Kiss Me One Last Time - Uncut Full Movie

  • 2 months ago
Kiss Me One Last Time - Uncut Full Movie
00:00:00Miss you look stunning. Who's the lucky guy? My husband. His name's Blake. I love it. I love it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It's just a ring. It's everything.
00:00:30Well, your husband's a lucky man. These pictures are perfect for renewing your vows. Oh, no.
00:00:46They're for my funeral. Oh, no. They're for my funeral. Adeline, stage four cancer is
00:00:58no joke. We need to begin treatment right away. It's too late for me. Does your husband know?
00:01:09Where is that asshole? You can't tell him. Promise me you won't tell Blake. Swear it.
00:01:21I don't have long to live. I'm sorry, miss. That's...
00:01:33A photo shoot? Are you kidding me? I've been calling you. You need to get dressed. Your sister needs blood.
00:01:39Rebecca's not my sister. How ungrateful can you be? You're living the life that she wanted.
00:01:45The least you can do is keep her from dying. I'm the one who's dying. Please don't make me give her any more blood.
00:01:53I really don't feel... You say that every time. We're going now. No, I don't want to.
00:02:01You don't want to? I didn't want to marry you, but yet here we are. You trapped me using your blood.
00:02:07So as long as you're still breathing, you do exactly what I say. Don't you ever forget it. Now go.
00:02:17Be in the transition. Mr. Rhodes, your wife seems a little weak. She's fine. Rebecca's life depends on it.
00:02:27You value Rebecca's life so much, but mine means nothing. Was I really just nothing to you in the past three years?
00:02:41Did you ever even love me?
00:02:46You have to help Rebecca, Adeline. Only you can. I don't know. It's my body and...
00:02:51Your sister needs your kidney or she's gonna die. Do you not understand that? Please. Only you can. I'll do anything. Anything.
00:03:01Okay. Okay? I'll give her my kidney if you marry me.
00:03:10Alright. I'll marry you. Just keep Rebecca alive.
00:03:22He loved me. At some point, we were good ones.
00:03:33You waited for me to wake up.
00:03:36Good. You're back. You're back. He needs more blood.
00:03:43I can't give her any more blood, Blake. Can't you see?
00:03:48Listen to me, Adeline Rhodes. You chose this when you took my last name. You forced it on yourself.
00:03:55How are you gonna let that go? Was I not a good enough wife to you?
00:03:59I'll let it go when you're dead, Adeline.
00:04:04Mr. Rhodes, Miss Miller is awake.
00:04:08Remember what I said.
00:04:12You'll get what you wished for soon, Blake. I'm dying.
00:04:22Should've won an Oscar for playing sick.
00:04:30That sneaky bitch Adeline always trying to steal my act.
00:04:47You came.
00:04:52I'm sorry for fainting again. It must've been so annoying for you and Adeline.
00:04:56Don't ever apologize for your sickness. Adeline agreed to give you whatever you need for your health. Those were her terms.
00:05:03Will she give me blood again? She hates doing that, my poor sister.
00:05:08Well, she is just the daughter of a mistress. I still feel bad.
00:05:20Forget about her. You're looking better. I'll talk to the doctor and get you released.
00:05:26Wait, Blake. Where is Adeline? Is she okay? Maybe I should go check on her.
00:05:38Blake? Doctor? Anyone? Help. I need help.
00:05:55Nice try, sis.
00:05:58Get out of my room.
00:06:00Well, it's been three years and I still can't get you out of Blake's life, so...
00:06:05No. I'm not going anywhere.
00:06:14Oh, drop it already. Nothing you do is going to make Blake love you.
00:06:21I should be saying that to you. Take all my blood if you want. You won't take my husband.
00:06:30You bitch.
00:06:32Blake was supposed to be my husband. Giving me your kidney doesn't change the fact that you're just a bastard kid with a whore mother.
00:06:40Don't talk about my mother.
00:06:42What's going on?
00:06:45Blake! She pushed me. Ow. My ankle.
00:06:52What's wrong with you?
00:06:56What's wrong with you?
00:06:58I didn't do anything. Maybe I tripped. I don't know.
00:07:04Your sister's first thought out of getting her out of recovery is to come check on you and you want to push her?
00:07:09Do you have a single ounce of kindness in your body?
00:07:11She's faking it. She's not even sick. Can't you see that she's just manipulating me?
00:07:18Don't say that about Rebecca. Not when you're the one that manipulated me in this marriage.
00:07:23So it's true. This marriage means nothing to you.
00:07:27Blake? You're scaring her. She didn't mean it. I'm hungry.
00:07:34What are you craving?
00:07:38I would kill for some pasta.
00:07:40Pasta it is.
00:07:42Oh, what about Adeline?
00:07:45She'll figure it out.
00:07:48Can't you just pretend to love me? Just for a day before I go?
00:07:59Why didn't you call me? I had to find out through the nurses that you were here.
00:08:03Dr. Brad, I didn't want to worry you.
00:08:05Worry? Of course I'm worried. You shouldn't be giving blood out in your state. Are you crazy?
00:08:12I don't have a choice.
00:08:14A choice? Of course you do.
00:08:19Leave him.
00:08:22Addie, look at me. I'm just not your doctor. I'm also your friend.
00:08:27And I'm not going to sit here and watch you throw your life away.
00:08:30You start treatment now.
00:08:33Throw what life away? This life?
00:08:37You're the doctor.
00:08:39What is the chances that I make it through this treatment?
00:08:42In this particular situation, since you've already donated your healthy kidney, less than ten percent.
00:08:52See? I don't want to spend the last few months of my life in pain.
00:09:00I just want Blake to love me.
00:09:04I just want Blake to love me.
00:09:14Here you go. Spaghetti Pomodoro. Your favorite.
00:09:25What's wrong? Is the pasta alright?
00:09:27No. Pasta's fine.
00:09:34I can't believe Adeline's cheating on me.
00:09:39Why is he thinking about that bitch again?
00:09:42Well, are you sure she is?
00:09:44I mean, her texting some doctor and sneaking out to who knows where when you're at work is pretty suspicious.
00:09:51You know, maybe she's just dying and hiding it from you.
00:10:04Can you text him?
00:10:06No. I'll make dinner.
00:10:21No, she's definitely cheating on me.
00:10:26Where are you?
00:10:28No, she's definitely cheating on me.
00:10:32Where are you going?
00:10:50What are you hiding from me?
00:10:52Nothing. What?
00:10:53I didn't say what. Remember what I said?
00:11:02Wait, Blake. No, I have to tell you something.
00:11:06What? More of your lies?
00:11:08No. Please listen to me.
