Dr. R.A. Vernon --- Get A Life!

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00:00I want to appreciate all of you again for being here who's glad to be in the
00:00:03service one more time amen to our national audience we want to
00:00:08welcome you into Cleveland Ohio where God lives and on this first Sunday of
00:00:13July we're just so blessed that God gave us all another chance I'm excited I
00:00:17don't want to hold you all day the weather's great and even doing
00:00:20fireworks tonight out at my house we didn't get a chance to do it because of
00:00:23the rain so I want to enjoy some of that and let you enjoy your family but do me
00:00:27a favor one more time we're in Sabbath right now no rehearsals no meetings but
00:00:33on Sundays pack the place go on vacation enjoy your children go outside in the
00:00:37evening to everyone who serves in ministry thank you a leader with no
00:00:41followers just taking a walk would y'all clap everybody and I want a special
00:00:45favor and they may hear this later would you clap everybody who's serving in
00:00:49children's ministry right now man I'm just so grateful for them and if I can
00:00:56get 15 or 20 women to say to me pastor I love to help once once a month I just
00:01:02heard 30 women say hell to the no praise God amen but I I pray that some of you
00:01:07will let the Holy Spirit lead you to help some child that you didn't make so
00:01:12that those ladies and let's just be honest people seem to be more confident
00:01:15with ladies helping with their children than men and so get some ladies that
00:01:19will say I'll do that once a month so they can come to church we'd be so
00:01:22grateful just kind of let us know that our team now let's do this if you have
00:01:25your Bibles right quick John 10 John 10 let me give it back to you let me
00:01:29reciprocate your attendance by not keeping you too long okay let me
00:01:34reciprocate that and show my gratefulness honestly this supposed to be
00:01:38the worst Sunday of the year attendance wise that's anybody and when time
00:01:42springs up that's another bad Sunday but it was jam-packed that day so you are
00:01:46eager for his word and your pastor is proud of you and appreciates you John
00:01:5110 10 you all learned it in Sunday school soon as I say it some of you
00:01:54gonna shout the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy mental note what
00:02:04does he do first mental note what does he do first okay the thief comes to
00:02:11steal kill and destroy did you grow up on King James but I can't that they may
00:02:19have life and have it more abundantly I'm starting the teaching today called
00:02:2630 days to live do me a favor high-five four people and tell them get a life go
00:02:30ahead and tell the record that's the wrong person tell somebody else I said
00:02:37four people that's three and a half walk over to four people say get a life get a
00:02:43please get a life you may be seated what would you do if you only had 30 days to
00:02:56live what would you do if you only had 30 days to live what if you got a phone
00:03:02call from your primary physician telling you that you only have 30 days to live
00:03:09for the next month of sermons I want to concentrate and chase that question what
00:03:15would you do if you only had 30 days to live starting tomorrow morning everybody
00:03:19starting tomorrow morning we have 30 days to live what exactly would you do
00:03:25during those 30 days this particular Johannon text has all kinds of
00:03:32pedagogical possibilities you all know I love the book of John I mean in Matthew
00:03:36those of you who study the Gospels in Matthew he's the king right and Mark we
00:03:40see him as the servant in the book of Luke we see him as the son of man but it
00:03:45is in John that we see him as a son of God John waste no time with Mary had a
00:03:51little lamb he lets Matthew them do that he says I'm not telling you that he
00:03:55begins his book by saying what in the beginning was the word and the word was
00:03:59God then he says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us so he moves
00:04:05from indoctrination to incarnation the word became flesh and dwelt among us so
00:04:11it is in John 1 that we see his incarnation the word became flesh in
00:04:16John 2 we see a wedding gone wild where Jesus turns water into wine it is in
00:04:22John 3 that we see Nick at night busting a soteriological creep move right
00:04:28accent Jesus what can a brother do to be born again it is in John 4 that we see a
00:04:33sassy sister from Samaria try to have a theological discourse with divinity when
00:04:39she's been sleeping with everybody and the one you got now is not your own
00:04:44Jesus told her if you only knew what I was asking you I give you water and you
00:04:48never thirst again it is in John 5 that we see the Prince of Peace pushing a
00:04:54brother Paul by paralysis and telling him pick up your mat and walk it is in
00:04:59John 6 that we see Jehovah Jireh because it is in John 6 that he takes
00:05:03few fish few pieces of crackers and turns it into a citywide fish buffet it
00:05:09is in John 7 that we see Jesus saying drinks on the house if any man is
00:05:14thirsty let him come unto me and drink it is in John 8 that we see a sister
00:05:19who's been sleeping with everybody receive an amazing grace and he says I
00:05:23don't care who you slept with just don't do it no more your sins are forgiven
00:05:27cannot get a what what in here it is in John 9 that we see a man born blind
00:05:32congenital blindness blind from birth and Jesus gives him double sight he saw
00:05:37physically and then saw spirit that's a good place to clap your hands right
00:05:40there and then in John 10 we find out that every believer can win because it
00:05:49is in John 10 that we are introduced to the Good Shepherd it is in John 10 that
00:05:55Christ tells us that he is the totality of what we need to be successful in this
00:06:00life Jesus told me when I say his name sit up in your seat Jesus told me sit up
00:06:05in your seat when I say his name Jesus told me to say his name more during our
00:06:11Sunday services particularly during this series everything I preach is about the
00:06:15centrality of Christ it's not about me it's not about you it's not just about
00:06:20your happiness who you sleep with used to sleep with Christ is the centrality
00:06:24of who we are and I pray that during these 30 days to live you'll make Jesus
00:06:30the center of your joy I'm sorry let's go grandma look at somebody say can't
00:06:34nobody do you like like Jesus and so Christ is the center matter of fact he
00:06:41is the central the central figure of this Johannine text particularly chapter
00:06:4810 it is in chapter 10 can we start chapter 10 verse 1 I want you to see
00:06:51this because it says I tell you the truth anyone who sneaks over the wall of
00:06:55a sheepfold rather than going through the gate must surely be a thief and a
00:06:59robber matter of fact let me read it from the message version let me set this
00:07:03before you as plainly as I can if a person climbs over through the fence of
00:07:06a sheep pen instead of going through the gate you know he's up to no good a sheep
00:07:10hustler some of you used to date a hustler some of you were married to a
00:07:15hustler some of you were pastored by hustlers persons who have their own
00:07:19interests in mind to keep this in context I told the first service you
00:07:24know it's something else when you're teaching the Bible to a 21st century
00:07:27modernity church because they'll know nothing about sheep and in this text
00:07:32because watch this a text can never mean what a text never meant that's called
