Sleepless In Seattle (1993)

  • last month
Realising that Sam has still not come to terms with his wife Maggie's death, his eight-year-old son Jonah forces him to call a national radio talk show, with the hopes of finding him a companion
00:00:30Mommy got sick and it happened just like that. There's nothing anybody could do
00:00:47It isn't fair. There's no reason but if we start asking why we'll go crazy
00:01:21Five minutes in the microwave any one of them five minutes and done ready to eat
00:01:27Do you know how to make juice
00:01:34Microwave five minutes
00:01:53Here my shrink
00:02:07Loss of spouse support group
00:02:12Chicago Cancer Family Network
00:02:14Parents without partners partners without parents hug yourself hug a friend hug a shrink or work
00:02:21Work hard work will save you work is the only thing that will see you through this
00:02:32Don't mind him. He's just a guy who's lost his wife
00:02:41What I think we really need is
00:02:45Change good idea. Take a couple of weeks off get some Sun take Jonah fishing
00:02:53No real change
00:02:56New City
00:02:59The place where every time I go around a corner, I don't think of Maggie
00:03:11Where are you gonna go?
00:03:18I was thinking about Seattle
00:03:21Eventually in a few months, you'll start seeing women
00:03:25You'll meet some right right move on right? That's that's what I'm gonna do and then in a few months boom. I'll be fine
00:03:32I'll just grow a new heart
00:03:33Say I'm sorry. No, I know look it
00:03:37Just doesn't happen twice
00:03:40You must remember this
00:03:43Kisses still a kiss a sigh is just a sign
00:03:51The fundamental things apply as time goes by
00:04:03And when two lovers they still say I love you
00:04:16No matter what the future bring
00:04:21As time goes by
00:04:28Moonlight and love songs never out of date
00:04:34hearts full of passion
00:04:37Jealousy and hate
00:04:40woman needs man
00:04:42And man must have his make
00:04:45that no one
00:04:47can deny
00:04:50It's still the same old story a fight for love and glory a case of do or die
00:05:02The world will always welcome lovers
00:05:09As time
00:05:29Tall one with red hair is your cousin Irene you recognize her by the disappointed look on her face
00:05:34I was married to Harold who ran off with his secretary
00:05:37But came back because Irene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didn't brother Dennis is professor Johns Hopkins
00:05:46Was married to
00:05:50Competitive woman in the world. I don't see how I'm gonna remember all this. Oh, well Walter you will
00:06:08Your uncle Milton lost all of his money and some other people in a pyramid scheme
00:06:15Don't mention the IRS or the federal prison system your mother's Barbara your father's cliff
00:06:21My father has electric trains really
00:06:26Am I what they had in mind Oh
00:06:30Walter they're gonna love you
00:06:36Everybody Annie has an announcement. Oh
00:06:41Walter and I are engaged
00:07:06Are you all right, that's no
00:07:15Terrible sneezing in a time like this
00:07:17This is a very important moment for me. He's allergic to everything. Don't worry about these
00:07:22I'm allergic to bees
00:07:24Harold is allergic to every type of bee
00:07:27We always have to carry a hypodermic of adrenaline wherever we go
00:07:30If he eats even one tiny piece of a nut my head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead
00:07:37It's the same with Harold and bees
00:07:39Your mother and I had salmon at our wedding and I really think that a wedding without cold salmon, I'm not allergic to salmon
00:07:49But you never know you never know
00:07:52Wasn't always allergic to me. Oh, honey. What a shame we had some champagne and what did we use it for uncle Milton's parole?
00:08:02When are you getting married Annie in early June in the garden
00:08:09Oh, well, what about Harold and bees? I'm allergic to bees
00:08:15Salmon a lovely cucumber salad strawberries. I'm afraid I am allergic to straws
00:08:28Today I consider myself the luckiest man man man mom
00:08:32The other there
00:08:36Remember dad the Lou Gehrig line from the pride of the Yankees
00:08:43Baseball baseball historical reference. I would like to propose a toast
00:08:49To my kid sister Walter and my baby
00:08:58Everyone please eat before it gets cold
00:09:04Here it is the Historical Society wanted this and I never would give it to them. Oh
00:09:12I noticed these things are back in fashion
00:09:19He's a lovely man
00:09:21I know he is wonderful
00:09:26He's such a wonderful athlete are his folks nice you'll love them we're going down to DC tonight to be with him Christmas morning
00:09:35Silly really I
00:09:37Mean I'd seen him at the office
00:09:39Obviously, I'd seen a museum associate publisher and then one day we both ordered sandwiches from the same place
00:09:45And he got my lettuce and tomato on whole wheat
00:09:48Which of course he was allergic to and I got his lettuce and tomato on white how amazing it is
00:09:54Isn't it you make a million decisions that mean nothing and then one day you order takeout and it changes your life
00:10:00destiny takes a hand
00:10:03Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental
00:10:09Then how do you explain that you both ordered exactly the same sandwich except for the bread?
00:10:14How many people in this world like lettuce and tomato without something else like tuna
00:10:20Well, it wasn't a sign. It was a coincidence. I
00:10:25Was in Atlantic City with my family Cliff was a waiter
00:10:29He wasn't even supposed to work that night and suppose he hadn't
00:10:34He asked me to take a midnight walk on the steel pier. I probably told you this a million times, but I don't care
00:10:42Then he held my hand
00:10:45At one point I looked down and I couldn't tell which fingers were his and which were mine and I knew
00:10:54What you know
00:11:00It was magic
00:11:04Magic I knew we'd be together forever and that everything would be wonderful
00:11:09Just the way you feel about Walter Walter, it's quite a formal name, isn't it?
00:11:17One of the things I truly knew was that your father and I were going to have a wonderful time in the sack
00:11:24I believe you call it
00:11:27Of course, it took several years before everything worked like clockwork in that department. So don't be worried if it takes a while
00:11:33Well, we already but fine fine fiddle didi
00:11:37How's it working like clockwork
00:11:46It's a sign you don't believe in
00:11:56Love you, I told you they would love you and they loved you. I love you. I love you Walter
00:12:06I never call you anything other than Walter. No
00:12:11Not even when you were young nope, not even when I was young
00:12:18You sure you don't want to drive with me? Oh, how will I get back to Baltimore on Friday? Oh, I forgot the present Walter
00:12:24I left your stepmother's present inside by accident
00:12:27I swear when we're old and gray
00:12:28You're gonna have to remind me to put my teeth and I'll be walking all over town smacking my gums together and not even noticing
00:12:35I'll wait you'll wait
00:12:38No, don't wait Walter really it's silly you go ahead. We're late. Anyway, I'll be ten minutes behind you
00:13:04Jingle bells jingle all the way
00:13:14Welcome back to you and your emotions. I'm dr. Marsha Fieldstone broadcasting live across America from the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago
00:13:23Tonight we're talking about wishes and dreams
00:13:27What's your wish this Christmas Eve? What's your way best present? My wish is to turn the radio station number in Chicago
00:13:34Objective this evening's medical update is you and your spleen and your host not in your life coming up
00:13:40Jingle bells backwards sung by the New Jersey Kate. May. Yes
00:13:44Seattle go ahead. Hello. This is Jonah. No last names Jonah. You sound younger than our usual callers. How old are you?
