friday night live with huhnkie lee 163.6

  • 2 months ago


00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live Don Quixote episode 163.6. Yeah. Happy
00:00:15Sunday morning. Yeah, I took a bath. Just extremely long process. So I feel clean and
00:00:23uh, yeah. Okay, so. Yeah, that's routine. Yeah, let's do the physical set up before
00:00:37my right shoulder, which is recovering very well. Yeah. Okay. Very cool. Let's drink some
00:00:58water. Okay. Martial arts? Yeah, let's do elbow, okay? Elbow punch. Okay, good. Five
00:01:27minutes break, please. Thank you. Okay. Thank you.
00:05:55Welcome. So. Yeah, we'll take a break from mathematics because.
00:06:19We did a lot, right? Yeah. Also, I'm taking a break from drinking alcohol. Uh, last night's
00:06:39Instagram live. Interesting. Yeah, the drinking education. Okay. Uh, actually, there are three
00:06:45rules instead of two rules. Okay. Rule number one, drink slowly when you drink alcohol. Okay.
00:06:51Rule number two, behave well when you are drunk. Now, rule number three, know when to stop
00:07:00drinking. Meaning don't drink too much. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. This is coconut juice.
00:07:06Oh, I like it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. How about n-word pass? Yeah, there are also three rules. Okay.
00:07:24Between black people, they don't need n-word pass. That's rule number one. Rule number two,
00:07:31a non-black person can say n-word only after a black person give you n-word pass.
00:07:40Rule number three, n-word pass expires in five minutes. You need to get another n-word pass
00:07:46after five minutes. Okay. But maybe rule number four, maybe, you can use n-word after you are
00:07:55granted n-word pass to the person who gave you n-word pass, not to other people.
00:08:02So, it's kind of individualistic. Okay. Let's say I have this long-time black friend and he
00:08:11gave me permanent n-word pass that never expires. Okay. Because this black friend of mine,
00:08:18hey man, stop asking me for n-word pass. Okay.
00:08:24It's annoying. Like every five minutes, you're going to ask me n-word pass, n-word pass, n-word
00:08:29pass. Stop. I'll give you permanent n-word pass. Okay. But that n-word pass is valid to that black
00:08:39friend of mine. If I meet a random stranger, black person, I cannot use n-word to that person
00:08:51because that person does not know me. Okay. Yes. It's interesting rules, huh? Yeah.
00:08:58Yeah. Yeah. My black friends of mine, they actually want to see me using n-word because
00:09:12they think it's funny. I think it's funny. I agree. Yeah. We are like brothers, friends. So,
00:09:18yeah. No problem there. Okay. Okay. Now,
00:09:27can you take a breath from mathematics?
00:09:31Let's go to Instagram live. Sure.
00:09:37I don't know anything that's going on. I'll take a breath from mathematics.
00:09:41Okay. It's been like 10 minutes. So, yeah. Cheers. I love coconut juice.
00:10:00It's good. Yeah.
00:10:04So, I looked at all the Dailymotion video numbering. Yeah, it is. In Dailymotion,
00:10:11it's like reverse chronological ordering. Okay. Ladies first. So, yeah, numbering is off for
00:10:19whatever reason. I guess some programming error, I guess. But it is reverse chronological ordering.
00:10:26Yeah. I think it's fine. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it was hacking. I don't think it was
00:10:46hacking. Okay. I kind of suspected that, but I don't think so. I think it's a programming error.
00:10:53That happens. Yeah.
00:10:59Yeah. So, it's like a
00:11:04nearing noon. Yeah. Good morning. Yeah. Let's take five minutes break and then I put some more layer
00:11:13on and then we'll go do some live together. Sure.
00:11:20So, we'll take five minutes break. Okay. We'll talk some more and then do the live. Sure.
00:11:29We'll talk a little bit more. Okay. My weekend routine. Sure. Five minutes. Okay.
00:15:12Okay. So, my weekend routine is this. I go to Walmart and shop and take a bath.
00:15:33But every month, like beginning of a month, yeah, I do publish a book in the name of
00:15:41Humanology Press. But that's like in the beginning of month, every month. Okay. So,
00:15:46I need to do that later today. Okay. Maybe after taking a nap.
00:15:54Yeah. And also, every three months, yeah, Federal Election Commission quarterly report
00:16:00as a presidential candidate. Okay. I did that yesterday. Yeah.
00:16:11Yeah. Okay.
00:16:23I'm sober. So, yeah. Well, let me get some Tums and I'll start drinking a little. Sure.
00:16:41Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
00:16:52And pour some drinks.