00:07:37ice of Jesus so this text has to be put in context and cultural context back
00:07:42then everybody has sheep or their neighbor has sheep just got one question
00:07:47how many y'all got a sheep at the crib okay praise God there's gonna be a tough
00:07:52sermon amen so since they ain't got no sheep on St. Clair let me break this
00:07:55down for Ray Ray in the hood catch this everybody because they knew about sheep
00:08:00and Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd because they can identify with
00:08:05sheep if he was living today he'd do a tick-tock illustration if he were living
00:08:09today he say something about Instagram why because he was a relevant teacher
00:08:13pastor why you be giving all these illustrations because I try to teach
00:08:16like Jesus Jesus tried to teach in a way if he was outside he said notice the
00:08:20birds of the air he was talking to people who were lost a man had two sons
00:08:24a woman lost a coin are y'all listening to me the key for Jesus was for you to
00:08:28be able to feel him to understand him not so much a bunch of big words you
00:08:33couldn't feel but to help you understand Kingdom concepts and so he says to them
00:08:39I'm the Good Shepherd persons before me meant you no good also shepherds were
00:08:46known as kings of cities and areas called themselves shepherds but they
00:08:51were false shepherds there were people who pretended to be something in your
00:08:55life but we're not what they act like they were can I get some people that
00:09:00everybody in your life just wasn't what they said they were can I get some
00:09:07people who have lived long enough to know you better only put your full trust
00:09:12in Jesus yeah I put my full trust in Jesus he says in verse 6 and then let's
00:09:21get this party started he says Jesus told this simple story but they had no
00:09:26idea what he was talking about oh story was simple but they couldn't fill him
00:09:31why cuz he kicking Kingdom concepts they think in carnal he's kicking
00:09:37Kingdom concepts they think in carnal let me try this one more time before you
00:09:42marry the wrong person he's kicking Kingdom concepts let me say this one
00:09:47more time before you get a wrong person your phone number he's kicking Kingdom
00:09:50concepts but they think let me try this one more time before you try to make the
00:09:54wrong person your friend he's kicking Kingdom concepts y'all not saying
00:09:57nothing to me can I tell you something he's kicking Kingdom you know why they
00:10:02can't receive because they have not received the paraclete paraclete Holy
00:10:07Spirit you Pentecostal Holy Ghost yeah they hadn't received him yet matter of
00:10:13fact he tells Peter when you are converted convert your brothers which
00:10:17means there's another level you got to get to Pete and y'all can't really feel
00:10:20me let me just tell you something I told you before it's hard when you a gallon
00:10:25and you date in a pint you you can't pour a gallon into a pint I don't care
00:10:32how much you try you just can't pour a gallon into a pipe in my book ten rules
00:10:36of dating I talk about connectivity compatibility because sometimes they so
00:10:41sexy you don't realize they're not smart sometimes they so cute and she's built
00:10:47so nice you know as long as I can get that I don't care if she can think or
00:10:49not praise God but let me talk to some people who've been married a while they
00:10:53can tell you you spend more time out the bed than you do in the bed if you
00:10:58don't hear nothing from your pastor yes I'm attracted to this girl I still love
00:11:01touching her even more than I first did when I married her it's crazy I love her
00:11:05she get cute in me as the years go I'm sexually attracted mentally physically
00:11:08but I want you to hear me please trust me when I tell you we spend more time
00:11:12out the bed than in the bed you better hook up with somebody that can hear you
00:11:19when you talk in Kingdom you will get frustrated at some point sex won't be
00:11:26enough when you're with so you get sex anywhere you need somebody gonna be
00:11:30married to the rest of your life that can speak into your life and when life
00:11:34happened we can grab hands and pray and know that you can hear me when I'm
00:11:39talking Kingdom and not Carla can I read something can I read something I want to
00:11:48read it from the amplified version sit up in your seat right here I'm gonna let
00:11:51you go early let's go early but catch this issue came I guess you came for a
00:11:54word right so watch this but the natural unbelieving man does not accept the
00:11:59things the teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God for they are
00:12:02foolishness absurd and any logical to him for he's incapable of understanding
00:12:10them because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated you didn't
00:12:13catch this because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated and he is
00:12:18unqualified to judge spiritual matter some stuff can't be taught it got to be
00:12:23caught they it is some stuff I say look at me it is spiritually discerned you
00:12:31can have a PhD and be brilliant and not feel me well when I talk about forgiving
00:12:35somebody who tried to kill me you can't understand that because you don't have
00:12:38the Spirit of God only some that doesn't make logical sense why would you forgive
00:12:43somebody to try to kill you I want you hate them because Jesus told me but I
00:12:46say it to you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that
00:12:50hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you but
00:12:53if you don't have the Spirit I'm sorry I'm sorry I guess I'm the last person
00:12:59left who still believes in the Holy Ghost let me try this one more time
00:13:04pastor why don't you preach about Jesus Jesus told me to tell you it's not his
00:13:09dispensation it's the dispensation of the Holy Spirit from Genesis if you
00:13:14don't think today I'm gonna lose you in three minutes from Genesis to Malachi is
00:13:17the dispensation of God the Father Matthew through John is the dispensation
00:13:21of the Son from Acts to right now we currently live in the dispensation of
00:13:26the Holy Spirit pastor Jesus is in my heart that's cute on paper it's not in
00:13:30the Bible the Bible says Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father make an
00:13:35intercession for men so who lives in me the Holy Spirit now if I told you you
00:13:40was getting a man or a million dollars you would have shouted but I wish you
00:13:44would shout because it's the God in me can I get 50 people that would thank God
00:13:49that you have the Holy Spirit you have the Holy Ghost pastor I don't have the
00:13:58Holy Spirit then you're not saved yeah Romans 8 says if you have not the
00:14:02Spirit of God you are none of his can I give y'all Bible today somebody say give
00:14:08us the Bible pastor this the word church if you have not the Spirit of God Romans
00:14:128 you are none of his so the question is not do you have the Holy Spirit the
00:14:18question is does he have you that's what Paul says the Thessalonians quench not
00:14:26the Holy Spirit how do you quench a fire not a trick question how do you quench
00:14:30a fire it's not a trick question how do you quench a fire class y'all always
00:14:36think I'm up to something let me ask one more time how do you quench a fire how
00:14:40do you quench the Holy Spirit seeing
00:14:48unrepentant sin could make Holy Ghost dormant in you lack of reading his word
00:14:56lack of prayer can make him dormant so he lives in you but he's not running
00:15:02stuff so you falling for stuff that's your friend don't fall for cuz you got
