Hành trình vào tâm Trái Đất 2008 || Journey To The Center of The Earth 2008

  • 3 months ago
00:01:46Although Wagner was ridiculed by the scientific community
00:01:50He was eventually found to be correct in his theory of an original supercontinent called Pangea
00:02:07Hey Leonard
00:02:10Hey, man
00:02:12Dude, I'm gonna be happy. Why it's kittens. I've seen
00:02:18Hello Trevor
00:02:20There's my favorite colleague. Oh, yeah, I'm good. How's that con drift class years going?
00:02:25Why does it get echoey in there with so few students?
00:02:28Ha ha ha
00:02:30So, what do you got in the books today? I'm kind of busy around here. No, no, I can
00:02:34See how busy you are. So I'll try to be as quick as possible here
00:02:39The University is pulling the plug on your brother's lab
00:02:43Going to plug. Yeah, it's gonna finally give us all the storage space we need. Let's get something straight here
00:02:48This facility is dedicated to the research of Maxwell Anderson seminal theories predicting the volcanic fissures in the mantle of which
00:02:54I've never been proven
00:02:56I mean how many of your late brother sensors are even still active one two three used to be 29
00:03:02This is the wrong time to shut us down. I have got seismic activity in Bolivia. I got a 13 millimeter ship in Mongolia
00:03:09Alan you can't shut us down. Keep the lab open. It's all I've got left of Max. It's been 10 years since Max Trevor. I
00:03:17Am sorry
00:03:19Really am
00:03:34Trevor there. It's Elizabeth pick up, please
00:03:38Okay. Well, um, we are on the 95 and we're heading your way
00:03:42You want to say hi to your uncle Trevor Sean?
00:03:48I don't want to
00:04:41You forgot didn't you I
00:04:44Yeah, how could I forget you didn't forget I
00:04:51That doesn't mean that I haven't been looking forward to spending a little time with my nephew
00:04:54I mean, I haven't seen him since he was nine seven Wow
00:04:59So, um, how long is he gonna be staying again? Ten days?
00:05:03So we said hey Sean, how are you?
00:05:08Looking good
00:05:10Is that one of those game boys PSP cool Sean get up say hi to your uncle
00:05:23Last time I saw you you were about this high
00:05:33Okay, so you've got all my numbers you've got your ticket and your passport in your bag
00:05:37I will be there to pick you up at the airport in Ottawa
00:05:39By then I'll have found us a house and we can start on this big new adventure pretty exciting stuff, huh?
00:05:44Yeah, it's great. We get to be Canadians thrilling a
00:05:50Just let yourself in
00:05:53It'll be good for him being with you
00:05:57Who knows maybe it'll be good for you, too
00:06:04This is for you, what is this is Sean's no, it's Max's Max's
00:06:29Hey, dude
00:06:31This is gonna be fun. You know, it's a couple of dudes hanging out five days. Maybe a week, you know
00:06:36Doing dude stuff dudes do
00:06:39You like baseball, hey, you know we should do we should go get in the batting cage
00:06:44Yeah, okay listen
00:06:46I don't like this any more than you do
00:06:47So as long as you keep the fridge stocked with Mountain Dew and Tebow family guy, we'll get along fine
00:06:53Sure, oh wow, that's an awesome Queen collection
00:06:58Kind of a pet project of mine. Yeah, it's really nifty
00:07:05You hungry we could order in you know, maybe some pizza Chinese Thai food subs or something like that
00:07:16Wow, what's that?
00:07:20Box of possessions of a really great guy your dad
00:07:29Little ball glove
00:07:32Mom doesn't talk about him very much. Well, you can take my word for it. He was
00:07:38one of those few people who are just
00:07:42Exceptional at everything they do. Oh
00:07:47See this
00:07:48This was your old man's PSP
00:07:52Hey, yo, yo, don't beat this in the yo-yo. This is physics at work right here
00:07:55You get your centrifugal force your gravitational pull got your potential energy and in ancient times
00:08:00Did you know that this was actually used as a hunting implement?
