Najm-ud-Din Ayub also needs to follow this path.
09:21Respected Ameer, if my master also does the same, then what difference will there be between him and his enemies?
09:28Bebris spoke to Nagawari.
09:29His face looked particularly sad.
09:32There is no such thing as a difference in power.
09:34The real importance is the intention.
09:36If the Sultan's intention is clear and he fails to deal with a crooked matter in a reasonable way,
09:41then it becomes necessary to solve this crooked matter in the same way as he requires.
09:47An example of this can be given by Imam Abi Hanifa.
09:50When a Christian missionary troubled the intellectuals and connoisseurs of the Islamic world with his complex questions,
09:56he went ahead and shut the mouths of the enemies of Islam forever in his own way.
10:03Bebris became silent after listening to him, but his heart did not seem satisfied with the words of Bahauddin Zuhair.
10:09Abu Khuwailid felt this strongly.
10:12Respected Abu Khuwailid addressed Bebris in a soft tone.
10:15I have been seeing for a long time that you are not able to control yourself by flowing in the stream of emotions and are expressing your disdain for our sincerity.
10:24This is not the right way of thinking.
10:25You should always remember that we are all people who love our master,
10:30and today if these companions are spending more life, then this is also because of them.
10:34The purpose of sitting together and consulting here is only to find a way for the master to return to Egypt
10:41and gain help there and regain control over the rule of the Middle East.
10:45We also know that there are many of our enemies in Egypt.
10:48It is very difficult to deal with them and get the support of the emissaries of Egypt.
10:53We have to find a way to ensure that the master is not disheartened and the work is completed.
10:59If we express our desire in open words in front of them, then believe me that they will never allow such a thing.
11:05Our primary goal is to help them in an unnoticed way.
11:09I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart.
11:11There was shame and regret in the tone of Bebris.
11:14I saw all of your words in the wrong mirror.
11:16I forgot for a few moments that you are my master's benefactors.
11:20In any case, you will find Bebris first in all such matters.
11:24Thank you, we did not take much time to explain to you.
11:26The second stranger said laughingly, leave the joke and talk about work.
11:30Yes, I was saying that we have to get out of here somehow.
11:33I will talk to Al-Mulk Al-Nasir about this so that he at least allows me to go back to Nablus.
11:38I am sure that he will not be able to refuse me.
11:41From there I will keep in touch with such people who are supporters of Najm-ud-din Ayyub.
11:45Most of them can fulfill our goal.
11:48This will take a lot of time.
11:50Obviously, it will take some time.
11:52We will have to find another way.
11:53Bebris, what is your opinion on this?
11:55Abu Khawailat looked at him and asked.
11:57I have never thought about this before.
11:59What can I say immediately?
12:01If you think it is appropriate, then keep this meeting on some other day.
12:04In the meantime, I will find a way.
12:06For a while, they continued to talk and then the meeting was dismissed.
12:11The next day, on the very first day, Ghazi Abdullah Shafai went to Qasr-e-Shahi dressed in high clothes
12:17and got permission from there to go to the prison of Qala-e-Kirk under the guidance of a guard.
12:24After completing the necessary stages, he was sent directly to Najm-ud-din Ayyub.
12:28Najm-ud-din Ayyub was informed of this meeting a little while ago.
12:32The information of the arrival of the Egyptian prince surprised all the residents of the prison.
12:37This was the reason why all the loyal and sincere companions were present around Najm-ud-din Ayyub.
12:42When Najm-ud-din Ayyub looked at him, he smiled gently.
12:46He was recognized at first sight.
12:48Ghazi Abdullah, how are you?
12:50How did you remember us today?
12:52I reached Al-Kirk yesterday.
12:54When I found out that you were in this condition, I came to ask for your well-being.
12:58I am very sorry to see your condition.
13:01Forget it.
13:02Najm-ud-din took a deep breath and said,
13:04This is all a game of fate.
13:06Whoever he wants to give respect, whoever he wants to humiliate.
13:09Don't call it a game of nature.
13:11Ghazi Abdullah said quickly,
13:13The punishment of your loved ones will be more acceptable.
13:15You can say whatever you want.
13:17You don't know who is responsible for putting you in this condition,
13:19but I know him very well.
13:21The rebellion of Damascus, the sudden attack of Amad-ud-din Ismail, and the capture of Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir.
13:27Don't you think all these things are one and the same?
13:29What do you mean?
13:31What do you want to say?
13:33One person is responsible for all these things,
13:35who instigated your brother to get help from his uncle and put you in this condition.
13:39Whatever you want to say, say it openly.
13:41The perpetrator of this despicable conspiracy is the Egyptian Prince Jamal-ud-din Al-Marahi.
13:45When you intervened in his work,
13:47he decided to take revenge at that time.
13:49He started filling the ears of your brother against you.
13:51At the same time,
13:53he also wrote letters to the ruler of Damascus
13:55and prepared him for the rebellion.
13:57As soon as you heard about his rebellion,
13:59you left Egypt,
14:01you were very satisfied.
14:03But when you took control of the system of the Middle East
14:05with your understanding,
14:07he convinced Sultan Saif-ud-Din Abu Bakr
14:09that according to his information,
14:11you will soon be heading for the land of Egypt.