00:15:10clothes she got a prayer life you got weed you got eyelashes but she have a
00:15:19schedule to seek God so she'll make some of the moves you make cuz God be talking
00:15:26to her God be warning her God be speaking to him I wished I had 50 Holy
00:15:33Ghosts field people oh y'all know I was going here this year oh yeah let me
00:15:39check this out check this out check this out and be filled with the Spirit
00:15:44Ephesians 5 Ephesians 5 and be filled you know what the Greek means there and
00:15:49on being feeling it's not this one-time feeling no and keep on being feel you
00:15:56know I gotta ask God to keep filling me lean on somebody say cuz you're leaking
00:15:59baby go ahead praise God you you leaking the enemy tries to come back I'm watch
00:16:04Instagram too much I watch tick-tock too much I listen to stuff so I'm leaking
00:16:08sometimes I make decisions I should make I lust too much pastor I think too much
00:16:12so the Holy Spirit is leaking so I got to say God put it back in me keep
00:16:16filling me keep running me keep taking over
00:16:23am I boring you guys okay let's see if I can make it more applicable to right
00:16:32now so brother T T to Barbara I'll never forget T to Barbara this was back in the
00:16:37day T used to cut me and T said pastor there's this uh there's this old school
00:16:4175 75 Chevy in Columbus you've been talking about this old school and so we
00:16:45go down there and I get this 75 I'm riding down the street with Lady Vernon
00:16:49about five years ago right where we live brother got a 68 Mustang sitting on the
00:16:54grass absolutely clean he don't want nothing for it he's trying to put a roof
00:16:58on his house I feel bad for what I paid praise God but I'm glad he gave it to me
00:17:02amen it's it's worth five times more than that I promise you so I got this
00:17:0675 and this 68 my kids know everybody who knows me I'll hardly ever drive them
00:17:10because the guys bring me I'm really not a car guy Lady Vernon made me about a 68
00:17:13it was sitting there and it's increasing in value she did it's
00:17:16increasing in value she really did it's increasing in value and so I'm leaving
00:17:20it to my kids all that good stuff is in my will trust all that get us to him get
00:17:23us her I mean it I'm serious about that so I leave it I'm leaving it but but I
00:17:27said since we gonna strike while it's hot I said this summer I'm driving it
00:17:32one of them every time I get a chance cuz life is short I said and I ain't
00:17:38trying to just have them I'm pulling them out I told Chris shot him up get
00:17:41him already cuz I'm rolling I drove this morning he came to get me I said
00:17:45follow me cuz I'm driving so they follow me drive okay okay so so what
00:17:52happened y'all got to catch this so what it happened was I decided to go to the
00:17:56bank and somebody gonna catch this say the Holy Spirit say New Covenant say New
00:18:02Testament Oh great class I decided to drive my old school and you know when
00:18:08you're in your old school there was a parking space right near the front but
00:18:11it was two cars on both sides I was like no I wish I had some old school players
00:18:16I drove way to the other side of the whole mall with not one car just jog to
00:18:23the store I just I'm like you ain't scratching this baby uh-uh so so I
00:18:30decided to back in y'all so whenever you catch it start shouting whenever you
00:18:33catch it you welcome to shout I'll see who catch it first I decided to back in
00:18:37and it wasn't until I start backing in that I realized I was in my old Covenant
00:18:44car the reason I knew I was in my old Covenant car is because I was waiting on
00:18:52a beep to tell me I was running out of space but the old Covenant car is pretty
00:18:59but it doesn't have a beep but now when I jump in my New Testament car can I
00:19:05talk to somebody it lets me know how y'all just y'all just miss y'all shout
00:19:08when you have the Holy Spirit and somebody's stupid walk up to you
00:19:15when somebody trying to be your friend when your kids be telling you a lot I'm
00:19:24sorry hit somebody say thank God for the beat go ahead we have the Holy Spirit
00:19:29thank God for the Holy Ghost it leads me he guides me he speaks to me I realized
00:19:41I was in my old Testament car I had no idea how close I was to danger I had no
00:19:48idea how close I was to hitting something you ought to thank God you
00:19:52live in this dispensation you can boast something the old patriarchs can't boast
00:19:56you have the Holy Spirit the hope of glory warning you and speaking to you
00:20:02watch this here's your shout and comforting you he's the comfort how did
00:20:07you make it when your mama died he comforted you how did you make it when
00:20:10your son died come on sister baby he comforts you can I talk to somebody
00:20:14that's been through some stuff but the Holy Spirit I'm sorry leaders always say
00:20:18he walks with me go ahead and he talks with me and he tells me that I am his
00:20:27come on we're not supposed to shout in July this supposed to be soft summer
00:20:31soft summer teaching
00:20:48the amplified versions the amplified version of 2nd Corinthians says they
00:20:54have to be spiritually discerned which means my mentor won't tell me grandma
00:20:59didn't know a noun from a verb but she had the Holy Ghost grandma told you
00:21:04were pregnant before your doctor did yeah yeah you know I'm you know I'm
00:21:07sorry I'm finished I'm finished y'all I spent too much time right there y'all
00:21:11don't care about that let's move John 10 verse 7 I'm headed someplace says so he
00:21:17tried again he's trying to break it down he's talking kingdom they think in
00:21:21carnal so the Bible says he tried again he says you know what let me just give
00:21:25it to you I am the gate for the sheep all those others are up to no good sheep
00:21:30stealers every one of them but the sheep didn't listen to them I am the gate I
00:21:35want to read the Bible anyone who goes through me will be cared for we're
00:21:40freely go in and go out and find pasture how could you feel that in
00:21:48cultural context if you never been around sheep so of course you know most
00:21:53of you don't study sheep I get paid to so I want you to catch this this idea
00:21:57that there was the sheep eating outside but then there was this kind of young
00:22:01people enclosure where the sheep could go into shade and chill for a minute and
00:22:07the shepherd would stand at the door as they pass by him regulating the flow if
00:22:14you're here for the first time look at your pastor or look at pastor Vernon if
00:22:16I'm not your pastor there's a flow in Jesus that there's a flow that I want
00:22:22you to get in I didn't say perfection but when you're in him sincerely when
00:22:26you're in the Word of God when you're in prayer when you don't have side chicks
00:22:31when you ain't just jumping from bed to bed just hitting everything look at me
00:22:34brothers when you're not on Instagram all day when you're in the word it's not
00:22:37perfection but you you you walk into a flow where the shepherd is standing at
00:22:43the door of your life regulating you're coming in and you're going out y'all not
00:22:47coming here I'm at a place in my life I want God to order my steps don't let me
00:22:52date nobody you don't want me to have if he's not for me let me catch him doing
00:22:57something he shouldn't be doing before I fall in love order my steps guide my
00:23:02steps order my steps the shepherd would stand there and they go past him he he
00:23:10says in verses 1 through 5 I'm just running because I'm out of time he says