00:17:11Okay. My skincare routine. Yeah. I take a bath for one hour and
00:17:22scrape out all the old skin exfoliation with my fingernails. Gently. Every single
00:17:32square inch of my body. That's why it takes one hour. I do that once a week. Okay. I do
00:17:38that during the weekend. Okay. So, yeah. Rejuvenation, right? Yeah. Okay. Let's go to Instagram Live.
00:17:57Yeah. Hello, friends. Yeah. Welcome to Friday Night Hungry Instagram Live Edition. Yeah.
00:18:20Good morning. Well, good afternoon, actually, from Alaska, America. Yeah. I took a bath. So,
00:18:29yeah, that's why I look young, fresh, clean. I take a bath like once a week during the weekend.
00:18:43Yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
00:18:51I scrape out the old skin with my fingernails.
00:18:55Every single square inch of my body. It takes one hour. Yeah. It's a long process. But it's like
00:19:06rejuvenation. Yeah. That's my secret skincare routine. Cheers.
00:19:29Because my parents asked me that. Okay. Yeah.
00:19:33Oh, yeah. I do Instagram Live every night. During the weekends? Yeah, we do twice. Once in the
00:19:40morning. Once in the evening. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And so, my parents asked me, yeah, okay, Sung,
00:19:50what's your secret for your skincare? How do you do it? Oh, it's easy. Basically,
00:20:00oh, it's easy. Basically, it's a Korean traditional methodology called temiri.
00:20:08Okay. Yeah. I use my fingernails when I take a bath, warm bath, and scrape out all the,
00:20:19gently, gently, okay, with my fingernails. Every square inch of my body.
00:20:25Yeah. Yeah. My parents' reaction? That doesn't sound very right. Yeah, that was my parents'
00:20:38reaction. I'm paraphrasing. Also, translating to English. Okay. So,
00:20:45that doesn't sound very right. Yeah. But, hey, it works. Okay.
00:20:55Yeah. How about my hair? I comb my hair with my fingers. Yep.
00:21:16Merchandise? Sure. Thank you. In Amazon Kindle, you can just, in the Amazon, you can type my name.
00:21:25Hunky Lee. I publish books there. Yeah. The same short stories that I publish here in the
00:21:32Instagram, okay? Yeah, in social media. I just copy and paste. Yeah. It's like every month.
00:21:39Okay. When it comes to merchandise, you can Google Hunky T-shirt. Okay.
00:21:51Yeah. Our friends, kindly and generously,
00:21:56designed those wonderful T-shirts for us. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I support business. It's all cool.
00:22:07Okay. It's all cool. Yeah. Cheers. Yep.
00:22:13Yeah. So, Hunky Lee brand is copyright waived. Okay. You can use my image, my name,
00:22:28and sell it. Make merchandise and sell it. But you keep the money.
00:22:35And you pay tuition, you pay, you invest, make more investments for your business.
00:22:42Okay. Because Hunky Lee brand is copyright waived. You don't owe me any money when you
00:22:48make merchandise. With my image, my name. It's yours. Okay. Yeah. Keep the money to yourself.
00:22:58I'm a lawyer. I make enough money. You don't owe me any money. Okay. Yeah.
00:23:04So, cheers. Yeah. Yeah. Good stuff. Yeah.
00:23:23Oh, yeah. Yeah. You're welcome. Yeah.
00:23:25Yeah. Coconut juice. Nice. Let's have five minutes break. Okay. Thank you. And welcome.
00:23:35Yeah. And good afternoon. Very cool.
00:23:45Awesome. Five minutes. Thank you.
00:23:48Thank you. Good stuff. Yep.
00:24:18Thank you.
00:24:48Thank you.
00:25:18Thank you.
00:25:48Thank you. Welcome, friends. Yeah.
00:26:07I also made a movie, too. Yeah. It's on YouTube. It's called Therapy for Metrophobia. It's on
00:26:12YouTube for free. Yeah. And Dailymotion. Yeah. The Humanology series.
00:26:23In YouTube, too. Okay. Like thousands of them. Okay. Yeah. Because I do that every day.
00:26:29Every night. Weekends, morning and night. Yeah. So. And also, I published some academic papers
00:26:39in SSRN, Social Science Research Network. And also, VIXRA, V-I-X-R-A. Okay. Yeah.
00:26:48So, I'm 46. So, I've done a lot. Yeah. And now, I'm running for U.S. President. Cheers.
00:27:03Cheers. It does sound like a joke, right? Yes, it does. I don't know what it sounds like. But
00:27:14look, Joe Biden, in his head, is running for president again.
00:27:22Donald J. Trump, convicted criminal, running for president. That's worse a
00:27:27joke than honkily running for president. Welcome, friends. Yeah. Happy Saturday afternoon.
00:27:37Welcome. Yeah. Mighty proud of you. Yeah. Great people. Yeah. Cheers.