00:13:53I'm eight. Hey, how come you're up so late? It's not that late in Seattle. Oh, of course. You're absolutely right
00:14:00Alright, what's your Christmas wish Jonah? It's not for me. It's for my dad
00:14:04I think he needs a new wife. Oh, you don't like the one he has now?
00:14:11Where's your mom? She died. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Well who can believe this?
00:14:18I've been pretty sad, but I think my dad's worse. Have you talked to your dad about this?
00:14:24No, why not?
00:14:26It's like it makes him sadder. Oh, I can understand that
00:14:30Jonah's your dad home right now. Yeah, what's he doing? Is he busy?
00:14:36Well, I'm sure that I can help but I'm gonna need you to help me
00:14:42Please bring your dad up Jonah. Don't listen to her. No way. He'd kill me
00:14:46Trust me Jonah. He won't be angry when he realizes how concerned you are about him
00:15:08His name's Sam Sam
00:15:10If you've just tuned in this is dr. Marsha Fieldstone and tonight's topic is your wishes and dreams
00:15:16Yeah, and we're on the line now with someone from Seattle
00:15:20Hello, Sam. This is dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America
00:15:25Okay, what are you selling tonight?
00:15:28Hibachi's are the Ginza knives. No, I'm not selling anything. I just want to help
00:15:32I want you to know that your son called and he asked me for some advice on how you might find a new wife
00:15:38Who is this?
00:15:40Dr. Marsha Fieldstone of Network America and you are on the air you called the radio station Sam
00:15:48Sam Sam, are you with me? Yeah. Yes
00:15:52Your son feels that since your wife's death you've been very very unhappy and he's genuinely worried about you
00:15:59Oh, hey, get out here. Get out here. Come on. Now. I'm not gonna go through this alone
00:16:04I think it's very hard for him to talk to you about all this
00:16:09And I thought maybe you and I could talk it would make Jonah feel a little better
00:16:13Sam talk to her dad. She's a doctor of what her first name could be doctor, please
00:16:21Sam Sam
00:16:23It's his Christmas wish
00:16:27Okay, okay good
00:16:30Now I know this is difficult, but how long ago did your wife die
00:16:36About a year and a half ago. Oh, have you had any relationships since?
00:16:42No, no, why not
00:16:47Marsha no, should I call you? Dr. Fieldstone. Dr. Marsha. Dr. Marsha. I don't
00:16:53Mean to be rude. Oh, and I don't want to invade your privacy. Sure. Are you doing?
00:16:59Go on Sam. I'm listening
00:17:06We had a pretty tough time there at first
00:17:10But we're dealing with it
00:17:12But we're dealing with it and Jonah and I will get along just fine again as soon as I break his radio I
00:17:24Have no doubt that you're a wonderful father, you know
00:17:28You can tell a lot from a person's voice
00:17:30You certainly can but something must be missing if Jonah still feels that you're under a cloud and just a few questions
00:17:37Are you sleeping at night?
00:17:39He doesn't sleep at all
00:17:42I live here dad
00:17:48Look it's Christmas
00:17:59She really
00:18:02She loved
00:18:05She made everything beautiful
00:18:09It's it's just tough this this time of year
00:18:12I mean any kid needs a mother could it be that you need someone just as much as Jonah does
00:18:24Don't answer that. Let's get into that right after these messages Sam Jonah. Don't go away if you've just tuned in
00:18:31We're talking to sleepless in Seattle and we'll be right back after this break with your
00:18:39What is she talking about this isn't other people get to call in and dump on what you said, oh
00:18:46This is really fun and helpful
00:18:55I'll bet he's tall with a cute, but said he hasn't bathed in weeks and he stinks hurry. Shut up
00:19:01Hi, can I help you tea with the bag out?
00:19:03You know, maybe I'll just hustle myself out to Seattle. Give him a little gift for New Year's Eve
00:19:08Yeah, you go on out there if you want to but don't open his refrigerator
00:19:11They don't cover anything when they put it in the fridge
00:19:14They just stick it in there and leave it till it walks out by itself
00:19:17What I'm saying is I wouldn't kick this guy out of my bed for eating crackers
00:19:23Let's take a call before we get back to sleep
00:19:26Tennessee you're on the air talk to me
00:19:29Yes, I would just like to know where I could get this man's address
00:19:34Gonna get in line
00:19:36Next caller go ahead open
00:19:39If there was one question I was allowed to ask
00:19:43No, go ahead
00:19:45People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again Sam
00:19:50Do you think that there's someone out there you could love as much as your wife?
00:19:54Well, dr. Marsha Fieldstone, I think that's hard to imagine
00:19:59What are you going to do?
00:20:02Well, I'm going to get out of bed every morning
00:20:07breathe in and out all day long and
00:20:10after a while I
00:20:12Won't have to remind myself to get out of bed
00:20:16morning and breathe in and out
00:20:18Morning and breathe in and out
00:20:22And then after a while I I won't have to think about how I
00:20:27Had it great and perfect for a while
00:20:30Sam tell me what was so special about your wife
00:20:35Well, how long is your program oh
00:20:41Well, it was a
00:20:43That was a million tiny little things if when you added them all up it I
00:20:47Just meant that we were supposed to be together
00:20:50And I knew it
00:20:51And I knew it the very first time I touched her
00:20:55It's like coming home
00:20:57Only to no home. I'd ever known I was just taking her hand
00:21:04To help her out of a car
00:21:07And I knew it it was like
00:21:11Magic magic
00:21:15Well folks it's time to wrap it up I'm dr
00:21:19Marsha Fieldstone in Chicago and to all my listeners a magical and Merry Christmas and to you
00:21:27Sleepless in Seattle. We hope you'll call again soon and let us know how it's going. Oh you count on it
00:21:40No song
00:21:47The rainbow
00:21:52The bluebird
00:22:05Over the rainbow
00:22:24This man sells the greatest soup you've ever eaten and he is the meanest man in America
00:22:29I feel very strongly about this Becky. It's it's not just about soup do it. What else New Year's Eve?