00:08:09Hey, let me try yeah
00:08:17I have no idea what this is
00:08:28This is his favorite book
00:08:30Jules Burns a journey to the center of the earth
00:08:36You know, I think that was on my summer reading list once I never got to it let's do that
00:08:42It's a good read
00:08:43To him. It wasn't just science fiction. It was
00:08:47It was inspiration
00:08:49He used to read this to me and I was a really little kid
00:08:55Hello, what are these notes?
00:09:11Olivia Oh
00:09:26Hey Sean, let's go check out my lab
00:09:30So it couldn't wait for tomorrow your dad used to say it's on a physics. It's the science of now not tomorrow
00:09:36It's not seismic events that occur in an instant. Yeah, look at this
00:09:42You got Hawaii
00:09:45Mongolia and the conditions today are almost exactly what they were in July 97. What's the big deal about July 97?
00:09:51Sean that was the year that your dad went missing
00:09:54No, but you see this column of numbers here
00:09:58If the seven five three right here was a seven five two then they would be
00:10:11Exactly the same
00:10:13What are these little lips
00:10:17Don't touch anything those little blips are my life's work
00:10:20These four little blips your entire life's work great three little lips
00:10:27One two three
00:10:38This makes sense
00:10:40Max saw the readings ten years ago and he took off to investigate now if the readings are the same today as they were then
00:10:47This might be my only chance to find out what happened
00:10:51For what I'm sorry, but I have to get you Canada a little early and we planned what are you talking about?
00:10:57I'm talking about this a journey to the center of the earth
00:11:03It's all set in Iceland which is where he must have gone
00:11:08His were my dad's notes
00:11:19Your dad and I were talking about the possibility of volcanic tubes
00:11:24Existing that went down past the mantle towards the center of the earth and that's what I think he went looking for
00:11:31I'm sorry, but I gotta put you on a flight to Ottawa in the morning. I'm calling Iceland
00:11:37Hey, I just got here, okay, you're not gonna go and ditch me besides
00:11:41I was the person who found your life's work fourth little blip thing in the first place. Oh, it's my brother
00:11:46We're talking about here. It's my dad
00:11:48Now I have to be in Ottawa for ten days. I'm going with you
00:11:51Do you know how much it costs to book a last-minute flight to Reykjavik someone tells me you got it covered
00:12:10Descend bold traveler into the crater of the yoke of the snifles
00:12:13Which the shadow of scarters touches before the cadence of July and you will attain the center of the earth
00:12:29Am deciphering these notations that your father made in this book. I think there's a code behind the pairing of letters
00:12:36I think I might have something to do with it the periodic table. For instance. I've got say I asked you G
00:12:40I believe that PB is on the periodic table and that's plumbum plumbum means let see your jorn as
00:12:48Gerson what?
00:12:51It's right here read it down. See you're born as Gerson. Oh
00:12:57So you're gonna ask your son that's um
00:13:02That's a clue maybe that's a place it could be a thing what are you doing? I'm googling at 30,000 feet
00:13:11Welcome to the 21st century
00:13:13There it's person so you're gonna ask your son executive director of the ask yours an Institute for progressive
00:13:20Volcanology max would have known this guy. I knew it was a good thing to bring you kid
00:13:24His Institute has got to be our first stop
00:13:32Are we there yet if you mean annoying yeah, we're there
00:13:38You're going kind of slow. I'm going kind of safe. I just saw a goat in the passing lane
00:13:43When's the whole adventure thing gonna begin? Let me give you something fun to do
00:13:51Where are we we pass?
00:13:55Have fun
00:13:58I'm on six. Yeah, I don't know
00:14:03Have we passed in gosh dar dear no rain in here. I don't know
00:14:11stiff large stars stiff large starter about
00:14:15Kadar skin, okay, what?