00:27:44This Alaska high-roots cranberry is an edible berry. Okay. Yeah. But when it comes to wild
00:27:57foraging, you need to study what plants are edible and what plants are not edible. Okay.
00:28:06I didn't study. Okay. Because there are some lookalikes. Okay. Some berries in Alaska
00:28:13are poisonous. Okay. It can damage kidney. Okay. Some berries are toxic.
00:28:22So, when you study plants, it's in the internet, right? Or books. And you need to study both
00:28:31what plants are edible and what plants are not edible. Because sometimes they look very similar.
00:28:37Okay. Yeah. Okay. This one I know is Alaska high-roots cranberry. Okay. So, yeah. Cheers.
00:28:47Yeah. Yeah. Mushrooms, same thing. Okay. Some mushrooms are edible and some mushrooms are
00:29:01not edible. Okay. You need to study those. Both kinds. What mushrooms are edible,
00:29:10what mushrooms are not edible. Okay. Because sometimes they look very similar. Okay. Yeah.
00:29:17Yeah. When it comes to fish,
00:29:35some fish is edible, some fish is not edible. Okay. When it comes to birds,
00:29:48are there some inedible birds? Actually, there are like birds of prey, like eagle.
00:29:58They are high up in the food chain, so they accumulate some toxins. Okay. How about animals?
00:30:11In general, herbivores, like vegetarian animals, in general, they tend to be edible. But carnivores,
00:30:21again, high in the food chain, they tend to accumulate some toxins. Fish, same way. Sharks.
00:30:32I mean, shark's fin is edible, but other parts of shark, there are a lot of toxins in there,
00:30:39because they are high up in the food chain. Okay. But tuna, tuna is edible, but
00:30:49they do have some toxins, like mercury, because they are also high in the food chain. Okay.
00:30:54Okay. Okay. Yeah. Same fish is lower in the food chain, like sardine. Okay. Yeah.
00:31:08Okay. Yeah. So, tuna is edible, but don't eat it too much, because they have mercury. Okay.
00:31:20Okay. Yeah. Heavy metal. Okay. But sardine is lower in the food chain, so it's a lot safer to eat.
00:31:37Cheaper, too. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
00:31:48I can eat sardine, and I love it. Yeah. Cheers.
00:31:56Food safety, okay? Important. Eggs, it's good. Yeah. Eggs, like boiled eggs. Yeah.
00:32:02Yeah. Okay. But don't eat too, too much of eggs. Okay. Eggs have sulfur. Okay. Which is good.
00:32:14It's edible, but too much of anything is bad. Okay. Yeah.
00:32:25Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Five minutes break. Thank you. Welcome. Yeah.
00:32:33Mm-hmm. Fantastic.
00:32:40Cod chili.
00:35:03Okay. Welcome. Welcome. We are talking about food.
00:35:12Food safety. How about insects? Well, yeah. Some insects are edible. Okay. Some insects are
00:35:19edible. Like, some species of grasshoppers are edible. Okay. So, I never tried one. I love to try.
00:35:27But, yeah. Some grasshoppers are edible. Some of them. Okay. Yeah.
00:35:33How about amphibians? Frogs? Okay. Some of them are edible. Others, poisonous. Okay. So,
00:35:43yeah. I never tried one, but I love to try edible frogs. Yeah.
00:35:53How about reptiles?
00:35:54I have eaten the alligator tail down in Texas. Yeah. Gator tail. Yeah. It was good. It tastes like
00:36:11catfish. Because they live in the mud, right? It's kind of muddy taste. Okay. But it was good. It was
00:36:19good. Yeah. Gator tail. Yeah. It was nice. Yeah. Tastes like catfish. Okay. Muddy taste. Okay.
00:36:28Wait a minute. It was good. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Welcome. Yeah. Yeah.
00:36:44Yeah. What else is edible?
00:36:55Like, silkworm pupa. Right? I had that in Korea. They're pretty good, actually. They're crunchy.
00:37:06Yeah. Silkworm pupa. Okay. Koreans do it, and I have eaten that. Yeah. It's crunchy, and it's
00:37:17actually good. Yeah. I like it. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Welcome.
00:37:26Mm-hmm. Yeah. And
00:37:37how about spiders, arachnids? I know some people eat it.
00:37:43Possibly in Philippines. They fry it, okay? And I would love to try, but I've never been to
00:37:51Philippines. But how about scorpions? I know some people eat it. They just deep fry in the oil.
00:38:04Am I a furry? I like furry animals. Yeah, they're very cute. But
00:38:14when I take a bath, like earlier today, I shave. That happens like once a week during the weekend,
00:38:22okay? So why do I shave? It's hygiene, right? Yeah.