00:22:35Please don't make me write it listen to this
00:22:38Phone service in the greater Chicago area was tied up for two hours Christmas Eve when some kid calls a phone-in radio show and says
00:22:44That his dad needs a new wife
00:22:462,000 women called the station asking for the guy's number
00:22:50I heard it this kid calls up and says my dad needs a wife and the shrink yet practically forces a guy onto the phone
00:22:56And says do you want to talk about it?
00:22:57And he says no as a matter of fact
00:22:59I don't and then suddenly for no reason at all he starts to talk about how much he loved his wife and how he just
00:23:04Fell in love with her like he was one of those cows in Michigan
00:23:07What cows in Michigan? He was on 60 minutes. There were those cows that got zapped by stray voltage
00:23:12No one knows why and maybe it was Wisconsin
00:23:15But anyway, I was listening to him talk about how much he loved his wife and suddenly I was crying
00:23:22It's like what happens when I watch those phone company ads
00:23:24I don't have to see the whole thing just the part where the daughter gives the mother the
00:23:27Refrigerator with a big red bow on it. Yes the Polaroid commercial to five-year-old at the grandfather's birthday
00:23:34Oh that kills me
00:23:39You should write something about this about what
00:23:42Whatever it is. I'll tell you what it is
00:23:452,000 women calling a radio station for a husband. There are a lot of desperate women out there looking for love
00:23:49Especially over a certain age, you know
00:23:52It's easier to be killed by terrorists than it is to get married over the age of 40
00:23:55That's not true. That statistic is not true. That's right. It's not true, but it feels true
00:23:59It feels true because it is true practically a whole book about how that statistic is not true. Calm down
00:24:04You brought it up. I did not Wyatt. Did you even read that book?
00:24:08Did anybody read that book all the way through are you two finished?
00:24:12Fine. Now, where were we if someone is a widower? Why do they say that he was widowed? Why don't they say he was widowered?
00:24:22I was just wondering
00:24:25What was that about up there what was what
00:24:28What's with you nothing's with me
00:24:32Something's with you
00:24:34What are you saying?
00:24:36Whatever it is. You can tell me
00:24:38Sleepless in Seattle. That's what she called him on the show because he can't sleep and now 2,000 women want his number
00:24:45the guy could be a crackhead a transvestite a flasher a junkie a
00:24:50Chainsaw murderer or someone really sick someone like my Rick
00:24:56Actually, he sounded nice. Oh, oh
00:25:00Really now we're getting down to it
00:25:04Please Becky. I'm madly in love with Walter. He did the craziest thing the other night. What was that? Oh
00:25:12It's so funny we were hysterical what was that
00:25:24You know, I'm thinking I've got to go up to Boston for the AAP convention, right and then I got to visit Winston Hughes about switching over our computers
00:25:32Why don't we meet in New York?
00:25:35Valentine's Day weekend
00:25:40We can stay at the plaza
00:25:42ice skating Central Park
00:25:50Register register
00:26:06I'll take you to Chinatown for dim sum. Does it have weed in it? I don't think so
00:28:12And I am once
00:28:18When our love was new
00:28:23Each kiss and inspiration
00:28:30But that was long ago
00:28:34Now my consolation is in the stardust
00:28:49When stars are bright
00:28:53You are
00:29:00Tell us this fairy tale a paradise where roses
00:29:07Can I have half your beer?
00:29:10I'm sure go ahead
00:29:15What did I used to say
00:29:18Here's looking at you. Here's mine. You're right. Here's to us
00:29:26You used to say here's to us
00:29:33Hey, I miss you so much it hurts
00:29:54What do you want to do
00:30:05I heard you on the radio. I told everyone about it
00:30:08We already knew how did grace the dispatcher all of Seattle know I was brushing my teeth and suddenly there you were
00:30:16I just couldn't believe my ears. I called my mother in Las Vegas. I said mother turn on the radio. That's my
00:30:23Architect, you know, it is so nice when a man can express his feelings
00:30:30It's wonderful. Yeah, I wish I could express my feelings. Yeah, so Claire, is there a problem?
00:30:35I was just tossing and turning last night
00:30:37You know what? That's like Sam because I realized I'm never going to fit my platters in that refrigerator
00:30:43We ordered and when I get parties, I always put in platters
00:30:46So I thought I would get the sub-zero refrigerator instead and the only problem we have to reroute all the cabinets. We're gonna
00:30:53We'll be into this ball. That's a bearing. Well, it's a delay Claire of
00:30:58Two three five six twelve weeks. I don't mind the important thing is to get it, right?
00:31:05Absolutely your words. Well, I've got a rush like decorator calls
00:31:15Well, this is fate
00:31:17She's divorced. We don't want to redo the cabinets and you need a wife
00:31:20What do they call that when when everything intersects the Bermuda Triangle?
00:31:35Got room for one more
00:31:47Sleepless in Seattle care dr. Mark the field. If you're having trouble sleeping
00:31:51You might want to try drinking a glass of water from the other side
00:31:54I thought that was for hiccups. Does it work for hiccups?
00:32:05What possessed you to give them our address they called and asked for it
00:32:11Dear sleep was in Seattle. You're the most attractive man. I ever laid ears on
00:32:17Wait, wait, wait, they called
00:32:19How did they get our number? Oh, let me guess you gave it to you have to give them your phone number
00:32:24They won't let you on the air. You're sleepless in Seattle. I live in Tulsa. Where's that?
00:32:30It's in Oklahoma
00:32:32Do you know where Oklahoma is somewhere in the middle?
00:32:35I'm not even gonna think about what they're not teaching you in school. I'm not gonna think about it
00:32:40Yeah somewhere in the middle and generally speaking. I think we should rule out anyone that doesn't live near here
00:32:46She's willing to fly anywhere
00:32:49Well, she looks like my third grade teacher I hated my third grade teacher, wait a minute she is my third grade teacher
00:32:58Aren't you gonna read any of these? This is not how it's done. I'm much rather just
00:33:04see somebody I like
00:33:06get a feeling about them and
00:33:09Ask him if they want to have a drink
00:33:13Not dinner not necessarily on the first date because halfway through dinner you could be really sorry you asked them to dinner
00:33:18Whereas if it's just a drink if you like them, you can always ask them to dinner
00:33:22But if not, you can just say well, that was great. And then you go home. You see what I mean? I
00:33:30Wonder if it still works this way it doesn't they ask you I'm starting to notice that
00:33:37If you get a new wife, I'll get you have sex with her, huh?