00:23:14they know a stranger's voice from the real shepherds voice a stranger they
00:23:19will not hear if I put 50 sheep in front of this church right now had all of you
00:23:24come up and then start moving the sheep around none of you would know which
00:23:27sheep was which but the shepherd does if I brought 50 sheep up here you would
00:23:34not be able to tell one sheep from another because you're not their
00:23:36shepherd but the shepherds spent time with them the shepherd can look in their
00:23:40face and name them even the entire flock I'm sorry you missed your second shot
00:23:44lean on somebody say he knows my name go ahead can I tell you he knows the very
00:23:48head hairs on your head he knows your distinct fingerprint with billions of
00:23:54people in the world you have a God that is intimately aware and cognizant of
00:23:59your existential existence I feel like preaching in July can I tell you that
00:24:03God knows you when others act like they don't when others forsake you God knows
00:24:08you Jesus said to tell you you're important to him
00:24:15Jesus so cold all that was my intro look at somebody say all that was his intro
00:24:28go ahead praise God all right I start my sermon right here because then Jesus
00:24:32come on let's get to what I came for then Jesus gives you'll love this sit up
00:24:36in your seat the devil's purpose statement yeah the devil has a purpose
00:24:41statement he does he has a raison d'etre our French friends would say
00:24:48raison d'etre reason for existence mission statement you should know ours
00:24:53is out there in the hallway look at it as you walk out don't go to no church
00:24:56you don't know the mission don't join your fraternity sorority don't join any
00:24:59anything you don't know the mission what's the mission what you try to get
00:25:03done I want you to catch this because it's critical Jesus says the devil's
00:25:08purpose statement is the reason why he exists is to steal kill and destroy let
00:25:16me try it one more time I told you to take a mental I told you to take I think
00:25:19a mental note I said take a mental note on steal kill and destroy because I've
00:25:24been reading the Bible about 40 years and it just hit me during this week that
00:25:28the thief comes the thief comes what's the first thing a thief does so he
00:25:36doesn't say kill and destroy first he says steal first because a thief primary
00:25:41purpose he may kill you he may destroy you but that's not his primary his
00:25:44primary is to steal the enemy knows watch this he can't get you out of
00:25:49heaven so now he's in the stealing business steal what pastor your peace
00:25:55your joy your sense of self your sexual identity talk to me somebody he's a
00:26:02thief you know why he's a thief because he has nothing original he has nothing
00:26:08original so he's a thief Jesus Colossians says is the creator of all
00:26:12things and by him do all things consist I'm dropping Bible do y'all want Bible
00:26:16this morning if you don't know your Bible you better start reading it by him
00:26:19all things consist the Bible says he is the creator of all things which means
00:26:23that Jesus of Colossians is present in the book of beginnings at the creation
00:26:28of man Jesus had to be there because Paul says the Colossians he is the
00:26:32creator of all things and by him do all things consist so Satan has no original
00:26:38ideas so he tries to steal kill what pastor your hope your future your vision
00:26:49and if you let him your life yeah you can make certain decisions that will
00:26:54have you in the grave prematurely talking about it was the will of God
00:26:58some people died watch this prematurely some people died we said again
00:27:04prematurely it was not God's will for them to die but God acquiesced to their
00:27:08will and said if you want to keep doing that I can't stop you from doing that
00:27:12you want to jump from bed to bed don't say it was God's will for you to get
00:27:15that disease you chose to make certain decisions that puts you in certain
00:27:18positions can I talk some real stuff to somebody I got a word for the teenagers
00:27:23I got a word for everybody here I got a word for spirit-filled people shout if
00:27:26you receive I come against premature death in your life I know you gotta die
00:27:32but I speak that you will live to be a centurion century 100 years old I speak
00:27:39over your life come on I speak he comes to kill he comes to destroy wait a minute
00:27:47pastor pastor that that's that's that's that's that's kind of scary to me it
00:27:53almost sounds ominous it almost sounds portentous it sounds sort of ominous
00:28:02this this idea ominous music ominous ominous ominous portentous portentous
00:28:11ominous scary when you say that pastor makes me kind of angry makes me kind of
00:28:14scary that the devil's gonna steal kill no no no no no no no no no he's a
00:28:18defeated devil that's his purpose but his success rate is low when it comes to
00:28:28position believers come here pastor the devil is going to destroy me I got to
00:28:33give you some more Bible wait a minute we are persecuted but not forsaken I
00:28:39guess if you don't know Bibles gonna be a long sermon for you cast down but not
00:28:46destroyed come here we are persecuted don't go to no fake church sometime
00:28:51like be held like be funky like be messy you raise children right they do
00:28:57everything wrong you faithful to a brother he not faithful to you you pour
00:29:01into a woman she won't even let you see your kids cuz she mad at you and you
00:29:05fight I'm working with brothers now trying to see kids because you broke up
00:29:08with him don't mean he broke up with them that's petty I'm saying this to all
00:29:12mothers it's petty not to let a man see his children pastor but he's stupid he's
00:29:17a reflection of your intelligence you don't want slept with him let him see
00:29:23his kids maybe you can't have him but if he's willing to see his children don't
00:29:27be that petty mama those children need their daddy as much as they need you you
00:29:33slept with him now share with him look at a baby's mom and say he talking to
00:29:52it's one of my pet peeves of the legal system I think it gives too much
00:29:55credence to mothers and not fathers but father's willing to see his children he
00:30:00should be willing to and able to see his children so this this this ominous this
00:30:05sort of ominous portentous this portentous seemingly sane but I want you
00:30:09to watch the antithesis and this is a smart crowd I got six minutes like you
00:30:12fresh I'm off catch just because the Bible says the purpose I want to read it
00:30:16to you see if you catch it the Bible says the devil's purpose statement John
00:30:1910 10 a thief comes to steal kill and destroy that's his purpose statement but
00:30:24verse 10 of the message version says see if you shout but my purpose is to give
00:30:32them a rich I feel like preaching in my own church and satisfying life devil got
00:30:39a purpose Jesus got a purpose devil's purpose what everybody steal kill
00:30:45destroy but my purpose and his purpose supersedes the purpose of the enemy my
00:30:53purpose he has the power to get his purpose done in your life is to give you
00:30:59a rich and satisfying life I said at nine o'clock I know they're preachers
00:31:06and persons who hate on seminary say seminary makes you too deep it makes you
00:31:09overthink it pulls you out of faith I know there's some some professors and
00:31:14seminary that are agnostics even atheists teaching the Bible but don't
00:31:17believe in God while teaching the Bible just all mental head knowledge but no
00:31:21spirit belief but there are some things about seminary that I just don't regret