00:11:12I don't want to hear any more of your stupid excuses. You wanted this, Adeline.
00:11:20I'm sorry.
00:11:28I'm sorry.
00:11:37Does she hate me this much?
00:11:42What were you going to tell me?
00:11:46See you soon. I'm off.
00:11:48Wait, no. You're not sleeping at home tonight.
00:11:52Why would I? Your sister needs me and you don't seem to want me here.
00:11:56No, I do. I just...
00:12:00Cut the crap.
00:12:23Of course she doesn't want me here.
00:12:32Blake. Blake. Blake, I'm scared.
00:12:36Hey, hey. I'm right here. I'm right here.
00:12:43I'm sorry.
00:12:52I'm sorry.
00:13:14Blake, are you holding her in your arms right now?
00:13:34You really don't care about me at all. Will you start to care when I finally die?
00:14:06Blake, the thunder's so scary. Will you stay here with me? Just for tonight?
00:14:15Adeline was always terrified of thunderstorms. Why do I even care?
00:14:21Hello? I'm talking to you.
00:14:29Jordan, did you get that activity I asked for?
00:14:32Yes, Mr. Rhodes. It seems like Mrs. Rhodes wired more than $80,000 to another account within the past month.
00:14:41I knew it. Adeline's cheating on me and sending money to some scumbag.
00:15:03If that's what you want, I'll let you go.
00:15:21Blake, I'm so cold. Will you cuddle me?
00:15:27Screw this. Screw Adeline.
00:15:41I gotta go.
00:15:43What? Why? It's so late and it's raining so hard outside.
00:15:51How are you fucking feeling?
00:15:57Where are you? Adeline. Adeline.
00:16:10What happened?
00:16:17What happened to you?
00:16:19Blake, is that you?
00:16:22Oh, shit, Addie. What happened?
00:16:25What's Thunder, Blake?
00:16:28Thunder's gone. I'm here.
00:16:30Was she waiting for me this whole time?
00:16:45What happened to her?
00:16:47Hey, don't touch her.
00:16:48I'm a doctor. I've known her for years.
00:16:50Oh, I see.
00:16:52So you're the fucker Adeline's been cheating on me with.
00:16:57So you're the fucker Adeline's been cheating on me with.
00:17:01You don't know what you're talking about.
00:17:03What happened? Being a doctor doesn't pay the rent?
00:17:06You're gonna leash off my wife, too?
00:17:08You know nothing, Blake Rhodes. You don't deserve her.
00:17:11She's my wife!
00:17:13I know her better than anybody. Let me tell you something.
00:17:15Under no circumstance is she gonna leave me for you.
00:17:20Promise me you won't tell Blake.
00:17:25Swear it!
00:17:30The only reason why I haven't broken her jaw is because I'm too busy taking care of your wife.
00:17:38Which you don't seem to care about.
00:17:44I'm sorry.
00:17:53I haven't seen her so peaceful in a while.
00:18:08Mr. Rhodes.
00:18:10Sorry to interrupt.
00:18:12Miss Miller is looking for you.
00:18:14She said dinner's ready.
00:18:18She was always tough and quick to bounce back.
00:18:21I shouldn't worry this time.
00:18:24Let's go.
00:18:51There's my baby girl.
00:18:53Mom, what do you want?
00:18:56Well, it's really nothing.
00:18:59It's just, you haven't sent me any money in, like, a few weeks.
00:19:04Come to visit me in the hospital.
00:19:06You're only daughter.
00:19:08And the first thing you do is ask about money.
00:19:12Well, I mean, you look fine.
00:19:14You could probably put on some weight.
00:19:17You're really skinny.
00:19:19And honey, you could go get a tan or something.
00:19:21That's enough!
00:19:23I gave you $10,000 last week.
00:19:28That isn't much to you, is it?
00:19:30It certainly wasn't enough for me.
00:19:32Addie, I just need half a mil to get back on my feet.
00:19:37I don't have half a million dollars, Mom.
00:19:39But your rich husband does.
00:19:47I can't give you that much money.
00:19:50Blake will notice.
00:19:53So what if he does?
00:19:55You're his wife.
00:19:57Why are you acting, I don't know, like his mistress?
00:20:02I thought you were really smart when you got Blake to marry you.
00:20:05I don't know how you did it, but I was impressed.
00:20:08Well, I couldn't get your dad to divorce that old ugly hag.
00:20:12Don't compare me to you!
00:20:16Well, honey,
00:20:19you better get me the 500K or I'm not going to have any choice but to go to Blake myself.
00:20:25You don't want me poking around in your perfect little marriage, do you?
00:20:29I wonder how she'd feel if she knew how Blake treats me.
00:20:33Will she even feel bad for me?
00:20:38Do you promise that you'll use the money to settle?
00:20:43Or will you just get drugs?
00:20:49You brat!
00:20:51You calling me a liar?
00:20:55Really, Mom?
00:21:01Okay, I'm sorry, honey.
00:21:03I got worked up.
00:21:05I've got some really bad people after me.
00:21:08And I owe some money.
00:21:13Jesus, Addie!
00:21:20I didn't do this. I didn't do this.
00:21:22This wasn't me.
00:21:25Honey, send me the money when you get better, okay?
00:21:32Shit! Addie! Addie!
00:21:39You've gotten worse.
00:21:40I'm fine.
00:21:46You are far as fine as biologically possible.
00:21:49Do you understand you only have four months to live?
00:21:52Leave him.
00:21:54Blake Rhodes doesn't love you.
00:21:57Don't waste what's left of what life you have.
00:22:44Blake, please come home.
00:22:50You're losing me.
00:23:00Is everything okay?
00:23:02I don't want Addie to get upset over you being here.
00:23:05She won't be.
00:23:08Blake, I'm really sorry.
00:23:11Even though you don't love her legally, she's still your wife.
00:23:14And I just took you from her.
00:23:20It's all my fault. If I didn't need her stupid kidney to survive,
00:23:23you would be not stuck with her now, and you would be my husband,
00:23:27like you promised me when we were young.
00:23:30I was the one who agreed to the terms.
00:23:32It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to apologize.
00:23:37You know, if you divorce her now, we could still get married.
00:23:43You know, I never forgot how you promised to marry me that day when I saved your life.
00:23:47I'm not divorcing Adeline.
00:23:54Why not? You don't love her, and she only married you for your money.
00:23:58Isn't she sending money to her lover, that doctor or whatever?
00:24:06I don't love her, do I?
00:24:12Of course I don't. What am I thinking?
00:24:15I promise to take care of you, and I will.
00:24:17You saved my life, but that has nothing to do with me marrying you or not.