00:33:41And I certainly hope so
00:33:44We should scratch up your back
00:33:48Movies women are always scratching up the men's back and screaming and stuff when they're having sex. How do you know this? Jed's got cable
00:34:16But another broom but another funny
00:34:24Another season and that's the reason Oh
00:34:47When the Sun is high in the afternoon sky you can always find something to do
00:34:57But from dusk till dawn as the clock ticks on
00:35:03Something happens to you
00:35:25You lie
00:35:41Welcome back to the best of dr. Marcia fieldstone clinical psychologist and the friend you never had remember marooned in Miami
00:35:48He says he doesn't love me anymore
00:35:51Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?
00:35:54Disappointed in Denver every time I come close to orgasm he goes to make himself a sandwich
00:36:00Why don't you make him a sandwich beforehand?
00:36:03sleepless in Seattle
00:36:04well, I'm going to
00:36:06Get out of bed every morning
00:36:10Breathe in and out
00:36:14Then after a while I
00:36:17Won't have to remind myself to get out of bed
00:36:20And then after a while I think about it, I had a great and perfect for a while
00:36:28Sam tell me what was so special about your wife
00:36:33Well, how long is your program? Oh
00:36:39Well, it was a I was a million tiny little things
00:36:43It just meant that we were supposed to be together and I knew it I knew it the very first time I touched her
00:36:50It's like coming home
00:36:52Only to know home. I'd ever known I was just taking her hand
00:36:59To help her out of a car
00:37:03And I knew it
00:37:06I knew it
00:37:09I knew it
00:37:12And I knew it was like
00:37:40Well, I think i'm going crazy dennis I really do are you happily married
00:37:45I mean
00:37:46Why did you get married was it all trumpets and fireworks and I got married because betsy said we had to break up or get
00:37:53Married so we got married
00:37:55But when you first met her
00:37:57Did you believe that she was the only person for you that in some mystical cosmic way? It was fated
00:38:05When you're attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious subconsciously
00:38:12So what we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing they're a perfect match
00:38:17I don't even know him
00:38:19I am having all of these fantasies about some man. I have never even met who lives in seattle
00:38:26It rains nine months of the year in seattle. I know I know I do not want to move to seattle
00:38:36But what I really don't want to do is end up always wondering what might have happened and knowing I could have done something
00:38:43What do you think?
00:38:45It's just cold feet, isn't it? Everybody panicked before they get married to me, didn't you?
00:38:51Yes, I did. Yes, you did. Thank you very much. Dennis. I feel so much better. Just having blown this off anytime
00:38:59Sandy has a girlfriend glenda. She's a weightlifter
00:39:02All right, and it's not like her neck is bigger than her head. No, no, no, no
00:39:05I'm, not asking you to set me up. That's that's the one I don't need your help with that
00:39:08I just want to know what it's like
00:39:10You know out there that's what i'm trying to tell you what women are looking for
00:39:14Packs in a cute butt
00:39:16Well, you mean like he has the cutest butt? Yeah, where did I hear that recently everywhere?
00:39:22I mean you you can't even turn on the news nowadays without hearing about how some babe thought some guy's butt was cute
00:39:28Who the first woman to say this was I don't know but somehow it caught on
00:39:31So how's my butt?
00:39:36Not bad really yeah, is it cute though? I don't know. Are we grading on the curve?
00:39:43When's the last time you were out there?
00:39:47Uh, uh, uh, jimmy carter 1978
00:39:53Things are a little different now
00:39:55First you have to be friends. You have to like each other
00:39:59Then your neck
00:40:00This could go on for years
00:40:03Then you have tests and then you get to do it with a condom
00:40:06The good news is you split the check
00:40:09I don't think I could let a woman pay for dinner great. They'll throw a parade and you're on it
00:40:14You'll be man of the year in seattle magazine
00:40:20What is tiramisu? You'll find out
00:40:23Well, what is it? You'll see some woman is gonna want me to do it to her and i'm not gonna know what it is
00:40:28You'll love it
00:40:30Oh, this is gonna be tough
00:40:32Tough tough. This is gonna be much tougher than I thought
00:40:35How about that uh decorator on the bennett job
00:40:39Victoria, yeah, she's perfect
00:40:42Oh, I know I don't know i'm waved no far away from now i'm just assembling notes i'm not gonna no
00:40:49How would I do that? What do you mean? How do you do it? You call her up you say come on
00:40:52Let's get together. We'll look at swatches call her on the phone
00:40:55Say come let's look at swatches. Yeah, you know color schemes. She's not gonna see right through that
00:40:59Oh, you don't do it like I do it you you do it in your own suave way think carrie grant
00:41:05Carrie grant think carrie grant say come over and look at my swatch. How do you know?
00:41:09Maybe he did he didn't he didn't I know he didn't do it a movie. I gunga din. He didn't call
00:41:14Gunga din is not a swatch kind of movie. Why but who knows what he didn't realize?
00:41:19Oh, but he did that with diane cannon. Oh, yeah, sure. Hello diane. Take a look at these swatches
00:41:43Jonah i'm home
00:41:49Hey jonah
00:42:01Hey jonah
00:42:05Hey jonah
00:42:09Hi dad, this is jessica
00:42:13Well, it's nice to meet you jessica dad, this is amazing if you play this backwards it says paul is dead
00:42:21Uh, yeah. Yeah, I know
00:42:24How do you know?
00:42:28Dad could you shut the door? Sure. Sure
00:42:32Hmm h and g hi and goodbye
00:43:23I'm back in the saddle again
00:43:28Out where a friend is a friend
00:43:31Where the longhorn cattle feed on the lowly gypsum weed back in the saddle again
00:43:41Riding the range once more
00:43:45Totin my old 44 where you sleep out every night and the auditorium
00:43:54This is uh, sam baldwin, I don't know if you remember me but
00:44:00Oh, oh great
00:44:02Hi, uh
00:44:04I uh, I was wondering if uh, if if you would like to have a drink with me
00:44:14Dinner would be even better
00:44:17Oh friday would be great. Yeah. Yeah. How I I hear that's a good place. Uh
00:44:267 30 would be would would be fine and i'll uh, i'll uh
00:44:33Okay, i'll meet you there, okay, all right
00:44:37So this uh, it's friday
00:44:39At 7 30 for dinner. Great
00:44:45Me too. Bye
00:44:48Saddle again
00:44:54Are you in love with him
00:44:59I'm not now
00:45:01Now those were the days when people knew how to be in love
00:45:05You're a basket case. They knew it time
00:45:08Distance nothing could separate them because they knew it was right. It was real. It was a movie
00:45:16That's your problem. You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie read it to me
00:45:23Dear sleepless and son, I have never written a letter like this in my life
00:45:27That's what everyone writes at the beginning of letters to strangers. I know that you think I don't know that
00:45:35What about walter
00:45:38Oh, I would give anything to marry walter
00:45:41he's so
00:45:43Unexpected you think you can tell what he's like by just looking at him, but you can't
00:45:49I should write something in this about magic
00:45:52Something what if I never meet him?