00:31:24because one things I learned to seminary that I take him place I go and I did not
00:31:28have this before I went is that I would preach stuff and not situated in every
00:31:32context in other words I'm gonna say something thinking people come here then
00:31:37we're gonna close this sermon want you to catch this I came that they may have
00:31:40life having more abundantly I came that they may have a rich and satisfied life
00:31:43whenever you think abundance if I say I want you and your husband to walk in the
00:31:47abundant life keep it real you thinking house house paid yeah we can travel a
00:31:52little bit right kids cool right health we walk in that abundant life got a few
00:31:57dollars in the bank come on raise your hand if you want that raise your hand
00:31:59right right right that's real stuff talk about abundant life yeah but but here's
00:32:03the problem how do you preach John 1010 to slaves if y'all don't want to think
00:32:12walk out now this this the thinking man's church don't just bring your
00:32:15emotions here bring your brain how do you preach that in outreach in Germany
00:32:21during the Holocaust how do you preach that during the black Holocaust of the
00:32:26West African Diaspora where multiple millions of slaves were killed and
00:32:30thousands jumped off ships because they said I'd rather die than not be free how
00:32:36do you how do you preach that in third world countries where they have no
00:32:39running water and you get up as a pastor say God calls you to have the abundant
00:32:44life money's coming wealth is coming why the slave master on top of her I gotta
00:32:54love you enough to give you real preaching here so so all I'm trying to
00:32:57tell you is if it doesn't work during chattel slavery then you can't just drop
00:33:02that in 21st century word Church Cleveland Warren's where everybody got
00:33:06money everybody got a job everybody got stuff I'm not telling you that God
00:33:09doesn't want you to have and context does matter because you are different
00:33:14teenagers than a teenager or a child during chattel slavery you live in
00:33:19America a capitalist society a capitalistic society where if you want
00:33:24some money you can have some most people broke are not broke because of the
00:33:35I know I get in trouble right here but I'll preach the gospel of responsibility
00:33:40anytime you live in a country where all you got to do is drive uber and make you
00:33:44six figures I'll be sleeping the car we're next up next up I get my money I
00:33:52ain't never never been unemployed since I was 18 years old and never gonna be
00:33:56while I got kids pastor don't say never never oh yeah I can always pick up cans
00:34:00for a living can I get a witness here I can I'll wipe somebody's behind to pay
00:34:04my children's bills a man does what he got to do to get what he got to get
00:34:08don't make excuses make adjustments I'll be a behind wiping let's all fire me
00:34:12I'll be a behind wiping whatever I got to do to make provision for my family a
00:34:17man does what he has to do it's just no reason to be broke for the majority of
00:34:26people there are extreme exceptions I know I know that I'm not I'm not that
00:34:30out of touch but you can have something the point I'm making is the abundant
00:34:35life must mean more than that and I'm in my seat the abundant life I came to they
00:34:39may have life and have it more abundantly what is the spiritual meaning
00:34:43of abundant life I'm glad you asked I'm going it connotes a life that goes
00:34:46beyond the ordinary a life marked by joy and peace love purpose and fulfillment
00:34:53irrespective irrespective irrespective irrespective of material possessions
00:35:03which means money don't bring me joy no money pays bills and it adds some happy
00:35:11to my life but I don't just want happy I want joy everybody know hat comes from
00:35:17the Greek root word everybody knows hat comes from the Greek root happens which
00:35:22means whatever happens makes me happy I meet a man I'm happy he break up with me
00:35:26I'm not happy I get a job I'm happy they fire me I'm not happy happy come and go
00:35:31that's why I broke up with happy happy be playing too many games I hooked up
00:35:34with joy watch this cuz this joy that I had grandma help me grandma the world
00:35:40didn't give it to me and my boss can't take it away my man can't take it my
00:35:45husband can't take it my children so be trying but they can't take it
00:35:50you need a joy that moves beyond cultural nationalism you need a joy
00:36:04that moves beyond this conservative neo-theo-political agenda
00:36:12you need something that moves beyond this conservative culture something
00:36:15moves beyond this feel political context something that moves beyond the
00:36:20ideologies of crass materialism of secular culture that's too many two
00:36:24dollar words you need something that's bigger than who the president yeah I'm
00:36:29watching that debate god bless y'all that was hard to watch one line and one
00:36:36don't really know and I want to be careful here cuz I try not to take shots
00:36:43at the president I honor the president like I want people to honor me as pastor
00:36:46even when Trump was in I honored his presidency I never made remarks about
00:36:50how he looked I only made remarks about how he acted I never called him one name
00:36:54because I don't do that that I don't use ad hominem language is when you create
00:37:00is when you attack the person as opposed to the issue small people use that
00:37:04homonym be careful wise you stupid you dumb that's ad hominem that means you
00:37:08don't have the capacity to argue with me sensibly so you got to call me a name
00:37:13because your vocabulary is limited
00:37:19you frustrated because you can't think so you cuss but thinking people don't
00:37:25have to cuss and call names we could just have a discussion with you so I'm
00:37:30not going to talk about President Biden I'm praying for him in jail but at the
00:37:33same time my critique stands at some point if you don't if you're not
00:37:36cognitively ready you got to give it to somebody who is at some point you can be
00:37:40too old to do anything at 35 40 other than LeBron you too old to hoop
00:37:45professionally so you can get too old to do anything and be president so and then
00:37:49on the other hand who wants to vote for somebody who told about 37 lies in front
00:37:54of 50 million people with no shame in this game told you I grabbed your
00:37:58private woman and you'll like it all right says these things that are
00:38:01bombastic and says I can kill somebody in the middle of New York and still we
00:38:06get voted for but the same person who stabbed the Supreme Court because you
00:38:13wanted to vote him in and he put three people who think like him on the Supreme
00:38:17Court and they just said no matter what he do he can't go to jail which makes
00:38:21him a dictator if I can do anything and not go to jail I kill everybody I don't
00:38:26like because you can't put me in jail because I'm the president who votes for
00:38:29something like that I'm simply trying to tell you you got to be careful and our
00:38:34president deserves some critique too because at the same time you're sending
00:38:3720 billion dollars over to kill Palestinians and Palestine did not bomb
00:38:44Israel Hamas did you I gotta preach this I'm sorry guys
00:38:49Hamas bombed Israel not precious Palestinians and precious Palestinian
00:38:54babies are just as important to Jesus as your little black grandbaby so we got to
00:39:00care as a church that Palestinians are being killed while we on TikTok and your