00:24:22I'm not divorcing Adeline.
00:24:25I won't let her get away with it that easy.
00:24:28Thanks for lunch.
00:24:33So here are your options if you decide to file for divorce now.
00:24:36Obviously, we have the blanket.
00:24:41You've got a lot of balls, Adeline.
00:24:43Had another man in my house?
00:24:46Sir, Mr. Rhodes, it's just a misunderstanding.
00:24:50I'm talking to my wife.
00:24:51Are you insane? He's just an attorney.
00:24:55I'm a lawyer?
00:24:58So you think you're hot shit, huh? First a doctor, now a lawyer?
00:25:01What, you think fucking these guys gives you some kind of worth?
00:25:03Mr. Rhodes, I'm gonna have to ask you to remove yourself from my client.
00:25:06Your client? You know she's penniless without me?
00:25:10Who do you think is gonna pay for you?
00:25:14You don't want me to sue you for coming in here and trying to screw my wife, I suggest you get the fuck out.
00:25:31Let me go.
00:25:33Tell me, how many men have you fucked in my house, on my bed while I've been gone?
00:25:39Mom, I didn't cheat on you, Blake.
00:25:42You're a liar.
00:25:44I don't believe you.
00:25:45You don't believe me?
00:25:48You're the one who spent the whole week at Rebecca's.
00:25:51That's different, you know it.
00:25:55Try to spend this on me.
00:25:57Blake, I didn't cheat on you.
00:26:03Is that why you want a divorce then?
00:26:05Because you found someone who fucks you better?
00:26:07Blake, no, please.
00:26:08Let me tell you something, Adeline.
00:26:10You're my wife.
00:26:14And that's not gonna change.
00:26:16If I ever see you hanging out with another man again,
00:26:19I'll kill him.
00:26:22I absolutely will kill him.
00:26:27No, please, please don't.
00:26:29Please don't.
00:26:32I don't fuck with you.
00:26:34I don't fuck with you.
00:26:38I'm dying, Blake.
00:26:44Blake, just let me go.
00:26:47And divorce and peace and...
00:26:50You can marry Rebecca like you did for us.
00:26:53And you can take my money and run off with some other man.
00:26:55I don't want your money.
00:27:01What are you doing?
00:27:06Yes, I want all asset accounts with my wife's name on them.
00:27:08No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:27:10Blake, please stop.
00:27:11Credit card, too. Yes, please.
00:27:12No, please.
00:27:14Yes, please.
00:27:15Blake, no, stop, please.
00:27:16I'm sorry.
00:27:17Why are you sad?
00:27:19Because you can't send money to your side piece?
00:27:21No, Blake, please.
00:27:22You have to believe me.
00:27:23I didn't cheat on you.
00:27:24I'm sorry.
00:27:25I'm really sorry.
00:27:26I promise I didn't cheat on you.
00:27:27You have to believe me.
00:27:28She really loves money this much?
00:27:35All right.
00:27:36I'll unfreeze your accounts under one condition.
00:27:39What do you want?
00:27:41I don't want to ever hear the word divorce come out of your mouth again.
00:27:44No matter what.
00:27:52All right, fine.
00:27:54Oh, my God!
00:27:55Look, they did it!
00:27:56Oh, my God!
00:27:57Look, they did it!
00:27:58Oh, my God!
00:28:04Stay out here.
00:28:05No, Blake!
00:28:09Why don't you stay out there until you learn your lesson?
00:28:12No, no, I won't mention divorce.
00:28:13I promise, I promise.
00:28:14I don't believe you!
00:28:16Maybe I will in three days.
00:28:18Oh, my God!
00:28:19I don't believe you!
00:28:20I don't believe you!
00:28:21I don't believe you!
00:28:26I don't believe you!
00:28:44Mrs. Miller, please let me in.
00:28:47I'm so cold.
00:28:49How pathetic.
00:28:51Who is she?
00:28:53Her name's Adeline.
00:28:55She's a little piece of trash my dad had with some whore.
00:28:58Rebecca, please let me in.
00:29:02I've been out here for two days.
00:29:04I have nowhere to go.
00:29:06Get your dirty hands off of me!
00:29:08Whatever happens to you, you deserve it.
00:29:11You deserve it.
00:29:13You deserve it.
00:29:15You deserve it.
00:29:16You deserve it.
00:29:17You deserve it.
00:30:11Is this what you wanted, Blake?
00:30:13For me to finally die?
00:30:23I loved you for 12 years, Blake.
00:30:26And I thought
00:30:28I could make you love me back.
00:30:31But I guess
00:30:33it was all just a dream.
00:30:35Oh, remember you have an hour to lunch.
00:30:37And if you have any questions, just let me know.
00:30:38You're funny.
00:30:42What's wrong, Blake?
00:30:43You really touched your one.
00:30:51The Mueller's never let me watch TV.
00:30:54It'll be our secret.
00:31:05Why can't I stop thinking about her?
00:31:09Are you bored?
00:31:11Because I can think of things we can do that are more exciting.
00:31:15Like maybe you can watch me do this.
00:31:19You can watch me do this.
00:31:21What are you doing?
00:31:22Blake, I know that we're waiting until your divorce, but I don't want you anymore.
00:31:26I want to be all yours, and I want you to be all mine.
00:31:29Rebecca, I owe you my life, and I'll do anything for you, but
00:31:35not that.
00:31:40I'm sorry, I
00:31:42I gotta go.
00:31:43I gotta go.
00:32:01I'm sure she's fine.
00:32:02She was only out there for a day.
00:32:17Addie, stay with me.
00:32:18Wake up.
00:32:19Wake up.
00:32:20Stop playing with me.
00:32:21Wake up.
00:32:22Blake, did you come back for me?
00:32:25All I wanted the past 12 years was for you to care.
00:32:29But I guess it's too late now.
00:32:34We need help.
00:32:35What's going on?
00:32:37Why is she wet?
00:32:39She passed out from a fever.
00:32:40We need Dr. Woods.
00:32:41Where's Harrison Woods?
00:32:42He's off today.
00:32:44Sir, you'll have to wait outside.
00:32:47What's going on with our wife?
00:32:54Patient needs surgery.
00:32:55She's not going to make it like this.
00:32:56She can't.
00:32:57Patient has only one kidney left and rejected radiation therapy multiple times.
00:32:59But what if Dr. Woods hears out?
00:33:00I'm trying.
00:33:27You're going to be okay, Lake Rhodes.
00:33:31Everything's going to be okay.
00:33:36Code Blue!
00:33:37Code Blue!
00:33:38Clear the patient.
