Battle Through The Heaven season 5 episode 102 in english sub| Battle Through The Heaven

  • 2 months ago
00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
01:30Breaking through the chaos, breaking through the clouds and mountains.
02:01Tianshan blood pool is finally open.
02:03Under the protection of Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran is also qualified to enter the blood pool.
02:10In order to increase his strength as soon as possible, Xiao Yan sneaked into the bottom of the blood pool alone.
02:16At this time, Feng Qing'er and others are still fighting for the resources in the blood pool.
02:23Xiao Yan, with the help of Yi Huo and the rest of the world, successfully entered the better barrier space of resources.
02:31Under the help of his body, he absorbed the energy crystal at an extremely fast speed.
02:36After breaking through the valley, Xiao Yan's soul power entered the prison again.
02:43Meeting the teacher for a short time, Xiao Yan became more determined to save the teacher.
02:53Doudi blood?
02:55It is said that if you can reach the Doudi crystal, your offspring will also have the ability to cultivate after obtaining the Heaven Poison.
03:03Those who are lucky can even inherit the Doudi blood.
03:07Looking at the Fight Qi Continent, it is easy to see that it is comparable to the ancient tribe that inherited the Doudi blood.
03:17The background of the ancient tribe is so similar.
03:20No wonder Xun'er asked me to enter the Douzong Barrier to find him.
03:26Is it okay for him to be like this today?
03:36This is a normal phenomenon.
03:41Senior Jinggu, do you know where the ancient tribe is?
03:44The power of the ancient tribe is mainly concentrated in the Eastern Region of Zhongzhou.
03:47Most of the people in the tribe live in the ancient barrier.
03:50As for where the ancient barrier is, I don't know.
03:55Ancient barrier?
03:58The strong people of the Dousheng level tore the void and opened up an independent space.
04:03Its strength is far from what you and I can imagine.
04:07The ancient barrier was built by the strong people of the ancient tribe.
04:12After countless years of strengthening and expansion, its age must be very vast.
04:19I'll go to the ancient tribe after I save the old man.
04:24That's all I know.
04:27Thank you, Senior Jinggu.
04:37The fire poison in Senior Jingshi's body has been removed.
04:39The rest is to take good care of it.
04:44Thank you, Xiao Yan.
04:47You're welcome.
04:49Now that the matter has been resolved,
04:51I wonder what Xiao Yan is going to do next.
04:57Next, I'm going to the Sifang Pavilion Conference.
05:01The Sifang Pavilion Conference will be held by Fenglei Hall.
05:05Xiao Yan, you must be careful.
05:09Fengqing has reached the Dousheng level through this blood pool.
05:13But the Sifang Pavilion Conference is very popular.
05:16Don't worry, Seniors.
05:18I know what I'm doing.
05:24The speed of the Dousheng barrier is really unusual.
05:27Without using the ancient barrier, it can leave the Skyway so quickly.
05:34Fenglei East Pavilion?
05:36It's quite far.
05:38I have to hurry.
05:39I can't miss the Sifang Pavilion Conference.
05:56What a strong power of Fenglei.
05:59The Sifang Pavilion Conference has attracted many people.
06:07You're here, too.
06:12These people are all strong.
06:17I didn't expect to meet the two elders around Fengqing here.
06:23If they recognize me here,
06:25I'm afraid I won't be able to see Feng Cunzheng again.
06:28Look, look, look. The fifth move.
06:29With this move, I can participate in the game.
06:37What a pity!
06:42Those who can take my fifth move can participate in the game.
06:47Of course, if you're here to watch the game,
06:50please climb the stone path on the left.
06:54Let's go, let's go.
06:56The purpose of this trip is to find Feng Cunzheng.
06:58It's better to act low-key to avoid exposing my identity.
07:04Next, please come on stage.
07:07This friend.
07:09I think you're qualified to participate in the game.
07:11Why don't you try it?
07:14No need.
07:15I'm just looking for someone here.
07:17I'm not interested in the conference.
07:20This guy looks ordinary,
07:22but he's a master.
07:23This guy is too arrogant.
07:24Is there anything wrong with this person?
07:28I don't know.
07:29I just felt my fire energy fluctuate
07:32when he stepped into the stone path.
07:35It's probably an illusion.
08:02Fei Tian.
08:04Thunder or lightning.
08:06Down with demons.
08:08Thunder or lightning.
08:09Down with demons.
08:11Thunder or lightning.
08:12Down with demons.
08:14Thunder is coming.
08:21The Qing initialada is coming!
09:04Ha ha ha
09:06Sword Holder
09:08You came fast this time
09:24He he he he
09:28This old man still doesn't give up
09:34You guys try, I'll go
09:38He he he he
09:40I will bring you the reward
09:42He he he he
09:46Ha ha ha
09:48Ha ha
09:50Ha ha
09:52Ha ha
09:58Ha ha
10:00Don't do this
10:02人却是强上不少 This guy is strong
10:07这老家伙明明速度最快 却喜欢最后一个刀 This old man obviously likes the last blade the fastest
10:25四名尊者都来了 The Four Holy Beings are all here
10:27真可谓群英汇聚 What a gathering of heroes
10:28也不知这次大会里的负责人也会是谁 Who are the four holy beings?