00:45:54What if this man is my destiny and I never meet him your destiny can be your doom. Look at me in record
00:45:59Will you name the place? I want to meet you about the top of the empire state on the top of the empire state building
00:46:05Yes, that's perfect
00:46:07sunset valentine's day
00:46:10It's 102nd floor i'll be in new york with walter I can squeeze it in
00:46:15I'll be in new york with walter
00:46:25Do you want to hear about destiny
00:46:27If I hadn't married martin, I never would have bought the house with the dead trade on account of which I got divorced
00:46:33On account of which I hit a car and met rick while buying a neck brace
00:46:37Wait a minute
00:46:39You never told me you got a divorce because of a dead tree
00:46:42the tree man
00:46:44Fell in love with the tree man. I did not say love. Did I say love?
00:46:49This is my favorite part
00:46:53Is now or never
00:46:56Never is a frightening word
00:47:00We'd be fools to let happen this passes by
00:47:06Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories
00:47:12We've already missed the spring
00:47:17Men never get this movie, I know
00:47:23Mommy mommy
00:47:28Mommy it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm coming. It's all right. It's okay. It's okay
00:47:36It's okay, it's all right
00:47:38It's okay
00:47:40What was that about? Huh? He was sinking
00:47:43What was a house? There's water coming in all the windows
00:47:48Well, it's okay now, it's all right
00:47:54So, what should we do your mother used to sing to you when you had bad dreams
00:48:02Bye-bye blackbird
00:48:05Yeah, I miss her what do you think happens to someone after they die
00:48:13I don't know. I do believe in heaven
00:48:21Never did
00:48:23Not the whole idea of an afterlife, but now I don't know
00:48:28Because I have these dreams about
00:48:32About your mom
00:48:36Yeah, we have long talks
00:48:40About you how you're doing
00:48:42And which she sort of knows but I tell her anyway, so what is that
00:48:51That's sort of an afterlife, isn't it i'm starting to forget her
00:49:13If she could peel an apple in one long
00:49:20Curly strip
00:49:24The whole
00:49:41I love you dad
00:50:11No one sees the love
00:50:35Well somebody
00:50:48I wanna say
00:51:07Hi, it's annie
00:51:09Fine fine. I'm fine
00:51:13I'm doing an article on call-in radio shows. Do you know anyone who works for someone named?
00:51:17Dr. Marshall fieldstone. I'm a writer for the baltimore sun and a friend of laurie johnson's
00:51:22I'm doing a piece on how people handle bereavement and I understand you had a caller the other night some guy from seattle
00:51:37This is jonah baldwin we're not in right now, but you can leave
00:53:21Okay clarice i'm gonna be back either by midnight or 8 30 if disaster strikes
00:53:27Here's one for the both of us
00:53:29Now I left the number of the restaurant where i'm gonna be at if there's any problem
00:53:33Here's the number the pediatrician is right above the phone
00:53:35Now here's a bottle of ipecac. If anybody drinks poison, it's right here next to the juice glasses
00:53:40Fine, uh, how do I look? How do I look? Huh? Do I look okay? Do I look all right?
00:53:45I look stupid. I look stupid. I look like i'm trying too hard. I was gonna get a haircut
00:53:49But then I just look like I got a haircut. This is a good letter
00:53:52Look the heels on these shoes are grotesque. I look like i'm trying to be tall. Why am I trying to be already?
00:53:58I'm late. Bye. Dad. Read this read this
00:54:05Fiercely pleasant son
00:54:08I've been an excellent third baseman for as long as I or anyone else can remember and while we're on the subject
00:54:12Let's just say right now that
00:54:13Brooks robinson was the best third baseman ever
00:54:16It's important that you agree with me on that because i'm from baltimore. He thinks brooks. Robinson's the greatest
00:54:20So do you everyone thinks brooks robinson is the greatest it's a sign
00:54:25Come here
00:54:27I'll show you a sign. Here's a sign. All right
00:54:31Where is seattle right? Where's baltimore?
00:54:36That's right there. Look one two, three, four. There's like 26 states
00:54:41Between here and there now, that's a sign. I'm out of here. Goodbye. Good night. I love you
00:54:51Clarice did you move your car? Huh?
00:55:03Thank you, derek, you're welcome
00:55:06I'll have a white wine spritzer
00:55:08And you sir? I'm fine. Thank you
00:55:11Hi, hi
00:55:12You you look good. You look good yourself
00:55:20I thought you were never gonna call me
00:55:23You did I really wanted you to and I thought you were never going to
00:55:27Excuse me, mr. Baldwin. Yes. There's a phone call for you
00:55:38Thank you, hello dad, can we go to new york city for valentine's day
00:55:45Annie reed from baltimore wants to meet us at the top of the empire state building on valentine's day
00:55:51Hey jonah, what?
00:55:54Have you fallen down? Are you bleeding?
00:55:56Is clarice there? Has she been strangled? No
00:55:59So this is the only reason for this phone call if we book now we can get an excursion fare
00:56:04Jessica's parents are travel agents and jessica's i'm not going to have this conversation right now
00:56:09We will talk about it at a later time. I can't believe this conversation has lasted this long you go to bed
00:56:22Everything all right. Oh, yeah. Do you have kids? No, you want mine?
00:56:31I will have an absolute straight up, please
00:56:51Hey, hey put that down stop it there she is
00:56:58Why is she bringing those groceries she's gonna cook something for us so be prepared hi sam. Thanks. Thanks
00:57:05And let me guess you must be jonah
00:57:12So this is yeah the car's down this way great
00:57:15Thank you
00:57:17She's on her sixth painter and we're never gonna finish this job
00:57:22Now she wants the fireplace rebrick. Oh, I know her pretty well. I could give her a call. No. No, i've got it solved
00:57:27I'm, just gonna hit her with one of those fireplaces
00:57:33Oh, that is so funny you are so funny
00:57:37She goes to this whole song and dance about oh, I don't know i'm stupid
00:57:41You tell me you know better than I would but
00:57:43Couldn't we just flip the house around so that everything on one side is now on the other and everything in the back is now
00:57:47In the front and and could the whole front of the house open up on one great big hinge
00:57:51And that way I could just get in with a garage door open
00:57:54I was well, yeah. Yeah, we can we can do that. We're just gonna have to move the kitchen cabinet
00:58:08Hey jonah bring some of that stuff around all right
00:58:11Do you like baseball
00:58:15Yes, I do
00:58:16In fact, my firm has box seats to the mariners. Why don't we all go sometime? Hey
00:58:21What about camping?