00:38:53Yeah. Also, I want to look young.
00:39:01I whiten my teeth as well when I take a bath. Whitening stripe.
00:39:08South Korea does not have that. There are some things that South Korea does not have.
00:39:12Like, for example, handled dental floss. South Korea does not have it. They do not have whitening
00:39:21stripe. Also, they don't have milky way chocolate candy. So I visit South Korea, my parents,
00:39:36my family members once a year. And yeah, I'm from South Korea. Yeah. And my family members,
00:39:48they always ask me, yeah, hey, buy some milky way candies for us. And I do.
00:39:55So how many bags of milky ways did I bring with me? Korean visit?
00:40:06I think about 20 to 30 bags of milky way candy. Yeah, they do like
00:40:13milky ways candy. Okay. And also they don't have almonds or anything. Okay. So yeah, I brought
00:40:25that too. Okay. What does South Korea does not have that America has?
00:40:43Maybe they don't have Takis. The chips, Takis.
00:40:55Yeah. Korean horror movies. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. There are some good ones.
00:41:04Yeah. Good taste. Yeah.
00:41:07Mm hmm. Yeah.
00:41:15Maybe South Korea doesn't have Cheez-It. The chips, the, yeah, Cheez-It. I don't think they
00:41:23have it. Also, spicy Cheetos chips, cold chips, right? I don't think South Korea have it. Okay.
00:41:33Because my family members, they asked me to buy those. Okay. Yeah. And I did.
00:41:43So I have like two checked-in
00:41:47luggages. One of them, yeah, full of gifts for my family members, relatives, gifts, right?
00:41:58Yeah. The other checked-in bag, my clothings, like suit and tie and pants.
00:42:10Chikawa? Okay. Okay. Okay.
00:42:15Yeah. Hey, thank you for your interest in Korea. Korea. Yeah. Okay.
00:42:20I'm very grateful for your interest in Korea. Yeah. Thank you.
00:42:35It's a good country. South Korea. Yeah. I grew up there for 19 years.
00:42:50I kind of look like 19, right? But I'm 46.
00:43:02I was 19.
00:43:09Okay. 46 minus 19.
00:43:2027 years ago, I was 19. Yeah.
00:43:25Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. I do look young and...
00:43:34Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.
00:43:36I was born in 1978. Yeah. Yeah.
00:43:38It's been a long time since I've been to South Korea, but it's been a long time since I've been to South Korea.
00:43:58It's been a long time. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah.
00:44:19Yeah. Yeah. I was born in 1978.
00:44:37Yeah. Welcome, French. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah.
00:44:4246 years old. Wow.
00:45:03I'm good. Thank you. Welcome. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah.
00:45:13Now, let's take five minutes break, okay? I need some vocal rest. Yeah, I'm 46, but
00:45:22I mean, I look young
00:45:28because I do diet and exercise, okay?
00:45:30Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Let's take five minutes break. Yeah. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah.
00:45:37And good rest. Okay. I take five minutes break every five minutes.
00:45:41Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. We'll take five minutes break. Okay. Yeah. Good rest. Okay. Yeah.
00:45:46That's important for eternal youth and health. Okay. Yeah.
00:45:57Oh, yeah. Thank you.
00:48:22Okay. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah. Welcome. So, let me do some time check in the daily motion real quick.
00:48:44It's been less than one hour. Okay. Good. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. So, like,
00:48:58when it comes to eternal youth, okay? I'm 46, but I look younger than that, right?
00:49:08It's about exercise and good rest, healthy diet, personal hygiene. I wash my face, like,
00:49:1610 times a day, okay? With just water, cold water. I don't use any soap when I wash my face, okay?
00:49:25Yeah. But I wash my face, like, 10 times a day. My hands, I wash my hands, like,
00:49:3420 times a day. Again, no soap, just cold water, okay? Yeah.
00:49:46And, yeah.
00:49:56Yeah. Keep it clean and healthy.
00:50:00Yeah. So, beauty is a learnable skill, okay? I mean, Donald J. Trump said, yeah,
00:50:10beauty is like inborn trait. I disagree, okay? He doesn't know. What does he know,
00:50:15Donald J. Trump, okay? He doesn't know what he's talking about, okay? Beauty is a good news,
00:50:21okay? Beauty is a learnable trait, okay? When I was a teenager, I was in South Korea,
00:50:31okay? I was not good at personal hygiene, okay? I smelled bad, and I have some pimples on my face,
00:50:43like acne. I did not look very good at all, okay? I'm 46, but I look better now,
00:50:55perhaps even younger than when I was a teenager, okay? Beauty is a learnable skill. It's
00:51:04about personal hygiene, okay? So, yeah. And healthy exercise, diet. Yeah.
