Shaun Wood

  • 2 months ago
Video chat with Shaun Wood after his Buckie Thistle testimonial match against Elgin City.
00:37It's a wee bit of an emotional occasion for you is it?
00:39Sean, this is the final game for Bucky Thistle, how are you feeling?
00:43It doesn't really sink in yet, probably in a few days I'll be like oh that's me finished.
00:50But I think I played alright today, my uncle held out a wee bit.
00:55I think you played more than alright, I'm talking to the manager, I'm talking to the Elgin guys and they're saying how's he not playing on,
01:03but we know the reason why you're not playing on obviously.
01:05Aye, I'll be sober at morn, so I think it's time to call it a day.
01:10But the occasion was something that's special to you coming back out here at Victoria Park and you get a great reception out there with wee Grayson.
01:17Yeah Grayson, he enjoyed himself, he was going to go and score a penalty he says, but just didn't have time for it.
01:24You can talk about penalties because there was a possible penalty shout and I believe you might have been the man to take it if it had been given.
01:31Aye, I was on penalties today but Harry never gave it.
01:36Didn't get in the spirit of the occasion at all then?
01:39No, I can't.
01:40Have you scored a penalty for Bucky before?
01:42I think I've scored one in a shootout but I've missed a few as well.
01:47It would have been a nice send off obviously for you but it's more about the occasion wasn't it?
01:51Aye, it was just saying bye to the fans and the players, I've had good memories with them over the years. Aye, it was a good day.
02:00Well the fans were chanting your name there anyway and I could see it in your face, it was like you were delighted but there was a wee bit of emotion in there as well.
02:08Aye, definitely. It's sad to see it go but I've just got to look after myself now.
02:15Well that's it, you've looked back on that career for so long now and spoken about it, 12 years at Bucky Thistle.
02:21Yep, 12 years.
02:22And some great memories throughout that.
02:24Oh aye.