00:33:39Prepare for defibrillation.
00:33:40Someone change Dr. Woods again.
00:33:43What's going on?
00:33:44Your wife went into cardiac arrest.
00:33:46We're doing everything we can.
00:33:47Why is she?
00:33:48She had a fever.
00:33:50Mr. Rhodes, your wife has late-stage kidney cancer.
00:33:52She only has a few months left.
00:33:54No, what?
00:33:55My cancer?
00:33:56No, she's...
00:33:58She's strong.
00:34:00I'm so sorry, Mr. Rhodes.
00:34:01I need to go get Dr. Woods.
00:34:03How is this possible?
00:34:05Does she know?
00:34:07I have to tell you something.
00:34:09That's what she was trying to tell me.
00:34:10She's dying.
00:34:17Blake Rhodes.
00:34:19What have you done?
00:34:24What the hell did you do to her?
00:34:31You knew the whole time, man.
00:34:32Shut up.
00:34:33And get out of my hospital.
00:34:40I'm sorry.
00:34:49Begin the tracheotomy.
00:35:00If I had known...
00:35:03Why didn't you tell me you were dying?
00:35:13Please wake up.
00:35:16I'm dying, Blake.
00:35:25I'm sorry I doubted you.
00:35:29I didn't know it.
00:35:31I didn't know you meant it.
00:35:46Mr. Rhodes, sir.
00:35:48I think you need to see this.
00:35:51I told you to leave me alone.
00:35:54We know where she's been sending the money to.
00:36:00We know where she's been sending the money to.
00:36:10Who's this?
00:36:12Mr. Rhodes' mother.
00:36:18I don't understand.
00:36:20She's been sending money to her family this entire time.
00:36:24Get out.
00:36:26Get out!
00:36:35Why didn't you tell me?
00:36:41I'm sorry.
00:36:44I thought you were cheating.
00:36:51I can fix it.
00:36:55I can fix everything, just...
00:36:58Just wake up.
00:37:11What are you doing, Blake?
00:37:13This is a woman who wants nothing to do with you anymore.
00:37:20I used to make you happy.
00:37:22I used to make you laugh.
00:37:41Can I ever make you happy again?
00:37:56Mr. Rhodes.
00:37:58It's been two days.
00:38:01You have to eat.
00:38:04Or at least shower.
00:38:07I'm sorry.
00:38:09Or at least shower.
00:38:11I can't believe what I put her through while she's had cancer.
00:38:14Mrs. Miller keeps calling.
00:38:17She's wondering where you've been.
00:38:20Tell Rebecca I'm busy.
00:38:22Also, get a hold of this Paula woman.
00:38:25Adeline's mom.
00:38:28Let her know we'll give her whatever she wants.
00:38:29Just leave Adeline alone.
00:38:31Sir, where are you going?
00:38:34Going to get her food in case she wakes up.
00:38:44I've never seen him care for anybody like this before.
00:39:03Rebecca, what are you doing here?
00:39:04I heard about Adeline, so I had to come check on her.
00:39:08Have you been crying?
00:39:10Oh, Blake, you look terrible.
00:39:11Let me take care of you.
00:39:13I gotta go.
00:39:15I have Adeline's diagnosis.
00:39:18I'm so sorry about the malnutrition.
00:39:20I told you she had to eat more.
00:39:22What? Malnutrition?
00:39:24Gastritis? Wait.
00:39:27What? I thought...
00:39:30I thought she had...
00:39:33Sorry, sis.
00:39:34I managed to steal him once already.
00:39:36And I'll do it over and over again until you die.
00:39:50Help! Mom!
00:39:56What happened?
00:39:57You got into an accident, Blake.
00:39:59I remember.
00:40:01I fell off the train into someone.
00:40:06You saved my life, Rebecca.
00:40:08I'll spend the rest of my life repaying this debt.
00:40:15Are you alright?
00:40:16If you have to go, I can check on Adeline.
00:40:20I can't believe she lied to me.
00:40:25She'd do anything other than lie.
00:40:39Oh, Adeline.
00:40:41I thought I lost you this time.
00:40:43Don't ever scare me like that again.
00:40:47Why didn't you just let me die?
00:40:49What? I'm a doctor.
00:40:50I save people.
00:40:52You can save people.
00:40:54Just not me.
00:40:56Why are you always trying to save me?
00:41:00Because I love you.
00:41:08I love you.
00:41:10And Blake Rhodes doesn't.
00:41:12He found out, didn't he?
00:41:14About my cancer.
00:41:17He did.
00:41:20And he doesn't care.
00:41:22Adeline, you have to leave him.
00:41:25Whatever he's doing to you, that's not love.
00:41:28The man is messed up in the head.
00:41:37Say one more word to my wife.
00:41:38Next surgery you'll be a part of on your own.
00:41:43Blake, stop!
00:41:44Every single word I said about you is true.
00:41:47You're messed up. You don't have a heart.
00:41:50And I'm her husband.
00:41:52And you're not.
00:41:53Get out.
00:41:56Say one word and I'll have this man banned from the hospital.
00:42:00Harrison doesn't know what Blake's capable of.
00:42:03I can't let him hurt more people.
00:42:07Blake, let him go.
00:42:14Harrison, get out.
00:42:16Marriage is none of your business.
00:42:22You don't have to force yourself.
00:42:25Please, leave.
00:42:28Harrison, no matter what you do, I'm not gonna love you.
00:42:30Harrison, no matter what you do, I'm not gonna love you.
00:42:35Whatever kind of hold he has over you,
00:42:38I can take care of it. Let me take care of it.
00:42:41He doesn't have anything a hold of me.
00:42:44I love him, okay?
00:42:48No matter what.
00:42:52Whatever kind of hold he has over you,
00:42:55I can take care of it. Let me take care of it.
00:42:57He doesn't have anything a hold of me.
00:43:01I love him, okay?
00:43:04No matter what.
00:43:10I don't believe you.
00:43:12You heard what she said.
00:43:14Go before I report you for harassment.
00:43:17You wanna talk about harassment?
00:43:19You don't think I see the way you treat her?
00:43:21Leave us alone.
00:43:27I'm really sorry, Harrison.
00:43:31I'm really sorry.
00:43:34Cancer, huh?
00:43:36You think I'm stupid?
00:43:40I said you think I'm stupid!
00:43:43I said you think I'm stupid!
00:43:45No, like...
00:43:52I swear I didn't lie.
00:43:55Why would I believe a single word you have to say?
00:43:57After you manipulate me into this marriage using your sister's life,
00:44:01I should have known you were gonna use your own.
00:44:04You think I'd lie about cancer?