00:51:17When I was a teenager, what did I know? I didn't know any better. So, I smelled bad.
00:51:23I did not wash my face often, and pimples, acne on my face.
00:51:32I did not look good at all, okay, when I was a teenager, okay? I look better now,
00:51:37at 46 years old. Perhaps I even look younger, okay? Yeah.
00:51:53Yeah, but it was an all-boys school in South Korea, K-12 system, like middle school and high
00:51:59school, okay? Elementary school is like half and half, like co-ed back in 1980s.
00:52:141990s, that's when I was in middle school, high school, all-boys school, okay? Yeah. And
00:52:19my teenage days. Yeah, welcome, yeah, yeah.
00:52:43So, when I was a teenager in South Korea, yeah, good time, bad time like
00:52:48any other period of my life. Good afternoon, thank you for joining us.
00:52:56So, but as a teenager in South Korea, it wasn't always easy. I had some difficulty, yeah.
00:53:52Uh, yeah.
00:54:00Oh, thank you, thank you. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, when I was in seventh grade,
00:54:06middle school, fourth year of middle school, I was bullied for one year, and that was
00:54:14very painful experience. Story time, sure, yeah. Two guys bullied up on me, two guys,
00:54:22they're bigger than me. One of them, actually, later on, we kind of became very good friends,
00:54:28okay? Because he's athletic. He's very good with basketball and soccer, okay? And yeah,
00:54:37later on, we became very good friends, okay? And the other guy who bullied me,
00:54:42he's like a kind of attractively plump guy, handsome, and so yeah, these two guys bullied
00:54:50up on me, okay? But it's more like wrestling, okay? They're bigger than me, okay? So both of
00:54:58them, and they're kind of like street fighter kind of style, a little bit, school bully, okay?
00:55:05I don't think they have trend in martial arts, okay? So what I did next year, yeah, I went back
00:55:11to Taekwondo school, and I learned, re-learned martial arts, Taekwondo, okay? And all the
00:55:17bullies stopped, didn't mess with me anymore. So yeah, I learned martial arts, okay?
00:55:29It is important, yeah.
00:55:39Because after I re-learned Taekwondo, in elementary school, I did learn Taekwondo,
00:55:45I'm black belt in Taekwondo, okay? But in middle school, I kind of became more lazy,
00:55:53okay? But after being bullied for one year, yeah, I went back to Taekwondo school, and I
00:56:00re-learned it, okay? So I was ready to fight them. School bullies, yeah, I was ready to fight those
00:56:09people. And then they stopped bullying me, they stopped messing with me. All the bullies stopped
00:56:16right there, and then. So yeah, learn martial arts, okay? It's important. Okay, yeah.
00:56:25Welcome to human arts school, okay? Yeah, fantastic.
00:56:31We'll take five minutes break, okay? Thank you, yeah. Nice, right? Yeah.
00:56:37I'll tell you more stories, okay? Yeah, from South-South Korea, when I was a teenager there.
00:56:42Sure, sure, yeah. Five minutes, thank you, yeah.
00:58:36Okay, so story time, sure, yeah. Let's talk about school bullies, okay? I was in middle school,
00:58:59I was bullied for one year. That was not a pleasant experience at all at that time. But
00:59:08looking back, yeah, it's great material for, like, novels, essays.
00:59:20So looking back, well, seventh grade, middle school, yeah, I was like 13, 12, whatever, right,
00:59:26this was 1991. I was lazy, okay? I take it as God's scourge, me being, like, sleeping in the
00:59:37classroom. I didn't study very well, I didn't exercise very well. So God is disciplining me
00:59:48for being lazy, okay? So, okay, okay. But it was rough and tough days.
01:00:02So I went back to taekwondo school and re-learned martial arts and all the bullies stopped,
01:00:08okay? So, yeah, love martial arts, okay? It's important. Yeah.
01:00:14Okay, so earlier this morning, okay, last night or this morning, yeah, I had this dream.
01:00:31Kind of recurring nightmare.
01:00:36In my dream, last night or earlier this morning, like, it was like I was in a school,
01:00:41I was a student in my dream. And there's this class,
01:00:54like, that would schedule time for this class if you're in the evening, like,
01:01:00from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., something like that, okay?
01:01:04And I took a nap at that time, and after I woke up, I realized, oh, my goodness, I missed this class.
01:01:22And, okay, now,
01:01:26now, what's the name of this class? Where is the classroom? What building in this campus?
01:01:44In that dream, I was such a bad student. I don't even know the name of this class that I registered
01:01:51for, and I do not know what classroom room number is. I don't even know what building that class is
01:02:03at, you know, campus. It's kind of a recurring nightmare, okay? Yeah.