00:14:19We're definitely lost
00:14:22Just look for an institution. What's an institution? I don't know it looks big and
00:14:27Institutional grab me around here somewhere
00:14:32Hey, there's a little shack up there, maybe we can stop there and ask for directions
00:14:44What's this ski shack
00:14:47Ask your sin store from if enough for knife and every day I did an institute for progressive volcanology. I told you I'd find it
00:15:02I'm sorry. I I don't speak Icelandic
00:15:09Hi, can I help you?
00:15:13I'm Hannah. Oh, how do you do? Hi? I'm Trevor a professor Anderson. I'm visiting from America
00:15:21This is I'm Sean my nephew
00:15:26Was wondering if I could possibly speak with uh, forgive me. It's a cigar beer and Oscars
00:15:34Well, this is a Burton Oscars when he's dead dead. Yeah, he died three winters ago. Oh
00:15:41So do you run the Institute?
00:15:43Nobody does it there is no Institute. There's a sign down the road that says yeah progressive
00:15:48Volcanology was a failed idea like, you know, the Berlin Wall
00:15:52He tracked tapes. I see
00:15:56Well, did did you work with him? No, no, he was my father
00:16:04Yeah, I know it what about it
00:16:07But this book belonged to my late brother Max Max Anderson
00:16:12We believe that he may have been in contact with your father. Your brother was a Virginian
00:16:19What's a Virginian someone that believes that their writings of Jules Verne were actual fact?
00:16:24I mean guy was a science fiction writer and yet this Society of believers
00:16:30Regarded like a visionary. My father was the biggest Virginian of them all
00:16:34My brother was no Virginian
00:16:45This was my father's copy take a look
00:16:52See the markings are exactly the same your brother was a Virginian
00:16:59Wow, my dad was kind of
00:17:02Out there you didn't know him Sean starting to think you didn't either it was no member of some secret society
00:17:10What are you guys doing here? I'm a scientist. I'm a professor
00:17:14I'm here because there are seismic sensors going off 30 clicks more than here that we think that we should check into and that's the
00:17:20Reason that we're here plain and simple
00:17:23Okay, you know there are no roads to the north well
00:17:29I'm a mountain guide. I can take you there
00:17:33Great. It's great. I love I would appreciate that. That'd be great
00:17:38Call me Trevor you can call me Sean so it'll be 5,000 corner to go up there five grand a day. No problem
00:17:46an hour
00:17:49Do you accept roles of quarters
00:18:19Come on boys want to be home by sundown
00:18:37Got dibs on nothing good
00:18:42You 13 sorry called it 13 year olds don't get dibs
00:18:47Get over it
00:18:58Got it closer
00:19:00I just watch your step there. My bus is deceptively treacherous. What's nice?
00:19:05Why don't you tell them professor?
00:19:07Sniffles is the name of the mountain where this character lighted Brock
00:19:12Or apparently found a portal to the center of the earth
00:19:16Let's just find that sensor of yours
00:19:23What do you need to do with it I gotta unlock it it's got a like a black box
00:19:29that's recorded all
00:19:32Seismic activity that has transpired in the last 10 years. You tell me a lot about Max
00:19:37What he was doing when he went missing Trevor. I'm really sorry. We're gonna have to go now
00:19:42Let's be corroded
00:19:45We need to go
00:19:50Okay, you need to take cover
00:20:15Attracting the lightning
00:21:03Guys come on you gotta help me dig
00:21:15Forget it. It's no use forget it
00:21:25Tons of boulders on top of us things about a month to dig out of here
00:21:32We're gonna find other way
00:21:34There's always another way
00:21:39See you got in there signal flares first aid some rope blankets and a couple of protein bars
00:21:46But they're on a ration now. We don't know how long we'll be trapped for trapped
00:21:50Is that we are?
00:21:54Chief no shame in that
00:21:57Sean hey, what are you doing?
00:21:59We're getting any service Sean. You're not gonna get any signal down here, okay?
00:22:03This one you don't worry about find another way out all right, okay?
00:22:10One of these might snake back to the surface how do we know which one to take my gut says we go, right?