00:44:07About dying?
00:44:10I don't think. I know.
00:44:12That's the kind of fucked up person you are, Adeline.
00:44:17Why did I ever think that he'd choose my side?
00:44:20That he ever loved me?
00:44:23I was such a fool.
00:44:25What's wrong? You can't think of another lie?
00:44:28I swear, if you ever lie to me again...
00:44:30You're right.
00:44:32I forced you into this marriage.
00:44:35And it was the biggest mistake of my life.
00:44:42Let's get a divorce, Blake Rose.
00:44:46I don't wanna love you anymore.
00:44:51What makes you think you can leave me?
00:44:54After you were the one that wanted this.
00:44:56And I regret it.
00:44:59I gave Rebecca a kidney.
00:45:02Because you asked me to.
00:45:04For three years after I gave her my kidney.
00:45:08You used me as her personal blood bank.
00:45:12You treated me like...
00:45:15Like some pet.
00:45:18Some toy that you own.
00:45:23Whose fault is that?
00:45:28No, Blake. No, stop. Blake!
00:45:38It's my fault. Mine.
00:45:43You're right.
00:45:45I lied about the cancer.
00:45:47I thought you might show me just a little bit of love if you thought I was dying.
00:45:52But you don't care.
00:45:58I was blinded by my love for you for 12 years.
00:46:03But not anymore.
00:46:06I am done with you, Blake Rose.
00:46:13What's gonna happen to your mom if you leave me?
00:46:18It turns out having cancer wasn't the only thing that you lied about.
00:46:23You've been stealing money from me and giving it to your druggy mother.
00:46:27How did you find out about that?
00:46:30How long have you known?
00:46:32I know she's in deep shit.
00:46:35The guys she owes money to?
00:46:37They're real killers.
00:46:40What are you trying to say?
00:46:43I'm saying if you ever try to leave me again...
00:46:45I'll make sure she never gets another penny.
00:46:48Then what's gonna happen to her?
00:46:56You're a fucking monster!
00:46:59You're mine, Adeline Rhodes.
00:47:01You'll be Mrs. Rhodes until you die.
00:47:37Blake, do you really want me to spend the last few months of my life in misery?
00:47:52If you won't love me...
00:47:55Just let me go.
00:48:02Shit, Adeline.
00:48:03Nurse! I need a nurse!
00:48:05Adeline, stay with me here. Stay with her.
00:48:16That is last quarter's earnings.
00:48:19What do we think, sir?
00:48:21What if Adeline really has cancer?
00:48:24Why would you care?
00:48:26She's just pretending.
00:48:27You don't even love her.
00:48:30You don't love her, Blake.
00:48:33Hello? Sir?
00:48:36I saw the diagnosis report myself.
00:48:39Adeline's lying to me.
00:48:42I'm sorry, Jordan.
00:48:43Sorry, Jordan.
00:48:45Let's go over the numbers again.
00:48:53Harrison, I thought I told you.
00:49:08I don't understand.
00:49:11How can...
00:49:14I can't be pregnant, not now.
00:49:19You have to leave him.
00:49:22If not for you,
00:49:25for the baby.
00:49:36Blake can't know.
00:49:38He's never gonna let us go.
00:49:45Hey, loser.
00:49:47Where's my coffee?
00:49:50Hey, loser.
00:49:52Where's my coffee?
00:49:56I love these shows.
00:49:58I should audition for one.
00:50:01What took you so long?
00:50:05No fever.
00:50:06What's wrong?
00:50:07I just feel really sick and nauseous.
00:50:11My head really hurts.
00:50:13I just feel like I'm gonna faint at any second.
00:50:18Will you stay here tonight?
00:50:33You said...
00:50:34You promised that you'd always take care of me.
00:50:39You can come to my place.
00:50:42Adeline gets home from the hospital.
00:50:43She'll take care of you.
00:50:47I don't want to be an inconvenience.
00:50:50No inconvenience at all.
00:50:54Oh, Blake.
00:50:56You're the best.
00:50:58Now I'll have a hundred more ways to mess with you, bitch.
00:51:07I'm pregnant.
00:51:10I thought I had nothing to live for anymore.
00:51:13But I was wrong.
00:51:21I'm gonna take care of you no matter what.
00:51:23No matter what.
00:51:26I'm gonna raise you far away from this place.
00:51:30From that man who doesn't love us.
00:51:33You'll be Mrs. Rosen till you die.
00:51:39If he ever found out about you, he'd never let us go.
00:51:45You'll be my secret, Lopey.
00:51:49Where are you?
00:52:03What are you doing?
00:52:12What is she doing here?
00:52:14I don't feel well, so Blake said I could come stay with you for a bit.
00:52:19I hope you don't mind.
00:52:21Blake, I have a choice.
00:52:24I've been doing it behind my back, so...
00:52:28I don't get it. What do you mean?
00:52:32Where are you going?
00:52:35You're moving your mistress in, right?
00:52:38I'll give you a little bit of time.
00:52:41Leave us alone.
00:52:43He doesn't mean to be mean. He's just worried about me.
00:52:47I'm talking about you, Rebecca.
00:52:51Blake, you're joking.
00:52:57Blake, you're joking.
00:53:02I need a minute of privacy with my wife.
00:53:04Do me a favor and go tour the penthouse or something, okay?
00:53:09I guess.
00:53:17Where's this attitude coming from?
00:53:18I don't even want to know, but I'll remind you one last time.
00:53:21You're my wife. Act like it.
00:53:24You don't know where my attitude came from?
00:53:27You moved your mistress into our house, Blake.
00:53:31She's not my mistress.
00:53:33Who are you to talk about cheating?
00:53:35You know that I didn't cheat on you.
00:53:37I sent the money to my family.
00:53:39I told you.
00:53:40I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth anymore.
00:53:43Let me go.
00:53:48The baby. I have to protect the baby.
00:53:51Blake, let me go.
00:53:54Blake, let me go.
00:53:58You don't want to act like my wife anymore, do I?
00:54:01Sleep on the couch.
00:54:04Me and Rebecca will sleep in here.
00:54:07You're gonna let Rebecca Miller sleep in our bed?
00:54:09No. My bed.
00:54:12Be happy you're staying in the house tonight.
00:54:14Get the hell out of my room.
00:54:19She looked at me like I was a monster.
00:54:22Thank you. Thank you.
00:54:25It's just a ring.
00:54:27It's everything.
00:54:39She used to want to be close to me all the time.
00:54:42What happened?
00:54:44Why do I even care?
00:54:46Why do I even care?
00:54:49Why does it bother me so much?
00:54:51I barely touched her.