10:33若无尊者真是忠情忠义之人 若无尊者真是忠情忠义之人 If the Four Holy Beings are true lovers
10:36那将是助我解救老师的最大帮手 那将是助我解救老师的最大帮手 Then they will be the best help to save my teacher
10:38今日是四方阁盛会开幕之日 雷山圣地乃我风雷阁所在 Today is the opening day of the Four Holy Beings' Gathering
10:54雷山圣地乃我风雷阁所在 本尊在此感谢诸位远道而来 为雷山捧场添光 The Holy Land of Thunder Mountain is where Thunderous Hall is located
10:58本尊在此感谢诸位远道而来 为雷山捧场添光 I am here to thank you for coming from afar to support Thunderous Mountain
11:05大会即将开始 望诸位遵守规矩 不要行出格之举 The Gathering is about to begin. Please follow the rules and don't break the rules
11:11风雷烈烈引令中州 风雷烈烈引令中州 风雷烈烈引令中州 Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous Thunderous
11:16本届大会筛选而出的参赛者 共有53人 53 people have been selected to participate in this Gathering
11:21老规矩 众人敬祭 不可对投降认输者再动手 老规矩 众人敬祭 不可对投降认输者再动手 The rule is that everyone must be quiet. Those who surrender cannot attack
11:27The loser will leave the arena.
11:29The rest will fight to the death.
11:33Now, let the contestants enter the arena.
11:58The winner will leave the arena.
12:07Where are the people from Thunderbolt Academy?
12:08Why didn't anyone come to Thunderbolt Academy?
12:09That's right.
12:10Where are they?
12:27Now that everyone is here, let the tournament begin.
12:42Let's fight!
12:58There are too many of them.
12:59They are too many.
13:08Thunderbolt Academy.
13:09If we keep fighting like this,
13:10neither of us will have a chance.
13:11Let's work together.
13:27There are too many people on the ground.
13:28It's easy to cause chaos.
13:29I'm afraid that even running away will be a problem.
13:41We have Senior Fengqing.
13:53We will definitely win this tournament.
13:55Let's ask our Thunderbolt Academy if they agree.
13:57We haven't even started yet.
13:59What is the Thunderbolt Academy?
14:01Let's fight!
14:02Let's fight!
14:03Let's fight!
14:36It's a tongue-in-cheek
14:38I'm sure
15:01You might I made this one on what I do
15:04I can't see his strength at all
15:07Lei Zun Zhe taught his own disciples
15:11Sure enough, it's not ordinary. The Thunder Pavilion is really hidden
15:16This is the biggest win of the Thunder Pavilion
15:21The Honorable Guo Yu, your female disciple, is not an ordinary person
15:26If you want to kill Tian Lun, you have to be the best of the young generation
15:31Wang Chen's strength is not as good as these
15:33It seems that the Imperial Army will be defeated again this time
15:39It's a heavy blow
15:41Such a young Dou Huang Qiao Chen
15:43It's just that Zifeng doesn't regret it
15:45It attracts so many people
15:51Lin Yan
15:53How did this guy show up here
15:56It's been a few years
15:58Lin Yan has also reached the level of Dou Huang
16:02It seems that he has also kept his promise these years
16:06This guy's technique is a bit strange
16:09It's just that the left waist and the right waist are hidden like ducks
16:15Lin Yan, this guy is still in the game
16:26It seems that he is not willing to go to Lin Yan
16:35Bad, flash cannon
16:55Stop, I admit defeat
16:57You admit defeat
17:01I'm just warming up
17:11Shameless bastard
17:14Is this your last word
17:16Why are you doing this
17:18What do you want to do
17:19Are you going to die here
17:22You guy
17:24What are you doing here
17:26Don't talk
17:28Why did you come to Zhongzhou
17:30Who is coming
17:32Why are you disturbing the meeting
17:35This person ignores the rules of the meeting
17:37Continue to kill those who admit defeat
17:39Why don't you go to him
17:41Why are you asking me
17:43A waste of luck to get here
17:46Kill it, kill it
17:48What's the big deal
17:51The people of Huangquan Pavilion seem to be of this quality
17:53You can stay now
17:55It's just a sneak attack
17:58What's so arrogant
18:00This guy is really ignorant
18:02Dare to offend Huangquan Pavilion
18:04This person
18:07Who are you
18:09How about Huangquan Pavilion
18:11It's not your turn to comment
18:14Even I can't see his strength
18:17This kid is weird
18:19My friend admitted defeat in advance
18:21But the other party still wants to kill
18:23It's against the rules of those who can't admit defeat
18:26Lei Zunzhe
18:28Solve these little problems as soon as possible
18:30Don't delay the progress of the meeting
18:33What do you think of this matter
18:36Do things according to the rules
18:39The one who breaks into the meeting
18:41Thunder tent fifty times
18:43Burn Lei Shan
18:45The mistake is not in him
18:47Reward and punishment are not clear
18:49You want Lei Zunzhe to take an unfair name
18:52What Feng Zunzhe said is good
18:54It's better to retreat
18:56Let this person take his friend out
18:59The meeting will continue
19:01How about
19:04Since you have an opinion about the situation of Huangquan Pavilion
19:08Then I will give you a chance
19:11Let you compete with Wang Chen
19:14If you win, you can take your friend and leave safely
19:18How about
19:19This old guy
19:21There is no dignity at all
19:23This Wang Chen is very strong
19:25If you don't dare to fight
19:27Then you will be kowtowed three times
19:29Apologize and worship me as a teacher
19:31Do this
19:33Otherwise you can't leave
19:35Don't rush
19:38Don't worry
19:42People from the inner court will never bow
19:46If you want to fight, fight