00:39:05tax dollars are paying for it so how do I vote for him I'm trying to tell you
00:39:14make sure you go to the polls because it's a binary choice I'm simply trying
00:39:17to tell you don't you put your trust in Trump don't you put your trust in Biden
00:39:21don't you put your trust in this system my hope is built on nothing less come on
00:39:29then Jesus blood
00:39:41so over the next 30 days this series of sermons for the month of July I want to
00:39:47ask you a question as I close I'll end where I began what would you do if you
00:39:53only had 30 days to live let me ask you a few questions and then I promise I'm
00:39:58out so when I say 30 days to live if you only had 30 days to live what sins
00:40:05would you cease yeah would you have a side chick Mary brothers if the doctor
00:40:12said you had 30 days to live would you be sticking and moving single brothers
00:40:15if you only had 30 days to live what wouldn't you watch no more what wouldn't
00:40:23you do anymore if you only had 30 days to live what insurance papers would you
00:40:27pull out and are there and are there any to pull out because if the doctor
00:40:34ever tells you you have 30 days to live no one is going to insure you insurance
00:40:39companies are the money-making business not money-losing business so who would
00:40:43get paid it's a shame when you die and nobody get paid tax-free money life
00:40:49insurance tax-free money to your family if you didn't make a lot in life make a
00:40:54lot in death it's worth no eyelashes
00:41:04if you only had 30 days to live who would you thank who would you thank and
00:41:13say I'm headed over there you was a mama to me when my mama wasn't you was a
00:41:17daddy to me when my daddy wasn't you spoke words over my life pastor I don't
00:41:21know lady very whoever who would you thank who would you go see what what
00:41:26auntie was more auntie mommy than auntie what what cousin in my case acted more
00:41:31like a mama then she did a third cousin while she's sitting there now what all
00:41:35time is and don't even know my name but I thanked her and paid for stuff and I'm
00:41:40doing it whatever I can do why because who would you thank what would you say
00:41:45to your mother what would you say who would you thank if you only had 30 days
00:41:50to live how much would you pray and how much do you pray right now how much
00:41:54would you pray how much swiping would you be doing or how much praying and
00:41:58getting ready to meet your maker what scriptures would you read hmm yeah where
00:42:04would you go with your family who would you spend the most time with if you only
00:42:09had 30 days and if I want to challenge us over the next 30 days to act like we
00:42:14only have 30 days to live I seen a great white pastor great great white pastor I
00:42:19seen this about 2003 2004 and I kept saying one day I'm gonna do 30 days to
00:42:23live I seen it years ago and I thought July most pastors so you'll know are
00:42:27gone right now most of my spiritual sons across the country are on sabbatical
00:42:30July is the month you get up out of there because there has to be some slow
00:42:34month for you to rest and revive yourself as a leader go study get ready
00:42:37for the next season Holy Ghost won't let me leave we got a strike while it's hot
00:42:40I know my city it's so cold here summer top of summer not the time for me to be
00:42:45gone as you can see by the crowd we come out I want to challenge us to
00:42:50strike while it's hot to act like you might die watch this who would you spend
00:42:54time with what would you do watch this who would you ask to forgive you who
00:42:59would you forgive by the way who would you hook up with if you haven't missed
00:43:03them for 30 years don't call them during the last 30 days
00:43:07Ken to you or not apparently that wasn't God's will don't spend your last 30 days
00:43:12fix now so if it ain't God's will you spend that 30 days pouring into people
00:43:17that mean something to you don't try to chase people who don't want you even if
00:43:21they can to you so don't don't chase people because you think you're gonna
00:43:26die they're not coming to the funeral no way praise God that's not no no no use
00:43:30you spend that time with people who are precious starting tomorrow morning act
00:43:34like you have 30 days to live we'll do this until the end of July act like you
00:43:39have 30 days to live pull up pull out insurance papers spend the right time
00:43:42with the right amount of people forgive do whatever you need to do act like you
00:43:46oh shoot y'all miss it goodbye I'll see y'all next time y'all missed it oh you
00:43:53thought I meant we're sorry to tell you you have 30 days to live you heard me
00:43:58wrong 30 day I'm not saying you only have 30 days to live I'm saying you have
00:44:0430 days to live preach already oh you you you heard it wrong not 30 days to
00:44:13live I got 30 days get hype y'all just missed that starting after church I'm
00:44:19kissing my wife and whatever else happens that's gonna happen to praise
00:44:23God started at the church I'm driving my cars we shooting fireworks at the ranch
00:44:27tonight I'm calling everybody over I'm gonna have fun I'ma eat I call my oldest
00:44:31son Dominic told him how proud I was of him something he got accomplished this
00:44:34month I spoke life into my daughter whatever I need to do to help my
00:44:37daughter she didn't had a grandbaby for me thank God for that my son Ray not
00:44:41feeling the best he's at home gave me a grandson Ralph killing the game
00:44:44graduated headed to college my baby daughter is in purpose worshiping God
00:44:48I'm a blessed man you may not have everything you want but kiss everybody
00:44:52stop being depressed get a life you're too darn negative everything is
00:44:57stressful you fuss too much that's your husband shut up get a life girl you
00:45:01could be dead thank God you by yourself at least you got peace maybe there's
00:45:05nobody in your bed but you ain't got no disease anybody driving you crazy live
00:45:09your life and stop acting like your mama now stop being negative live speak life
00:45:17and I speak life over everybody in this church and I tell you you should live
00:45:21and not die to declare the worst of the Lord if you're not too stuck up it's
00:45:26people tell him get a lot
00:45:34walk over the three people shake their hand like you gonna shake it off and say
00:45:37I'm about to live I got one life to live I'm not gonna be negative I'm not gonna
00:45:42complain I'm gonna kiss my mama I'm gonna kiss my children I'm gonna hug my
00:45:47grandkids I'm gonna travel I'm gonna live my life to the fullest
00:46:1730 days to live I speak over your life receive this by faith the abundant life
00:46:28you don't live in a third world country you don't live during chattel slavery so
00:46:35I have a right to say this I speak resources over you wealth and riches
00:46:40shall be in your house I call every young person up there a college degree
00:46:45in Jesus name I call your student loan gone I call scholarships and bonuses to
00:46:51you I call extra resources to you you shall not get pregnant until you're
00:46:56married nobody will sleep with you until they marry you I call all of you in that
00:47:01whole section virgins until you get married you'll do better than your mama
00:47:04did better than your grandmother did I speak generational wealth over every
00:47:09young person here the abundant life walking
00:47:16all I heard growing up hurts me to this day
00:47:19Ray anybody got no money in this family well so what I will why don't nobody have
00:47:28no money they had a brain didn't they that's called choices the devil is a lie
00:47:32I don't feel sorry for myself don't nobody owe me nothing it's not the white