01:02:09Because of me being a bad student, like, lazy, missing a class.
01:02:30But in reality, in my past, I never missed a single class, okay?
01:02:36Yeah, in, like, middle school, high school, elementary school, college, graduate school,
01:02:44not once. The classes I registered, enrolled, never missed a single class, okay? But for whatever
01:02:52reason, in my dream, I always missed a class. I even missed the final exam, too, in my recurring
01:02:59nightmare. Then I woke up.
01:03:09Big sigh of relief. Okay, it was a dream. Yeah, I'm not in a school anymore.
01:03:22Yeah, yeah.
01:03:32I wonder why I keep having those recurring nightmares about school, because,
01:03:37I mean, when I was in school, I did school for decades, right? Like, elementary school, K-12
01:03:44system in Korea, middle school, then high school, then I came back to America. I was born in America,
01:03:50okay? That's why I'm an American citizen, okay? Yeah, so I went to college, graduate school.
01:03:56Graduate school. So I'm very, very educated.
01:04:06And in general, I was a decent student, okay? My school experience for decades,
01:04:15I would say mostly positive, okay? Yeah.
01:04:38So I'm wondering why my recurring nightmare is about school, because in reality, my school
01:04:48experience has been mostly like 99% positive experience. I enjoyed it. I did my homework
01:04:56most of times. So why do I
01:05:03keep having this recurring nightmare about schools? I have no idea.
01:05:11Welcome, yeah.
01:05:19I love your Instagram name. It's very creative. Yeah, because great sense of humor, yeah.
01:05:25Very smart people, yeah. Yeah, so it's a mystery why my recurring nightmare is about school,
01:05:43because in reality, my school experience has been mostly positive, you know?
01:05:51I enjoyed the school experience, you know?
01:05:57But in my dream,
01:06:00it's mostly like nightmare when I dream about schools. It's mostly nightmare, okay? So
01:06:10it's mysterious. I wonder why. I don't know.
01:06:20Okay, let's have five minutes break, okay? Thank you.
01:06:25I don't have a clue, okay? Yeah, it's weird.
01:06:32Yeah. All right, five minutes break. Thank you. Yep. Welcome. Yeah. Very cool.
01:09:01Okay, we are back. Welcome back.
01:09:03No, we are talking about dreams. Sure. Okay, we talk about bad dreams, okay?
01:09:14How about good dreams? Welcome, welcome. Yeah. Good dreams. I have good dreams once in a while.
01:09:24Like, it's typically like this, okay? I'm a straight man, okay? Single guy.
01:09:28But the kind of good dreams I have, like romance, like dating, okay? Yeah.
01:09:37I met this beautiful lady, and we go to, like,
01:09:47in my dream, okay? Yeah, I met this wonderful, beautiful lady, and we go to, like,
01:09:59a fairground, kind of like a roller coaster, whatever, right?
01:10:09Yeah. Sometimes, yeah, a little bit of intimacy, like PG-13-ish, a little bit, in my dream, okay?
01:10:21So, because I'm an adult. Okay, I'm 46, so I guess I'm allowed to have that kind of dream, okay?
01:10:38Yeah, and so I write novels, short stories, right?
01:10:44A dream is like a movie, right? When you have a dream, you're sleeping, obviously.
01:10:54It's like watching a movie. Yeah, there's some characters, some storyline, and
01:11:02it's like fantasy sometimes, sometimes like horror film, scary movie sometimes,
01:11:09sometimes very stressful,
01:11:15sometimes action.
01:11:22A couple nights ago, I had this dream. It was like more like action film, okay, movie, okay?
01:11:28Like martial arts, okay? So it was like this guy was chasing me for whatever reason. I don't know.
01:11:35I don't know. He was chasing me. I was running away from him, and then I went to this narrow valley,
01:11:45so I was cornered, and he's running after me.
01:11:53Okay, you know what? Enough is enough. Okay, yeah, let's fight, okay? So I gave him a sidekick.
01:12:02Yeah, a taekwondo star, and then I woke up, okay, so.
01:12:26So yeah, I love martial arts, okay?
01:12:32I was like, enough is enough, okay? Yeah, I was cornered in a narrow valley. I cannot go anywhere
01:12:38there, so let's face him, okay? Yeah, so I gave him a sidekick, okay, and then I woke up, yeah.
01:12:44Yeah, it was an interesting dream, yeah.
01:12:49Yeah, welcome, friends. Yeah.
01:13:02So, yeah, dream is like a movie, right? But it's like point of view, like POV, right?
01:13:11In a dream, we get to see the scenery. We get to see people in a dream, right?
01:13:18So, yeah, dream is like a movie, right? But it's like point of view, like POV, right?
