• 3 months ago
اسلامک معلومات اسلامک وظائف اسلاامک احادیث


00:00The Path of Paradise and the People of Paradise
00:03The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:05on one occasion,
00:07addressed his Ummah and said,
00:10You people give me the guarantee of six things,
00:13I give you the guarantee of Paradise.
00:16Number one, when you speak, speak the truth.
00:19Number two, when you make a promise, fulfill it.
00:23Number three, when you are entrusted with something,
00:26do not betray it.
00:29Number four, protect your private parts.
00:32Number five, keep your eyes down.
00:36Number six, do not hurt anyone with your hands.