00:58:23What about it?
00:58:24Do you like camping?
00:58:26I went camping once
00:58:29You know what dad we ought to start camping more often you're right camping is good time for bed
00:58:35It's only 10 o'clock. Yeah 10 o'clock time for bed
00:58:39Good night
00:58:45Well, hey, hey, hey, don't you want to thank victoria for this delicious dinner thanks for dinner
00:58:50I never saw anybody cook potatoes that way
00:58:54I'm glad you liked it. Good night. Jonah
00:59:01Yeah, we don't see a lot of potatoes around here we're rice men
01:00:03I'm sorry
01:00:09Turn on your radio what the kid is on you've got me listening to this garbage go turn it on. Who is it?
01:00:17It's becky she's she's she's having trouble with rick again. I'll go downstairs. I'll go downstairs. Thank you. I'll call you back
01:00:27I'm, sorry, are you bleeding?
01:00:51That's like kissing her right this minute, oh really jonah tell the truth are you spying on your father?
01:01:03How am I gonna explain this to walter
01:01:09For a year jonah jonah, it's good that your father's dating
01:01:13It's just hard on you. It's something that you think you want. But then when it actually happens, it scares you. That's not true
01:01:20Okay. Now think shouldn't your father be the judge of whether someone is right or wrong for him?
01:01:26He's not saying enough to judge anything now. He's kissing her on the lips. She's a hoe
01:01:31My dad's been captured by a hoe. What am I going to do down jonah? Calm down
01:01:36Tomorrow morning when you're sitting down to breakfast with your dad tell him how you feel
01:01:42It's not good to keep your feelings inside you
01:01:50Miss scarlet in the broom closet with the radio
01:01:56You scared me. Don't ever do that again
01:02:03I thought I saw a black widow spider. You scared me to death. You scared victoria to death. It was right over there
01:02:09Well the next time you think you see a black widow spider, I want you to say dad
01:02:14Excuse me, but I believe a poisonous insect is in the house and I will calmly come and take care of it
01:02:19You scream like that again. I'll kill you becky heard this guy on the radio. She was sure was rick
01:02:24She was completely hysterical and then it turned out the guy lived in um, duke duluth. Where is dilute?
01:02:32That doesn't make any sense. No, I know walter. It doesn't make any sense at all. Thank god. My life is in place
01:02:39Duluth that's in uh north dakota
01:02:57Love this letter
01:02:58You have to write to her. You think so?
01:03:01It's y-o-h
01:03:03Yeah, what's that?
01:03:06your only hope
01:03:19I thought I would look into doing a story on those radio shows
01:03:24You'd probably have to go somewhere to really look into it
01:03:48Couldn't you do a phone interview
01:03:50Not for the kind of piece I want to do
01:03:52I won't be in chicago that long
01:03:55When you get back i'll be gone
01:03:57And then i'll see you in new york
01:03:59I'll get it. I'll go
01:04:05This is captain browning we're at our cruising altitude of approximately
01:04:0935 000 feet weather looks clear to the west and we expect to arrive in seattle on schedule
01:04:16Don't you hate flying?
01:04:18Yes, I do. I'm just told the most terrible one to the man i'm about to marry
01:04:24Do you feel that any lie is a betrayal?
01:04:28I said flying
01:04:38Thanks for bringing me out here well, he likes to play
01:04:41Can I bring something back for you souvenir, does he like those little snow globes, you know
01:04:47You shake them up and then the snow floats down. Sure. I'd really like that. Thank you so much
01:04:57He's eight
01:04:59He's good at it. I read an article about this. All children are hideous at the age of eight. It's quite normal. Well
01:05:06Maybe when I come back the two of us ought to spend some time together on our own
01:05:10What do you think
01:05:16Bye bye jonah. Bye
01:05:27Listen to me
01:05:29You don't know victoria
01:05:31I hardly know her myself. She is in fact
01:05:34a mystery
01:05:35To me, she she tosses her hair a lot. Why does she do this?
01:05:39I have no idea. Is it a twitch? She need a haircut? She use a barrette to keep her hair out of her face
01:05:47These are things i'm willing to get to the bottom of that is why I am dating her
01:05:55That's all i'm doing
01:05:57I'm, not living with her. I'm not marrying her. Can can you appreciate the difference?
01:06:03This is what single people do
01:06:05They try other people on and see how they fit
01:06:08Everybody's an adjustment. There's nobody's perfect
01:06:12There's no such thing as a perfect
01:06:30Come on
01:06:34Dad I was talking to jessica about reincarnation
01:06:38She says you knew annie in another life
01:06:40Who's annie the one who wrote us?
01:06:42But jessica says you and annie never got together in that life
01:06:46So your hearts are like puzzles with missing pieces and when you get together the puzzle is complete. God damn it
01:06:53The reason I know this and you don't because i'm younger and pure so i'm more in touch with cosmic forces
01:06:59Who told you this stuff jessica?
01:07:02Well, I sincerely hope you're not marrying jessica
01:07:11I remember the days of just keeping time of hanging around
01:07:18in sleepy towns
01:07:23Back roads empty for miles
01:07:28Well, you can't have a dream and cut it to fit but when I saw you I knew
01:07:37We'd go together
01:07:40Like a wink and a smile
01:07:46Leave your old jalopy
01:07:50By the railroad track
01:07:53I will get a hip double dip tip toppy to see
01:08:04So you can rever up
01:08:07Don't go slow. It's only green lights and all rights
01:08:13Let's go together
01:08:16With a wink and a smile
01:08:33Give me a wink and a smile
01:08:48We go together like a wink and a smile
01:08:57Now my heart is music such a simple song
01:09:05Sing it again the notes never end this is where I belong
01:09:13Just the sound of your voice the light in your eyes
01:09:18We're so far away from yesterday
01:09:21Yesterday together
01:09:25With a wink and a smile
01:09:31We go together like a wink and a smile
01:09:48I watched him play with his son at the beach. Did you talk to him? Couldn't do it
01:09:57How did I get here you told a lie and got on a plane that's not what I mean
01:10:02I'm going back over there tomorrow and talk to him. I am okay. Good. Good. Bye back. What?