01:13:33In a dream, we get to see the scenery.
01:13:36We get to see people in a dream, right? And it's very great creativity there, dream, right? Yeah.
01:13:55Very creative and imaginative process in the brain, dream, right? Yeah, so it is inspiring,
01:14:04yeah, and as a filmmaker and novelist, so
01:14:15some memorable dreams. I remember some dreams I had, like, decades ago, right? It was a nice dream.
01:14:26I was, like, flying. Yeah, without anything, without any, like, jet pack,
01:14:34jet suit. No, not airplane, not helicopter, not manned drone. I was just flying like this,
01:14:41like a bird, okay? And it was, in that dream, it was night, gallery, museum.
01:14:49And along this wall, it was very high building, interior. On this wall, there were these paintings
01:14:59with nice frames, okay? Late at night, night museum, gallery. I was just flying up and up and up,
01:15:08right? And then watching all these beautiful paintings, probably mostly old paintings, okay?
01:15:16Probably mostly old paintings, okay? Yeah.
01:15:23I remember that dream. I had that dream, like, about 20 years ago,
01:15:27okay? I still remember because it's such a beautiful dream.
01:15:31Yeah, welcome, yeah.
01:15:51Cheers, yeah.
01:15:52Excuse me, I started the wrong way, yeah. Welcome, yeah, welcome. Happy Sunday afternoon, yeah.
01:16:14Oh, thank you, yeah. God bless you too, yeah. God bless you as well.
01:16:29Mopeds, sure, yeah.
01:16:42Decorated arts, right, yeah. I appreciate that. Thank you.
01:16:52Oh, yeah.
01:17:05So, I'm 46. Yeah, I drink alcohol, I smoke cigarettes. But in my dream, I never had a
01:17:14dream where in my dream, me drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, I never had that kind of
01:17:19dream before, yeah. My favorite moped? I would guess, like, Sesame Street, yeah.
01:17:34Well, Sesame Street, rather. Like, the amphibian frog,
01:17:41uh, was it, like, call me or something? Okay, it's been such a long time, yeah.
01:17:58Yeah, call me, yeah, yeah. The frog, yeah.
01:18:11Good times, right, yeah.
01:18:19Yeah, Sesame Street, yes. It's a very good TV show, yeah.
01:18:28From what I'm, from what I remember, uh, it's, uh, actually,
01:18:32okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you for your service. Oh, yeah, yeah. So, Sesame Street,
01:18:40from what I remember, uh, it was, uh, some of the producers of Sesame Street TV show
01:18:46in PBS, public broadcasting system, uh, some of them are actually educational psychologists.
01:18:54Yeah, like, child psychology, okay. Yeah, I appreciate that.
01:19:02Yeah, good program.
01:19:07Mm-hmm, yeah.
01:19:14Oh, yeah.
01:19:22Okay. Let's take five minutes break, okay? Thank you for joining us.
01:19:28Happy Saturday afternoon from Alaska, America, yeah. Mighty proud of you. Yeah, yeah.
01:19:36Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Very cool.
01:19:44Yeah, let me get some more beer, okay? So, uh, time to go, okay?
01:19:49Time to go, okay?
01:19:54Yeah, we have more than 30 minutes left in telemotion. That's cool. Yeah. Oh,
01:20:01thank you, thank you. Yeah, yeah. Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Mm-hmm.
01:20:14Thank you.
01:20:49Thank you.
01:21:19Thank you.
01:21:49Thank you.
01:22:19Sure, we can do that.
01:22:59Yeah, I guess we can do some, uh, yeah, moped shows, sure.
01:23:04Yeah, we did this a long time ago, okay? So, yeah, let's do it.
01:23:10Yeah. Okay. It's acting, right? Yeah, sure, sure.
01:23:24Hi. I love you.
01:23:36Mwah. I love you. Hi.
01:23:49I love you.
01:24:04There we go. Okay, very cool. Yeah, it's acting, right? Yeah, very nice. Yeah.
01:24:14Okay. Yeah, we have, like, Alaskan Moose, Alaskan Moose, and Exolado, amphibian, and we have, like,
01:24:32Pika, okay? Rodent. This is not a rodent, actually. It's a rabbit. Very small rabbit,
01:24:40okay? Like a hare, okay? Yeah. Okay, very cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My Alaskan family, yeah.
01:24:49Yeah, plushie, yeah. So, adorable dolls, animals. Yeah, nice.
01:24:59Oh, there was quite an exercise now. Yeah, yeah, the Pika, P-I-K-A, is a small rabbit, okay? But it does look like
01:25:17Pika, P-I-K-A, Pika, okay? It's a small rabbit, but it does look like a hamster. Yes, it does. Yeah, yeah.