00:47:36man it's not Trump it's not biting it's not the government Jesus is my source
00:47:40and if God be for me
00:47:54I speak over your life stretch your hair toward me I curse depression in Jesus
00:48:00name I curse poverty come on I curse debt in the name of Jesus I curse
00:48:06negative thinking in the name of Jesus you should be the wealthiest person in
00:48:11your family wealth and riches are looking for you the wealth of the richest
00:48:15the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just I speak of financial harvest
00:48:19over you come on what good is wealth without health and so therefore I curse
00:48:25cancer all of you with cancer right now God is burning that cancer away he is
00:48:30Jehovah Rafa brother Campbell stand up I continue to call you healed in Jesus
00:48:35name cancer shall have no authority over your life I speak long life and health
00:48:40over you to everyone watching with any kind of medical problem he is Jehovah
00:48:45Rafa he is the God that healing there is a bomb in Gilead I speak healing over
00:48:51you and all healing ain't physical to all of you with mental stuff and
00:48:58depression stuff you are here I don't know who I'm talking to but something
00:49:02ought to be breaking out at this place I don't know who God is calling right now
00:49:06I don't know who I'm speaking to directly but you shouldn't worry nothing
00:49:09about this crowd you should say this is a word for me this a rhema word for me
00:49:14and I'll receive it pastor I speak life over you
00:49:19Oh I can let y'all go home but I feel the power of the Holy Spirit Oh live
00:49:30live live live hug somebody say live baby that's over with now don't worry
00:49:36about your mama them lives don't worry about don't worry about your ex-husband
00:49:40live don't worry about what your kids didn't do live you're losing time get
00:49:46busy living or get busy dying live this is your moment you made it you should be
00:49:53locked up you should be dead you should be on crack but you're still here stop
00:49:59complaining about nothing stop being negative live
00:50:07somebody cry out right quick I'm gonna live I'm gonna live I'm gonna live I'm
00:50:11gonna live I'm gonna live start today I'm gonna live I'm going to the park
00:50:16at the church pastor I'm going to walk around look at the sunshine I'm going
00:50:19down to Edgewater sit on the lake I'm going to do something I'm not gonna feel
00:50:23sorry for myself God gonna pay these bills I'm gonna pay my time God gonna
00:50:27make a way out of no way I'm not gonna be depressed no more thank you for this
00:50:31word pastor only got 30 days left this may be my last time I don't know this
00:50:36may be my last time
00:50:41come on shout in your seat shout let it out the devil been trying to keep you
00:50:46hostage come on worship team I'll see you move
00:51:10I'll see you move
00:51:12I'll see you move
00:51:14I'll see you move
00:51:16I'll see you move
00:51:18I'll see you move
00:51:20I'll see you move
00:51:22I'll see you move
00:51:24I'll see you move
00:51:26I'll see you move
00:51:28I'll see you move
00:51:30I'll see you move
00:51:32I'll see you move
00:51:34I'll see you move
00:51:36I'll see you move
00:51:38I'll see you move
00:51:40I'll see you move
00:51:42I'll see you move
00:51:44I'll see you move
00:51:46I'll see you move
00:51:48I'll see you move
00:51:50I'll see you move
00:51:52I'll see you move
00:51:54I'll see you move
00:51:56I'll see you move
00:51:58I'll see you move
00:52:00I'll see you move
00:52:02I'll see you move
00:52:04I'll see you move
00:52:06I'll see you move
00:52:08I'll see you move
00:52:10I'll see you move
00:52:12I'll see you move
00:52:14I'll see you move
00:52:16I'll see you move
00:52:18I'll see you move
00:52:20I'll see you move
00:52:22I'll see you move
00:52:24I'll see you move
00:52:26I'll see you move
00:52:28I'll see you move
00:52:30I'll see you move
00:52:32I'll see you move
00:52:34Hold it up.
00:52:34Come over here.
00:52:36See over there?
00:52:37They're everywhere.
00:52:38I want y'all to connect with us.
00:52:39If you need Jesus today,
00:52:40what a mighty good day to get connected.
00:52:44If you take your phone out right now on the screen,
00:52:47there's a card in the back of your seat.
00:52:48I see a lot of first-time people here today.
00:52:51Look in the back of your seat right there.
00:52:53Would you fill that card out?
00:52:54It's more than an application.
00:52:55It's better than anything you'll fill out in your life.
00:52:59Tell us you want Jesus.
00:53:00Tell us you want to get baptized.
00:53:01I'm gonna baptize.
00:53:02The first Wednesday in August.
00:53:04If you take your phone out or grab that card,
00:53:05take a pen out.
00:53:07Come on, do me a favor.
00:53:08Drop it in the get connected box on your way out.
00:53:11There's one at the convention center.
00:53:13Drop it and say, I want to get connected.
00:53:15Jesus Christ loves you.
00:53:17What a mighty day.
00:53:18Do me a favor.
00:53:19Nobody walk.
00:53:20I want to tell y'all this.
00:53:20What a mighty good day to come to Jesus.
00:53:23If you want somebody to pray for you right now,
00:53:24just bum rush this altar
00:53:25and say, I want Jesus Christ in my life.
00:53:27You can't make it without Jesus.
00:53:29Jesus loves you.
00:53:30Jesus died for you.
00:53:31Jesus rose for you.
00:53:33If you don't go to our church,
00:53:34what a mighty good day to get connected.
00:53:35Use your phone right now.
00:53:37Come down here or fill out the card.
00:53:39What a mighty good day.
00:53:41As we go home, just want to get everybody pumped up.
00:53:45So we at the halfway point of the year, right?
00:53:48And there was a certain number I wanted to get to
00:53:50for us to pay our building off next year.
00:53:53I said, God, you're gonna have to do it.
00:53:54I'm telling you the truth.
00:53:55We were like a little bit behind.
00:53:57It's been coming in beautifully,
00:53:58but you know, there's a number.
00:53:59I'm a pastor.
00:54:00I'm also, you know, kind of slash CEO.
00:54:02I got to think business and spiritual.
00:54:04So I got to know my numbers.
00:54:05So I'm trying to get to my number
00:54:07and I'm giving like crazy.
00:54:08People giving, it's been crazy.
00:54:10And I didn't know if we would get there.
00:54:11I get a call, brother from California.
00:54:13He watched it now, I'm sure.
00:54:14Or he watched this morning and said,
00:54:15I'm one of your virtual members from California.
00:54:17He said, pandemic, I started watching you.
00:54:20I can't stop.
00:54:21I said, there's no church in California you like.
00:54:23He said, no, not to feed me like this.
00:54:25And he said, so I'll watch every Sunday from California.
00:54:28He said, I'm flying in on the last Sunday of June.
00:54:31He was here last Sunday.
00:54:32He wanted to be anonymous.
00:54:33So y'all didn't know he was sitting right over to my right.
00:54:35Flew his family in for one reason,
00:54:37to hand me a check for $150,000.
00:54:40Cashier's check.
00:54:48I said, well, I'm your pastor.
00:54:51So I'm going to be nosy.
00:54:52Where'd you get that money from?
00:54:54He said, my wife had a little accident
00:54:56and our settlement came in.
00:54:58Now, if he gave 150, how much did he get?
00:55:02I speak over your life, millionaire status for somebody.
00:55:05Unusual money's coming.
00:55:09It gets better than that.
00:55:12Another person, shout whenever you feel like it,
00:55:16gave $100,000 last Sunday.
00:55:20Y'all didn't say nothing.
00:55:21I don't know who.
00:55:23My finance team can verify this.
00:55:26So on one Sunday, $250,000 came in,
00:55:30which now puts our savings goal
00:55:32just where I wanted it to be.