00:22:23Looks promising
00:22:31Put one foot in front of the other we're out of here in no time
00:22:41Don't worry
00:22:43Direction is my sixth sense
00:22:46Okay, attention shot. It's just like doing fieldwork
00:23:08You're not studying rocks in the lab professor, this is life or death here
00:23:13Yeah, thanks
00:23:15You owe me one
00:23:31What does this say
00:23:34I'll go go bun that means
00:23:37Keep out. Maybe that's decent advice
00:23:40This is great news because this might lead us down to an old mine shaft and that could be our way out of here
00:23:45How deep do you think it is you give me one of those flares?
00:23:50Look at your watch gonna like this drop it over the edge, and I want you to tell me how many seconds pass before it stops
00:24:01Here we go
00:24:28Magnesium must run in veins all through these walls
00:24:32Magnesium is kind of flammable, isn't it professor? Yeah
00:24:36Using flares using gunpowder and matchsticks, right? Well, maybe gunpowders and flares aren't such a good idea down here
00:24:47Thank you
00:24:49It's the same principle
00:24:51You ready Sean? Yeah, good
00:24:54three two
00:25:03Almost three
00:25:07200 feet
00:25:09That's no problem. It's about your basic 20 story high rise. You got enough rope. I always have enough rope
00:25:17Well, no problem for what repelling down in there. We're gonna pull down that deep dark hole
00:25:26What's matter there's no way we should be repelling down to that hole
00:25:30Well, you're you're man enough to call dibs on the mountain guide
00:25:33You're not man enough to climb down a little piece of rope. I'm calling dibs on the mountain guide
00:25:36No one gets dibs on the mountain guide
00:25:40We're going down there
00:25:56Looking good
00:25:59All good down here
00:26:02Way down here
00:26:04You guys are coming down, right? All right, Sean. I'm gonna start lowering it down really really slowly
00:26:08You just lean back and keep your feet up high
00:26:13Okay, John, we're together so nothing bad is gonna happen
00:26:20Yeah, sure
00:26:29John just keep walking keep walking
00:26:38Hey, you're looking pretty good there Sean sure you haven't done this before
00:26:43Hey, you mind watch your step. Well, you know for my life here
00:26:49John's make conversation with me
00:26:52To hand you do you come here often? I'll give you a break. That can't be the best line you can come up with
00:26:58Making conversation with her. No, I do not come in pretty often
00:27:15We're gonna shift
00:27:17What the metamorphic rock green shift garnet shift Micah garnet shift. Oh
00:27:23Shit, it's everywhere. Look at it
00:27:42I'm gonna have to cut you loose
00:27:58Hey guys found it bottoms right here
00:28:05You knew that right right
00:28:19Guys what's this?
00:28:27Looks like an abandoned mine tunnel to me. That's all bloggers mine
00:28:32I'll shut down 60 years ago. It's the big disaster disaster
00:28:37How big?
00:28:3981 dead
00:28:47Hey Trevor, was there a mine like this in the book? No, I don't think so
00:28:55Yeah, yeah, can I ask you something do you wonder if your father and my brother
00:29:04Weren't wrong
00:29:06Let me make something very clear to you. I
00:29:09Am NOT my father and
00:29:12The world that he belonged to has nothing to do with me. I understand. Of course
00:29:16I didn't mean to say that it was
00:29:19You know, it's on the clock, right? You're still billing me. I bill you until I'm safe in my house
00:29:36What's that
00:29:38This is the old generator for the mine. Hey, you don't want to touch that
00:29:43What are you doing there might be some ball to compound there, you know serious generator
00:29:49And I think it blew up. You stop throwing switches. Don't do that. No wait get away from that thing
00:30:03Okay, I take it back
00:30:11This is it right, I mean the miners they had to get their stuff on somewhere. Yeah, these tracks could lead us out
00:30:18Hey Hannah, how many miners got out?
00:30:23That's a start. I call front
00:30:26What no, no, no, come on Sean don't get in there. We don't even know if these things work. They're not safe tracks might not
00:30:38Track ahead looks good get in
00:30:59Please tell me it's daylight
00:32:27Your track
00:32:30Stop it my car
00:32:49The truck and
00:33:24Luckily I had a soft landing
00:33:30As to you owe me now, let's keep it count
00:33:41What is awesome you guys don't ask
00:33:53It's that
00:33:58Where you going don't go in there, what are you guys talking about? This could be our way out?