14:13Your brother thought that
14:15you wanted to take the throne from him,
14:17so on the advice of Amir Sadr-ud-Din,
14:19he urged Amad-ud-Din Ismail to
14:21take control of the land of Egypt
14:23and deprive you of the government.
14:25On the other hand,
14:27he cried for his right in front of Al-Mulk-ul-Nasir
14:29and requested that he stop you
14:31from moving towards the land of Egypt.
14:33Jamal-ud-din Al-Marahi
14:35Jamal-ud-din Al-Marahi
15:05This is the truth that I have kept open
15:07in front of you.
15:09I do not accept this false story of yours.
15:11Najm-ud-din Ayyub said,
15:13This is your wish,
15:15but the time will come when
15:17this bitter truth will be revealed to you one day.
15:19Ghazi-Abdullah Shafai said carelessly,
15:21I am feeling a sense of danger
15:23from what you are saying.
15:25What do you mean?
15:27Najm-ud-din Ayyub was puzzled.
15:29Your suspicion is absolutely correct.
15:31I also want to make it clear that
15:33Najm-ud-din Ayyub is dreaming of
15:35becoming the ruler of Egypt.
15:37This is impossible.
15:39He did not even have the courage
15:41to take such a big step.
15:43Saif-ud-din's advisers and loyalists
15:45are still alive.
15:47They will not let his evil intentions
15:49be fulfilled.
15:51Many of them have been expelled
15:53from the land of Egypt
15:55and some loyalty has been bought.
15:57Ghazi-Abdullah Shafai's
15:59firm tone was a card of calamity.
16:01And your face is also
16:03a sign of innocence.
16:05How can I trust you
16:07in this way?
16:09I have not come here to prove my truth.
16:11Rather, I have come to warn you
16:13of the danger that will soon
16:15engulf the land of Egypt.
16:17And then the evil eyes of this
16:19evil man will turn to the land of East.
16:21He is a cunning and cunning man.
16:23Your guess about him is incomplete.
16:25If he is not stopped in time,
16:27he will deprive the Ayyubi family
16:29of the land of Egypt.
16:31Ghazi-Abdullah Shafai's tone
16:33was extremely cold.
16:35Najm-ud-din Ayyub,
16:37after listening to him,
16:39was overwhelmed with deep thought.
16:41After a moment of silence,
16:43he raised his head and asked,
16:45It is possible that what you
16:47are saying is true,
16:49but I am imprisoned here
16:51in the prison.
16:53What can I do now?
16:55I only need your consent.
16:57I do not consent to any wrongdoing.
16:59If it was intended to do wrong,
17:01I would not have come to the
17:03imprisoned Sultan,
17:05but would have sought the help
17:07of another powerful Ayyubi Sultan.
17:09He spoke in a cold tone.
17:11You keep speaking,
17:13I am listening.
17:15You will have to remove your
17:17brother Saif-ud-din Abu Bakr
17:19from the government of the land of Egypt
17:21and take over the throne of power.
17:23His tone was decisive.
17:25I had decided to protect him
17:27along with Nigrani.
17:29Despite knowing all this,
17:31Ghazi Abdullah Shafiei's tone
17:33was astonished.
17:35Your accusation has not yet
17:37been proven that he is responsible.
17:39Remember that if I ever reach Egypt,
17:41I will first investigate this matter.
17:43After that, this matter will be presented
17:45to the judge. Remember,
17:47if you are not able to prove your
17:49accusation there, I will give you
17:51such a painful punishment that
17:53you will be punished.
17:55The tone of Najm-ud-din Ayyub
17:57was like that of a lion.
17:59Ghazi Abdullah Shafiei also felt
18:01a strong wave of fear
18:03in his backbone.
18:05I would like permission now.
18:07He spoke in a cold tone.
18:09His tone was clear that
18:11he had to be disappointed.
18:13The last thing Najm-ud-din Ayyub
18:15said to him was unbearable.
18:17Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:19his head carelessly.
18:21Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:23his head carelessly.
18:25Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:27his head carelessly.
18:29Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:31his head carelessly.
18:33Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:35his head carelessly.
18:37Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:39his head carelessly.
18:41Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:43his head carelessly.
18:45Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:47his head carelessly.
18:49Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:51his head carelessly.
18:53Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:55his head carelessly.
18:57Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
18:59his head carelessly.
19:01Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:03his head carelessly.
19:05Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:07his head carelessly.
19:09Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:11his head carelessly.
19:13Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:15his head carelessly.
19:17Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:19his head carelessly.
19:21Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:23his head carelessly.
19:25Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:27his head carelessly.
19:29Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:31his head carelessly.
19:33Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:35his head carelessly.
19:37Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:39his head carelessly.
19:41Najm-ud-din Ayyub also shook
19:43his head carelessly.
19:45Barqai Khan pointed at him
19:47with the gesture of his hand.
19:49He did not believe in such rituals
19:51and rituals.
19:53He got down from his horse.
19:55The reins of both the horses
19:57were in his hand.
19:59Sardar Maji Khan pointed at
20:01a man. He took the reins
20:03from Barqai Khan's hand and
20:05took the horse aside.