01:25:27Yeah. I've seen one, okay? They're very cute, very adorable.
01:25:35Pika, like a P-I-K-A, okay? I mean, P-I-K-A, Pika, P-I-K-A, okay?
01:25:47Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, very cool. Yeah, thank you, yeah.
01:25:56Yeah, so,
01:26:09Yeah, so Pika, that's like, it does look like a hamster. It does, okay? But actually, I looked
01:26:16it up, okay, in the Wikipedia. Actually, it's related to rabbit, like hair, okay? Rabbit, bunny,
01:26:24okay? Yeah. I've seen one, okay? They're in Alaska, okay? And they're very cute.
01:26:41Axolotl is amphibian. It's like, oh, thank you, thank you, yeah. Axolotl is amphibian.
01:26:51It's originally from Mexico, and they're like,
01:27:00yeah, yeah, very cool, thank you, yeah, yeah. So, Axolotl is originally from Mexico, okay?
01:27:09Mexico, and they are amphibians. It's like a salamander, kind of, okay? So, yeah, Axolotl,
01:27:23okay? Yeah, yeah.
01:27:36Yeah, very cool, yeah. So, what's so special about Axolotls?
01:27:43They are like forever young, okay? Even adult Axolotl, they're kind of like salamander,
01:27:49but they still have gills, and they're still, oh yeah, Axolotl, yeah, in the aquarium, yeah.
01:27:58So, they are like forever young. In Wikipedia, they describe it as a pedomorphism, like
01:28:10an adult looking like a child.
01:28:22Pedomorphism, okay? Which is a very good thing, okay? Like forever young concept, okay? Oh, yeah,
01:28:31yeah. That's what they are famous for, Axolotl, okay?
01:28:41Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you have a wonderful day, yeah.
01:28:46Great to see you, yeah.
01:28:51Yeah, because typical salamander or newt, as they grow up, yeah, that's like a,
01:29:03what's that, metamorphosis, right? In biology. They lose their gills, okay? And they become
01:29:12kind of like amphibians, half water, half land, right? But Axolotls, yeah, even after they grow
01:29:22up, they retain their gills, okay? So, it's called pedomorphism, okay? Adult looking like a child.
01:29:30It's in Wikipedia, I'll go about that, okay? So, how interesting, right?
01:29:43So, in Mexico, Axolotl is an endangered species, okay? But they are farmed as pets.
01:29:55Also in science laboratories, okay? So, that's how Axolotls are very well preserved.
01:30:04Farmed animals, they never will extinct. Why? Because people make money, okay? They make sure
01:30:13this animal species, like chicken, some dogs,
01:30:19ox, cow, goat, farmed animals, they never will extinct, okay? So, my solution for this problem of
01:30:31animal extinction, yeah, farming. Farmed animals, they never will extinct because people make money,
01:30:40okay? Yeah.
01:30:45Oh, yeah, so,
01:31:04Yeah, boxing is great, yeah, of course.
01:31:06Yeah, meow, sure, yeah, meow.
01:31:13Boxing is great martial arts, yeah, I love some.
01:31:38So, friends, welcome, and thank you for joining us, and let's
01:31:44wrap up this episode, okay? Let's make a transition to Facebook Live, okay? Why?
01:31:51Because I'm kind of getting drunk, okay? I don't know when to start drinking, okay?
01:31:56So, Facebook Live, yeah, same name, Hunky Day, okay? So,
01:32:01there we'll be watching some YouTube videos together, okay?
01:32:06Yeah, okay, sounds like a plan, right? Yeah, happy Sunday afternoon, okay? Thank you.
01:32:15God bless you, God bless you, okay? You are future leaders, okay? Yeah. So, focus on education,
01:32:20career development, okay? So, yeah, then you make great leaders of the future. I'm very proud of you.
01:32:29Young generations, right? Yeah, like, you may be Generation Z, Gen Z, or
01:32:35Generation Alpha, Gen A, okay? Maybe you may be millennials, okay? Yeah, I'm Generation X,
01:32:45I'm 46, okay? But no matter what your age is, okay? Yeah, focus on education, career development,
01:32:52and learn martial arts, okay? And you make great leaders in politics, arts, music, movies,
01:33:01science, wherever your passion is at, okay? I'm very proud of you, yeah.
01:33:10All right, see you tonight, maybe, okay? Thank you, yeah. You're fantastic. I'm very proud,
01:33:17yeah. Okay, yeah, see you tonight, yeah, thank you.
01:33:30Okay, so, yeah, let's wrap it for this episode, and we will make transition to Facebook Live,
01:33:44okay? Thank you. God bless you, God bless you, thank you. Yeah, be the leaders, okay? Yeah.
01:33:50You're amazing, thank you, yeah.