00:54:53You barely touched her?
00:54:56How can I get hurt so much?
00:54:58Go get a first aid kit out of the bathroom.
00:55:09What did you just say to me?
00:55:11I said no.
00:55:13You care about her so much.
00:55:15You can get it for yourself.
00:55:18Don't make me hurt.
00:55:20If you say no to me one more time,
00:55:22I'll cut you and your mom off.
00:55:31It's alright. It's just a cut.
00:55:42If only you paid me half the amount of attention that you paid Rebecca,
00:55:46you'd see that you're making the biggest mistake of your life.
00:55:50Don't worry.
00:55:52Mom will always protect you.
00:56:13What happened?
00:56:16Adeline, what's taking so long?
00:56:26Blake, I need a band-aid.
00:56:28Rebecca, shut up.
00:56:39I thought I was sleeping.
00:56:41I thought I was sleeping in here.
00:56:43Sleep on the couch.
00:56:49Why does she keep fainting?
00:56:51I don't know, malnutrition?
00:56:54I'll get her something nice and nutritious tomorrow,
00:56:57but can you please calm down?
00:56:59I'm going to bleed to death.
00:57:09are you really worrying about me?
00:57:14Here you go, Blake, your favorite.
00:57:16Look, I learned how to use chopsticks just for you.
00:57:25Oh, Addie, you're up.
00:57:27Look, I got your favorite, sushi.
00:57:30The raw fish is super nutritious,
00:57:32and it has all the vitamins and minerals you need to make a full recovery.
00:57:35And it's terrible for cancer patients.
00:57:41Oh, God.
00:57:43I feel sick.
00:57:47What's wrong?
00:57:49Did I get the wrong thing?
00:57:56I just...
00:57:59I'm trying really hard to get her to like me.
00:58:01It's just, it's obvious that she doesn't want me here.
00:58:09I think I'm going to be sick.
00:58:12Why is she always fainting?
00:58:14I don't know, malnutrition?
00:58:16I'll just eat the damn sushi.
00:58:19I'm really nauseous.
00:58:22I don't feel well.
00:58:24Okay, Adeline, I knew that you could be sarcastic,
00:58:27but that was just me.
00:58:29I didn't mean to disgust you.
00:58:32Can you drop the act, Rebecca?
00:58:35You know that I can't eat sushi.
00:58:37How would I know that?
00:58:39You wanted it all the time when we had it growing up.
00:58:41You would always ask for some.
00:58:43I just...
00:58:45I just thought that I could do something that would make you happy.
00:58:51God, you're such a bitch.
00:58:56Apologize to your sister right now.
00:58:57She's not my sister.
00:59:00I don't care if you're going to throw up all over the table.
00:59:02Eat the fucking sushi.
00:59:06Eat the fucking sushi.
00:59:16I'm sorry, baby.
00:59:18You have to see your father treat me like this.
00:59:21Are you still going to say no to me?
00:59:23You're still not going to apologize?
00:59:24Are you still going to say no to me?
00:59:26You're still not going to apologize?
00:59:35I got a wide variety of sushi,
00:59:37because I wasn't quite sure which kind you'd like.
00:59:39It looks good.
00:59:41Japan is so much fun.
00:59:43We went last summer.
00:59:45We ate the most amazing sushi.
00:59:47It was school-wise.
00:59:49It's worth letting you out of school a little bit.
00:59:51I'm also, um...
00:59:52There's a little bit of planning I have to do money-wise.
01:00:00Blake, this is my favorite.
01:00:02Don't tell anyone. Eat.
01:00:10Blake, it's fine. Just let it go.
01:00:15No, I'm not going to let it go.
01:00:23You know what?
01:00:28I was so scared
01:00:30for so long
01:00:32because I thought I was going to lose you.
01:00:34I know.
01:00:37I can't wait to lose you.
01:00:46Where are you going?
01:00:55you're going to regret this
01:00:57when I give birth to your child.
01:01:05Adeline! Adeline!
01:01:07What happened?
01:01:14Something's not right.
01:01:16Adeline never used to be this weak.
01:01:32Close the door on your way out.
01:01:46What did you do to her this time?
01:01:48I should be asking you.
01:01:50What's wrong with Adeline?
01:01:52Promise me
01:01:54you won't tell Blake.
01:01:57Swear it!
01:02:01You're killing her.
01:02:05I'm transferring hospitals.
01:02:09I'm not going to be Adeline's doctor anymore.
01:02:11So you need to listen to me very carefully.
01:02:14Adeline is in bad shape.
01:02:16Really bad.
01:02:18She needs
01:02:22I don't need you
01:02:24to teach me
01:02:25how to take care of my wife.
01:02:26Oh, shit.
01:02:28You don't understand.
01:02:31If you love her,
01:02:33if you just want to keep owning her,
01:02:37you're going to have to watch out for her.
01:02:40Goodbye, Addie.
01:02:42Sorry for you and your baby.
01:02:58Are you there?
01:03:37Are you there?
01:03:42my dear daughter,
01:03:48I'm sorry.
01:03:49I'm sorry.
01:03:52Are you okay?
01:03:54Did the bad people find you?
01:03:56Are you safe?
01:04:01Are you okay?
01:04:03I just wanted to talk to you.
01:04:15For being such a terrible mother.
01:04:19For everything.
01:04:23Everything through the years.
01:04:27I don't deserve you.
01:04:30Mom, you're scaring me.
01:04:34What happened?
01:04:37Can you come visit me at the hospital?
01:04:39I miss you.
01:04:41Well, honey,
01:04:43I never knew.
01:04:44I never knew you suffered so much in your marriage.
01:04:49It is my fault.
01:04:51No, stop apologizing, Mom.
01:04:53Just come see me.
01:04:55I need you.
01:04:58Yeah, let's cut that entire campaign.
01:05:00I don't want to keep wasting resources.
01:05:05the police,
01:05:06your wife,
01:05:07your mother-in-law.
01:05:08What the hell are you saying?
01:05:10Sir, Paula, she's...
01:05:13She's dead.
01:05:38Leave, Blake.
01:05:40Let Rebecca have him.
01:05:50You did this.
01:05:54You killed her.
01:05:56You killed my mother.
01:05:59I'm sorry, Alan.
01:06:02I'm so sorry.
01:06:04It's your fault.
01:06:06Your fault.
01:06:08How is it my fault?
01:06:10She hated you.
01:06:13She wanted me to leave you.
01:06:15It was the last thing she...
01:06:17Before she...
01:06:20your mother wasn't well.
01:06:23She was probably on something.
01:06:24Don't talk about her like that.