01:10:14Is this crazy, no, that's the weirdest part about it
01:10:20Thank you, I love you. I love you too. Good night
01:11:33Where's greg
01:12:08So then what happened so then I left obviously
01:12:13You were standing in the middle of the street
01:12:15You know that dream when you're walking down the street naked and everyone is looking at you. I love that dream
01:12:20That was nothing compared to this humiliation
01:12:24Nothing but he saw you right he saw me
01:12:27You were face to face
01:12:29He said hello. He said hello. And what did you say? All I could say was hello
01:12:34Oh my god
01:12:37And all I could say was
01:12:39Hello, it's a sign
01:12:42It's a sign that I have watched this movie too many times. Oh annie so stupid
01:12:49The minute I put into that stupid program on the radio i've been a complete jerk you are not a jerk. Thank you
01:12:58You don't know who she was annie. I saw her. I have a picture of her. I'll show you a picture of her
01:13:04That detective in seattle sent me a picture of her here
01:13:08See, huh? That's exactly what she looks like
01:13:12This is a picture of someone's back. Well, it's her and he was crazy about her
01:13:17What's this this is from seattle
01:13:33So I mailed your letter
01:13:37Dear annie, thanks for your letter. It was great. You sound neat
01:13:46We're very excited about meeting you in new york on valentine's day and seeing if we are
01:13:56See you soon sleepless in seattle
01:14:07Made for each other
01:14:10It's cute it's like a little clue
01:14:18So he can't write
01:14:20big deal
01:14:21Verbal ability is a highly overrated thing in a guy and our pathetic need for it is what gets us into so much trouble
01:14:27I'm gonna run back to walter's arms if he'll still have me. What about the letter?
01:14:32It means nothing. It was written before I went out there before the hoe
01:14:40The only thing is she didn't look like a hoe
01:14:44She looked like somebody we would have been friends with
01:14:51You saw her in the airport and then here and I tried to talk to her
01:14:54It was like I knew her or something. It was weird. Give me like a deja vu thing
01:14:58It was a very french deja vu ish kind of thing. We we at least you're out there seeing people again. That's terrific
01:15:06Well, I mean there's really just the one
01:15:11You don't like victoria she laughs like a hyena is this true? No
01:15:18Sort of a little bit but no, hey tell them what you did
01:15:21Dad, tell him about the radio show. Go ahead. I want to hear it. Go ahead. Tell him tell him christmas eve
01:15:27He phones in one of those radio call-in shows
01:15:30tells them
01:15:31I need a new wife
01:15:33Oh, you're kidding. That's so sweet
01:15:36Now he's obsessed with this one woman who wrote me you serious
01:15:40Yeah, she wants to meet me at the top of the empire state building on valentine's day
01:15:46Oh, it's like that movie what movie?
01:15:49And it's fair to remember. Did you ever see it?
01:15:52Oh god
01:15:54carrie grant and deborah carr
01:15:56Is a car occurring car?
01:16:01She's gonna meet him at the top of the empire state building
01:16:03Only she got hit by a taxi
01:16:06And he waited and waited
01:16:09And it was raining I think
01:16:11And then she's too proud to tell him that she's uh
01:16:22And he's too proud to find out why she doesn't come
01:16:26But he comes to see her anyway
01:16:28I forget why but oh
01:16:31Oh, it's so amazing when he comes to see her
01:16:35He doesn't even notice that she doesn't get up to say hello
01:16:40And he's very bitter
01:16:43And you think that he's just gonna
01:16:46Walk out the door
01:16:48And never know why she's just lying there, you know, like on the couch with this blanket or shriveled little legs
01:16:59Are you all right she's fine and suddenly he goes I saw the painting
01:17:06and he like
01:17:07Goes to the bedroom
01:17:09And he looks and he comes out and he looks at her and he kind of just they know
01:17:15Oh goodness
01:17:17That's a chick's movie
01:17:19I would say so
01:17:21What kind of a person would write to someone they heard on the radio?
01:17:24I got hundreds of letters from women all over the country desperate women
01:17:29Just because someone is looking for a nice guy. It doesn't make them desperate. How about rapacious and love star?
01:17:34No, it is easier to be killed by a terrorist than to find a husband after that is absolutely untrue, right, honey, right
01:17:43Well, i'm not looking for a mail-order bride
01:17:45I'm, I just want somebody that I can have a decent conversation with
01:17:48Over dinner, you know without it falling down into weepy tears over some movie that you just saw very emotional
01:17:54Although I cried at the end of the dirty dozen who didn't because jim brown was throwing these hand grenades down these air air shafts
01:18:00Richard jacob and me marvin were sitting on top of this armored personnel carrier. They're dressed up like
01:18:15Richard jacob
01:18:22Oh god, I love that movie
01:18:33This is the best movie i've ever seen in my life
01:18:36What's so great about it?
01:18:38You have to find her jonah. You have to go to her. Do you know how much money it costs to go to new york?
01:18:43Nobody knows
01:18:45It changes practically every day
01:18:48How much money do you have?
01:18:49Eighty dollars
01:18:51I have 42 that will probably cover taxi cabs, but how would I get there?
01:18:56Morning, I have to run these tickets over to someone. Can you keep an eye on things out front till I get back?
01:19:01Sure, mom
01:19:13Do you want a window seat or an aisle window
01:19:17Do you want a food plate? I don't know. Do I?
01:19:19I'd rather die than eat airplane food
01:19:22I'm telling them you're 12 so you can fly in a company and the stewardess won't carry you around and stuff like that
01:19:26Are you crazy who'd believe i'm 12? If it's in the computer, they believe anything. Are you sure?
01:19:34Do you want me to say that you're really really short for your age and that they shouldn't say anything?
01:19:37Because it would hurt your feelings. Yeah, that's a great idea
01:19:41Sometimes it's hard to be a woman
01:19:51Given all your love to just one man
01:20:00You're gonna miss the train
01:20:03No, i'm not
01:20:05I'm, so happy becky
01:20:07Finally I feel happy
01:20:09This is right. This is real. Everything else is what happens when you watch too many movies and you completely lose sight of what counts
01:20:16Please don't tell anybody what happened because that would be so absolutely mortified if anyone knew I did anything even remotely close to what i've done
01:20:24Thank you. Thank you. Do you promise?
01:20:28Sleepless in seattle is history
01:20:37If you love him
01:20:41I'll be proud of him
01:20:46Because after all he's just a man
01:21:04You go, okay
01:21:07Well, I was just gonna say that ever since christmas
01:21:11You've been different kind of distracted
01:21:14distant but uh now
01:21:17It feels as if you're coming back from wherever you were
01:21:22I am
01:21:25I was just
01:21:28I just I just got I think I got nervous
01:21:32You know, but but that's normal right? I mean don't you ever feel nervous about you know
01:21:54I did and uh
01:21:56You know what? I think I think I thought
01:21:59It was too perfect
01:22:00you know
01:22:01I started to wonder if we were the human equivalent of two rights making a wrong
01:22:07You know what? It was
01:22:09It was like kismet but not if you see what I mean
01:22:14You have to grow up you just can't keep having all these adolescent fantasies about how exciting your life is going to be
01:22:21Don't hate me, but I love this pattern
01:22:24You couldn't I do
01:22:26This is just like my grandmother's china. How many play settings should I put down?