00:34:07Guys check it out
00:34:17That's part
00:34:19Guys there's more
00:34:43Crystals are
00:34:45frequently formed and found
00:34:52Volcanic tubes
00:35:00This tube could take us back
00:35:03We're not far from the surface
00:35:05We get out get the Maserati. Hey money is not the only thing that matters shot people matter to you know
00:35:12Something like that
00:35:18Yes hear that nobody move
00:35:35Tell me that's not what I think it is
00:35:43What's muscly
00:35:48Muscovite is a very thin type of rock formation. How thin well so thin that
00:35:54Slightest change away to pressure can cause it to shatter. We're standing on a lot of it
00:36:10Back exactly the way we came from very very calmly. Okay, try like me feel tough. I'm good
00:36:29That's it
00:36:33Really going
00:36:51It's actually thicker than I thought
00:37:08We're still falling
00:37:37Got the other theories well the walls of this tunnel could have gently eroded by water which still runs through it
00:37:45Providing a gradual break to our fall kind of like a water slide water slide
00:37:51Okay, that's very but Trevor. What's the water of homes? The lake might pointing straight up at us
00:37:57It is also possible
00:39:08Think the rock
00:39:19Here's Anna
00:40:00Thank you, so where's that put us now
00:40:07Back to one
00:40:14Where are we
00:40:25That's just the ceiling of the cave is it just me or is the cave ceiling moving
00:40:39Does look like doesn't
00:41:04They're birds
00:41:09Electric birds, they look like cyanis rose opter X
00:41:14only the bioluminescent
00:41:15Like like fireflies or glow worms. It's incredible
00:41:45You've seen this creatures before yeah in the museum and they were fossilized these things have been extinct for over
00:41:50150 million years
00:42:05Where are they going?
00:42:08Guys come on
00:42:11Don't wait wait for me
00:42:41Ladies and gentlemen, thank you center
00:42:50Max was right. He was right. Max was right
00:43:01Your dad was right he was right
00:43:05Anna your dad was right, too
00:43:08They both believed in something that everyone told them was impossible
00:43:18What's that light up there
00:43:20Can't tell must be some sort of
00:43:25Luminescent gas combination. I don't know
00:43:29it's like a
00:43:32Terrarium a terrarium thousands of miles beneath the crust of the earth a
00:43:39World within the world
00:43:55The waterfalls which for a long time could be heard flowing from afar
00:44:01Cascaded along the towering Canyon walls
00:44:04Streaming along the rock with no end. I mean, it's the same thing line Brock wrote. Are we saying that?
00:44:11My character was real that he existed someone came down here someone saw all this
00:44:19Some I got out of someone told burn somebody get out
00:44:23It's the best thing I've heard all day. I mean doesn't this just completely blow your mind
00:44:51My mind is blown yes
00:45:03Enormous fossilized mushrooms like humongous fungus
00:45:10Does this mean that everything in the book is real probably really dangerous parts. I was just thinking about that, right?
00:45:47I'm going in. Yeah, wait up slow down. I'll be right there
00:46:20Someone actually lived here that somebody was lying Brock
00:46:30Look at all this gear all this state-of-the-art a century ago
00:47:36Hey Trevor, I think I found mine Brock's new book
00:47:44It's like on the other side of those trees. There's some sort of underground ocean. Yeah, I
00:47:51Don't think that's lying Brock's handwriting
00:48:00It's my dad's
00:48:10I told you for a minute out here. Can you wait here for a minute?