01:06:26I'm sorry.
01:06:28I had nothing to do with your mother's suicide.
01:06:31And I know you're angry and confused.
01:06:33You don't know anything.
01:06:36You think you know me,
01:06:38Blake Rhodes, but you don't.
01:06:40You don't know anything about me,
01:06:44about my family.
01:06:47About what I've been through.
01:06:49About what you put me through.
01:06:51That's enough.
01:06:54I hate you.
01:06:57You took everything from me.
01:07:01I wish I'd never met you.
01:07:04You ruined my life.
01:07:08I wish I'd never met you.
01:07:11You ruined my life.
01:07:16You ruined my life.
01:07:30Her phone was locked out.
01:07:31We're still trying to figure out
01:07:32who she was with before all this.
01:07:34Keep at it.
01:07:35I don't care what you do,
01:07:36I want to know why Paula killed herself
01:07:37and why I'm getting laid for it.
01:07:38Yes, sir.
01:07:47Paula was easier to break than I thought.
01:07:51The look on her face when she heard
01:07:52about all the abuse was cold.
01:07:56Now it's just you, Addie.
01:08:00When are you gonna break?
01:08:19I never knew you were living like this.
01:08:34I'm so sorry, Mom.
01:08:37I failed you.
01:08:49What are you doing here?
01:08:51What are you doing here?
01:08:53Came to see if you needed help.
01:08:58You're the one who was always threatening
01:08:59to leave my mother penniless.
01:09:02Now that she's dead,
01:09:04you want help?
01:09:08Try to be nice.
01:09:11Stop being so difficult.
01:09:17My mother died.
01:09:20Sorry I'm not all sunshine and rainbows for you.
01:09:25I'll take care of the funeral.
01:09:27Everything's taken care of.
01:09:30No need.
01:09:34The insurance money wasn't much, but
01:09:37it was enough.
01:09:40I don't need your money.
01:09:42I want a divorce.
01:09:43I'm gonna tell you this one last time,
01:09:44out on the roads.
01:09:46Or what?
01:09:47You're gonna kill me if I divorce you?
01:09:50Not that.
01:09:52What else can you do to me, Blake?
01:09:55You've already taken everything from me.
01:09:58Except for my baby.
01:10:00I have to leave you for my baby.
01:10:02You wanna take one last pinch from my wallet?
01:10:04I'll take nothing.
01:10:06Read it through.
01:10:08You keep everything.
01:10:10I walk away clean.
01:10:11I walk away clean.
01:10:13I can marry Rebecca.
01:10:15Or don't.
01:10:18I don't care.
01:10:20But you won't have me.
01:10:22Walk away clean.
01:10:24You call this walking away clean?
01:10:26I supported you for three years.
01:10:28I made you.
01:10:30Everything you own is mine.
01:10:41No, not just the ring, I own
01:10:43so much more.
01:10:50I mean everything.
01:10:53Everything on you.
01:10:56You can't do that to me.
01:10:58It's what you wanted, isn't it?
01:11:00Just like marrying me back then is what you wanted?
01:11:03You wanna walk away now?
01:11:07But with nothing.
01:11:24You wanna leave me?
01:11:26How dare you?
01:11:33No, Adeline.
01:11:35I said nothing.
01:11:38Nothing matters more than the baby.
01:11:54I have some news.
01:12:00Talk outside.
01:12:12I don't know if this is a coincidence, but
01:12:14Miss Miller's car was found at the apartment an hour before the incident.
01:12:18You mean Adeline?
01:12:20She's still Mrs. Rhodes.
01:12:22No, I meant Rebecca.
01:12:27Rebecca was with Paul, sir.
01:12:38Blake, I'm so glad you came.
01:12:39Well, how's Adeline, my poor dear?
01:12:41Is there anything I can do to help?
01:12:43What did you say to her mom?
01:12:46What did you say to Adeline's mom before she killed herself?
01:12:54Leave Blake.
01:12:57Let Rebecca have him.
01:13:01I won't make the same mistakes you made.
01:13:26She left me.
01:13:30I heard.
01:13:33I'm sorry.
01:13:35I'm leaving him, Harrison.
01:13:37For good.
01:13:40You have to help me.
01:13:43It's the only way to save the baby.
01:13:48I have no one else now.
01:13:56Tell me!
01:14:01I just ran into her and I
01:14:05I happened to recognize Paula, so I said hi.
01:14:12You expect me to believe that you just ran into her?
01:14:17Blake, you know me.
01:14:20Don't lie to me.
01:14:22I'm warning you.
01:14:25I just bragged.
01:14:27I just bragged, okay?
01:14:28I just told her that
01:14:30that her daughter has it worse than her
01:14:33and that it was their karma for stealing other women's husbands.
01:14:36What else?
01:14:39She just lost it.
01:14:40It wasn't me.
01:14:41She just lost it.
01:14:42It was probably the cancer or the guilt or something.
01:14:44What did you just say?
01:14:47She just lost it.
01:14:48It wasn't me.
01:14:49She just lost it.
01:14:50It was probably the cancer or the guilt or something.
01:14:52What did you just say?
01:14:54That she just probably felt guilty.
01:14:56That she just probably felt guilty because of
01:14:59No, before that.
01:15:00What did you just say?
01:15:04Nothing. I didn't.
01:15:09Rebecca, where did you get Adeline's medical report?
01:15:13It was from her doctor.
01:15:15You got it from Harrison Woods?
01:15:19You fucking liar.
01:15:20That man would never tell you anything about Adeline.
01:15:22Blake, you're hurting me.
01:15:26Sir, does that mean...
01:15:30We gotta get home.
01:15:31I gotta see Adeline.
01:15:32No, Blake.
01:15:34Blake, Blake, I didn't mean...
01:15:49You know I would do anything to help you.
01:15:52But what about us?
01:15:53I mean, we?
01:15:57There's no we, Harrison.
01:16:02I'm sorry.
01:16:04It's not fair to you or to me.
01:16:08But I love him.
01:16:11Even now.
01:16:13Even as I'm trying to hide away his baby from him.
01:16:17I love him.
01:16:22I can't help it.
01:16:23I can't help it.
01:16:25Just like...
01:16:28You can't help saving me.
01:16:35Will you save us?
01:16:37Just one last time?
01:16:48Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable.
01:16:52Please try again.
01:16:55It can't be. She was lying to you. She had to be.
01:16:58You're not dying, Adeline.
01:17:15Does she ever even love me?
01:17:17No, I have to tell you something.
01:17:23I really don't feel well.
01:17:29You can't be dying, Adeline.
01:17:33Tell me it's not true.
01:17:46We're here.