01:22:36Exactly eight is too few twelve is too many
01:23:05Walter it was my mother's
01:23:11I had them size it down
01:23:14She had really fat fingers
01:23:19It's so beautiful it's exactly what I would pick out if I had every ring in the whole world to choose from
01:23:29You see what I mean there are people who would like a relationship to be full of surprises, but I am not one of those people
01:23:37No, siree
01:23:39Surprises are highly overrated
01:23:45I'm leaving first thing in the morning, but i'm only going to be gone one night and clarice is going to be here
01:23:49So you'll be able to see plenty of geraldo nightmare and lp 12. I will never know. Are you going with her?
01:23:57I'm going with victoria. Yes
01:24:01Don't try anything tricky understand
01:24:07Don't go rolling in poison ivy as soon as I leave the house
01:24:11Or lock yourself in the closet or do anything that makes you need stitches if your finger falls off it's staying off
01:24:16No one's going to pack it on ice and take it to the hospital so you can be a breakthrough in laser surgery
01:24:22Is this about that woman in baltimore?
01:24:29Don't care what you do good fine. I'll tell you what i'm doing this weekend. I'm getting laid
01:24:361990s and nobody's getting laid. I'm the only man in america who was getting laid this weekend and I haven't been laid that much
01:24:42six girls in college, maybe seven
01:24:45How long you been standing there
01:24:48What did you hear me? Just say six girls in college, maybe seven
01:24:53seven eight
01:24:54Mary kelly, this is the one I like
01:25:01The fact is you're not gonna like any woman because it isn't your mother. How do you know?
01:25:07What's wrong with annie? Oh jonah. Shut up
01:25:11Shut up
01:25:12Shut up. Mom never said shut up to me. Mom never yelled at me conversation is finished
01:25:18Why can't we go to new york?
01:25:20There is no way that we are going on a plane to meet some woman who could be a crazy sick lunatic
01:25:25Didn't you see fatal attraction? You wouldn't let me well, I saw it and it scared the shit out of me
01:25:30It scared the shit out of every man in america
01:25:34I'm not leaving till you say yes
01:25:42I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. That's good
01:25:45You'll have a lot to tell oprah how your dad destroyed your life because he had to go up for a weekend special
01:25:51at the holiday end
01:26:08Jonah clarice is here and I gotta go
01:26:13Hey jonah
01:26:22All right, jonah, listen, I gotta go
01:26:29Jonah jonah
01:26:34Hey jonah
01:26:55Jessica honey, you have to tell us where he is. Jonah's daddy is very upset
01:27:00Jessica, this is your father
01:27:03Tell us where he is right this minute
01:27:08N y what is that? No way that's n w
01:27:15New york
01:27:16He's on his way to new york. What how united five nine seven jessica
01:27:23When does it leave 7 30?
01:27:33There you go, here's a nice pin for you for playing with us. Thank you. You're welcome. Can I take this for you? No
01:27:56Where to kid empire state building empire state building get a little further away from the curb next time mac
01:28:06There it is
01:28:08What you gonna do when you get up there?
01:28:10Spit off the top. No, i'm going to meet my new mother
01:28:35Excuse me. I'm jonah. Are you annie? No, i'm cynthia
01:28:47Excuse me, are you annie?
01:29:28Great table. Thanks
01:29:33Something wrong
01:29:35Can I get you a drink some champagne
01:29:40Fine fine
01:29:42Can we have a bottle of dumb deloise
01:29:49Just kidding. It was a joke. He meant down there. I got it
01:29:56Oh beautiful view, isn't it walter
01:30:03There's something I have to tell you
01:30:30Come on
01:31:42So he could be on top of the empire state building now
01:31:49I guess he could be
01:31:54It's not him walter it's me
01:31:58I can't do this
01:32:01Look annie
01:32:04I love you, but let's leave that out of this
01:32:08I don't want to be someone that you're settling for. I don't want to be someone that anyone settles for
01:32:18Marriage is hard enough without bringing such low expectations into it, isn't it?
01:32:26Walter I don't deserve you
01:32:29No, I wouldn't put it that way
01:32:33But okay
01:32:51You okay? Yeah
01:33:01What look
01:33:11It's a sign who needed a sign walter
01:33:18I have to go
01:33:54What if something happened to you what if I couldn't get to you i'm, sorry, i'm, sorry
01:34:02What what would I have done
01:34:05You are my family. You're all i've got
01:34:08I thought she'd be here. I thought she'd come we're doing. Okay. All right, wait a minute. Are we okay?
01:34:12Are we all right? I mean so far have I done anything really stupid? No
01:34:16Have I screwed it up for the both of us? No
01:35:15Sorry man, but it's too late. Oh, no, please. I really need to get up there. We're closing up no more runs tonight
01:35:31Can I just take a look
01:35:33There's someone I was supposed to meet he's probably not there. But if I don't at least look i'll always wonder about it
01:35:40Cary grant, right, you know that movie
01:35:44One of my wife's favorites
01:35:55Hey, maybe when we get home we'll get a dog
01:36:00What do you mean? Okay
01:36:02Wouldn't you like to have a dog?
01:36:18I'm sorry, ma'am empty
01:36:22Can I take a minute go ahead
01:37:41I left her by the telescope
01:38:10It's you it's me I saw you in the street, are you annie?
01:38:23You're annie
01:38:28This must be yours i'm jonah, this is my dad his name's sam. Hi jonah
01:38:44And who's this howard oh howard hello howard
01:39:05We better go
01:39:14Shall we
01:39:47It's so important to make someone happy
01:39:51You make just one someone happy make just one heart to heart you
01:40:01You sing
01:40:15You're everything
01:40:23If you
01:41:03And you will be happy too
01:41:39When I fall in love
01:42:08Like this
01:42:41It will be
01:43:30When I fall
01:43:56Give me a kiss the pillar dream on in my imagination
01:44:02Will thrive upon that kiss
01:44:07Sweetheart I ask no more than this a kiss the bell a dream on
01:44:18Give me a kiss before you leave me and my imagination
01:44:24Will feed my hungry heart
01:44:28Leave me one thing before we part a kiss the bill
01:44:54I kiss the