00:49:11I never really a chance to know him
00:49:20I mean, I wish I did you wrote something. I want you to hear
00:49:31August 14 1997 today was John's third birthday
00:49:41Six weeks ago. I promised myself. I would be home in time to give him his first baseball club
00:49:48Now I'm worried
00:49:52That I'll never get the chance I
00:49:59Set out to make an incredible discovery to share with Trevor and the world
00:50:05But now I
00:50:08Would trade it all
00:50:10Just to be able to watch you grow up
00:50:13to be the brave and
00:50:15Caring man. I am certain you will become
00:50:24Happy birthday, Sean. I love you daddy
00:50:47Goodbye Max
00:51:21According to Max's journal we're here in this giant air pocket that's surrounded by lava
00:51:29During periods of intense seismic activity
00:51:35Like the one right now, that's right
00:51:38The magma that surrounds us turn this place into pretty much just a big oven is that what happened to my dad
00:51:53Look I know I'm just a kid but I can handle this really
00:52:00Max was planning an escape. His notes say that temperatures down here can easily hit 200 degrees
00:52:06The human being can't survive beyond 135. Sorry 95 degrees. It was 82 when we got here temperatures rising quickly
00:52:13So, what do we do? I say that we follow Max's plan. Here's what he wrote
00:52:18My analysis of the original verm text leads me to believe that across the ocean due north of my current position
00:52:25Is a geyser like river which could be used to return to the surface
00:52:29so we have to do is get across this ocean and find the geyser and just
00:52:33Hitch a ride topside
00:52:36Topside sounds good. It's a little trickier than that. It could get so hot down here that all the water will evaporate
00:52:41How much time do we have?
00:52:4348 hours 72 tops
00:52:48Okay, so the question is
00:52:50What is the fastest way to get across the ocean? There's no way that we get around it
00:52:54Because if we hike we don't have time
00:52:56There's no time to do that
00:53:01It's all in the book
00:53:09Hey, you're right, what's the temperature doing? It's a hundred degrees
00:53:23Each a trilobite shine. We got to keep our strength up
00:53:35Don't don't we need to set our mast? No, we don't need it
00:53:39The wind that we once waved their thermal it's a lot faster than what we got down here
00:53:50Good job, that should just about do it. Hey got something for you
00:53:59What is this
00:54:00That's a compass
00:54:01It was your dad's. I
00:54:04Remember the Christmas that your mom gave it to she wanted to make sure
00:54:10He could always find a way back home
00:54:15Maybe it'll help you find a way back to her
00:54:23Thanks, Trevor, yeah means a lot to me me too. Oh
00:54:29There's one thing you should know down here the polarity is reversed
00:54:33So I mean north is south south is north and we need to bear to north across the sea
00:54:39You mean so?
00:55:05All right
00:55:13Good ready
00:56:06He's back little guy
00:56:15Seen those clouds. Yeah, the currents pulling us in the direction. We want to go. Maybe we should lower the kite
00:56:25Can't do that. It's 109 degrees. It's getting hotter. We need all the speed we can get leave it up
01:01:27Hey little guy, where are we?
01:01:29Hey, you know I get some water into a bird
01:02:11The wind blew him this way
01:02:15We still heading north
01:02:18Yeah, still north it's a smart kid he knows the plan I'm sure he'll be waiting by the river
01:02:26Let's find that river
01:02:30Oh, hey, come on wait up
01:02:42Where'd you go
01:02:51Good job
01:03:00Oh now which way
01:03:10So that's good the river's north
01:03:21No, no, I'm fine. No, I'm fine. Yeah, I got let's just stop
01:03:35Hey, we're gonna find him
01:03:43Drink that
01:03:46Is that the last of the water? Yeah, Trevor gonna need that. Why don't you keep Anna drink it?
01:04:59Oh, that's one point for me, right who's keeping track
01:05:52Get it it's magnetic field
01:06:21Way rocks
01:08:52You try that without ways
01:09:08That's the river Geyser must be inside that cave
01:09:28Where is where is
01:10:22Really wish I'd read that book
01:10:58See him anywhere
01:11:11Wait, what are you doing? I'm going to get my nephew
01:11:20Is all my fault
01:11:23Save yourself
01:11:25Let's go home
01:11:28I'll wait for you at the river
01:11:31For as long as I can
01:11:40Did you do that just in case
01:14:03I'm glad to see you. Yeah, you too. Are you all right?