01:17:50Thank you for doing this.
01:17:53I'll always save lives.
01:17:59There's two now.
01:18:04I might not be able to see you grow, baby.
01:18:07But I can make sure that you go to someone full of love.
01:18:22Thank you.
01:18:53Oh, good.
01:18:54You decided to come home.
01:18:58Come in, I don't want to hurt you.
01:19:00Please, just put down the gun.
01:19:04Come in.
01:19:23You know, you're really pale.
01:19:29You used to look a lot more healthy.
01:19:34You used to smile a lot.
01:19:38And laugh.
01:19:40Especially around me.
01:19:42Blake, no. What do you want from me?
01:19:48Tell me you're not leaving me.
01:19:52Blake, I'm not.
01:19:54I'm not. I'm not leaving you.
01:19:56Please stop. You're scaring me.
01:20:01Tell me you're not dying.
01:20:05Tell me you're not dying.
01:20:11Tell me you're not dying, Adeline.
01:20:12I'm not dying. I'm not dying. I'm not dying. I'm not dying.
01:20:16Please don't hurt yourself.
01:20:23Do you have cancer?
01:20:27No. No, no, no. I don't have cancer.
01:20:31Please, you're scaring me. Please.
01:20:48Listen. Listen.
01:20:53I'm going to get you the best hospitals, okay?
01:20:56I'm going to get you the best treatment.
01:20:57The best in the world.
01:21:00You're going to be cured. You're going to be healthy, okay?
01:21:05You're not leaving me.
01:21:35Adeline. Adeline.
01:21:45Harrison, get the door.
01:21:50Go, go, go.
01:21:52Go, go, go.
01:22:11I'm sorry, Adeline.
01:22:13I'm so sorry.
01:22:15Please don't leave me.
01:22:22Prepare the gene anesthesia.
01:22:39Would you cry for me when I'm gone?
01:22:46Okay, here we go, guys.
01:22:47I got the scalpel, please.
01:23:08What are you doing?
01:23:09Hey, she's not-
01:23:10We're not together.
01:23:17She's awake.
01:23:19But wait before you go in there.
01:23:21I have to ask you something, because it's my duty.
01:23:24Since she's the last person that needs to make this decision.
01:23:30Decision? What-
01:23:31If it comes down to it,
01:23:33is it Adeline or the baby?
01:23:42The situation's really bad.
01:23:44The baby's going to be-
01:23:46extremely premature.
01:23:49Adeline or the baby?
01:23:50I'm nauseous.
01:23:52I really don't feel well.
01:23:54Baby? What baby?
01:23:56She's pregnant.
01:24:01She's pregnant.
01:24:09Look at me.
01:24:11Choose one.
01:24:13Tell me it's the baby and we'll get it all over with.
01:24:21I've never chosen you in my life, Adeline.
01:24:23Because I never had to.
01:24:25You were always there.
01:24:31Save Adeline.
01:24:55Sir, you can't be in here.
01:24:58All of you.
01:25:17You came.
01:25:25You came.
01:25:29Of course I came.
01:25:31You're my wife.
01:25:35And we're gonna have a baby, Adeline.
01:25:38You're giving me a baby.
01:25:41Save the baby.
01:25:43Save the baby.
01:25:48Save the baby.
01:25:51Love the baby.
01:25:55Or me.
01:25:57No, no.
01:25:58Adeline, you're gonna do that yourself.
01:26:00We're gonna do it together, okay?
01:26:03I'm gonna make it up to you.
01:26:04I'm gonna make up for everything.
01:26:12Kiss me.
01:26:19Will you kiss me one last time?
01:26:43You're gonna be okay.
01:26:45The plate grows.
01:27:13Let's go.
01:27:33You're gonna be okay, the plate grows.
01:27:35You're gonna be okay.
01:27:37The plate grows.
01:27:48She saved my life.
01:27:50Adeline was the one who saved me.
01:27:53And I didn't even tell her I love her.
01:28:13You're gonna be okay, the plate grows.
01:28:16Everything's gonna be okay.
01:28:19No, no.
01:29:13It's a girl.
01:29:16Where's Adeline?
01:29:20She, uh...
01:29:24I want Adeline.
01:29:26When you were supposed to save her, you asked her, where's Adeline?
01:29:33I want my Adeline.
01:29:45I want my Adeline.
01:30:15I want my Adeline.
01:30:44I want this house sold in a week.
01:30:46I don't want to see it again.
01:30:47Yes, sir, but...
01:30:49Get a hold of Rebecca.
01:30:51Let her know I have something important to talk to her about.
01:30:53Okay, but the baby, your child...
01:30:55Just do what I say.
01:31:38Just come back.
01:31:43I'll do anything, just come back.
01:32:09Oh my God, Blake.
01:32:12I'm sorry, I just...
01:32:14I didn't know if you wanted to see me.
01:32:16I know you've been really mad at me.
01:32:18You saved my life.
01:32:22Yeah, I did.
01:32:24I've committed my entire life to you.
01:32:27Prioritize your life over Adeline's, because you saved my life.
01:32:34So are you saying that without Adeline, God wouldn't want you?
01:32:37Except he didn't.
01:32:40You were lying the whole time.
01:32:43It was her!
01:32:45It was her the whole time and you're a fraud!
01:32:48Blake, it's...
01:32:50It's just that I loved you so much and I...
01:32:52Give it back.
01:32:57I won't bury Adeline until she's whole.
01:33:02It's the least I can do for her.
01:33:04You took her kidney.
01:33:08Now give.
01:33:10Give it back.
01:33:15Blake changed after I died.
01:33:32He sold our home because he can't bear to be there without me.
01:33:40I'm sorry.
01:33:46I'm sorry, Adeline.
01:33:48He apologizes to me at least once a day.
01:33:51Every day for the past five years.
01:33:53He didn't miss a single one.
01:34:04Are you sure about this?
01:34:07I mean, five billion's a good deal, but...
01:34:10You built this place from scratch.
01:34:15It means nothing to me anymore.
01:34:24He sold his beloved company because he no longer has the motivation to run it.
01:34:41I'm sorry.
01:35:08He visits me every weekend.
01:35:11I miss him.
01:35:20He doesn't talk much.
01:35:22But I feel his love.
01:35:24His regret.
01:35:26I see it in his eyes.
01:35:35And most importantly,
01:35:37I see it in the way he treats our little girl, Renee.
01:35:41Harrison comes to see me as often as he can.
01:35:49He's Renee's godfather.
01:36:02And her best friend.
01:36:11I love you.
01:36:36I told you, Big Rose.
01:36:37Everything is gonna be okay.