00:55:34Drop it on the screens, everybody,
00:55:35and shout when y'all see this.
00:55:37This is our new total, everybody.
00:55:40Come on.
00:55:42Y'all now shout.
00:55:43I see you move.
00:55:44I see you move, everybody.
00:55:57I can't wait.
00:56:00I'm just getting started.
00:56:04Nobody's walking.
00:56:05Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt.
00:56:07Y'all do me one favor.
00:56:09This morning, my faith is gone.
00:56:10Now, we need two million by December.
00:56:12I prophesied we should get it.
00:56:15Once we have two million, that means next year
00:56:17we burn the mortgage on the Word Church,
00:56:19which means we have no,
00:56:21and our Akron building, I need y'all to see this.
00:56:23Please catch this.
00:56:24We now have a confirmed buyer
00:56:26for our Akron building, everybody.
00:56:28Come on, come on.
00:56:30Y'all not talking to me, everybody.
00:56:33Now, all of you know,
00:56:36a deal not a deal to the money in the bank,
00:56:39but they dead serious,
00:56:41and what we making is gonna be absolutely crazy.
00:56:43God is opening up every door,
00:56:45which means after we pay this building off,
00:56:47we shall have no debt in the world.
00:56:50Everything y'all give can go to staff
00:56:55and poor people and changing lives
00:56:56and schooling and education,
00:56:59which if it wasn't for me,
00:57:03we probably could have been there 10 years ago.
00:57:05I wish I would have did some things different,
00:57:06but you don't stay in your past.
00:57:07You go forward in Jesus' name, amen.
00:57:11This morning, I gave $1,000
00:57:13because I'm hype now.
00:57:15Miles Garrett, Miles Garrett,
00:57:16Cleveland Browns Miles Garrett,
00:57:17his mother watches online.
00:57:19She just sent a text saying she was so proud
00:57:21of what we're doing that she matched me
00:57:23with $1,000, amen, everybody.
00:57:27So money coming from everywhere.
00:57:28I got a word for this church.
00:57:30Get ready.
00:57:31I said this three years ago,
00:57:32five years ago,
00:57:34and only 10 of y'all remember.
00:57:35Remember I said unexpected checks?
00:57:38Who was here when I said unexpected income?
00:57:41Now that was before the pandemic checks came.
00:57:46I don't just talk.
00:57:48I think being prophetic is my least gift.
00:57:50I'm a leader.
00:57:51I'm a teacher.
00:57:52I have the gift of giving.
00:57:54I don't claim to be the most prophetic,
00:57:54but when I drop something on you, you receive it.
00:57:56Look for unexpected money to come to members in our church.
00:57:59My wife and I feel it.
00:58:00It's starting to happen.
00:58:01Everybody giving us money.
00:58:03Company's giving us money.
00:58:04A bank just gave us some money.
00:58:06Cleveland Clinic gave us $25,000.
00:58:08Talk to me, somebody.
00:58:09A grocery store gave us $3,000.
00:58:12Somebody, okay, y'all need to shout,
00:58:14wants to give almost a half a million to the Word Church.
00:58:17They telling us right now.
00:58:18I'm telling y'all to get ready for unexpected money,
00:58:21and when it comes to you, start with God first.
00:58:26Oh yeah, pay your bills, honor your family,
00:58:29take a vacation, but when this big money come to you,
00:58:31you walk up to me, call the church,
00:58:33and say I'm getting in on this
00:58:34because when you put God first.
00:58:36So I got $1,000, baby, please.
00:58:38I didn't use the credit card, use whatever,
00:58:40because I didn't bring that check,
00:58:41but I want that money here today, today.
00:58:43Don't walk out.
00:58:44Use whatever you got to use.
00:58:45$1,000 from our family today.
00:58:47I need some people.
00:58:48I'm not asking you to match me.
00:58:49I want 100 people that'll give a tithe of my 1,000.
00:58:52Some business people, some girls who ain't got no babies
00:58:55or no husband, but plenty of money.
00:58:57Everybody, whoever can do it,
00:58:59if you'll sow $100 with your phone,
00:59:01I want them to tell me we raised another $1,500,
00:59:04we'll be $900 away, $900,000 away from $2 million,
00:59:09and can I just believe, I'm not closing my eyes,
00:59:13that he may pay the building off this year.
00:59:16Why don't you put your faith with mine right quick?
00:59:19Let me try this again.
00:59:21I got next year in my pocket,
00:59:24but I ain't completely sold that I may not get up here
00:59:26and tell y'all the building's paid off
00:59:27before the end of the year.
00:59:29So if God gives you some money,
00:59:31anybody got a million dollars?
00:59:36Anybody got 100?
00:59:38Walk up here, which you'll see right quick.
00:59:39Walk up, bring your phone, use the envelope.
00:59:42Come on, just walk up here.
00:59:43Build my faith.
00:59:43Yeah, I want to see you.
00:59:44Build my faith.
00:59:46Lady Bernie, get that 1,000 ready now.
00:59:47Give it to me, please, ma'am.
00:59:48She doing it now?
00:59:49Thank you.
00:59:50Bring me that envelope.
00:59:51I want to hand it to the finance team.
00:59:51I got 1,000.
00:59:52I got 1,000.
00:59:53Come on, Brother Mackley, thank you.
00:59:55Come on, stand in front of me.
00:59:55Stand up here with your 100.
00:59:57Anybody got 1,000?
00:59:58Come shake my whole leg.
01:00:00Grab my whole leg.
01:00:01You got 1,000?
01:00:02Grab my whole leg and tell me.
01:00:03Praise God, amen.
01:00:05Come on, come on.
01:00:05Anybody got 100?
01:00:06Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:00:07Do me a favor.
01:00:08Start walking, start walking, start walking, start walking.
01:00:16I hope you've been blessed.
01:00:18We're just getting started.
01:00:1930 days to live.
01:00:20What would you do if you only had 30 days to live?
01:00:24During this teaching, I'll be talking about living, living.
01:00:27How many insurance papers have you checked?
01:00:30What's going on with persons you need to forgive
01:00:32or maybe be forgiven by?
01:00:34How much time would you spend with your kids?
01:00:35Did you have a side chick?
01:00:37If you only had 30 days to live,
01:00:38would you be sleeping around if you were single?
01:00:39What would you do if you only had 30 days?
01:00:42I hope you enjoyed this first teaching.
01:00:44Get a life.
01:00:45Life is worth living.
01:00:46I'm loving on my beautiful wife,
01:00:48making love to her, raising my kids,
01:00:49loving my members, hanging out with old friends,
01:00:51trying to convince them to Christ.
01:00:53Living life to the fullest.
01:00:55This is the series you can't miss.
01:00:57Tell everybody, don't miss 30 Days to Live.
01:01:01See you next week.