01:14:12Is that the geyser
01:15:34I just remembered something. I hate fieldwork
01:15:47Really lucky. Okay that way that's no good that worse
01:15:54Let's go
01:16:04We did
01:16:05How are we gonna get to the guys or the water's boiling?
01:16:07No, we need somebody floats anything I could use a log or really use a boat
01:16:29Come on jump it. She's the best long guy on the planet. Is that right?
01:16:37Didn't really think you're gonna scare me. Why did you have to look harder than that?
01:16:53I'm afraid I'm gonna have to charge you extra for this bit. Can I open a tab?
01:17:02Not good, that's the riverbed
01:17:33What's that light down there
01:17:35That's lava
01:17:39And it's rising
01:17:41You know steam and water shooting up the tunnel we're too late for the guys and we missed it
01:17:46What do we do Trevor? Do you have any suggestions? I mean without any water. There's no steam without any steam
01:17:51We're not going anywhere. This place looks like there hasn't been any water here in two three hours now, but the walls are still wet
01:17:56That's impossible. It's 130 degrees
01:17:59What behind you?
01:18:03It is wet
01:18:05It's cold
01:18:06There's water behind you. There's gotta be water behind some pocket or underground river or something like that. Trevor. Let's get it. It's getting closer
01:18:15That's magnesium
01:18:19Guys we're slipping flares how many flares you got left?
01:18:26Hurry, what do you want to do it? I'm gonna light the magnesium this time on purpose
01:18:38Come on
01:18:45I get further down. Give me another one. Oh my legs
01:19:02Good that's tie me off. I gotta get down lower Trevor. Let's get it. It's getting faster
01:19:13It's the last one
01:22:26Yes, Mavis obvious
01:22:28Hey, Sean, if your mom asks you what you did this weekend you tell her uncle Trevor took you to Italy
01:22:35Italy see
01:22:38I've done Tato Queen Luba
01:22:43He'll be no no
01:22:58Just took a few geological samples a few geological samples, okay, maybe a few pounds of samples, but what do you expect?
01:23:05I'm a scientist son
01:23:08Look look you take this you take we are sorry
01:23:20Damn it
01:23:22You want slide again slide is okay. He's fine anything or what you want
01:23:39What's that for now, we're even
01:23:57Butter back stop doing what you're doing. What am I doing?
01:24:02You're looking for work
01:24:04You don't need to as you have a job with the Al skierson Anderson Institute protect on a physical exploration
01:24:11Skierson and Anderson what still working on the name yet figured it out yet, but the point is rising tide lifts all boats
01:24:17And that's awesome, I think am I a boat you're a boat we're back in business all right, dude
01:24:24Well, what's all the excitement about hey Alan? How are you good? What's doing? Oh me? I'm uh
01:24:32Moving into my new lab more importantly. Where have you been? I heard you missed your Monday lecture and uh both of your students complain
01:24:41I took a quick vacation. It was the best thing I could have done that is
01:24:45Exciting you'll have to promise to tell me about it one of these days
01:24:47Okay, I'm not sure if I'll have time, but you can read about it in scientific American
01:24:55Scientific American look I just want to say no hard feelings
01:24:58Okay, about the whole laboratory moving in expansion thing so you know I'm actually looking for my own building anyway
01:25:03How exactly are you going to do that Trevor?
01:25:07Well, let's just say I fell into a small fortune
01:25:10So tomorrow you're gonna be a Canadian yep, what's that way?
01:25:20I'd say that was a lot of male bonding packed into very little time. What do you say we uh?
01:25:26Take a couple weeks next time a couple weeks. Yeah, what are you doing over Christmas break nothing?
01:25:31I'm free. I found this new dad stuff
01:25:35You ever read
01:25:36You ever read all city of Atlantis mm-hmm, we'll talk
01:25:45Sean what is that? I'm just feeding my pet what pet?
01:25:51The mama let me keep him
01:25:57Hey come on, where are you going?
